Salesian Bulletin (Malta) No. 224 Mar-Apr 2012

Hajja Salesjana MARZU - APRIL 2012il-224 Óar©a

Is-Sens tal-Quddiesa

Haiti Sena Wara
Bukkett Ward A˙mar

You may kiss the cross

The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in
the background a stylised “S” (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two
cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an
arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three
closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde
and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three
stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation)
or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion,
loving kindness).

The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor,
the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales
recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the
Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which
members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are
emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi
animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian’s ideal.

Óajja Salesjana
St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,
Sliema SLM 1925 – MALTA
Tel. (+356) 2133 0238 / (+00356) 9986 1586

Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja˙ b’diversi ismijiet, ji©i
stampat f’56 edizzjoni u f’ 29 ilsien madwar id-
dinja u huwa mxerred fi 131 nazzjon

Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB
Director/ Editor: Fr. Joseph Cini SDB
Editorial Board : Margaret Buhagiar,
Andre Camilleri, Josie Grech.
Office: Eileen Alden, Joyce Scicluna.
Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema.

Tista taqra ˙ajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter:

Fuqiex se naqraw

Front Cover: It-tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ huma r-ra©uni
li g˙aliha jeΩistu s-Salesjani

Nitg˙allmu nkellmuhom 7
Haiti sena wara 9
Salesian numbers 13
Brief life of St. John Bosco 14
You may kiss the cross 16
Il-Óalliel it-Tajjeb 20
Need washing 21
Malta Salesjana 22
Quddiem Kurçifiss 24
Confession is about the future 26
Óar©a ma’ tal-iskola 29
Is-sens tal-quddiesa 30
A story that needs to be told 31
Bukkett ward a˙mar 32

Editorjal / Pedago©ija / Calendar of events /
Something to think about / Don Bosco Around the World

Errata: Fl-a˙˙ar edizzjoni ta’ Hajja Salesjana (no.223) fil-

pa©na 28, l-isem ta˙t l-istampa tal-pittur irid ikun Lazzaro

Pisani u mhux Stefano Erardi.

3Hajja Salesjana


Il-˙ajja hija vja©© li jg˙addi mid-diversi stu©uni
– Ωmien li titwieled u Ωmien li tmut; Ωmien li
t˙awwel, u Ωmien li ta˙sad l-im˙awwel; Ωmien li
tibki, u Ωmien li tid˙ak- (Ko˙.3). Dawn id-diversi
esperjenzi jfissru l-˙ajja tag˙na. Fi tmiem il-jum
nippruvaw nsibu s-sens ta’ dan kollu u nintilfu fit-
tfixxija tat-tifsira.

Ir-ritmu tal-˙ajja jaqleb minn dak li naraw
g˙al dak li ma jidhirx; dak li nmissu g˙al dak li
ma nistg˙ux na˙tfu; dak li qieg˙ed quddiemna
g˙al dak li qieg˙ed lil hinn minna; dak li jitfhiem
g˙al dak li jibqa mhux mag˙ruf. Quddiem din is-
sitwazzjoni, je˙tie©ilna nsibu direzzjoni. Sej˙a
divina mil-©ewwieni tag˙na ssej˙ilna g˙al triq
li tmexxina lejn mod ta’ ˙ajja ie˙or: lejn s˙u˙ija,
bog˙od mis-sempliçi esistenza.

G˙alina li nemmnu u nimxu wara Kristu, Huwa
di©à ˙aΩΩes g˙alina mod prattiku ta’ kif ng˙ixu

Óajjitna fil-milja tag˙ha. Fil-kelma tieg˙u insibu
l-mappa li turina t-triq lejn is-sbu˙ija, il-verità, il-
ma˙fra, il-paçi u l-fer˙.

