ZMB Salesian Newslink Year 3 No. 12

Year 3 | Issue No. 12 Sept - Oct - Nov 2009

Final Professions in ZMB

Visitation of Don Guillermo

ICDL Training in Chingola

Mary, Mother of Priests



Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
Mary, Mother of Priests 5
Don Bosco Technical Institute - Lilongwe 6
Don Bosco Technical College - Chingola 7
Who needs Education? 7
News from Outside ZMB 8
Family Picnic: St Mary’s Parish - Kabwe 10
News from Malawi: Confirmations 11
Provincial events: First & Final Professions 12
Youth Ministry in ADL 14
Jeuggdienst Don Bosco in Bauleni 15
Thinking Point: Visitations 16
Lost Souls of Africa 16
Renewals in ZMB 17
Spirituality 18
Vocation Animation 19
ZMB Photo 20

150th Anniversary

of the Foundation Congregation

Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski sdb
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Javier Barrientos
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Fr Antonio Barrientos,

Moshi SDBs
Printed: Printing Press - Provincial House


Salesian Newslink | ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 3/Nº12 Sept-Oct-Nov 2009

2 Salesian NewslinkZMB

1. CHAWAMA: Birthday of Arlindo, a
Salesian from Mozambique studying
English at Evelyn Hone in Lusaka.
2. HWANGE: Bro Louis Jere during a
picnic with young people.
3. MANSA: Music band of the Youth
4. KABWE: Arrival of the new novices.
5. KABWE: Students of Nkuruma
during a picnic at Zambezi Logde
animated by Fr Andrew Reut SDB.






Photo cover:
Bro Kenny Mubanga SDB while he signs the
official documents of his final profession.
Kabwe 15, August 2009


3Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

challenge to continue the mission around us, and most especially on our own
ne of the main events of these past inherited. The young salesians are attitude towards the volunteers. The
days was the final profession of becoming for each one of us a reminder of volunteers, young people as they are, are O

Bro Kenny and Cl Jerome Bwalya as well what we have promised God and to what also in search of meaning in life, coming
as the first professions and renewals. It all he demands of each of us. The annual from various Western societies, they
speaks of vocation and the will to abide by celebration of the first professions and through the experience of voluntary
God’s rules and commands in an renewal of vows is thus an important service need to get in touch more with
extraordinary way. Those who have moment of renewal for all of us and a hope themselves, God and people who surround
witnessed the emotion and sense of awe in for young people and laity who come in them. Surely, in the same way that their
the faces of those taking the vows for the touch with us. work is so helpful to us, our witness of
first time, and the seriousness in the faces people committed to a mission, is of help
of those making their final commitment In the same month of August, two to them. I believe that co-operation,
can say that God was the main character on communities were privileged to host a openness, flexibility and dialogue are keys
the scene. Surely, for those professing team of volunteers coming from Belgium. to make a wonderful experience of this
either final or temporary vows, it was a The presence of these volunteers has also cultural exchange.
feeling beyond explanation. I too been a boost in the life of the oratories and
remember my own final profession, it was youth centres where they were present. I Finally, a word of thanks to all the
in a country which does not belong to the am glad that this first experience of hosting contributors of this provincial newslink,
province, in a setting in which I knew no short-term volunteers has been useful to most especially the confreres in practical
one, yet the same God, who called these the communities and young people and training, our delegation in Moshi and all
brothers to the religious life, was there also to the lives of the volunteers those who month after month spare a bit of
paying special attention to each word themselves. I guess is good to remember their busy schedule to share information
which was uttered. that we all co-operate in the same mission, and insights with the rest of the province. It

playing different roles of course, but all is a exercise which is letting us know more
The formula of profession is of such involved in the mission of education and of the progress we make as a province.
theological depth that I believe it can be evangelisation of the youth. I remember Fr Thanks once again.!
enough topic for an annual retreat. Each Gianni [provincial vicar of AFE] telling us
word seems to be thought and chosen in a the importance of forming the movement Fr Javier Antonio SDB
special way. We, Salesians, have the of people engaged in the education of
privilege and duty to recite it every day in youth. It was during the celebrations of the
the morning after mediation, to remind ‘Salesian Family Day’ when Fr Gianni
ourselves of our commitment towards expressly said that, ‘we need to overcome
God, the community and the young. the prejudices we sometimes have in

regard to the volunteers.’ It is true that he
The month of August, thus, was such a was speaking from his own experience
powerful moment for the province, a boost elsewhere [perhaps]; nevertheless, it is
to our fidelity, commitment and a good to reflect on what is also happening

United in the mission
of education and evangelisation

of youth

Jeuggdienst Don Bosco in ZMB

Fr Javier Antonio Barrientos

150th anniversary and those young people n Saturday, 15 August, 2009,
that committed themselves on 18th of It is my wish that the 12 young people who ten Novices made their First
December 1859. Those Eighteen young have just committed themselves on 15th Profession and two Confreres O
people, committed themselves under the August in Kabwe, will have as much made their Perpetual Profession. The
guidance of Don Bosco and they had so passion, zeal and enthusiasm, or - desire event took place in Kabwe.
much zeal, energy and enthusiasm that to become holy - as those eighteen who

resulted in the Salesian Charisma being committed themselves in the hands of

This is an important occasion for
spread throughout the world, to all the Don Bosco, so as to make a difference to

provinces of ZMB and AFM. In today’s
continents. the Provinces of ZMB and AFM and to the

world, that is so secularized, (even in
Congregation as a whole.

Africa) it takes courage for a young
I hope that I will not confuse you too much

person to commit himself to the Call to
if I present here some similarities from the Holiness is the beautiful thing about our

follow Christ more closely. We need to
astrophysics !!! J J J The ‘Big Bang’ is l i v e s , o u r c o m m u n i t i e s , o u r

support these young Confreres with our
the model of the initial Congregation. Holiness which is

prayers, that they may always be faithful
conditions and subsequent development expressed in the radical following of Our

to living out their commitment.
of the that is supported by the Lord Jesus, obedient, poor and chaste, that

It is a challenge, and also a sacrifice, but at
most comprehensive and accurate is the fascinating thing about consecrated

the same time it is a joyful sacrifice if the
explanations from current life. Holiness lived in the total giving of

Vows are lived out to the full. This is the
and s. In short, the oneself to God for poor youth, is the

witness that the Secular world needs.
theory says that at a certain moment the power which emanates from a witness

We all need to live out our Constitutions
time, space and matter were compressed which is genuine, capable of raising up

and in this way, our life and vocation will
to such a huge pressure and temperature and attracting vocations. (RM)

be a fruitful one.
that the whole thing could no longer hold This is my best wish to you, as you just
itself stable and exploded, thus creating have started the Salesian way of life. I

As I was witnessing the celebrations, the
our existing and observable universe. Up have repeated the words of Don Bosco

thought that immediately came to my
to now the existing universe is being and our Rector Major, as I do not see any

mind, is the feast of the congregation’s
created (new galaxies are being formed) more beautiful or relevant expression.
and it expands with great velocity in every
direction. Dear young Salesians, Temporary and

Perpetually Professed, let us not be
I think that the 18th of December was discouraged by the difficulties but let us
such a ‘Big Bang’ for the Salesian continue to carry out our beautiful
Congregation. Those 18 people had so Salesian Charisma to the young people
much strong faith, energy, optimism and for the salvation of their souls.
joyful enthusiasm or in other words - If we all really want to be successful and
desire to become holy - that the holy, we have to put into practice the same
congregation started to grow rapidly and zeal and enthusiasm as those before us,
spread throughout all the continents. At not so much by preaching and being
Don Bosco death there were 64 houses in nicely dressed but by ‘personal witness, a
6 countries, while during Don Rua’s witness that is genuine, capable of raising
period the numbers increased to 341 new up and attracting vocations’. (RM)
foundations in 29 countries including
North America, United States, Africa, May our Lady Help of Christians help us
India and China. (M. Rua, ISS Roma, p.8) on our journey towards the Kingdom.
So, in other words the 18th of December, May She teach us to remain open, always
was a ‘Big Bang’ which created the life-filled and life-giving as we try to
Salesian Congregation and … the respond to the ‘Fiat’ of our call.
Congregation is still expanding (though in Finally, may the Lord’s peace and joy be
some countries houses are being with YOU and with those whom you are
closed…) going to serve.



