Salesian Bulletin (Malta) No. 204 May-Jun 2008


mejju-Ìunju 2008
il-204 Óar©a

Spilled Apples (story)

Il-Madonna fil-Misteru ta’ Kristu

Elezzjonijiet fil-Kapitlu

Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn, semmih
- Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©hu bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred
mad-dinja kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti

wkoll fiç-çokon tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta
jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u

Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:

Óajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,

Sliema SLM 1925, Malta.
Tel: 2133 0238 e-mail:

Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB

Bord Editorjali Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
Margaret Buhagiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech

Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Joe M. Busuttil

Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na li jibag˙tu xi
˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex il-Óajja Salesjana
jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn lil

• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana

• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-˙ajja
Reli©juΩa Salesjana

Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma Salesjana
Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’ fuq, fit-TuneΩija.

Designed & Printed by Salesian Press

Fuqiex se naqraw

Editorjal 3/4

Pedago©ija Salesjana 5

Calendar of Events 7

Stejjer il-Missjunarju 8

Spilled Apples (story) 10

Crimes 3 12

Int t˙obbni? Kemm 16

Something to think about… 18

Il-Madonna fil-Misteru ta’ Kristu 21

Il-Kardinal Zen 24

Elezzjonijiet fil-Kapitlu 26/27

Tmexxija Ìdida 28

The Mystic of the Passion 30

Icons 32


L-a˙barijiet li ddominaw l-attenzjoni tas-Salesjani mad-dinja kollha matul ix-xahar ta’ Marzu sa nofs April, kienu
a˙barijiet ©ejjin minn Ruma li jirrigwardaw il-
Kapitlu Ìenerali tas-Salesjani li kien g˙addej
Kif spjegajtilkom fl-artiklu li deher fl-a˙˙ar
“˙ajja Salesjana” ta’ Marzu-April, p.16-17,
il-membri tal-Kapitlu kellhom diversi doveri
xi jwettqu. Imma prinçipalment huma jridu
jwasslu lis-Salesjani sabiex ikunu m˙ejjija
jiffaççjaw l-isfidi tas-soçjetà moderna f’dak
kollu li g˙andu x’jaqsam mal-formazzjoni taΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙ sabiex jg˙inuhom ikunu “çittadini
onesti u nsara tajbin” skond kif dan jg˙odd
g˙alihom fiç-çirkustanzi li jg˙ixu fihom.

G˙aldaqstant il-Kapitlu ˙a ˙sieb i˙ares l-ewwel
lejn is-Salesjan b˙ala reli©juΩ. Dan g˙amlu billi
studja u ˙adem fuq Ωew© temi: a) proposta
m©edda ta’ ˙ajja reli©juΩa, b) il-faqar skond il-
van©elu b˙ala g˙otja s˙i˙a. Imbag˙ad ˙ares
lejn is-Salesjan b˙ala edukatur, u dan ukoll
ta˙t Ωew© temi: a) l-evan©elizzazzjoni fil-kamp
edukattiv u b) l-isfidi ©odda mid-dinja taΩ-

Sabiex dan l-istudju jitwettaq fil-˙idma
Salesjana ta’ kuljum, mad-dinja, jin˙ar©u
proposti u direttivi li l-membri tal-Kapitlu
jkunu g˙arblu u ddiskutew. U sabiex
dan jibqa’ g˙addej sakemm jer©a’
jiltaqa’ Kapitlu ie˙or, sitt snin
o˙ra, hemm bΩonn ta’ min
imexxi u jinkora©©ixxi. Dan
hu xog˙ol ir-Rettur Ma©©ur
u l-Kunsill tieg˙u. G˙alhekk
matul il-Kapitlu ©enerali
jsiru l-g˙aΩliet ta’ dawk
is-Superjuri li jrie©u
d-diversi oqsma tal-
˙idma Salesjana fid-

dinja g˙as-sitt snin li ©ejjin. Fuq dan kollu ssibu
informazzjoni f’diversi artikli ta’ din il-˙ar©a ta’
“˙ajja Salesjana”.

Jiena ma n˙obbx nara Kapitlu Ìenerali b˙ala
l-g˙eluq ta’ sitt snin ̇ idma, u lanqas ma narah
b˙ala xi bidu ©did. In˙obb narah b˙ala pawsa
ta’ analisi li tibni fuq l-img˙oddi ˙alli, b’fiduçja
t˙ares lejn il-©ejjieni u timxi ‘l quddiem. Il-
prinçipji li tana Dun Bosco g˙adhom jg˙oddu
g˙al-lum, imma je˙tie© li nipprattikawhom
f’sitwazzjonijiet li sikwit jinbidlu. Il-Kapitlu
jag˙tina l-kura©© li nitkellmu mhux fuq
problemi, imma fuq soluzzjonijiet.

Il-Kapitlu Ìenerali tas-Salesjani



The news that was of most interest to Salesians around the world during the month of March and first half of
April was certainly that coming from Rome
regarding the General Chapter of the Salesians
being held there. As you might have read in
the last issue of “Hajja Salesjana”, p16-17,
members attending this Chapter had diverse
duties to perform. Principally, however, they
had to guide and prepare the Salesians to face
the challenges of modern society in relation
the formation of youth, so as to help them
become “good Christians and honest citizens”
regardless of the circumstances in which they

The Chapter, therefore, took into consideration,
first, the Salesian as a consecrated religious.
It studied and analysed his position under 2
aspects: a) a proposal for a renewed religious
life, and b) his evangelical poverty as a total
self-giving. Secondly the Chapter took the
aspect of the Salesian as an educator, and
again under 2 aspects: a) evangelisation in
education, and b) new challenges from the
world of youth.

The proposals and directives that will
ensue will have to be translated
into the everyday mission of the
Salesians the world over. This has
to start immediately, without
waiting for another Chapter
in six years’ time© it is the
duty of the Rector Major
and his Council to see to
this. Thus, during the
General Chapter, the
elections took place
of those Major

Superiors who will lead the different sectors of
Salesian activity for the next six years. You find
much information about this in this present
edition of “Hajja Salesjana”.

I do not like to consider a General Chapter as
the closing chapter of six years of work© and
neither do I see it as a new beginning. I like to
think of it as a pause for an analysis that builds
on the past, trustfully looks to the future and
moves ahead. The principles that Don Bosco
gave us are still valid today, but they need
be lived in situations that are continuously
changing. The Chapter gives us courage to
talk not of problems, but of solutions.

General Chapter of the Salesians


Minn Pascual Chaves - Trad. Joe Cini SDB

Servizz Edukattiv

“Kull edukatur g˙andu jie˙u xog˙lu bis-
serjetà u jkun mo˙˙u hemm. Irid jinduna
bil-kurrenti kollha li jistg˙u jinfluenzaw
liΩ-Ωg˙ar waqt li jg˙inhom jag˙rfuhom u
jag˙Ωlu minnhom (…) Mhux biΩΩejjed li
jkun g˙aref, irid ukoll jag˙raf jikkomunika.
U mhux biΩΩejjed li jikkomunika, wie˙ed
irid jikkomunika lilu nnifsu. Dak li
jikkomunika idea imma mhux lilu nnifsu,
jg˙allem imma ma jedukax (…) Irridu
n˙obbu dak li nikkomunikaw u l-persuna
li nikkomunikaw mag˙ha” (J.E.Vecchi,
Spiritualità Salesiana, LDC, 2001, p136).

Aktar mill-iskejjel, huma importanti dawk li
g˙alihom a˙na mibg˙uta u li rridu nag˙tuhom
servizz edukattiv-pastorali s˙i˙. G˙al Dun Bosco,
“iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ kienu l-g˙alliema tieg˙u”. Wie˙ed
g˙alhekk irid ikun iffurmat mil-lat reli©juΩ,
edukattiv u pastorali sabiex jg˙in f’kull sitwazzjoni
li Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jistg˙u jsibu ru˙hom fiha. Sabiex is-
servizz edukattiv ikun ta’ kwalità g˙olja, jen˙tie©
ninvestu f’min nedukaw u fil-formazzjoni ta’ min
jeduka. Hemm bΩonn ukoll li niffurmaw mhux
biss il-mo˙˙ u l-intelli©enza, imma wkoll il-qlub.

G˙al dak li g˙andu l-vokazzjoni ta’ edukatur,
kull attività edukattiva “tag˙ti lok sabiex jiltaqa’


ma’ Alla” (Atti tal-Kapitlu Ìenerali 23, no.95).
G˙alhekk din m’hijiex xi ˙a©a mar©inali f’˙ajjet
l-edukatur. li wie˙ed ikun maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ hija
esperjenza spiritwali u hija wkoll l-g˙an spiritwali
ta’ min jeduka bil-qalb ta’ Dun Bosco. Jekk dan
il-punt çentrali jaqa’, jid˙ol l-individwaliΩmu, l-
opportuniΩmu u l-˙afna attività fix-xejn. Il-karità
pastorali hija l-mutur ta’ spiritwalità edukattiva
li titnissel minn sforz, dedikazzjoni, riflessjoni,
studju u attenzjoni kontinwa. Imma l-g˙eruq
tag˙ha jinsabu fl-g˙aqda ma’ Alla, waqt li
tissarraf f’talb u azzjoni. B’dan il-mod hija twassal
g˙all-qdusija kemm ta’ l-edukatur u kemm taΩ-
Ωag˙Ωug˙. edukaturi u Ωg˙aΩag˙ jimxu ma’ ©enb
xulxin fl-istess triq tal-qdusija. Is-servizz edukattiv
offrut mis-Salesjani huwa totali u komplet g˙aliex
jinkludi d-dimensjonijiet kollha ta’ l-individwu,
waqt li jfittex it-tajjeb g˙aΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ “g˙al issa
u g˙all-eternità” sabiex jag˙mel minnu “çittadin
onest u nisrani tajjeb”.