Meta nibdew mexjin fuq dil-mappa, niltaqg˙u
ukoll mag˙na nfusna. Hemm, fil-fond tal-essri
tag˙na, tinsab il-vera identità tag˙na – li a˙na
wlied Alla, u b˙ala tali, maqtug˙in minnu, ma
nistg˙u nag˙mlu xejn. Il-˙ajja tibda verament
fejn hemm Alla. Biss meta niltaqg˙u ma’ Alla
l-˙aj fi Kristu nag˙rfu x’hini l-˙ajja vera, g˙aliex
ming˙ajru xejn ma jag˙mel sens. Huwa forsi
possibli li tapprezza pittura ming˙ajr ma tistma
lill-artist ?

Ma’ Marija, jmissna nbaxxu rasna, nammettu
il-limiti tag˙na u nistqarru - ikun minni skond
kelmtek, Mulej.

Fr Charlie Said SDB


Mi©budin mid-Dawl
ta’ Kristu

4 Hajja Salesjana


Life is a journey that unfolds through various
seasons - a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to reap the harvest;
a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to
seek and a time to lose - (Ecclesiastes 3). These
different experiences will eventually print-out our
own biography. As each day fades away we try to
make sense of all that is and involve ourselves in
the search for meaning.

Life's rhythm swings away between that which
we see and that which we cannot see; that which
we touch and that which cannot be grasped; that
which is in the here and now and that which is in
the beyond; that which is understood and that
which remains a mystery. Faced by this reality we
are urged to take a direction. An internal divine
calling attracts us towards a path which will lead
us gently into a different way of being - the path
to wholeness, one which moves us away from
merely existing.

For us believers and disciples of Jesus, our
Lord and master has already drafted for us a
practical way of living life in its fullness. In His
word we find the map that leads us towards
beauty, truth, forgiveness, peace and happiness.

The deeper we search the easier it is to
encounter our true selves. There in the depths of
our being lies our true identity - we are children
of God and as such apart from Him we can do
nothing. Only where God is seen does life truly
begin. Only when we meet the living God in Christ
do we know what life is. Without Him, nothing
holds, nothing makes sense. Is it possible to
appreciate a painting without acknowledging the

I pray that with Mary we may bow our heads,
admit our limitations and acclaim - let it be done
to me according to Your word.

Fr Charlie Said SDB




Attracted by the light
of Christ

5Hajja Salesjana

Minn Pascual Chávez Villanueva – Trad. Joe Cini

Silta dwar l-ewwel snin tal-Oratorju veru
tqanqalna. “Dun Bosco dejjem kellu x’jag˙mel.
Billi ma kienx tal-fehma li jkollu seftura, hu u
ommu kienu jag˙mlu x-xog˙ol tad-dar kollu.
Mamma Margerita kienet tie˙u ˙sieb it-tisjir,
il-˙asil u traqqieg˙ tal-˙wejje© tat-tfal, waqt li
Dun Bosco jkompli kull ma kien hemm bΩonn...
Filg˙odu kien jara li s-subien jin˙aslu sew, liΩ-
Ωg˙ar jippetnalhom xag˙arhom jew jaqtag˙ulhom,
jg˙inhom jifirxu s-sodda, jiknes il-kmamar u
l-kappella ç-çkejkna. Mamma Margerita tkebbes
in-nar waqt li hu jmur i©ib l-ilma mil-bir u jnaddaf
il-qam˙ jew ir-ross. Xi drabi jqaxxar il-piΩelli jew

il-patata. Spiss kien ilesti l-mejda u ja˙sel il-platti
u l-borom li xi ©ar twajjeb kien xi kultant isellfu.
Meta kien hemm il-bΩonn kien isewwi l-bankijiet
u jaqta’ l-˙atab. Sabiex ukoll jiffranka fuq l-ilbies,
sikwit kien i˙it xi qalziet jew ©akketta; bil-
g˙ajnuna ta’ ommu kien kapaçi jlesti libsa ta’ tifel
fi ftit sig˙at.” (Memorie Biografiche III, 254).