evidence observation

Words of the Provincial

Fr Joseph Czerwinski SDB

4 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

If we all really want to be successful and holy, we have to put into
practice the same zeal and enthusiasm as those before us

5Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Letter from Rome

Let us now go to the Cross. Before dying, apostolate.The Perfect Model for Their
Jesus sees his Mother beneath the Cross Existence
and he sees the beloved son. This beloved It seems to me that one can, therefore, CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 27,
son is certainly a person, a very important understand how the special relationship of 2009 ( Here is a Vatican
individual, but he is more; he is an motherhood that exists between Mary and translation of the address Benedict XVI
example, a prefiguration of all beloved priests may constitute the primary source, gave Aug. 12 during the general audience
disciples, of all the people called by the the fundamental reason for her special given at his summer residence in Castel
Lord to be the "beloved disciple" and thus love for each one of them.Gandolfo.
also particularly of priests. In fact, Mary loves them with predilection

for two reasons: because they are more * * *
Jesus says to Mary: "Woman, behold, like Jesus, the supreme love of her heart,
your son!" (Jn 19: 26). It is a sort of and because, like her, they are committed Dear Brothers and Sisters,
testament: he entrusts his Mother to the to the mission of proclaiming, bearing
care of the son, of the disciple. But he also witness to and giving Christ to the world.The celebration of the Solemnity of the
says to the disciple: "Behold, your Because of his identification with and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
mother!" (Jn 19: 27). sacramental conformation to Jesus, Son of next Saturday, is at hand and we are in the
The Gospel tells us that from that hour St God and Son of Mary, every priest can and context of the Year for Priests. I therefore
John, the beloved son, took his mother must feel that he really is a specially wish to speak of the link between Our
Mary "to his own home". beloved son of this loftiest and humblest Lady and the priesthood. This connection
This is what it says in the [English] of deeply rooted in the Mystery of the
translation; but the Greek text is far Incarnation.
deeper, far richer. We could translate it: he The Second Vatican Council invites When God decided to become man in his
took Mary into his inner life, his inner priests to look to Mary as to the perfect Son, he needed the freely-spoken "yes" of
being, "eis tà ìdia", into the depths of his model for their existence, invoking her as one of his creatures. God does not act
being. "Mother of the supreme and eternal Priest, against our freedom. And something truly
To take Mary with one means to introduce as Queen of Apostles, and as Protectress of extraordinary happens: God makes
her into the dynamism of one's own entire their ministry". The Council continues, himself dependent on the free decision,
existence it is not something external and "priests should always venerate and love the "yes" of one of his creatures; he waits

i n t o a l l t h a t her, with a filial devotion and worship" for this "yes".
c o n s t i t u t e s t h e (cf. Presbyterorum Ordinis, n. 18).St Bernard of Clairvaux explained

horizon of one's The Holy Curé d'Ars, whom we are dramatically in one of his homilies this
own remembering in particular in this Year, crucial moment in universal history when

used to like to say: "Jesus Christ, after Heaven, earth and God himself wait for
giving us all that he could give us, wanted what this creature will say.
further to make us heirs to his most Mary's "yes" is therefore the door
precious possession, that is, his Holy through which God was able to enter

Mother (B. Nodet, Il pensiero e l'anima the world, to become man. So it is
del Curato d'Ars, Turin 1967, p. 305).that Mary is truly and profoundly

involved in the Mystery of the
This applies for every Christian, for Incarnation, of our salvation. And
all of us, but in a special way for the Incarnation, the Son's
priests. Dear brothers and sisters, let becoming man, was the beginning
us pray that Mary will make all that prepared the ground for the
priests, in all the problems of today's gift of himself; for giving himself
world, conform with the image of her with great love on the Cross to
Son Jesus, as stewards of the become Bread for the life of the
precious treasure of his love as the world. Hence sacrifice, priesthood
Good Shepherd. Mary, Mother of and Incarnation go together and
priests, pray for us!Mary is at the heart of this mystery.

Pope Calling World's Priests to Rome
.- Benedict XVI is inviting priests from around the
world to Rome next June to close the Year for Priests. The International Conference
for Priests will be held June 9-11, 2010, culminating with a Mass presided over by the
Pope. The theme for the conference, like that of the priestly year, is "Faithfulness of
Christ, Faithfulness of Priests." (

Mother of PRIESTS

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

6 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Youth Ministry | Schools

Bro Walter Thyrniang SDB

Don Bosco
Technical Institute

Lilongwe (Malawi) 15/06/2009. An unexpected inspection which took
place at the Technical Institute Don Bosco, graded the salesian
institution with ‘Excellence’ due to its performance and the state of the
buildings and classrooms.

1. Don Bosco Youth Technical Institute – Diploma in Cosmetology. We hope the
Chronicle Don Bosco Beauty Conner will be opened
Don Bosco Youth Technical Institute has soon.
raised its computer training program to a
better standard. The first batch of
Microsoft Certified Professional Students
sat for their online Examination at New
Horizon. All passed with flying colors.
They are specialized in Microsoft Server
2 0 0 3 n e t w o r k e n v i r o n m e n t s .
Congratulations to the IT staff and
students. Thanks to Jugend Eine Welt and
the donors for their support to strengthen
IT Training.

4. Students of Don Bosco College have no
reason to be wasting their time. They have
a new library and information centre to
read books and use the computers.

6. We welcomed Br. Joseph and Br.
2. On the 6th of July 2009 Mr. Kennie Clement who have come to help us. The
Mlima, the Vice Principal wedded his long two were initiated in to the Ngoni culture
time (life time) sweetheart Falesi, a fellow and practices. The traditional chief and
past students of Don Bosco College. elders gave them general advice but
Happy married life Mr. and Mrs. particularly on their life of Celibacy.

7. The College football team is playing in
the Colleges and University League. The
team topped the 12 central region teams in
the group stage, now waiting for the

5. On 30th of June the staff of Don Bosco quarter final fixtures. Let us hope they will
College had a day long workshop on carry the 5 million kwacha Chibuku
Inspirational learning. The Workshop was trophy 2009.
led by Thomas Strasser and the IT staff.
This is to supplement the ongoing
formation and training taking place every
Friday afternoon. Because of the staff
Continuous Professional Development,

3. The construction of the student’s toilet many teachers are pursuing further
block and two adjacent bachelor staff qualifications, like Miss. Ngamanya who
flats are nearly completed is doing a two year course in Mechatronics

and Mrs. Kisyombe is completing her

7Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Youth Ministry | Schools

Don Bosco College

Chingola (Zambia) 05/08/2009. Don Bosco Technical College
The Salesian educational centre in Chingola has acquired the recognition from
the promotors of the International Computer Driving License - Zambia (ICDL),
who have acknowledged the success of the educational system at Don Bosco
Chingola seen through the fruits it bore in the last in-take.