Don Bosco, bniedem prattiku, kien jag˙raf
li l-valur ta’ kull metodu edukattiv ji©i mkejjel
mill-˙ila li jkollu sabiex iqanqal lill-iskura©©uti, li
jqajjem lil dawk li çedew, li joffri lura lis-soçjetà
b˙ala adulti kapaçi lil dawk it-tfal li jkun ©abar

mit-triq fejn kienu esposti g˙all-perikli tal-˙ajja.
Il-metodu tieg˙u ˙ejja r©iel g˙all-˙ajja billi
g˙allimhom seng˙a u g˙amilhom utli g˙alihom
infushom u g˙as-soçjetà. Dun Bosco kien dejjem
edukatur: fil-bit˙a, waqt l-ikel, fil-klassi, waqt ix-
xog˙ol, fil-kappella. Min˙abba f’dan, il-metodu
edukattiv Salesjan ma hux limitat minn ebda
struttura. Ìisem u ru˙, l-individwu u l-grupp,
kultura u sa˙˙a fiΩika: kollox huwa nkluΩ, adattat
g˙al kull sitwazzjoni – ta’ kull pajjiΩ u ta’ kull
kuntest soçjali jew reli©juΩ tajjeb g˙al kull
student individwali u speçjalment g˙al dawk l-
edukaturi li g˙andhom g˙al qalbhom il-©id taΩ-

Nistg˙u nikkonkludu billi ng˙idu li servizz
edukattiv u pastorali jista’ jkollu ˙afna forom
skond il-bΩonnijiet. G˙aldaqstant, attenti g˙as-
sinjali taΩ-Ωminijiet u g˙all-˙ti©ijiet tal-post u tal-
Knisja, in©eddu l-istrutturi tag˙na b’mentalità
dejjem ©dida u flessibli, waqt li n˙ossuna dejjem
“missjunarji taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙“, bil-van©elu f’idejna
g˙alihom. l-edukatur Salesjan huwa dejjem iben
Dun Bosco, li kien stqarr li kien lest g˙al kollox,
anke li “nsellem lix-xitan” sabiex jirba˙ l-erwie˙
taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ tieg˙u (MB XIII, p325).


CAlendArof Events
C A l e n D A R o F S A l e S I A n F e A S T S & e V e n T S

For any other info about the Salesians:
Salesians in Malta: ç /
/www.spysmalta.orgçspysint / /

Tue 6 FeAST oF ST. DoMInIC SAVIo. Sports Day at Savio College,
Fun Games at St. Patrick’s, celebrations at Salesian oratory, Sliema
Wed 7 Monthly meeting for Salesian Cooperators at St. Patrick’s – 6.15 p.m.
Sat 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. Grand Musical Concert at Salesian Theatre, Sliema
Tue 13 FeAST oF ST. MARY D. MAZZARello.
Sat 17 Lection Divina for Youths at Salesian oratory, Sliema
Sun 18 Procession of Mary Help of Christians in Sliema at 6.00 p.m.
All Salesian Family members are encouraged to attend
Thu 19 Presentation of Certificates to Form 5 Students at St. Patrick’s School
Fri 23 Celebrations in honour of Mary Help of Christians in Savio College
and St. Patrick’s School. evening Solemn Mass at St. Patrick’s Church
Sun 25 Lectio Divina at Savio College
Thu 29 Blessed Joseph Kowalski (killed in Auschwitz in 1942)

Mon 2 Start of Half Day Programme for schools
Wed 4 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at St. Patrick’s
Sat 7 “oratory Day” at Salesian oratory, Sliema
Sun 8 Lectio Divina at Savio College
Thu 12 Blessed Francis Kesy and Companions, oratory Boys in Poland killed by nazis in 1942
Sat 14 Graduation Ceremony for Form 5 Students at Savio College
Sat 28 “Mnarja night” at Savio College and at Salesian oratory, Sliema

Wed 2 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting –
outdoor activity & acceptance of new members
Mon 7 Blessed Maria Romero Meneses, Salesian Sister from nicaragua
Mon 14 Summer School begins at Salesian oratory, Sliema


Kont ninsab indur l-ir˙ula meta sibt ru˙i quddiem g˙arix li kont taqtg˙u vojt. Imma smajt b˙al çekçik ©o fih u
ttawwalt nara hemmx xi ˙add misto˙bi fid-

“Id˙ol, id˙ol Fadar,” smajt lil min jg˙idli
b’vuçi dg˙ajfa. “ejja.” F’dak l-g˙arix kien
hemm mara xi˙a, g˙adma u ©ilda, mimduda
fuq ftit weraq u ˙uxlief, u mg˙ottija b’xi
çraret. Fin-nofs ma’ l-art kien hemm in-nar
inemnem biex ikennen il-kamra. “Arani Fadar
… abbandunata, wa˙di. Kultant jinqala’ xi
˙add li j©ibli x’niekol.” Kif qalet dan g˙olliet
werqa tal-banana li kienet tg˙atti nofs qara
m˙affra. Óarist kurjuΩ u rajt li kien hemm xi
ftit patata ©o fiha. “Dak li ji©ri lil nies xju˙

Jien kelli xi ikel fil-barΩakka tieg˙i u tajtulha.
Ippruvajt ukoll infarra©ha mill-a˙jar li stajt.
Imbag˙ad ˙allejtha bit-tama li l-g˙ada ner©a’
ng˙addilha. l-g˙ada malajr wasal. “nista’
ng˙addi?” “U Ωgur li tista’. Int ra©el tajjeb
g˙ax Ωammejtha kelmtek.” “Ara hawnhekk
©ibtlek ftit weraq tat-te`, banana, gverta biex
titg˙atta ˙a tilqa’ mill-bard.”

Qalbek tajba tassew, Fadar. Anqas il-familja
tieg˙i ma qatt ˙ennew g˙alija daqshekk.
Imma b’xorti ˙aΩina llum in˙ossni ag˙ar mill-
biera˙. Anqas indur la ©enba ma nista’.”

Qed nara li g˙andek il-mis˙un fuq in-nar…
g˙ax ma tag˙milx ftit te`, dak jag˙millek
tajjeb. G˙intha tag˙mel dan biex nevitalha
li tin˙araq. Xorbitu u re©g˙et imteddet fuq
daharha. “Tassew bniedem tajjeb int, Fadar.”
“Il-Mulej Alla huwa tajjeb, g˙aΩiΩa tieg˙i. Inti
©ieli smajt b’Alla kemm hu twajjeb u ˙anin?”

“nista’ nifhem issa li jeΩisti Alla, g˙ax int
©ejt tarani waqt li l-o˙rajn insewni.”

“Huwa Alla nnifsu li jikkmandana n˙obbu
lil xulxin kif ˙abbna hu stess.”

“Isma’ Fadar. Darba jiena smajt l-insara
jg˙idu b’mediçina li tfejjaq kull ̇ aΩen ta’ qabel,
u hija tajba g˙al dawk xju˙ b˙ali.” “Imma
g˙aΩiΩa tieg˙i dik il-mediçina ting˙ata biss lil
dawk li jridu jsiru wlied Alla.” “Jien irrid insir
ta’ Alla, mela ag˙tini minn dik il-mediçina.”
“Allura meta inti t˙ossok a˙jar, ejja fil-Missjoni
b˙all-insara u l-katekumeni l-o˙ra sabiex tie˙u
t-tag˙lim. Xi tg˙idli?” “Iva jiena ni©i … jekk
saqajja jifil˙u j©orruni.” “Mela int tixtieq il-
mediçina li tag˙mlek bint ta’ Alla!” “Fadar
ili dal-˙in kollu nokrob g˙aliha… g˙aliex ma
tatihielix issa ?”

Int Ìejt Mis-Sema!

Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard SDB, kif jaf jirrakkonta hu stess –
©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja fejn hu ˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙.


Rajt li kienet mag˙dura wisq u aktarx li
ma tqumx iΩjed minn hemm. Tlabtha tg˙id xi
talba warajja, skond kif kienet tista’, u mbag˙ad
jiena g˙ammidtha. Hekk kif l-ilma qattar minn
ma’ rasha, ©ietha s-sa˙˙a tqum fuq saqajha.
G˙olliet drieg˙ha niexef u ppuntat lejja
ssaqsini: “Issa g˙idli, int minn fejn ©ejt?” Jiena
ma we©ibt xejn. Hija nsistiet. “Qed nistaqsik,
Fadar, biex tg˙idli mnejn ©ejt.”

Óawditni ftit b’din il-mistoqsija g˙ax ma
bsartx x’riedet tifhem. U bqajt sieket.