L-istorja ta’ ˙ajtu tg˙idilna kif beda l-missjoni
tieg˙u mat-tfal fis-snin 40, ˙afna minnhom
mitluqin g˙al ri˙hom. Fil-bidu kien xog˙ol
pastorali, imma malajr sar xog˙ol soçjali
permezz ta’ assistenza, tag˙lim u edukazzjoni,
sabiex iwie©eb g˙all-bΩonnijiet tag˙hom kollha,

Insiru nafu lil Dun Bosco 2

Nar I˙e©©e©
Twe©iba g˙all-bΩonnijiet tat-tfal ‘fqar u abbandunati’, b’˙arsa ‘l quddiem miftu˙a fuq
id-dinja taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙

6 Hajja Salesjana

materjali u spiritwali, ta’ issa u ta’ dejjem. “In-
nar ta’ m˙abba” mbuttah sabiex isalva l-erwie˙,
imexxihom lejn ˙idma li kienet prattika, reli©juΩa
u fl-istess waqt, çivili u morali.

Il-mo˙˙ u l-qalb
Fl-1849, Dun Bosco kien kiteb hekk: “IΩ-

Ωg˙aΩag˙ huma dik il-parti tas-soçjetà li fuqha
nibnu t-tamiet tag˙na g˙alissa u g˙all-©ejjieni;
jist˙oqqilha l-akbar attenzjoni. Jekk iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
ji©u edukati sew, ikollna ordni morali; inkella
jirrenja l-vizzju u d-disordni. Fir-reli©jon biss tista’
tinbeda u titkompla edukazzjoni vera.” (Mem Biog
III 425)

Waqt li joffri lit-tfal edukazzjoni s˙i˙a sabiex
jag˙milhom “nsara tajbin u çittadini onesti” huwa
jimmira lejn tibdil fis-soçjetà u fil-kultura. Dun
Bosco mhuwiex xi ˙assieb jew rivoluzzjonarju,
imma edukatur. Jibda billi jie˙u ˙sieb il-bΩonnijiet
materjali tat-tfal biex imbag˙ad jag˙addi mill-
katekiΩmu tal-Oratorju tal-Óadd g˙al dar-skola
bil-klassijiet u ‘workshops’. Dan ©ie segwit minn
apostolat tal-istampa t-tajba, it-twaqqif tas-
Soçjetà Salesjana u ta’ Ulied Marija AwΩiljatriçi,
il-ftu˙ ta’ Kulle©©i u Djar barra minn Turin, fl-
Ewropa, fil-missjonijiet.

G˙adda Ω-Ωmien u nbidlu il-kundizzjonijiet
soçjali; l-idea ta’ “tfal fqar u abbandunati” bdiet
ti©bor fiha sezzjonijiet o˙ra u forom o˙ra ta’
faqar b˙al ma huma: faqar tal-im˙abba, tal-
edukazzjoni, tal-kultura, tal-valuri, kemm morali u
kemm reli©juΩi jew spiritwali. Bejn l-1841 u l-1888
is-soçjetà fid-dinja, waqg˙et ta˙t pressjoni mill-
progress tal-kummerç, tal-industrija, tal-˙elsien
tal-popli, tal-idealo©iji, ta’ li©ijiet, ta’ ambizzjoni
politika jew nazzjonali, tal-kolonjaliΩmu, tal-

emigrazzjoni. G˙aldaqstant, iΩ-Ωg˙ozija fqira
Ωdiedet fuq kull livell fid-dinja kollha. Sabiex ti©i
salvata din iΩ-Ωg˙oΩija, il-katekiΩmu tal-Óadd ma
kienx biΩΩejjed: kien hemm bΩonn formazzjoni
kompluta li tmiss il-mo˙˙ u l-qalb.

B˙al ˙mira fid-dinja
Dun Bosco wessa’, g˙alhekk, l-attivitajiet

tieg˙u. Waqt li l-Oratorju baqa’ il-mudel baΩiku,
sabiex jil˙aq numru akbar ta’ tfal u Ωg˙aΩag˙ u
j˙ejjihom g˙aç-çirkustanzi ©odda, huwa jibda
xog˙lijiet akbar sabiex iwie©eb a˙jar g˙all-bΩonn
ta’ tag˙lim u ta’ ta˙ri© fis-snajja’. Issa kien hemm
bΩonn ta’ pjan ma˙sub sabiex iwie©eb g˙all-
˙ti©ijiet ©odda: is-snin tas-‘70 u tat-’80 jaraw lil
Dun Bosco ja˙seb u jipproduçi dokumenti ta’ valur
pedago©iku g˙oli. Kien f’dawn is-snin li huwa
kiteb ir-Regolamenti g˙at-tfal fid-Djar tieg˙u
kollha (1877) li ma huma xejn ˙lief pjan pastorali
adattat g˙all-bΩonnijiet kumplessi u diversi ta’
kull komunità edukattiva Salesjana.