Here below is what Mrs Anne Johnson pointed out however that, this kind of
(ICDL) writes: achievement came with a lot of hard work
'Don Bosco Technical College in coupled with commitment from students,
Chingola teaches vocational courses such the I.T instructor (Mr. Chisha Moto, Mr.
as carpentry, tailoring and computer skills Patrick Mutale) and the management of
to young people from disadvantaged the college at large. The first appreciation
communities. They have been an ICDL went to Salesians for their tireless efforts
training centre since 2007, and last year in supporting this course and secondly her
their 38 graduates gained excellent instructor who taught, motivated and
results. inspired her since he is also a product of
A Don Bosco success story is Mary the college and did the same course some
Musenge aged 25 who was part of the few years back.
2008 intake which emerged one of the Mary is now a proud worker at the same
best in the history of the college. Now that Internet Café under a new title as I.T
she is working, she is happy that her Assistant.
dream has come true. Coming from a She provides I.T services such as:
humble background, she was lucky to be managing the server, typing and printing,
employed as an attendant in a well-known c a r d d e s i g n i n g a n d d a t a b a s e
internet café within the town centre of management. Above all she is also
Chingola. She was encouraged to gain teaching others, and so far 16 students take the exams, and I encourage anyone
additional IT skills by her work-mate who have graduated with various computer who has the passion for computers to do
had studied the ICDL at Don Bosco skills. Mary says “Everything the ICDL ICDL”. Her current appeal is for the
Technical College, so enrolled on the program offers is applicable in the world Salesian community to introduce a
same course. of I.T and I am glad to be in a position to diploma in the same field and she wished
After one year of studies, the 2008 intake use almost every skill that I obtained. I am to be the first person to enroll.'
produced the best results in Zambia. Mary grateful to my boss for sponsoring me to

Fr Mariusz Skowron SDB

he most likely answer is: Man of course! For what? To liberate fundamental option for a dignified life in
him from the natural world into a cultural world. Since man is a society and development of humanity.
cultural and working species thus why he/she is able to make Through education man becomes the subject T

the world of his own. Bear in mind that only an educated/cultured man of his personhood.
is able to make a transition and differentiate between the two worlds. However, in many African countries
Man needs education to make him humane since he/she is born in need education and the schooling infrastructure are
and denied of the necessary to survive immediately. Hence society is in a dilapidated state, threatening the future of
necessary for supplying people material needs more specifically the nation seeing the majority young people
education as prerequisite for the achievement of human dignity. unable to access formal education and
Here the underlying element of education that makes man is the schooling. Many children in the world still
creative dimension. Back to the question of ‘Who needs education?’ a live in poverty and many others have not yet gone to school. The data
German philosopher on education, categorically stated that a person is by 2002 showed that 600 million children still live in poverty and more
the only being who needs education. than 100 million are not in school and this poses a threat to society of
By education we must understand it in terms of nurture, discipline, humanity. Key figures in society like us the followers of our father and
instruction and moral training. Therefore, in nurturing the goodness in founder Don Bosco, have the responsibility to ensure children are not
each person education must be brought into play as opposed to neglected especially those at risk and vulnerable. Therefore, I state
schooling only which most of us received. When this is has not been emphatically that the task of bringing the young to Christ, especially
done at an early stage of life it is difficult to alter the characteristics later those most in need, alongside with their upgrading through education is
in life. Thus investing in education is the best investment that a a fundamental option for us Salesians.
government, NGOs and other stakeholder can make. NO country has
made a leap into meaningful and sustainable development without By Raphael Lungu SDB
investing significantly in education of children. Education remains a (


8 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

News from Outside ZMB
June 2009 Fr Vincent defended his people instead you talk to people, that is
Licentiate thesis entitled, “Vocational one of your very precious characteristics –
accompaniment in the parish vocation keep it up always! You are one of the ZMB
clubs through a pedagogical approach: pearls, and as we are saying at UPS addio
From a Zambian perspective.” It’s been Padre Vincet we wish you all God’s
indeed a solemn moment as the blessing. May God guide you and give you
celebration was enriched aslo with the the strength to be the inspiration to people
presence of the ZMB Vice-Provincial Fr as you had been to us as a wonderful man
Chester Lenczuk and Fr Louis Malama and excellent confrere and friend. As you
among many Friends of Fr Vincent from are going to continue your journey as the
UPS and Gregorian Universities. Salesian educator we dedicate you the

That is the nature of our Salesian following thoughts:Addio Father Vincent
life, here today gone tomorrow, we keep
moving from place to place, from

Rome - Italy, 30th June 2009.- If you delay, they may get to community. As we keep
been a quite some time you have spent in If you get discouraged, going we always leave a mark of our
the land of Don Bosco. Since “ F r they may get weakened.presence. I am so glad Fr Vincent that at

If you sit down, they may lie down.Vincent Tembo has been sent, in 2004, for UPS, once again, you have proved that
If you doubt yourself, the further studies, in the field of the you are a man of hard work, very

they may disperse.pedagogy for the formation of vocation, to responsible and with a high sensitivity to If you go forward, they will follow you.Italy at the Salesian Pontifical University the needs of others; you don’t talk about If you offer your heart, in Rome (UPS). The first year he spent in
they will offer their lives.

Florence learning Italian language. In
If you pray, they will become saints.

October 2005 he arrived in Rome and
begun his studies. The first two years of Be always the educator, who never gets lost,
his studies he finalized with BA degree who never gets discouraged,

who never doubts, but who goes ahead, gives with the thesis entitled, “The shepherd as a
his heart and never forget to pray.model of a formator-educator”. The

(Gesualdo Nosengo)following two years he studied hard to go
one level up in his academic journey in
order to arrive at the Licentiate. The

By Fr Sławek, sdbglorious day has come and on the 18th of

It has

Moshi (Tanzania) 18/08/2009. The community
of Moshi welcomed the newly professed confreres
of ZMB who travelled from Lusaka to begin their
philosophical studies at St John Bosco community
in Moshi. The group travelled together with Fr
Leszek and Fr Antonio using the mini-bus
(Mercedes Benz) from provincial house. In the
photo Fr Clement Mulenga SDB welcoming all the
new comers.

some of us. Nevertheless, though there 2.5 hrs to land in Dar. When we THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW
were a few and trivial challenges there, I disembarked from the plane, we started ACADEMIC YEAR IN MOSHI,
hope that these students of philosophy hearing, “Shikamoo, and for sure we said

TANZANIA were enriched by his words of wisdom, to ourselves that we were in TZ! We then
encouragements, and good nights among got a taxi to Oysterbay, a Salesian Procure

It is good that the “thinkers” after working others. However, for everything that goes house for AFE province where we stayed
passionately in the distinct Salesian up must come down, in our case it might for a night and the following morning we
communities should have to go back to the be the vice versa is true for we had to go started off to Moshi which took us 7 hours
world of speculation where nothing is back to Moshi to sudy, some to finish and to arrive.
taken for granted and where books, others to pursue their intellectual We were glad that Fr George, the rector
prayers and arguments among others are gymnastics. We left, Lusaka on the 3rd of and Fr Paul Nyaga the Dean of Studies
part of life. Yes, the philosophical world, August for Tanzania together with two of were at the Bus terminus deport to
where the essence of existence there is to our professors, Fr Clement Mulenga and welcome us. In no time we went to our
search for the truth which is God. I am Fr Vincent Tembo. We used Zambezi community and we were welcomed by
convinced that these philosophers had a airlines and for sure our flight was most of the confreres, both staff and
joyous and optimistic experience where interesting and enjoyable and lots of students who had already arrived from
they went for experience for their funny things like, “Do you sell water here their holidays. Later on we had to have
sharing’s, smiles and youthful dynamism in the plane?” One confrere asked. “No, some time to relax and arrange our
gave a powerful witness. It was good to the air hostess responded, but even beer if luggage. Meanwhile, within the following
meet at the mother house of our vice you want, I can give you!” No! No! I don’t few days all, except Christopher Sharp,
province and also have the joy of staying take alcohol! However, the flight took us from South Africa arrived. However, by
with our provincial for almost a week for




9Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Friday the 7th every member of the by the provincial of AFE and all went well. Early morning of Monday, I and some
community was present ready for the Immediately after Mass the provincial left other brothers had to start off for Moshi.
annual retreat which usually occurs at the for Morogoro together with Fr Enrico to The provincial and other priests had to
beginning of every academic year. The receive the vows of the eight novices of leave later on for Dar to welcome some
tradition is that we could go to Maua, a AFE who are already here as first years. In brothers from Sri Lanka who are coming
beautiful place near the foot of Mt. addition, from Morogoro he went to to AFE for Philosophy and novitiate
Kilimanjaro for annual retreat but this Dodoma for the final profession of five respectively. There are 3 who will join the
year it was different. confreres from AFE. philosophate and 4 will go to Morogoro
On Saturday, 8th August all the students of Nevertheless, I was among the privileged for novitiate. Two of the perpetual
philosophy, the rector and other confreres few who went with Fr George Challisery professed brothers will go to Rome to
both in initial and perpetual from distinct to Morogoro and Dodoma for the pursue their Theological studies and the
communities of AFE went to Lunguo, professions. We arrived in Morogoro at other 3 will go to Utume for Theology too.
Nyumba ya wa Zee (The House for the night the same day and the following day We travelled for nine hours and thank God
aged). It is there where the bishop we attended the first profession. It was that we arrived well for on the way back
emeritus of Moshi diocese Amadeus well attended though we had mass in the we saw two cars that were involved in a
resides. There are four very old priests, the church which is not finished yet for the terrible accidents. When we arrived in
bishop himself and a few young priests. whole novitiate building is still under Moshi we were welcomed well by the
The place is lovely and conducive for construction. However, I envisage that the confreres. On Tuesday, the first year
prayers and reflection. We were building will be magnificent when c o m m e n c e d t h e i r s e m i n a r o n
welcomed well by Fr Joachim who is the methodology with Brother Evance. I hope
director of the place and we were putting they benefitted a lot. And on Friday of the
up in a nice up stared house with lovely same week the second and third year
and spacious rooms. Well, our retreat students had a seminar on Ecology with Fr
preacher was Rev. Fr. Enrico dal Covolo Liappa from India who is an expert in
(The postulator General of the Society of ecology and has just released a new book
St Frances de Sales). Our programme was entitled “The Earth”. It was marvelous,
simple and good for it created lots of time good and he promulgated that we should
for reflection and personal prayers. We always stay green meaning that we should
were having two sessions every day always preserve the natural phenomena
except on Wednesday when we had the we have in this world to avert devastating
sacrament of Reconciliation and for that things to avoid things like Global
matter we had one session in the warming, pollution among others.
afternoon. I tell you that by the end of the Nevertheless, on Saturday, 22nd of
week most of us were able to speak Italian August, we had the beautiful inaugural
for the sessions were in Italian! You might function for the new academic year 2009
be puzzled right now, I know! However, to 2010. It was well conducted with John
there was one Italian Salesian coadjutor Musonda as the master of ceremonies with
who is working in Bosco Boys in Nairobi lots of rhetorical and fascinating
who was interpreting. His approach to the facilitation. We had Rev. Pastor Peter
talks was marvelous and good such that I Kiesel as the guest of honor and Fr. Liappa
hope that every body was following the as the guest speaker. His inaugural lecture
sessions well and getting the essence out was superb and he was able to respond
of it. The whole retreat was based on the creatively and intelligently to the
“Lesson of God” and we were venturing everything gets finished. There were a interesting questions that the audience
into these sessions using the method of the good number of priests from different paused. Furthermore, in the afternoon at
Lectio Divina. Subjectively I would communities of AFE. There were also a 3.00 pm we had a soccer match between
publicly assert that I was greatly enriched good number of priests and many sisters the third years and second years against
and hope that those who saw me with the from the religious communities within the first years. The game was hot and
eyes of faith saw lots of inscriptions Morogoro itself. The following day, all the fascinating in which the first years were
written sanctity on my whole body! Salesians present there went to Dodoma to defeated by two goals to one.
On Monday, the 10th there was an attend the final profession of five On Tuesday, there was a ceremony of
important event of the renewal of vows of confreres, Delphinus, Mathias, Richard, welcoming the first years to the so-called
the confreres from ZMB and AFM, Vincent and Oswin. The celebration was ‘Philosophical World’. They were living
Prospery, David, William, Antony and very good though the church of Dodoma in the dark and were pregnant with ideas
Chris Sharp. It was simple but nice! seminary is small so much so that people but now they are illumined and can easily
Welcome to the club guys! We were had to squeeze but since space is infinite, deliver the great intrinsic ideas that they
fortunate to have the Provincial of AFE, Fr we managed to fit in. The Mass have. It was beautiful because the whole
Joseph Pullikal who stayed with us for commenced at 11am and it took 3 hours. It History of Philosophy was given a vivid
three days. It was also a golden was a colorful cerebration with beautiful synopsis in a less than 15 minutes and
opportunity to have a friendly talk with Fr singing and dancing displaying a gesture hope the new philosophers benefited a lot.
George, the rector. In addition, the of joy. Meanwhile, after Mass we all All in all the beginning appears to be very
brothers from AFE had a chance to talk to gathered at the seminary recreation hall good and we hope for the better as we go
their provincial and hope that everybody for the reception. I was glad for the through the door of this academic year. We
benefited a lot. On Friday morning after program was short but beautiful, with few work in our studies keeping in mind Don
breakfast we all went back to our speeches and few items. In the evening we Bosco’s words: ‘For you I study and for
community to have the Mass where some had a get together as Salesians in the you I am ready even to offer my life.’
brothers from AFE where renewing their community and there was drinking and
commitment. The Mass was presided over eating for the greater glory of God! By Emmanuel Nkukumila SDB

10 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

News from Kabwe (Zambia)

Cl David Njolo SDB

t was on the 27th June 2009 that St. was his last public attendance to address
Mary’s Parish organized one of its such a gathering in KABWE since he was
magnificent family picnics. The aim of nearly destined to depart for further I

the get-together was to foster the love of formation else- where.
Christ in the families. Hence the theme of After the talks some dances and sketches
the picnic was ‘together we stand in were performed by the youths. Then at
Christ”. 11:00 hrs we had the celebration of mass as

the centre of our Christian communion
which was presided by the Provincial of
ZMB Fr. Joseph Czerwinski and
concelebrated by Frs. Andrew and Gilbert.
The homily was given by Fr. Gilbert. In his people representing each Small Christian
homily he expressed the need of love and Community (SCC). The participants in the
communion in families. He modeled this quiz panel from each SCC were: a man, a
love and communion on the writings of St woman and a youth, symbolically making
Paul to the Corinthians. The mass came to up a family. Among the winners emerged
an end at around 13:00 hrs and this was St Kizito SCC which took 1st position and
followed by lunch which was taken walked away with a bible and K75, 000
according to families so as to enhance a while St Paul SCC scooped the 2nd
family bond among the members of each position and walked away with a bible as