“Ah… int ma tridx tg˙idli.” U bil-mod

re©g˙et imteddet f’postha. “Tajjeb…allura se
ng˙idlek jien x’na˙seb. Fadar, int ma ©ejtx
mill-ewropa, int ©ejt mis-sema!” “G˙ax qed
tg˙id hekk?” “Jien kont interter bil-bard u int
©ibtli gverta. Kont bil-©u˙ u ©ibtli x’niekol.
Kont wa˙di u ©ejt iΩΩurni. U kliemek niΩel dritt
f’qalbi. G˙alhekk qed ng˙idlek li int ©ejt mis-

Jumejn wara jien kont fi triqti mill-©did biex
ng˙addi naraha. IΩda flok l-g˙arix sibt biss gozz
zkuk ma˙ruqa u rmied. Dik ix-xwej˙a kienet
mietet ftit sig˙at wara li tg˙ammdet.


nhar Óadd il-
Palm, 16 ta’ Marzu
2008, l-G˙aqda
tal-‘Past Pupils and
Friends of Don
Bosco’ ta’ l-iskola ta’
St. Patrick, organizzat
Jum Irtir bi t˙ejjija
g ˙ a l l - Ì i m g ˙ a
Mqaddsa. Din hija
rikorrenza ta’ kull
sena, mistennija minn
˙afna mill-membri.

G˙al darba o˙ra instab konvenjenti ̇ afna li din
l-attivita` tiΩvol©i ©ewwa l-lukanda “Coastline”,
is-Salini. Kien hemm attendenza inkora©©anti ta’
aktar minn 50 membru. Il-programm tal-©urnata
kien immexxi minn Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB, Rettur
ta’ St. Patrick u Delegat ta’ l-G˙aqda. l-ewwel
konferenza kienet mog˙tija minn Fr. Victor
Mangion SDB, id-Delegat tal-Provinçjal. Wara
dan kien hemm diskussjoni interessanti fuq dak
li kien intqal. Wara waqfin ta’ ftit ˙in, tqaddset
il-Quddiesa ta’ Óadd il-Palm, li matulha tbierku
l-Palm li kull persuna kellha f’idejha. l-ikla, tip ta’
buffet li toffri l-lukanda, intg˙o©bot u kul˙add kiel
bl-aptit. Wara nofs-in-nhar, waqt it-tieni sessjoni,

Irtir u Premjazzjoni
Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB

Fr. Victor re©a’ mexxa
hu diskussjoni fuq ir-
rwol tan-nisrani fis-
soçjeta’ tal-lum.

B’din id-
diskussjoni ntemm
l-Irtir. IΩda il-
programm kien g˙ad
fadallu xi jse˙˙. Kif
kul˙add kien mi©bur,
t˙abbar li g˙al darba
o˙ra, kien sejjer ikun
hemm presentazzjoni

ta’ rikonoxximent lil wie˙ed mill-membri,
mag˙Ωul b˙ala “l-A˙jar Membru tas-Sena 2007”.
Dan ir-rikonoxximent, din is-sena, ©ie ppreΩentat
lil Mr. Josef Psaila, u dan ©ie mog˙ti lilu “b˙ala
apprezzament g˙as-servizzi kollha li huwa kien ta

Kollox ma’ kollox, din kienet ©urnata
organizzata fem tajjeb, u dan min˙abba x-
xog˙ol u ddedikazzjoni tal-Kumitat, immexxi
mil-President tieg˙u, Mr. Saviour Bianchi. Kien
programm li ta gost lil kull min ˙a sehem.

Ir-ritratt ta’ l-okkaΩjoni juri l-mument tal-
preΩentazzjoni, u fih jidhru Mr. S.Bianchi, Fr. A.
Sacco, Mr. J. Psaila u Fr. V. Mangion.


A few years ago a
group of salesmen
went to a regional
sales convention in
Chicago. They had
assured their wives

that they would
be home in plenty
of time for Friday

night’s dinner.


In their rush to get to the plane, one of these
salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table,
which held a display of baskets of apples.
Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping
or looking back, they all managed to reach
the plane in time for their nearly missed
boarding. All but one. He paused, took a deep
breath, got in touch with his feelings, and
experienced a twinge of compassion for the
girl whose apple-stand had been overturned.

He told his buddies to carry on without him,
waved goodbye, told one of them to call
his wife when they arrived at their home
destination to explain his taking a later flight.
Then he returned to the terminal where the
apples were all over the terminal floor.

He was glad he did.

The 16-year-old girl was totally blind! She was
softly crying, tears running down her cheeks
in frustration, and at the same time helplessly
groping for her spilled produce as the crowd
swirled about her, no one stopping, and no
one caring about her plight.

The salesman knelt on the floor with her,
gathered up the apples, put them into the
baskets, and helped set the display up once
more. As he did this, he noticed that many
of them had become battered and bruised©
these he set aside in another basket.

When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet
and said to the girl, “Here, please take this

$20 for the damage we did. Are you okay?”
She nodded through her tears. He continued
on with, “I hope we didn’t spoil your day too

As the salesman started to walk away, the
bewildered blind girl called out to him,
“Mister....” He paused and turned to look
back into those blind eyes.

She continued, “Are you Jesus?”

He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered.
Then slowly he made his way to catch the
later flight with that question burning and
bouncing about in his soul: “Are you Jesus?”

Do people mistake you for Jesus?

That’s our destiny, is it not? To be so much
like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference
as we live and interact with a world that is
blind to His love, life and grace.

If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk
and act as He would. Knowing Him is more
than simply quoting Scripture and going to
church. It’s actually living the Word as life
unfolds day to day. We are the apple of His
eye even though we, too, have been bruised
by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and
picked you and me up on a hill called Calvary
and paid in full for our damaged fruit.

let us live like we are worth the price He paid.


“Lord Jesus, I believe and I profess that you are the Christ, the Son
of the living God. Take my life, my will, and all that I have, that I
may be wholly Yours now and forever.”


Crimes 3
When love wanes

Excerpts from the book “ Crimes of the Inocent” by Fr. Charles Cini S.D.B.

Abridged extracts

Separation: The unfortunate decision taken
by married couples creates embarrassing situ-
ations. How do children live within marriage
in a crisis? Heart-breaking stories are related
in class to the teacher by the children them-

Maria would not follow the lesson. The
round face of the street urchin was sleepy
and tired. She did not wish to be asked
questions. To justify herself, without beating
about the bush, she uttered:

“Yesterday evening the Social worker called
and remained until midnight. She wanted
to know with whom my brother Kurt, and I
wished to stay© whether it was with my father
or with my mother. I remained as silent as the

grave, for how could I possibly say that I pre-
ferred to stay with my father, when my mother
was also present! Kurt however said exactly
what he felt. Even he wanted to remain with
our father.”

The story of Maria is just one of many. Fami-
lies that are in crisis in Malta and Gozo are
increasing every day. The reasons are various
but the first victims are always the children.
Maria’s mother who is German moved to
Malta in search of work and married a Mal-
tese. Two children were born from this mar-
riage and things were going well until she
decided to join the ‘ Jehovah Witnesses’. op-
posing views cropped up between her and
her husband, and the children who were not
prepared to accept this new mentality. After


years of arguing, the couple decided to sep-
arate. However, having to live in the same
house because they could not be allocated
alternative accommodation, the children
are still being subjected to daily arguments
and unwillingly forced to take sides. The end
result is a profound aggression by Maria to-
wards her mother. Because she has no one
to look up to during her adolescence, she
has recently also taken up the habit of smok-
ing, “because cigarettes help to calm me down
when I feel nervous.”
Facing such a problem-
atic situation, her progress in school has de-
teriorated, and to justify her shortcomings in
school she invents a pack of lies.

Other Stories
John used to be the best in his class: intuitive,
determined, interested in everything, but
now he seemed to be hiding something. He
became liable to fits of excessive happiness
and to moments of stubborn silence. He was
also inattentive in class, did not present his
homework and invented untenable excuses.
His mother gave us this explanation: “We are
alone because my husband has left home. John
did not give vent to crying. However I can see
that he is suffering a lot although he does his
best to hide his grief”.
Yesterday John handed
me half a sheet of paper on the theme “Rela-
tions between parents and children”
in which,
with great indifference, he made reference
to his own parents’ situation. When I asked
him with great sensibility for his own views,
he replied: “It is better if they remain separat-
ed because all they do is quarrel all day long.”
I could easily see his unhappiness through
his eyes, which became misty as he sought
to refrain from crying.

Ruth is the most aggressive pupil in class.
She is touchy, proud and arrogant. The only
way to converse with her is through kindness
yet it is often extremely difficult because her
provocative replies call for harshness. “Pa-
tience is the virtue of the strong.”
Finally she
recounted part of her life saying she feels
that she is ugly and fat comparing herself
to her mother who is rather beautiful even
though she is growing old. Relations with
her parents have become intolerable. She
does not love her mother who insists that
Ruth should do all the chores in the house.
She also feels herself treated unjustly by her
father as he favours his two sons and gives
them all they want. ‘Liberty’ for her means
leading a life as she pleases for is it not said
“everyone is master of oneself?” one day she
made a harsh statement: “I remain at home
because I cannot do otherwise. If I ever get the
chance to leave I certainly will.”
Ruth’s par-
ents have recently separated because of her
mother’s infidelity. Her husband refused to
forgive her and has consequently moved
out. The children have remained with their
mother and although the father often sees


them the separation has made Ruth more
and more prone to react stubbornly and to
suspect everyone.