F’dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet, intant, fuq livell ta’ Knisja,
kien qieg˙ed jidher ‘nisrani’ ©did, li ried ikun
xhud ˙aj u attiv, ifittex spiritwalità li taqbel mal-
missjoni tieg˙u fid-dinja flimkien ma’ formazzjoni
adatta u stili ta’ ˙idma pastorali. Dan ukoll qanqal
lil Dun Bosco jag˙mel xi ˙a©a: ming˙ajr ma
jwarrab il-˙idma sabiex jifforma “nsara tajbin
u çittadini onesti”, jimmira g˙al ˙a©a aktar
ambizzjuΩa: li j˙ejji nies g˙al missjoni ta’ karità
u ˙idma pastorali waqt li jag˙tu xhieda ta’ ˙ajja
nisranija fis-soçjetà. Id-diskorsi tieg˙u fil-Bullettin
Salesjan tas-snin ’80 juru dan biç-çar. Hekk huwa
beda jifforma s-Salesjani Koperaturi u l-G˙aqda
tal-“Past Pupils”: it-tnejn lajci fid-dinja imma,
attivi fil-Knisja.

"Jekk iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ ji©u edukati sew, ikollna ordni

morali; inkella jirrenja l-vizzju u d-disordni. Fir-reli©jon

biss tista’ tinbeda u titkompla edukazzjoni vera.”

7Hajja Salesjana


Minn “Passi Ωg˙ar wara Mg˙allem kbir”
Ta’ Dun Philip Grech SDB.

Kellu sewwa sew 16-il sena, u kien id-disperazzjoni
ta’ ommu u missieru. Kien pastaΩ, goff, u jitkellem
˙aΩin. Da˙˙luh f’kulle©© ie˙or u ˙arab.

“Intom ma tifhmunix!” beda jg˙ajjat. “Intom ma
t˙obbunix!” Il-povra omm kellha qalbha maqsuma.

Xi ̇ add qalilha, “Kellem lil Dun Bosco”. Óaditu g˙andu.
Dun Bosco qalilha, “Sinjura stenna daqsxejn barra,
˙alli noqg˙od inpaçpaç mat-tifel, trid?”

Da˙˙al it-tifel mieg˙u, u …. X’qallu? Ma nafux. Nafu li
wara ftit re©g˙u ˙ar©u flimkien biex jiltaqg˙u mal-
omm li kienet qieg˙da tistenna.

“Tridx toqg˙od hawn xi jumejn mieg˙i?” staqsa Dun
Bosco lit-tifel quddiem ommu.
“Bil-qalb kollha Dun! A˙jar hawn mid-dar!”…

Meta xi jumejn wara, ommu marret g˙alih, it-tifel
qalilha, “ Ma rridx ni©i. Irrid noqg˙od hawn ©img˙a
o˙ra, g˙ax issa se’ jag˙mlu festa fl-Oratorju.”

Wara l-festa, it-tifel qal lil Dun Bosco, “Issa a˙jar nitlaq,
g˙ax nibΩa’ li jekk indum hawn ftit ie˙or, nispiçça biex
ng˙idlek li rrid insir qassis b˙alek!”