The programme officially commenced at family. well and K50, 000 and the 3rd position was
7:30 with a procession from the church At exactly 14:00 the Mc’s of the day, taken by St Peter. This SCC walked away
premises till the Salesian residence Collins and Glenda began rolling the ball with a bible and K25, 000.
campus. About a number of two hundred with the unceasing advertisements of the The programme was concluded by the
parishioners took part in the procession. raffle tickets in preparation for the raffle most awaited item which was the raffle
While a good number joined in the course draw. There one of the lucky youths
of the event. The procession was colored walked away with a laser Jet TV screen
by a big banner inscribed with the theme of and two women who went home singing
the event. It ended at the venue i.e. in the praises with a hotplate and a DVD player.
tent where most of the events were to take These were the first three prizes. Among
place. Upon arrival at the venue a others were literature materials like the
charismatic opening prayer was given by souvenirs of the ZMB Province’s Silver
the chairperson of parish council. After Jubilee. As the chiNyanja saying goes
which, came the opening remarks and the “wamwayi ndi wamwayi” (once lucky
talks of the day which were given by Fr. always lucky) and so these devoted
Andrew Reut, the Rector and Parish Priest Christians are.
and Br. Kenny Mubanga respectively. The whole event which was a prayer in
Before beginning his talk Br. Kenny itself ended with a closing prayer. What a
expressed with heart felt sentiments that it draw which was “to wrap up” the whole picnic it was! A day which can never be left

event. Nevertheless, in the course of the unedited in the chronicles of St. Mary’s
day several games such as football, Parish. Thanks to the Parish Priest Fr.
netball, and basketball and volley ball Andrew and the Parishioners themselves
were played. It was a competition between and the Salesian Community at large, most
the “shikulu’s” (elders) and the youths of especially the Holy Novices and the guest
which the “shikulu’s” performance was of honor Fr. Provincial who spent sleepless
encouraging and outstanding. nights assisting the Parish to put up such an
At the end of the outdoor games the indoor event. St Mary, the patron Saint of the
activities resumed in the tent with quite a parish, was in the midst of all this from the
number of dramas, a Bible quiz and some alpha point till the omega apex of this
free show dancing competitions. event.
In the arena of the bible quiz we had three

A day to remember at St Mary’s Parish


11Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

News from Malawi

Br Joseph Nyondo SDB

CONFIRMATIONS at St John Bosco Parish

Receive the POWER
of the Holy Spirit

not go without raising questions of the quality, just as in education, is hardly
unday the 23rd August, 2009 a day anxiety as to whether the church is discernible in the life of many Christians.
full of jubilation for Don Bosco growing both in quantity and quality. The Belonging to a Christian denomination S

Parish which is situated in area 23 same kind of questions is raised in any nowadays is a way of asserting our social
Lilongwe, Malawi. Usually Sunday for us country's education system. True nature. Man is a social being who is
Christians is a feast on which we celebrate education is supposed to focus on both always at home when affiliated to a
the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. quantity and quality for quantity certain group of his choice and enjoying
However, this Sunday was so different expresses the universality of quality
and unique in the life of the parishioners education for the betterment of the society
of Don Bosco and the Church at large. where all respect each others rights and
Before his ascension the Lord Jesus said “ works towards building a human society.
I am not leaving you orphans but I will The same question is indispensable in
send you the advocate who will reveal the Christian initiations because the church
truth to you”. This was a reality at Don aims no more than at promoting both the
Bosco parish when the newly consecrated spiritual and material wealth of human
auxiliary Bishop Stanislaus Magombo, in beings thus making life better for

Just as in education especially in Africa
where the pace is relatively high in trying
to catch up with the second millennium
development goal that advocates for the services offered and given to him/her
universal primary education as a stepping by the group and to the group respectively.
stone to general education (primary, This is why being ostracized is the worst
secondary and tertiary) for all, the church punishment man can ever receive and to
since its institution has been striving avoid this man always looks for means to
towards the salvation of humanity. The belong to a particular group and since this
sacrament of Christian initiation belongingness cannot be discerned in the
introduces more and more laborers in His lives of most people, many resort to
vine yard and the more laborers the more affiliating themselves to a certain group in
big and joyous the church becomes. order to get some kind of document to
However, the same danger that education show like a certificate of attendance. This

fact hardly a month since his installment, in most of our African countries is facing kind of Christianity on paper is a threat to
came to our Parish to give confirmation to is that of masification ( producing in the church and the society at large. It is in
203 young people. Moreover, this was the masses), where a majority passes through this line that the auxiliary bishop
first confirmation that the new bishop was schools and yet spend most of their life Stanislaus Magombo urged the newly
administering in his life as a bishop. loitering in the streets because they can initiated Christians to avoid the
The 203, is a big number of young not find white collar jobs that they were chameleon philosophy of changing
Christians that entered the church white collar trained for. They are always collars according to situations. Some
strengthened by the Holy Spirit and send moving with their papers to show that people behave as Christians only when
them out to proclaim the good news to the they attended school once in their life they are at church and when they are at
ends of the earth, thus making His name time. There is no creativity that education home they behave differently. The bishop
known by a verbal proclamation of his is supposed to impart in them. There is a admonished even the rest of the Christians
word and by an exemplar life that dichotomy between what they have to avoid this kind of dichotomy in their
manifests Christ's presence in the life of learned and the life they are living, thus no lives. As Christians, we do not need to
those He has chosen and commissioned. one can recognize that they have passed producer evidence to show what we are
This is what the church craves for so as to through a formal system of learning but we should be the light of the world that
strengthen its efforts to eradicate both unless they produce paper as a proof. shines out in the dark for every one who
spiritual and material poverty and make As Christians too, we are suffering from has eyes to see.
life better for the people of God. the same allergy. A lot of people are being
Nevertheless, this kind of jubilation does initiated into the Christian faith daily but

As Christians, we do not need to producer evidence to show what we are but
we should be the light of the world that shines out in the dark for every one
who has eyes to see

12 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Provincial Events 2009

To The HOLY Newly Professed:

Joseph Lihoma
Joseph Chifundo
Joackim Mzanywa
Prince Luchembe
Vernon Lushibashi
Gabriel Mwenya
Raphael Bhimbi
Maurice Tichi
Kennedy Mayamiko
Irvin Lumano

Greetings from the "Big Apple"
I am sure you are really excited about your forthcoming first
profession. I am proud of you and you are always close to my
heart. I thank God for the moments we spent together during
your pre novitiate in Bauleni. I treasure those good moments.
God is great. You have even reached your end of spiritual year, I
say Congrats.

Now as you are on your retreat, listen and talk to HIM.
A vocation therefore begins with Christ, who makes an approach
in love to an individual person, leading him to search for a path
in life by which to respond to Christ’s love. In prayerful dialogue
with Christ, this person then examines his personal
circumstances, in order to find the path of life in which he can
make the best gift of himself in love.

The Lord tells the Prophet Jeremiah that his vocation was part of
God’s eternal plan even before he was born... These words
remind us that each person has a place in God’s plan and that
each of us should carefully listen to God’s voice in prayer in
order to discover the special calling we have received in Christ

My brothers, a vocation is fundamentally something personal
that takes place between a person and God. Yet there is still a
certain "objectivity" to vocation; for being a human person
means being oriented to the truth, and truth is objective.
A vocation is that which God uses to direct each and every one of
us to his task in life. Jesus has a specific task in life for each and
every one of us. Each one of us is hand-picked, called by name
by Jesus! There is no one among us who does not have a divine
vocation! Some are called audibly by God, but the usual kind of
call is internal, through the inner working of the Spirit. "What is
a vocation? It is an interior call of grace, which falls into the soul
like a seed, to mature within it.
Let the “YES” you are going to profession on that day be a
genuine one for the rest of your life. Our Mother Mary was the
first one to respond to God’s call “Let it be done according to
your will”.
I will be starting my retreat on Sunday 9th to 15th August, 2009,
at the Salesian Retreat Centre in New York. Be assured of my
prayers and love.

God bless you all!

Fr. Tresphord Chisanga, sdb


Highlights of the Celebration

13Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Provincial Events 2009


Kabwe (Zambia) 15/08/2009. A big
event in the live of the Vice-Province of
ZMB was the final vows of Bro Kenny
Mubanga SDB and Cl Jerome Bwalya
SDB who after a long preparation
decided to commit themselves for life
through the final profession which took
place at St Mary’s Parish in Kabwe.