Unfortunately similar stories exist every-
where. As a result of the parents’ decisions
it is the children who suffer most. We do not
wish to penalize anyone. It would be easy
but also uncharitable. A conviction based
on untrustworthiness, disrespect, negative
arguments, bitterness and molestation is
certainly rather unpleasant for both sides. I
strongly believe, however, that when mari-
tal differences crop up the couple should
undergo a therapy course, because very
often, one gets the impression that a cou-
ple decides to separate a little bit too early
without weighing the dire consequences.

Perhaps if there were more attempts, based
on greater comprehension, with special em-
phasis on the future of the children, it might
still be possible to avoid the unfortunate de-
cision. After all it is not the best solution. The
couple are left with the bitter taste of failure
and a sense of an impossible return to each

The reasons for so many separations in Mal-
ta and Gozo are various and similar to those
of europe. I think that the cultural crisis, the
loss of true values, the lack of sacrifice, the
misinterpretation of love and sex, will con-
tinue to play an important role in the story
of separated families if they do not do some-
thing about it and adopt a different attitude
in building a good relationship.


PantoMIMa ta’ l-ISkola ta’ St. PatrIck’S

Wara xahrejn u nofs ta’ preparamenti,
IL-PARRINU, il-pantomima ta’ l-istudenti
ta’ l-iskola St. Patrick, ittellg˙at fit-
teatru Salesjan f’Diçembru 2007. Din
saret sabiex tinΩamm dik li issa saret
tradizzjoni tal-Milied ta’ din l-iskola.
Din is-sena l-atturi ta’ St. Patrick
˙aduna ©ewwa New York fis-sena
1930. Bit-tema tal-Mafja, il-PARRINU
ma kinitx inqas mill-produzzjonijiet
tas-snin ta’ qabel f’dawk
li huma kostumi,
persuna©©i u muΩika.
B˙al kull sena, l-
g˙alliema ng˙aqdu
ma’ l-istudenti u

kollox in˙adem flimkien. Dan l-isforz
©ie ppremjat u kull min attenda seta’
japprezza x-xog˙ol professjonali li l-
istudenti tag˙na kienu kapaçi jag˙mlu.
G˙all-istudenti ta’ l-a˙˙ar sena din
kienet l-a˙˙ar pantomima g˙alihom
fl-iskola tag˙hom, u çerti li tifkiriet ta’
dawn it-tip ta’ attivitajiet se j©orruhom
mag˙hom matul ˙ajjithom.


F’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin, kemm ili nie˙u
r-relazzjoni tieg˙i ma’ Ìesu’ iktar bis-
serjeta’, kemm-il darba staqsejt lili nnifsi
jekk verament in˙obbux. Kif tista’
qatt tirrispondi g˙all-im˙abba infinita
tieg˙u? Kif tista’ t˙obb lil xi ˙add li
ma tarahx u ˙afna drabi ma t˙ossux?
Min jaf kemm-il darba ˙assejtni niksa˙
quddiem il-mistoqsija ta’ Ìesu’, “Pietru,
t˙obbni int?” Dil-mistoqsija baqg˙et
ti©ri warajja, minkejja d-diversi risposti
u spjegazzjonijiet li smajt mid-direttur
spiritwali, kotba, priedki, …

Sakemm il-Mulej urieni mudell…
na˙seb li l-biçça l-kbira minna
g˙amilna esperjenza li n˙obbu lil xi
˙add, bis-serjeta’. Stramba kif dak
kollu li niltaqg˙u mieg˙u jfakkarna fil-
persuna li nkunu n˙obbu…, kif dak
kollu li ng˙addu minnu jkollna seba’
mitt sena biex naqsmuh mal-ma˙bub
jew ma˙buba tag˙na…, kif qalbna tkun
imwe©©g˙a, imma fl-istess ˙in issib il-
mistrie˙ fil-kumpanija ta’ dak jew dik
li n˙obbu… Mhix forsi din l-istorja ta’
m˙abba li jixtieq ikollu mag˙na Ìesu’,

li ˙afna drabi jiddeskrivi lilu nnifsu
b˙ala l-g˙arus?

Ti©ini f’mo˙˙i l-Kelma t’Alla… Kieku
kellu jikteb ktieb xi ˙add li n˙obb
verament, çerta li nkun minn ta’ l-
ewwel biex naqrah u forsi nsir naf
iktar lill-persuna li n˙obb. Kieku kellu
jorganizza ikla u jistedinni, Ωgur li
nag˙mel kull mezz possibli biex inkun
hemm, u naqsam u ng˙ix mumenti
speçjali mieg˙u! Ìesu’ jag˙mel dan u
iktar, kuljum, fl-ewkaristija!

Meta n˙obb lil xi ˙add, ikolli xewqa
kbira li nsir naf ‘l dawk il-persuni li
jag˙milha mag˙hom u j˙obb, peress
li Ωgur jitfg˙u dawl fuq dik il-persuna…
Huwa dan li titlob l-im˙abba lejn
Ìesu’! li nwie©eb g˙all-im˙abba
tieg˙u jfisser li nsir naf u n˙obb lil
dawk il-persuni li g˙andu g˙al qalbu,
lili, lilek, u speçjalment lil dawk li huma
ppersegwitati b’xi mod, persuni foqra
mill-im˙abba, l-inqas popolari, forsi
anke antipatiçi g˙alija …

Inti t˙obbni? Minn ‘Volontarja ta’ Dun Bosco’Kemm?
Meta nkun nitkellem man-neputija t’erba’ snin, in˙obb

nistaqsiha kemm t˙obbni. Niggustaha tifta˙ idejha
bera˙ biex turini li t˙obbni tassew!


B’liema mod? Billi ntejbu l-kwalita’
ta’ l-im˙abba! Billi ma nikkuntentawx
b’im˙abba passabbli, imma kull fejn
inkunu n˙obbu kemm nifil˙u, anke
akkost li nwe©©g˙u, b˙al meta l-
im˙abba ma tkunx reçiprokata…
Kul˙add jaf li meta dak li jkun, i˙oss li
hu ma˙bub, iktar hemm çans li jwassal
l-im˙abba lejn ˙addie˙or… Inkunu
g˙alhekk Ωerrieg˙a ta’ m˙abba, li
tikber u tinxtered. Mhuwiex forsi dan
mod konkret tal-mi©ja tas-Saltna t’Alla
fostna, kif nitolbu fil-Missierna?

J’Alla lkoll kemm a˙na ng˙ixu verament
storja ta’ m˙abba… mal-Mulej!

(Dan l-artiklu nkiteb minn tfajla VDB. Il-
Volontarji ta’ Don Bosco huma ferg˙a fi ˙dan
il-Familja Salesjana, fejn tfajliet u ©uvintur
ikkonsagrati lil Alla jwasslu l-ispirtu Salesjan fir-
realtajiet fejn ikunu u mal-persuni li jiltaqg˙u
mag˙hom kuljum. G˙al iktar informazzjoni
dwar il-Volontarji, Ωur is-sit tag˙hom
jew kellem lil xi


Something to think about…
God Said No!
I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No!
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No!
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No!
Patience is a by-product of tribulations© it isn’t granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No!
I give you blessings© happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No!
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No!
You must grow on your own© but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things to enjoy life.
God said, No!
I give you life so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to make me LOVE others as much as He loves me.
God said, Aaahh!…finally you got the idea.


Something to think about…








Kellem, ikteb jew çempel lil :

Sr. Elsa Gretter’s FMA
20, Republic Street,
Victoria VCT 1012
Tel. 21556614

Fr. Louis Grech SDB
Savio College,
Buskett Road,
Dingli DGL 2702
Tel. 21454546

G˙addejt xi ˙in fit-talb dwar dan?

Qatt ˙sibt bis-serjetà jekk tridx issir reli©juΩa jew reli©juΩ?

Óassejt xi darba xewqa li ssir g˙alliema jew g˙alliem?

Qatt ©ie f’mo˙˙ok li forsi tista’ ssir edukattriçi jew edukatur Salesjan?

Tkellimt xi darba fuq dan ma’ min jista’ jmexxik u jispjegalek?


Is-Sehem tal-Madonna
fil-Misteru ta’ Kristu
Missirijiet il-Knisja jsej˙u lill-Madonna bit-
titlu Grieg ta’ ‘Panagia’, ji©ifieri dik li hi
kollha kemm hi qaddisa, u jqimuha b˙ala
dik li hija ˙ielsa minn kull tebg˙a ta’ dnub
g˙ax qisha mag˙©una mill-Ispirtu s-Santu
biex tkun ‘omm Alla’, ‘Theotokos’. Il-
Papa Ìwanni Pawlu II, fl-ençiklika tieg˙u
“Redemptoris Mater” dwar is-sehem tal-
Madonna fil-Misteru ta’ Kristu u tal-Knisja,
fin-numru 8 jikteb: “B’mod tassew speçjali u

eççezzjonali, Marija hi marbuta ma’ Kristu,
u bl-istess mod hi ma˙buba g˙al dejjem
f’dan l-Iben il-Ma˙bub, l-Iben li hu ta’ l-
istess natura tal-Missier, u li fih tin©abar il-
milja kollha tal-glorja tal-grazzja.”