Bro Kenny and Cl Jerome started their
preparation for the final vows on 12 July 2009 at
the provincial house under the spiritual
guidance of Fr Leszek Aksamit SDB. The
course went on for four weeks and at the end of
the course Kenny and Jerome participated in
retreat of preparation for the big event.
In the middle of the course of preparation for the
final vows, both Salesians were brought to
Livingstone to visit the world famous Victoria
On 15th August, 2009 the day of the final vows,
the Eucharistic celebration started at 10:30am it
was presided by Fr Jozef Czerwinski, the
provincial of ZMB. There were many priests
present to the celebration among them Fr
Francois Duffour, the provincial of South Africa
The ceremony took place in the new church of St
Mary’s parish, a building which hosted
hundreds of people who turned up to witness the
event. After the ceremony, all were invited to the
youth centre where lunch was prepared for the
The final vows was a special moment for Jerome
and Kenny, as well as for each one in the Vice-
Province. However, for Bro Kenny Mubanga it
was a special occasion since it was as he said,
‘the last time for him to appear at public church
functions as the main character.’ For him, being
a Salesian Coadjutor, the final profession means
the culminating point of his initial formation.
For Cl Jerome still other ceremonies await such
as ordination to the order of deacons and

A memorable day for the Vice-Province

14 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

ARCHDIOCESE OF LUSAKA-LIFE The Holy Eucharist was presided over by
MATTERS DAY | 7TH JULY, 2009 Fr. Joseph Czerwinski, SDB the

provincial of the ZMB Vice province and
co-celebrated by Fr. Antonio SDB and Fr.
Oswald Mulenga, SDB the Youth
Coordinator of Lusaka Archdiocese. In

My Life matters, Your Life matters, Our his homily Fr. Joseph emphasized the
Life Matter say YES to life! was the need for everyone to give value to life
slogan of the day. which is a gift from God. A six minute film
This Educative and entertaining event was shown as part of the homily which
took place at the Youth Leadership challenged the life choices we make in life
Training Center (Youth Hall) at Pope with regards to HIV and AIDS. During the same occasion the vocation
Square. The youth of the archdiocese of promoters Fr. Gabriel Mwanamwali for
Lusaka started the day with registrations After the mass, Fr. Abel Mwelwa shared the archdiocese of Lusaka and Fr. Antonio
of over 600 young people in attendance by with participants on the theme of the day. SDB also made their show-case as they
08: 00hrs. Those who participated came Miss Mirian Von Hork BMI Dorector also encouraged young people to choose
from schools within Lusaka namely; gave the still alarming statistics in wisely the course of life while praying and
Lusaka Boys’ High School, Lusaka Girls’ infections among the school going young discerning for God’s guidance.
High School, Kabulonga Gils High people in Southern Sahara, the scourge is The day was concluded with a prayer and
School, St. Mary’s High School, Rainbow on the increase and it requires our the final blessing by Fr. Oswald Mulenga,
School of Wood Lands, St. Francis School concerted effort to fight it. She SDB.
of Makeni, City of Hope ( Salesian encouraged youth like other speakers to Compiled by Fr. Oswald Mulenga, SDB
Sisters) Thorn Park Basic School and promote abstinence as a true way to A r c h d i o c e s e o f L u s a k a Yo u t h
Mtendere Basic School. All parishes of recovery! Coordinator.
the archdiocese including Kabwe were
well represented. The day was marked by good

presentations from parish youth groups,
schools and invited youth star artists like
Daniano, David and others. Poems and
traditional dances spiced up the day.
Cecillia one of the up coming artists from
Bauleni compound also made her dabble
as she sung some tracks from her newly
released album. The presentations were
exciting since they were both entertaining
as well as educative which kept the
participants on their feet dancing and
singing through out the whole event.

THEME: Youth and the Value of life in
this age of HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Youth Ministry in the Archdiocese

Life Matters day

‘09 life matters, your life matters...Fr Oswald Mulenga

Roots of the World Youth Day.
By Fr Tresphord Chisanga SDB
Did you know that the roots of World Youth Day can be traced to the Second Vatican Council?
Many people aree not aware of the document “ Message of the II Vatican Council to Youth” of
7 December 1965. This brief document is clear in its foucs on young people and its challenge
to them to live in Christ: “ For four years the church has been working to rejuvenate her image
in order to respond the better to the design of her Founder, the great Living One, the Christ
who is eternally young. At the term of this imposing self examination of life, she now turns to
you. It is to you, youth, especially for you that the church now comes through her Council to
enkindle your light, the light which illuminates the future, your future.”

15Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Youth Ministry in Bauleni

to think of the division of the tasks and Belgian volunteers
Instead of giving a training course to the roles to run the oratory properly and they

experience the oratory of young people as we originally planned have made a provisory program until
before coming to Zambia, we sat actually December and they are thinking about the Bauleni
together with these young persons and we structure of their oratory.
started thinking about what a training

During August 2009, a group of 5 Belgian course for youth leaders should be like. And as we are now at the end of our
volunteers came to Zambia to do a short Everybody contributed to the organization experience we can say that the group made
term project on the Salesian oratories of and the contents of a full week training already a big step forward to make the

program at Bauleni and most important, oratory their place to play, to pray, to learn
almost every workshop was conducted by and to socialize.
the young people themselves.

Through this experience, we learned the
We were very pleased by the capacities, strength of cooperation by giving

responsibilities and the trust they deserve.
It is an approach we will take with us when
we go back to Belgium. We thank the
community of Bauleni and the Salesian
province of ZMB for this opportunity and
we hope to keep this cooperation in the

Chingola and Bauleni. In the community future. Zikomo Kwambili!!!
of Bauleni we were heartily welcomed by
Father Bruno and the other members of the Katrien Gruyters – Youth Service of Don
community. We immediately felt at home Bosco vzw, Belgium.
and were very excited to start the project
on the oratory. the knowledge and the ability of these
We got to know a group of 20 young young persons to organize and lead
people who were very eager to cooperate everything and we loved the cooperation
with us Belgians, to start a new phase at among us. The best part of the course was
the oratory of Don Bosco in Bauleni. that they immediately started to put into

practice what they learned and soon
activities on the oratory changed from
playing football to more guided activities
and games in different age groups.

After the training course, it was really up
to the youth leaders to make an action plan
for the future of the oratory. They started


Katrien Gruyters

ZMB Youth Office
A sincere word of ‘THANKS’ to all
volunteers from the different
Voluntary Organisations who
cooperate with us in the service of
There are many voluntary organizations
involved in the youth ministry of our
ZMB Vice-Province. To all, our
appreciation for their efforts in sending
young people to our ZMB countries.
There are many positive experiences
happening everywhere in the province;
there are some shortcomings and
misunderstandings, they should not
prevent us from working together and
making of the voluntary service a valid
experience for both parties: SDB
communities and the volunteers
God bless you all for you generous

Fr Javier Antonio Barrientos SDB

16 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

working”. Or “a window in the kitchen Visitations
does not open”. But there were also vital

should not be announced points in their report.
By Bro Walter Thyrniang SDB We are preparing for the extraordinary

visitation. The VISITOR is arriving in
Lilongwe soon. was reading the email from the editor
I wonder, why did he announce his of this news letter when the secretary I coming? A check list sent, so that we can came in to inform me that there is a
prepare. Some Rectors are forced to learn group of 6 inspectors from the Ministry of
a bit about the apostolate of the case good and luxury buses that allegedly Education, TEVETA, Lilongwe City
community to prepare two pages report. improve the transport system in the Assembly, Civil Service Commission and
May be our superiors should pay us country. However, the state at which the Health and Safety Department. They are
surprise official visits! transport system in Zambia has reached on a random inspection trip on to check on
Numerous recommendations left in the calls for critical citizens to ask themselves the College. What follows is something to
community achieve after visitations. questions like, is the system being think about.
Most of them simple, things we already improved or retrogressing? Of course
know. addressing this question to an elderly
Oh! I almost forgot; the inspectors graded citizen, he/she would without hesitate say
Don Bosco Youth Technical Institute: the transport system in Zambia has
“EXCELLENCE” improved greatly. This kind of affirmation

would be in comparison to the old days
********** when buses were few and people would

spent a week or so to catch a bus, while
today buses are like locust at intercity bus Transport system in
terminus. But somebody moving with

Zambia time and treasuring every moment of it After a short introduction, they opened
would give a totally different view. their files to look at the report of the last By Bro Joseph Nyondo SDB
Perhaps I should conclude that buses in inspection done two years ago. They
Zambia have become more than enough questioned me on the recommendations. I
for the population of Zambia and the was dumbfounded. I recounted whatever ambia is one of the poorest nations
economic muscle of most people. we have done so far and apologize for in central Africa. It is a relatively Z
Travelers are becoming fewer while the things we over looked. They went around large country with a approximately the
number of buses is increasing. Due to lack and then held a closed door meeting. population of 12 million people. Just like
of law and order, intercity bus terminus is Then we were called for explanation and any other consuming nation, Zambia
analogically a state of nature with its to hear their report. Eight observations enjoys the products of technology that
multitude of call-boys. The call boys are were communicated to us, some silly – Europe is disposing off in Africa, such
so terrible that they affect much the “one tube in the carpentry workshop is not

Thinking Point

and can barely grab and hold on to it.e all start
We fail to find peace, solace and happiness p l a c i n g
in the One who has promised all, who has We cry for all these but we fail to find and Wt h e
no impossible, one who heals all and is our keep. Who is there to help us rediscover b l a m e o n o u r
start and finish. I have traveled to a few what the Lord has promised us? How do finances, family
countries in Africa and discover that three we come to understand what we really miss feuds and lack of
quarters of all the people I met talk about in our lives? I have more to discover, I have social stability in our lives. When we
God but they have no rest, no peace or more to understand and I have more to find. become wise we find a whole lot of other
happiness within themsel Its time we let go of the worldly troubles reasons to put the blame on. Then comes
ves. This I a l s o and give all of our being back to the One the time when we are silent and we are

seek who created us. alone that we discover that all it took was
I am letting go of my frustrations, sorrow, our attitudes and minds.
troubles, pain, anger, sadness and
embracing what has been promised to me. We are so lost and confused in this state of
Let’s find a moment of peace, of silence to life, instead of finding the silence inside us
listen to the One who has promised all and we put the blame on anything. I am talking
we just might find what we have lost.about our lost souls, where we have lost

ourselves to the world, where we cannot
By Charity S. Maseko, find peace within ourselves, where we are
Hwange (Zimbabwenow living in a world where everything is

painful, difficult and impossible.



17Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

they are of old’ follow once they try to say ALL IS NOW
something against the young. The old

‘INSTANTANEOUS’ have become humble due to the amount of
By Cl Anthony Kalubaloshi SDB knowledge young people are acquiring at

unbelievable age. This means that young
people are becoming increasingly n days gone by, people used to boil tea
defensive basing themselves on there leaves for quite sometime whenever I intellectual ability to rationalize.they prepared a cup of tea; and when it
Young people are frustrated too. The came to communication, one had to write
pressure that the world is imposing on the a letter that could even last a good number

freedom of choice of customers. This new generation is unimaginable. The of months before it could reach the
experience is not only from the writer society is providing outrageous material destination depending on the distance. A
himself but also from the few European with emphasis that ‘you cannot do without 50 km journey could last months.
tour i s t s and volunteers I have them’. The more things are set for young Whenever crops like maize, pumpkins
encountered. However, for the owners of people, the more they feel they need these and the like where sown, the farmer had to
the bus companies, it is as usual the things and think they can not do without be patient and wait for at least three to
capitalistic survival of the fittest. The them. Today a mobile phone; tomorrow a four months before they could be ready for
strongest and most persuasive is apt to a lap - top; the other day a mobile phone harvesting. It may sound rather surprising,
substantial amount of profit. This laissez with camera, radio, can read e-mails, a but that is how things were. We can
faire capitalistic state of affairs in the new model of…….; they are just massive imagine, ourselves living in such a world.
transport industry can only be justified if it in numbers to count. Young people can not It is very seldom, if not even the case that a
does not affect negatively ordinary concentrate on anything for long because modern person would prefer to live such a
citizens who usually are the victims. Due the society is promoting consumerism, life.
to the scramble for customers who are multi choice materialism and the like. But, What kind of life do we experience
fewer than the number of buses at intercity Hence, young people are frustrated now? If an individual would like to take a
can accommodate, buses are barely full because they can either not keep up with cup of tea, it is no big deal, it’s just the
resulting in delays of 2-3 hours of the competition. The same can be applied matter of taking hot water and instant tea
departure time. to life matters like sex. Instant sex without leaves. There’s no need of setting water so
In modern times, time has become more commitment, instant riches without as to boil the tea leaves. How marvelous is
valuable than never before. Thus a 2-3 having sweated for it. Whatever the this instant preparation!
hour delay can not be equated to a one means, it matters less. As long as one gets Wow, this is interesting like anything.
week delay of the 1960's. What makes one’s way through, obtains what one All this is a result of the development in
things even worse in intercity is the Now science has almost
confusion and tricks played by call-boys. Of course it’s a common song that explained everything. Has it not? We can
It makes intercity a dangerous place vocations are scarcely in this generation. control almost all aspects of our life. Can’t
especially for foreigners and people new As mentioned before, i t i s a l l we? Very tricky questions.
to the city. These games played by call- instantaneous. Young people are not used This is it; there is no way can we escape
boys make transport services poor at our to long term ‘stuff ’ . Life- long this reality of our modern life. It is very
international bus terminus. dedications? The society is not for it. instantaneous. Young people are
We can only say proudly that the transport Today I am a religious, tomorrow am not. experiencing this kind of life. So, this is
system in our country has improved if Today am married with one partner, our context. It has affected the human race
both buses and the services offered are of tomorrow I find another one, and life so greatly. Old people and even young
good quality and satisfying to both continues as they say. ones are just frustrated about it. Old ones
citizens and foreigners. Perhaps the Unfortunately, we have a negative feel completely out of place because the
recommendation would be that the approach to these limitations that world has just changed into a completely
council or whoever takes charge of commitments provide for us and see them different one from the one in which they
intercity should not just look into the as invading our freedom. grew. They can no longer exercise
cleanliness of the place but also the nature authority over the young ones or else

(to be continued).of business going on there. comments like ‘those are far gone days,


Chawama - Lusaka (Zambia) 14/08/2009.-
Eight young salesians renewed their vows for
a period of one year. In a ceremony which was
presided by Fr Jozef Czerwinski SDB our
confreres Simbarashe Muza, George Phiri,
Mark Phiri, Joseph Nyondo, Clement
Mutamba, Alphonsious Hamweete, Raphael
Lungu and Macarius Mpundu renewed their
vows amidst the joy and in the presence of
other ZMB confreres, parents and some