Dan is-sehem tal-Madonna fil-misteru ta’
Kristu komplejna nifhmuh matul il-medda
tas-snin fid-diversi dehriet tag˙ha, fejn
hija dejjem riedet twassal lill-poplu biex
i˙obb iktar lil Binha Ìesu`. Kull dehra tal-
Madonna hija opra ta’ Alla li jrid iwassal

Il-Madonna fil-Misteru ta’ Kristu
u fid-dawl tad-dehriet ta’ Fatima

“…Ag˙mlu kull ma jg˙idilkom hu” (Ìwanni 2, 5)

minn Fr Charles Butti©ie©


dejjem il-messa©© tieg˙u ta’ l-im˙abba:
“G˙ax Alla hekk ˙abb lid-dinja li ta lil Ibnu
l-wa˙dieni, biex kull min jemmen fih ma
jintilifx, iΩda jkollu l-˙ajja ta’ dejjem” (Ìw
Riçentament anke l-˙idma ekumenika
qieg˙da tifhem aktar dan l-g˙arfien dwar
ir-rabta tal-Madonna ma’ Kristu kif naraw
fid-dokument ta’ stqarrija komuni dwar il-
Madonna bit-titlu: “Marija: grazzja u tama
fi Kristu”, im˙ejji mill-‘Anglican-Roman
Catholic International Commission’.

nag˙tu issa ˙arsa lejn il-messa©© tad-
dehriet tal-Madonna ©ewwa Fatima fil-

Id-Dehriet ta’ Fatima
San Girgor nissenu huwa l-ewwel wie˙ed
minn fost Missirijiet il-Knisja li jirrakkonta
d-dehriet tal-Madonna lil San Girgor
Tawmaturgu, li se˙˙ew madwar is-sena
270 W.K. Matul is-snin dawn id-dehriet
tal-Madonna komplew jiΩdiedu, fosthom
f’Gaudalupe, la Salette, lourdes, Portmain,
Knock, Fatima, Banneux u Medjugorje.

B˙all-messa©©i ta’ lourdes tal-1858 li
din is-sena qeg˙din jag˙lqu 150 sena, fil-
messa©©i li tatna l-Madonna fis-sitt dehriet
tag˙ha gewwa Fatima, hija rrikkmandat
dejjem it-talba tar-ruΩarju. Dan kien il-
‘leitmotif’, ji©ifieri l-messa©© kostanti ta’
dawn id-dehriet, li jekk nanalizzawhom
b’mod tajjeb jibqg˙u dejjem marbuta mal-
misteru ta’ Kristu. G˙aliex ir-ruΩarju huwa
talba ispirata mis-salmi tal-Kotba Mqaddsa,
li permezz tieg˙u a˙na nikkontemplaw
lil Kristu flimkien ma’ Marija waqt li
nikkontemplaw il-misteri tas-salvazzjoni

l-ewwel dehra ©ewwa Fatima fir-rebbieg˙a
tal-1916 fuq l-G˙olja, ‘o Cabeco’ qrib
Aljustrel ©ewwa Fatima, tkun id-dehra tal-
an©lu tal-Mulej lil tlitt it-tfal rg˙ajja: luçija,
Fran©isku u Ìjaçinta. Dan l-an©lu ta’ Fatima
b˙all-an©li fil-Bibbja ukoll, jipprepara t-triq
tal-Mulej lil dawn it-tfal u wkoll isellmilhom
˙alli ma jibΩg˙ux. Dan l-istess an©lu, fit-tielet
dehra tieg˙u fil-˙arifa tal-1916, narawh
jag˙ti l-ewkaristija Mqaddsa lil dawn it-tlitt
it-tfal qabel ma bdiet tidher il-Madonna


nnifisha mit-13 ta’ Mejju sal-a˙˙ar dehra,
dik il-kbira tat-13 ta’ ottubru 1917, fejn
se˙˙ il-miraklu tax-xemx u dehret is-Sagra
Familja, San ÌuΩepp, il-Madonna u Ìesu`
quddiem folla ta’ sebg˙in elf ru˙.

F’dawn id-dehriet tidher is-sbu˙ija tal-
Madonna liebsa x-xemx, imsej˙a ‘Is-Sinjura
l-Bajda’ mit-tfal, b˙alma nsibu fl-Apokalissi
12,1: “U deher sinjal kbir fis-sema: Mara,
liebsa x-xemx, bil-qamar ta˙t ri©lejja, u
b’kuruna ta’ tnax-il kewkba fuq rasha”. Din
is-sbu˙ija tal-Madonna tfakkarna fid-dehra
ta’ Kristu fit-Trasfigurazzjoni: “…Wiççu sar
jiddi b˙ax-xemx, u lbiesu sar abjad b˙ad-
dawl” (Mattew 17, 2). Kristu li hu x-xemx
tal-©ustizzja b˙al ma naraw f’Apokalissi
1,16: “…wiççu kien jiddi b˙ax-xemx fl-
eqqel tag˙ha” u G˙erf 7, 29: “G˙ax il-
g˙erf jiddi aktar mix-xemx, u aqwa minn
kull ©emg˙a ta’ kwiekeb, imxebbah mad-
dawl, hu isba˙ minnu”. G˙alhekk mela
dan id-dawl madwar Marija fid-dehriet
ta’ Fatima kien id-dawl ta’ Alla, kif qalet
luçija stess. Anke t-tfajjel Fran©isku jistqarr
li l-ikbar fer˙ fuq kollox kien li jara lil Alla
f’dak id-dawl li l-Madonna kienet qieg˙da
ddawwal fil-qalb tag˙hom.

Infatti l-Madonna fit-tielet dehra tag˙ha,
dik tat-13 ta’ lulju (id-dehra ta’ l-infern),
titlob lit-tfal sabiex jag˙rfu l-im˙abba ta’
Gesu` g˙alihom u sabiex jag˙mlu sagrifiççji
g˙all-midinbin u kull meta jag˙mluhom
g˙andhom jirripetu: “o Ìesu`, a˙na
nitolbu mill-im˙abba tag˙na lejk, g˙all-
konverΩjoni tal-midinbin u g˙at-tpattija
tad-dnubiet kontra il-Qalb Immakulata tal-
Madonna.” Dan kollu li qeg˙din ng˙idu
mela juri tassew li d-dehriet tal-Madonna


Alonso, J.M. – RibeiRo, A.P., Fatima. Messaggio e
Consacrazione, Fatima (Portugal) 71998.

bAumAnn, F., Fatima et le salut du Monde, Mulhouse
(France) 1953.

BeRtetto, D., Maria la serva del Signore, napoli 1988.

ÌwAnni PAwlu ii, Ittra Appostolika, Rosarium Virginis
Mariae, tas-16 ta’ ottubru 2002.

ÌwAnni PAwlu ii, Ittra enciklika, Redemptoris Mater, tas-
7 ta’ Gunju 1987.

lAuRentin, R., The Bible and the Fatima Message, Queen
of Apostles Series 15, Washington (nJ) 1992.

Mary’s Place in Christian Dialogue, A. Stacpoole (ed.),
Middlegreen (england) 1982.

o’CARRoll, M., Theotokos. A Theological encyclopedia
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Washington - Delaware

PAssARelli, G., l’icona della Madre di Dio, con inno
Akathistos, Milano 1992.

jservu sabiex juru u jxandru lil Kristu lid-

Il-Beatitudini tal-Madonna
F’Marija g˙andna l-garanzija ta’ fer˙ li
niltaqg˙u u naraw lil Kristu g˙ax kienet hi stess
li laqg˙etu tassew ̇ aj fil-©uf tag˙ha: “Óenjin
dawk li huma safja f’qalbhom, g˙ax huma
jaraw lil Alla” (Mattew 5, 8). ejjew a˙na wkoll
permezz tal-Madonna, flimkien ma’ San
ÌuΩepp, induru lejn dik il-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’
Gesu` li hija mimlija tassew im˙abba g˙alina.
Kollox ©ej minn Alla, id-dinja in˙alqet mill-
im˙abba ta’ Alla u a˙na ©ejna ma˙luqa biex
nibqg˙u g˙al dejjem f’din l-im˙abba u naslu
g˙and Alla. G˙alhekk mela, id-dehriet tal-
Madonna minn Ωmien g˙all-ie˙or, f’postijiet
differenti fid-dinja, huma mezz biex a˙na
naslu g˙and Kristu. Hija nfatti tg˙idilna: “…
Ag˙mlu kull ma jg˙idilkom Hu” (Ìwanni 2,


Fl-ittra pastorali tieg˙u g˙ar-Randan, il-Prelat ta’ Hong Kong j˙e©©e© lill-fidili tieg˙u biex jg˙inu lill-foqra. Il-Kardinal
Joseph Zen (Salesjan) jikkonferma dak li qal
il-Papa Benedettu XVI biex, waqt ir-Randan,
il-Kattoliçi jg˙inu billi jag˙mlu karità. Huwa
jirrakkonta kif il-familja tieg˙u hekk ©iet salvata
mill-©u˙, b’att ta’ karità.

F’din l-ittra ta’ l-1 ta’ Frar l-isqof ta’ Hong
Kong j©ib quddiem g˙ajnejh esperjenza li ç-
çkejken Joseph Zen (huwa stess) kellu meta
kien tifel.