Salesian Family

loved us before we existed. for us, on the other hand, Eve brought sin
Our mother Mary gives us a sure and (death) in the world through disobedience
concrete foundation of when, why, who, following the serpent’s idea, whilst this
and how we should love? Such that one Woman, Mary crushed the serpent’s head
can proudly say, “I need you, because I by being obedient to the will of God,
love you” rather than “I love you, because brought true love, life and happiness
I need you”, which simply means one through Christ Jesus her son. In other
loves somebody only when is useful and words she managed to open the door of the
when the need is fulfilled then it is over. love of God for us by her

ary the world’s first love, the This time Mary the Woman who loved and This mother’s love for us was and is not
woman the world should love. loves the world invites us to be like her, inseparable from sorrows at all, Mary M

she always love us before, during, and suffered here and there with Jesus until he Every person in the world including the
after the covenant with God of bringing died on the cross, but her sorrows did not infant in the womb desires to be loved,
the love of God here on earth, specifically diminish the love she had and has for us. above all to see being loved, to feel love
to you and me. Therefore, let us embrace This teaches us to suffer for others too, for and to taste true love. Now the donor of
the Blessed Virgin Mary’s School of life their own goodness and salvation looking love waits for the special gratitude from
and love in order to learn from her what, forward to eternal reward (not earthly the recipient, if not the friendship may
when, who and how to love to the extent of reward), but to love God this can only only be one-sided and can come to an end.
loving up to death the enemy like her only happen to you and I after being graduated This is what distiquishes between the love
son Jesus Christ who passed at her school in God’s love from Mary’s university, the of the mother to the infant (a pure
in Nazareth. She loved us before we have time school of life and love, the love that recipient) whether in the womb or outside,
become her children in being. Her love for will give access to God’s love.the mother whatever she does for the
us has brought the love of God from I think therefore, it is our turn to enroll at infant does not expect anything in return
heaven to us and brought back the the Blessed Virgin Mary’s school of life apart from seeing the child alive and
friendship, which was broken through our and love, and we shall enjoy the presence healthy. For this our mothers are free to
sins. One can ask what and which plan did of one another despite differences in races, say “I am loved, because I love” this is the
she use? She became a virgin – single cultures, nationalities and so forth. only love that comes from one Woman the
hearted only for God, and these were For this great gift why can’t you and I mother and is the love which reflects a true
enough that God saw her capable and honour her?Christian love that originates from above
worthy of becoming the mother of his her, not our immature love which stands,
only- begotten son, the Redeemer and By Cl Prince Luchembe SDB“I love, because I am loved”. Our mothers
giver of life. Single hearted only for God deserve to be loved that because they
becomes the cardinal and first sign of love Salesians of don Bosco Moshi-TZ

Cl Prince Luchembe SDB
Salesians of Don Bosco - Moshi


Mother of Love


18 Salesian NewslinkZMB June 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

A Year of Celebrations
City of Hope - Lusaka (Zambia). The Institute of
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians has begun the
year of celebrations on occasion of the Silver Jubilee of
presence in Zambia.
15/09/2009 Central day of the Celebrations.- In a special
ceremony which was prepared well in advance, many people and
authorities of government and church, the Salesian sisters
celebrated the beginning of the Silver Jubilee Year.
Among the special guests present to the event was Mons. Nicola
Girasoli, papal nuncio to Zambia. The mass was well attended and
the presence of young people and all the invited guests, volunteers
gave a wonderful witness to the work of the sisters in these 25 years
of action in Zambia. There were also many other manifestations of
jubilation throughout the day.

he question of vocation is a parishes namely; Don Bosco, Chilinde,
question that many people, Kawale, Nsamba, Kamuzu barracks and
Christians and non Christians, Mtima Woyera. There were 230 young T

youth and parents are boggled with. people representing the deanery. The
Undeniably enough, there are many pre- programme began at 10:00am with the
conceived ideas about this topic. Some of Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Alexander
them are off track well as others are on Kim (Rector of the Community). Wanting to discover a vocation within a

Thereafter, there was an inspiring and vocation the day was marked off with
thought provoking presentation on entertaining activities. Young people
Marriage Life by Amai ndi Abambo made good use of the Don Bosco Stadium
Ngalande. The couple spoke maturely and to share with one another their talents in
humorously to the youth eliciting in them music, dancing, singing, drama among
the desire to question more and more on many others. Perhaps we can assert that
the beauty of this vocation, on its the day was superb, superb not because
credibility in the midst of many broken we had a successful program but due to
and unstable marriages, and on its role in the fact that it was holistic. There were
promotion of religious and priestly not only youngsters provided with
vocations among many others. Later there spiritual food but they were also offered
was a presentation on Consecrated Life in social food, physical food, psychological

board. Nevertheless, we cannot just pass general by a Carmelite sister. She food just to mention but a few.
over in silence without at least airing out mentioned the notion of being chosen or On Sunday the 30th August the youth of
some of these pre-understandings. After rather being set apart and being accorded Don Bosco (52) continued to celebrate the
some considerable encounters with the a mission by the Church. Vocations Day not in the Don Bosco
young, we still perceive that vocation is In this world of business, it would be premises this time but in Salima. Most
highly predicated to Priesthood or fallacious to shun off the traces of probably they were trying to hear the
Religious life and faintly a few people do voice by the lake side especially with the
recognize matrimony (marriage life) as a knowledge that many apostles were
vocation. To many it is awesome to count called by the lakeside. These young
single life as a vocation taking into people were with Brothers. Clement
account the pressures flowing from our Mutamba and Joseph Nyondo.
cybernetic world. The serenity and the coldness of the fresh
However, Don Bosco Lilongwe in waters of Lake Malawi and the
conjunction with the Diocese of Lilongwe togetherness of the group without much
is still gathering all its arsenals to ado has added an extra lesson to the lives
enlighten the minds, hearts and souls of of the youth on a more personal level. As
Youth especially those of Mtima Woyera educators, guardians, parents, animators
Deanery as regard the question of we all ought to bear in mind that many
Vocation. On Saturday the 29th August business in the world of vocation too. In youth's frustrations, suicide attempts,
2009, Don Bosco- Lilongwe hosted the this respect the day was later decorated undesirable habits name it, are not merely
Mtima Woyera Deanery “Vocations with the program called 'Window from their “stubbornness” but simply
Day”. This Deanery consists of six (6) Shopping'. During window shopping because they feel rejected by society,

each congregation, each form of vocation friends, perhaps even by the church. With
had to advertise itself in the manner of its activities like the ones of 29th and 30th
own aptitude. Apart from Mr. And Mrs. August, SDB- Lilongwe is working
Ngalande from Marriage life, there were towards the creation of confident,
seven congregations (Salesians of Don accepted, creative and happy youth so that
Bosco, Teresian Sisters, Diocesans, they can boldly uphold their identity as
Carmelite Missionaries, Sister of Charity honest citizens and Good Christians.
of Ottawa, Missionaries Sisters of Charity
and the Sisters of Our Lady of Mount By Clement Mutamba SDB

Vocation Animation

Cl Clement Mutamba SDB

Joint efforts in working on
vocation Promotion

19Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests

Printed in Lusaka - Provincial House | P.O.BOX 31148 | All rights reserved

celebrating the visit of Fr Chester Z.LEGEND
6. Chawama: Practical Trainees after renewing

1. Lilongwe: Young people welcoming Fr their vows.
Guillermo Basanes. 7. Zanzibar: Fr Leszek looking for donors.
2.Hwange: Procession of parishioners on 8. Makeni: Construction of new novitiate.
occasion of Corpus Christi. 9. Kabwe: Construction of the new church.
3. Kabwe: Fr Eustace Siame SDB, on his return 10. Kasisi: Polish volunteers visiting the
from the mission appeal in Poland. crocodile farm.
4.Kapiri Mposhi: Newly professed saying bye 11. Kabwe: Group of new co-operators.
to sister Angelica their spiritual mother. 12. Rundu: Fr George Szurgot
5. Chawama: Community gathering 13. Livingstone: Kenny, Frantisek and Jerome

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