‘Kien meta invadew Xang-hai,’ il-kardinal
ftakar, ‘Il-papa` tieg˙i tag˙tu puplesija u kien
marid. Kien hemm sebg˙a fil-familja tag˙na u
˙amsa minna kienu g˙adhom imorru l-iskola...
Kollha riedu jieklu. F’©urnata kies˙a tax-xitwa,
meta barra kienet nieΩla l-borra, lkoll bqajna
fis-sodda biex nibqg˙u s˙an. Konna bil-©u˙ u
kull ma stajna na˙sbu kien – “Tg˙id ikollna ross
x’nieklu llum?”’

‘Missieri ˙ares lejn l-arlo©© u g˙ajjatli biex
inqum. ommi qalet, “nieΩla l-borra. Il-pett
taΩ-Ωarbun tieg˙ek, tal-plastik, maqsum. Jekk
tixxarrab tie˙u ri˙. oqg˙od id-dar u itlob.”’

‘Imma missieri qal, “Inti tmur il-quddies
kuljum. Titlifiex illum. J’Alla l-Mulej jag˙tina
˙obΩna ta’ kuljum.” U hekk, missieri reba˙ il-
©urnata.,” ftakar il-Kardinal ta’ sitta u sebg˙in
sena mwieled f’Xang-˙ai. ‘G˙amilt il-qalb u
r˙ejtilha lejn il-knisja fejn g˙ent il-quddiesa

b˙as-soltu. Meta kont lest biex immur lura
lejn id-dar, ra©el imda˙˙al fiΩ-Ωmien g˙a©©el
warajja. Kien Zhou Chi Yao, mag˙ruf minn
kul˙add.’ Il-Kardinal spjega kif missieru u
Zhou kienu soltu jmorru l-quddies kuljum.
G˙alkemm kienu biss isellmu lil xulxin, kienu
j©ibu rispett lil xulxin b˙al a˙wa, fil-Mulej.
Dan ix-xi˙, mela, qal lil Joseph, ‘Óabib çkejken
tieg˙i, inti m’intix it-tifel ta’ Zen en Ìou?’

‘Iva’, qallu t-tifel.
‘Imn’alla ltqajt mieg˙ek’, qal Zhou. ‘Kif

inhu missierek? Ilu ˙afna ma jkun il-knisja.’
Fl-Ittra tar-Randan, il-Kardinal jiftakar li

kien tkellem mieg˙u fuq is-sitwazzjoni tal-
familja tieg˙u, u kif ir-ra©el ˙adu d-dar tieg˙u,
˙are© balla flus, g˙oddhom, geΩwirhom u
tag˙homlu f’idu. U qallu, ‘og˙qod attent, u
˙u dawn lil missierek.’

B’dawn il-flus, il-Kardinal ikompli jg˙id, il-
familja kellha biΩΩejjed biex twassal g˙al ˙afna

‘l-id ix-xellugija ta’ Zhou ma kinetx taf
x’qieg˙da tag˙mel il-leminija tieg˙u!’ kiteb il-
Kardinal, ‘B˙alma nsibu miktub fil-Van©elu’.

B’dan il-mod, il-Prelat ta’ Hong Kong
˙e©©e© lill-Kattoliçi sabiex jimxu fuq l-
eΩempju tax-xwejja˙ Zhou. “Ma g˙andniex
g˙alfejn ninkwetaw g˙all-flus,” jinkora©©ixxi
l-Kardinal. “Inserr˙u rasna meta nag˙mlu dak
li nistg˙u. Ìesu` fa˙˙ar lill-armla li tat Ωew©
˙abbiet Ωg˙ar.”

Il-futur Kardinal Zen
jibbenefika mill-karità


Young People

At the end of March, 37 young people from
different parts of europe met each other at
Savio College, Dingli. The patricipants came
from Germany, Austria, Belgium, netherlands,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, UK
and Malta. All of them form part of the Don
BoscoYouth net (DBYn), a Salesian youth
organization that facilitates networking and
training for volunteer youth workers.

They came to learn new skills, share good
practice and make international contacts. For
one week they were empowered and inspired
to manage new international youth projects
from inception to post-evaluation.

Through workshops, seminars, simulation
games and other alternative methods the

young people learned skills that will help them
to put into practice new youth initiatives in
their own countries, and how to get grants for
it from the Youth in Action programme of the
european Union.

Besides that, the participants had the
opportunity to get to know the diversity of
cultures through intercultural activities and to
make new friends in other european countries.

The training course was partly funded by
the european Union under Action 4.3 of the
Youth in Action Programme, while the Salesian
Pastoral Youth Service (SPYS) hosted this

Watch out as new projects may be
coming soon!

in action


On the morning of 25th March 2008, the members of the General Chapter of the Salesians, in Rome, in the first scrutiny,
confirmed Don Pascual Chávez Villanueva as
Rector Major of the Salesians for the six-year
term 2008-2014 (born on the 20th December
1947 in Real de Catorce). After having got to
know the Salesians, his intention to follow Don
Bosco ripened. He made his first Salesian religious
profession on the 16th August 1964 and, in 1970,
his perpetual profession at Guadalajara. Having
always been in the State capital of Jalisco, he
received his diaconate on the 10th of March 1973
and was ordained priest
on the 8th of December
1973. In 1975, he studied
at the Biblicum Institute
in Rome and obtained
his licentiate in Sacred
Scripture in 1977.

He taught and was
Rector at the Theological
Institute of San Pedro
Tlaquepaque from 1980
to 1988 and was asked to be the Provincial of
the Salesians in Mexico-Guadalajara from 1989 to
1994. At the end of his term of office he began
his Doctorate in Biblical Theology, finishing it in
Salamanca in Spain in 1997. During the General
Chapter 24, in 1996, though not being a member
of the Chapter, he was invited by the Rector
Major, don Juan edmundo Vecchi, to take charge
as Councillor for the Interamerica region. on the
3rd of April 2002, during the GC25, Don Pascual
Chávez Villanueva was elected Rector Major of
the Salesians at the first ballot, becoming the 9th
successor of Don Bosco after Don Vecchi retired
in January of the same year.

In his first term Don Chávez strongly felt the need
to take the Salesian charism to more authentic
spiritual levels and Salesian commitment to
the more needy frontiers of actual society and
culture. His Circulars were much appreciated,
switching between those presenting the regions
into which the Congregation was subdivided
and offering journeys of reflection and in depth
on the themes of holiness, the Word of God and
Religious life.

The various awards “Honoris Causa” received in
the course of these years were always accompanied

by magisterial letters
of considerable value.
Don Chávez has felt the
need, during his first
term of office, to visit
all the Provinces and
Vice-provinces of the
Congregation, to make
them bearers of the smile
and of the hope given by
Don Bosco. He carried the
deep conviction of the

reality and authenticity of the Consecrated life
with him in his commitment to Religious life,
after being nominated “ad quinquennium” by
John Paul II as a member of the Congregation for
the Institutes of Consecrated life and the Societies
of Apostolic life. After having been a member
of the executive Council and of the Theological
Commission, he was elected President of the
Union of Superiors General in november 2006.
In his capacity as Rector Major of the Salesians,
he has taken part in the General Conference of
the latin-American and Caribbean Bishops which
was held in May 2007 at Aparecida in Brasil.

We wish him well and pray for him.

Election of the Rector Major
of the Salesians


On Thursday 27th March, during the
proceedings of the general Chapter of
the Salesians in Rome, there was the
electionof the members of the Superior
Council. As new Councillor for Youth
Pastoral for the whole Congregation,
a maltese was elected . He is Fr. Fabio

“I accept with humility” said Don
Fabio, the new Councillor for Youth
Pastoral, who was elected in the first
ballot, in the reply to the question of
the President of the Chapter Assembly.
He succeeds Don Antonio Domenech.

Don Fabio, Councillor of the
Provincial Delegation in Malta, which
is part of the Province of Ireland, was
born on the 23rd of March 1959 in Gozo
and was professed as a Salesian on the
8th of September 1980 in Dublin where
he made his novitiate. He received the
diaconate on the 11th of July 1986
and priesthood on the 4th of July the
following year, in Rome.

After having worked in Tunisia for
3 years, Fr. Fabio was Rector in Sliema,
Malta, of “St Alphonsus” first, and
then of “St Patrick” where he was
much appreciated. He then continued
his studies in Rome, where he received
his degree in Moral Theology at the

He is at present the Rector of the
Institute of Pastoral Formation, which
he founded in 2005 in the Archdiocese
of Malta.

We are proud of Fr. Fabio and we
promise to sustain him with our prayers
and with our fidelity to Don Bosco.

I accept with

The new Councillor
for Youth Pastoral



Fl-a˙˙ar numru ta’ “˙ajja Salesjana”
kont tajtkom informazzjoni fuq il-Kapitlu

Ìenerali tas-Salesjani li kien g˙addej
©ewwa Ruma. Kif kont g˙edtilkom ukoll,
kellha ssir l-g˙aΩla ta’ dawk is-Superjuri,

mexxejja tad-diversi dikasteri jew
inkarigati mid-diversi re©juni tad-dinja,

li mar-Rettur Ma©©ur jiffurmaw il-Kunsill
tas-Superjuri li jmexxi lis-Soçjetà Salesjana

fil-˙idmiet kollha tag˙ha. Issa li dan
il-Kapitlu spiçça, nixtieq nippreΩentalkom
fil-qosor lil dawn in-nies li ©ew eletti mill-

membri tal-Kapitlu. Dawn l-elezzjonijiet
saru bejn il-25 u 28 ta’ Marzu li g˙adda.

nibdew bir-Rettur Ma©©ur, Dun Pascual
Chaves Villanueva
, li g˙al darba o˙ra,
unanimament, ©ie ma˙tur Superjur Ìenerali
g˙as-sitt snin li ©ejjin. Huwa twieled fl-20 ta’
Diçembru 1947 f’ Real de Catorce, Potosi`,
Messiku. Fl-ewwel sitt snin tieg˙u b˙ala

Superjur, Don Chaves ˙adem sabiex ipo©©i
l-kariΩma Salesjana f’livell spiritwali g˙oli u
j˙e©©e© lis-Salesjani ja˙dmu aktar f’dawk l-
oqsma fejn hemm l-aktar faqar u bΩonn. Óass
ukoll il-bΩonn li jΩur il-Provinçji Salesjani kollha
tad-dinja, jitlobhom juru liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ il-wiçç
ferrie˙i ta’ Dun Bosco, li tieg˙u huwa d-disa’

B˙ala Vigarju tar-Rettur Ma©©ur re©a’ ©ie elett
dak li kien hemm qabel, çoe` Dun Adriano
Huwa twieled f’Cona (Venezja) fl-
1948 u ordna saçerdot fl-1978. Kien Provinçjal
fil-provinçja ta’ Venezja u wara Kunsillier tar-
Re©jun ta’ l-Italja u lvant nofsani. Huwa g˙andu
d-dover li jassisti lir-Rettur Ma©©ur fil-gvern u fl-
animazzjoni tas-Soçjetà Salesjana waqt li jie˙u
˙sieb il-˙ajja reli©juΩa u d-dixxiplina. Huwa
wkoll inkarigat mill-Familja Salesjana fil-ferg˙at
kollha tag˙ha. It-tielet membru tal-Kunsill li ©ie
elett kien l-ekonomu Ìenerali. Hawn, b’sorpriΩa

Tmexxija Ìdida
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana

minn Fr. Joe Cini SDB


kbira imma li tat ˙afna fer˙, ©ie elett Salesjan
lajk (lay Brother) li jismu Claudio Marangio.
Huwa twieled f’ Busto Arsizio (Varese) fl-1965.
Studja l-ispiritwalità fl-Università Salesjana ta’
Ruma u wara ˙a lawrja fl-ekonomija. Hu kien
diga` l-ekonomu tal-Provinçja tal-Pjemonte u
Valle D’Aosta u kien fil-Kapitlu Generali b˙ala
mistieden speçjali tar-Rettur Ma©©ur.

Wara kien imiss l-elezzjoni tal-Kunsillier g˙all-
Formazzjoni, u ©ie kkonfermat fil-kariga l-
istess wie˙ed li kien hemm, Fr. Francesco
. Huwa MilaniΩ u g˙andu 57 sena. Kien
Provinçjal u Superjur tal-komunitajiet li ja˙dmu
fl-Università Salesjana ta’ Ruma sakemm ma
©iex ma˙tur Kunsillier g˙all-Formazzjoni.
Ta˙tu jin©abru id-djar kollha ta’ formazzjoni
(novizzjati, studentati, eçç) bil-programmi
kollha tag˙hom.

Il-Kunsillier li se jie˙u ˙sieb il-Missjonijiet
Salesjani mad-dinja jismu Dun Vaclav
Dan g˙ex l-ewwel 26 sena ta’ ˙ajtu
ta˙t re©im komunista fir-Repubblika Çeka. Sar
Salesjan bil-mo˙bi u beda jistudja g˙al saçerdot,
bil-mo˙bi. Óarab ma’ ˙uh u wasal Ruma fejn
©ie milqug˙ mis-Salesjani u kompla l-istudji
tieg˙u. G˙adda xi snin b˙ala missjunarju fil-
Koreja sakemm sar Superjur Re©junali tal-Asia
ta’ lvant u l-oçejanja.

G˙andna g˙aliex inkunu kburin li fost il-
Kunsillieri tal-Kapitlu, insibu g˙all-ewwel darba
Salesjan Malti, Dun Fabio Attard. Huwa
kien fil-Kapitlu mal-Provinçjal tag˙na biex
jirrapreΩenta lill-Provinçja tag˙na (Irlanda-
Malta). Dun Fabio twieled fl-1959 f’Victoria
(Gozo), studja Ruma u l-Irlanda u g˙andu
degree fit-teolo©ija morali. Id-dover tieg˙u
sejjer ikun l-animazzjoni s˙i˙a taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ fi
˙dan il-Moviment Ûg˙aΩag˙ Salesjani.

l-a˙˙ar membru tal-Kunsill, g˙alkemm mhux
l-anqas, huwa dak li g˙andu d-dikasteru tal-

Komunikazzjoni Soçjali fi ˙dan is-Soçjetà
Salesjana. Huwa jismu Dun Filiberto
Gonzalez Plasencia
, u twieled f’Milpillas
(Tepatitlan) fil-Messiku fl-1954. Óadem man-
novizzi u maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, u huwa gradwat fil-
komunikazzjoni soçjali. Kien il-Provinçjal tal-
Messiku – Guadalajara. Ta˙t ir-responsabbilta`
tieg˙u sejjer ikollu il-mezzi kollha ta’
komunikazzjoni, mill-istampar ta’ sempliçi
fuljetti sa stazzjonijiet tar-radju u TV, kif ukoll
a©enziji Salesjani ta’ informazzjoni.

Dawn is-seba’ Superjuri li semmejna hawn
fuq, jiffurmaw il-Kunsill tas-Superjuri. Sabiex
ikunu jafu x’qieg˙ed ji©ri fid-dinja Salesjana,
u sabiex id-direttivi tag˙hom jitwettqu, huma
mg˙ejjunin minn tmien Superjuri o˙ra li jissej˙u
“Re©junali”. Dawn ukoll ji©u mag˙Ωula waqt
il-Kapitlu Ìenerali. Hekk dawk li ©ew imsej˙a
sabiex iwettqu din il-missjoni –
• Dun Stefan Turansky (Slovakk) g˙ar-re©jun

ta’ l-ewropa ta’ Fuq u ta’ lvant
• Dun Jose Miguel nunez Moreno (Spanjol)

g˙all-ewropa tal-Punent
• Dun Pier Fausto Frisoli (Taljan)
g˙all-Italja u lvant nofsani
• Dun Guillermo luis Basanes (Ar©entin)

g˙all-Afrika u Madagaskar
• Dun Maria Arokiam Kanaga (Indjan) g˙all-

Asja t’Isfel
• Dun Andrew Wong (Filippino)
g˙all-Asja ta’ lvant u l-oçejanja
• Dun esteban Antonio ortiz Gonzalez g˙all-

Amerika ta’ Fuq u tan-nofs
• Dun natale Vitali (Taljan) g˙all-Amerika


Dawn kollha jiltaqg˙u darbtejn fis-sena
(xitwa u sajf) ©ewwa d-Dar Ìenerali f’Ruma,
g˙al madwar xahrejn, sabiex jikkordinaw ix-
xog˙ol kollu tag˙hom u jaraw il-˙ti©ijiet tal-
Kongregazzjoni. Ix-xhur l-o˙ra ikunu qeg˙din
jiΩvol©u l-missjoni tag˙hom fid-diversi pajjiΩi
tad-dinja skond il-˙tie©a.


By Renzo Allegri

The Mystic of the

Do you think that such a mission is also
valid in our time? Are people interested in
an experience like this one nowadays?
When saintliness is authentic and not just ap-
parent, the message it sends forth goes beyond
time, it is always contemporary. Saints are always
contemporary because they utter words, which
even if they sometimes need to be translated,
touch the heart, which always remains the same,
in every era.
Alessandrina rouses the people of today with
her prophetic charge. She calls for an analogy
with Padre Pio, another living expression of the
Cross. His recent canonisation interested millions
of people. Who would say that lives of this kind
(they were contemporaries) haven’t captured the
interest of modern-day folk?

How far-reaching is her saintly
Without a doubt it is very widespread. People
write to me from all over the world© at times even
doctors and academics who wish to study thor-
oughly specific aspects of her experience, such as
her mysterious fast. There is a constant demand
for holy pictures and relics, not to mention the
many graces obtained thanks to her intercession.
Her tomb (in the parish church of Balasar in Por-
tugal) is the destination for continuous pilgrim-
ages. I have been told that 30,000 pilgrims visit
every month.

At what stage is the Cause for her beati-
The diocesan inquiry into her virtue began in
1967, 12 years after her death, and was con-
cluded in 1973. Alessandrina was declared Vener-
able by the Church in 1995. An alleged miracle,
which occurred in France in 1983 is now being
investigated by experts. It involves a sick person
struck by Parkinson’s disease, who was inexpli-
cably cured. The medical-scientific investigation
is underway and should shortly be concluded.
The judgement given by the Congregation for the
Causes of Saints
is being awaited in order to find
out if and when Alessandrina’s case can be pre-
sented to the Pope for her beatification. (End of

A Case for Sainthood
next 13th october marks the 53rd anniversary of
the death of Alessandrina Maria da Costa, the
Portuguese mystic whose spiritual profile we have
traced through an interview with Father Pasquale
liberatore, the Salesian priest who is the Postula-
tor for the cause of Alessandrina’s beatification.
on Thursday 13 october 1955, Alessandrina was
51 years and seven months old. For some time,
Jesus had revealed the date of her death to her in
their mystic conversations and Alessandra often
repeated this revelation to the people who visited
her. “I’ll be in heaven soon,” she used to say. In-
forming her visitors of the date, her face would

The life and spirituality of Alessandrina Maria da Costa, the Portuguese woman who
was bed-ridden for over 30 years, and for the last thirteen years lived on the Eucharist
alone. Alessandrina was a Salesian Cooperator, and her spiritual director was the
Salesian priest, Fr.Umberto Pasquale


light up with a radiant smile because she was
happy to die on 13th october, the anniversary of
the last apparition of our lady in Fatima. What is
more, 13th october fell on a Thursday that year,
and Thursday was Alessandrina’s favourite day
because it reminded her of Holy Thursday, the
feast which solemnly commemorates the institu-
tion of the eucharist and is the oldest of the ob-
servances peculiar of Holy Week.

As the due date approached, Alessandrina’s joy
increased. She also seemed to be a bit anxious,
just like someone who is preparing for a very
important trip. on 12th october the day before
her death, she asked her sister Diolinda, who
looked after her day and night, to make three
phone calls© one to her mother who had gone
to the seaside for a cure, to return home immedi-
ately© one to her confessor, Fr. Gomez to thank
him for everything he had done for her© and a
third phone call to her dear friend Anna Pimenta,
who had expressed the desire several times to be
present at the moment of her death.

Heaven awaits
At 8.00 a.m. on 13th october, Alessandrina took
Communion as always. Around 9.00 a.m., a
group of people who had travelled from afar to
greet her were shown into her room. At 11 a.m.,
Dr. Manuel Augusto Diaz de Azevedo, her doctor,
arrived and Alessandrina immediately said to him:

“I am happy because I’ll be in heaven soon.” The
afternoon passed and she continued to repeat
the same phrase. As evening approached, her
sister Diolinda was convinced that Alessandrina
wasn’t going to die, and so when she heard “I’ll
be in heaven soon” for the nth time, she replied,
“Yes, you will, but not now.” Alessandrina replied
smiling, “Yes, now” and her head fell back as she
took her last breath. The time was 8.29 p.m.
The news of her death spread immediately, and
that very night people began to arrive to view her
body and pray. The flow of the devoted increased
the next day, and to everyone’s surprise, there
was an influx of people not just from Balasar and
nearby towns, but also from other Portuguese cit-
ies, such as Braga and Porto, showing how wide-
spread her reputation for sanctity was.

The funeral took place on 15th october at 10.00
a.m. The parish church was filled with the faith-
ful as well as forty priests. Her tomb immediately
became a destination of the faithful, in particular
for the ill who visited to ask for a favour. People
trusted her and miraculous healings shortly ma-
terialised. Two years after her death, the devoted
started to build a chapel in the cemetery where
her mortal remains were laid to rest. In 1978, as
her reputation for saintliness spread even more,
her remains were transferred to the parish church
and placed next to the main altar where they re-
main to this day. (to be continued)


Fr Pasquale Liberatore with Pope John Paul II

The liturgical icon principally represents
Christ. An image could not represent
the invisible God. But as a result of the
Incarnation, God has made himself visible
in the flesh and has lived with men and
so an image of what has been seen of God
can be made to help in contemplation.
Christian iconography expresses in images
the same Gospel message that Scripture
communicates by words. Image and
word illuminate each other. However, all
the signs in the liturgical celebrations,
including images of our
Lady and of the saints,
are related to Christ as
well. They point to Christ,
who is glorified in them.

St. John Damascene
says: “The beauty of
the images moves me
to contemplation, as a
meadow delights the
eyes and subtly infuses
the soul with the glory of

“Icon” is a Greek
word meaning ‘image’,
and, just as the Greek
Orthodox Church thinks
of itself as the heavenly
kingdom’s reflection
upon the earth, so does it regard icons as
the images of the personages and scenes
represented on them. The icon could be
said to have reached perfection in the
Byzantine world.

Christian art was introduced to Russia
at a relatively late date. It was only in 988
that Vladimir, Prince of Kiev, adopted

the Greek Orthodox form of Christianity
as the official religion of his principality.
Vladimir ordered the destruction of all
pagan objects of worship. The art of
Constantinople became also that of Kiev.
Vladimir drew some of the prelates and
craftsmen from Bulgaria, but the bulk came
from Byzantium, and as he was in a hurry
to provide his principality with numerous
churches of sufficient magnificence to
win over his people, Russian craftsmen
were appointed to assist the Byzantine

masters in carrying
out the ruler’s wishes.
In Kiev great churches
were built with amazing
speed and adorned with
sumptuous mosaics and

Icons were among
the first of the
religious objects which
Vladimir imported
from Byzantium. The
Russians, however, were
able to give the icon a
new national flavour
and they produced some
of the finest examples of
the art.

Icons were primarily
produced for use in churches and for
carrying in processions, the latter being
generally painted on both sides of the
board. These early icons were generally
fairly large in size, but with the introduction
of the elaborate iconostasis they tended
to become smaller. The iconostasis served
both as a screen separating the body of

An icon is a representation of the Lord, the Virgin Mary or a saint, painted

on a wall or a wooden panel. Icons are the sacred pictures of the Greek
Orthodox Church corresponding to the statues of the West.


the church from the apses in which the
altar stood and also, as its name implies,
as a stand for icons.

In Moscow from the fifteenth century
onwards, a demand arose for smaller
icons for use in the small private chapels,
which were being built in large numbers
throughout the capital. The growing
prosperity of the Muscovites also rendered
the personal ownership of icons possible,
and it became usual then to place an icon
in the far right-hand corner of each room,
as well as at the head of each bed in the
house. In the 14th century, the custom
arose to stud an especially beloved icon
with jewels. This was followed soon after
by the introduction of metal frames or
metal casings covering all but the faces
and hands of the figures.

The icons in Russia date from the 14th
to the 17th centuries, many belonging to
the School of Novgorod, once the cultural
centre of Russia. Other sources include the
renowned schools of Rublev and Dionysus.

Novgorod had had a fortunate history,
for of all the great towns of mediaeval
Russia it alone had been spared the Mongol
invasion of 1244. Only in this unoccupied
corner could art develop free and
untrammeled and thus, Novgorod served
throughout the next three centuries as
Russia’s cultural centre, playing much the
same part in the history of Russian art, as
does Tuscany in that of Italy

The Novgorodian artists had looked to
Byzantium for guidance but they quickly
began to express their own taste and
feelings in their works. At first the main
difference was one of mood. To counteract
the rising wave of pagan sentiment the
church became imbued with a crusading
spirit and a tinge of the church’s militant
zeal is often discerned in the faces of the
saints of the early paintings. Yet their
ardour is gentle and serene, with little
of the Byzantine severity about it. The
Byzantine oval faces are more pronounced
and colours more vivid.

(from “Newsletter”, Parish for English Speaking
Catholics, No.150)


On ThE 150 annIvERSaRy Of ThE aPPaRITIOnS Of OuR LaDy aT LOuRDES

Final Appearances
The final appearance of Our Lady to Bernadette,
the eighteenth, happened on 16th of July, the Feast
of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the evening at
about 7 p.m. Direct access to the grotto was still at
that time being denied by barricades; Bernadette
knelt opposite the Grotto, on the other side of the
river. It was again a low key and silent affair for the
onlookers. She went into ecstasy as she started the
rosary, clearly joyous at seeing Our Blessed Lady,
saying that ‘she was more beautiful than ever.” On
completion she stood up – it was over. Her only
comment on the way home was, “I saw neither
the barriers nor the Gave. It seemed to me that I
was in the grotto, no more distant than the other
times. I saw only the Holy Virgin.”

From “Lourdes” by D.Baldwin – CTS –

Don Bosco,

Inti kont imqanqal mill-Ispirtu s-Santu,
bl-g˙ajnuna ta’ Ommna marija,
sabiex tag˙ti sehmek g˙as-salvazzjoni taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

Inti kont mog˙ti lilna mill-mulej b˙ala missier u g˙alliem,
u tajtna pro©ett mill-isba˙ g˙all- ˙ajja
fil-motto tieg˙ek “Ag˙tini l-erwie˙ u Ωomm li jibqa’ ”.

Imnebba˙ minn Alla, int g˙addejtilna
spirtu ewlieni ta’ ˙ajja u ta’ ˙idma,
li l-qalba tag˙hom hija l-karita` pastorali.

Ag˙mel li qalbna tkun imkebbsa
bin-nar tal-˙e©©a u qawmien evan©eliku
sabiex inkunu sinjali kredibbli ta’ l-im˙abba ta’ Alla

Ag˙mel li nag˙rfu nilqg˙u b’serenita` u fer˙
il-˙ti©ijiet ta’ kuljum u s-sagrifiççji tal-˙idma tag˙na
g˙all-glorja ta’ Alla u s-salvazzjoni ta’ l-erwie˙.

Ag˙mel li l-Kapitlu Generali jg˙inna
insa˙˙u l-identita` kariΩmatika tag˙na
u jqajjem fina ˙e©©a apostolika.


Talba lil San Ìwann Bosco
(Fl-okkaΩjoni tal-Kapitlu Ìenerali tas-Salesjani)


. P




