Óafna drabi id-Djalogu hu l-uniku mezz
biex nid˙lu fil-qalb taΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙. U
tistag˙©eb kemm iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jift˙u
qalbhom bil-fer˙, meta jsibu min
jismag˙om b’simpatija, min jifhimhom u
jag˙dirhom. Djalogu wiçç imb’wiçç, rasek
u rasu, biss, fis-sigriet, u bil-kunfidenza,
bil-familjarita’. Basta tkun lest biex
tisimg˙u, twieΩnu b’xi domanda, tie˙u u
turi interess fih, turih li qed tisimg˙u bil-

“Tkellem ftit u ˙allih jitkellem ˙afna”, dan
kien il-parir ta’ Dun Bosco. U fuq kollox urih
im˙abba vera, sinçiera, diΩinteressata. “It-
tfal”, jikteb Dun Bosco, “mhux biΩΩejjed li
t˙obbhom. Trid turihom, tfehmhom li
t˙obbhom”. L-im˙abba hi s-sigriet ta’ kull

“Bil-kelma t-tajba”, ig˙id il-Malti, “to˙ro©
il-far mit-toqba!”

8 Hajja Salesjana





Fri 2 First Friday: Adoration and Mass at St. Patrick at 6.15 p.m.
Sun 4 Past Pupils of St. Patrick’s Committee Meeting
Wed 7 Salesian Cooperators- Sliema: Prayer Meeting at St. Patrick’s at 6.00 p.m.
Fri 9 Stations of The Cross and Mass at St. Patrick at 6.30 p.m.
Sat 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
Thu 15 Parents Day Forms 2 & 4 at Savio College
Fri 16 Parents Day Forms 1 & 3 at Savio College
Sat 17 St. Patrick’s Day. Mass for the Irish Residents at St. Patrick’s at 10.30 a.m.
Mon 19 Feast of St. Joseph. Yearly Bikeathlon at Savio College.
24 – 25 Musical Stage Production at Salesian Theatre, Sliema
Sun 25 Past Pupils’ Day Retreat for Lent
26 – 30 Lenten Sermons at St. Patrick’s at 7.00 p.m.
Thu 29 School Leaving Ceremony – Form 5- at Savio College
Fri 30 Our Lady of Sorrows. End of school term.

Sun 1 Open Day at Savio College
Fri 6 Good Friday
Sat 7 Holy Saturday
Sun 8 Easter Sunday
Wed 11 Salesian Cooperators- Sliema: monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m.
8 – 14 Pilgrimage – Tour to Turin open to all Salesian Family.
Mon 16 Start of 3rd Term of school
Tue 24 Devotions to Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick’s 6.30 p.m. / Oratory
-Sliema at 7.30 p.m.
26 – 29 Salesian Past Pupils in Turin for Congress
Fri 27 Prize Day at Savio College

Tue 1 St. Joseph Patron Saint of Workers
Wed 2 Salesian Cooperators – Sliema: monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m.
Fri 4 Celebrations in honour of St. Dominic Savio at Savio College & St. Patrick’s
First Friday: Adoration and Mass at St. Patrick’s at 6.15 p.m.
Sun 6 Feast of St. Dominic Savio.

For any other info about the Salesians:
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians:
Salesians in Malta :
Hajja Salesjana On Line :

9Hajja Salesjana

Nhar it-12 ta’ Jannar 2010, terremot qawwi laqat
il- gΩira ta’ Haiti. Id-dannu kkawΩat kien immens.
Skond statistiçi tar-Red Cross u tan-Nazzjonijiet
Uniti, mat-3 miljun ru˙ ©ew milquta. Xi w˙ud mietu
(mat-316,000), o˙rajn sfaw feruti (mat-300,000)
waqt li o˙rajn spiççaw bla dar min˙abba l-qerda
ta’ negozji u bini ta’ kull tip. G˙addew sentejn u
x-xog˙ol ta’ rikostruzzjoni g˙adu sejjer, kif ukoll
ix- xog˙ol tas-Salesjani fl-edukazzjoni u t-ta˙ri©
tat-tfal u taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

Din is-sena is-Salesjani jiççelebraw 75 sena ta’
˙idma f’Haiti. Huma sofrew diversi ˙sarat, imma
l-aktar kien dak tal-mewt ta’ 3 Salesjani u ta’
madwar 250 student mirdumin ta˙t it-terrapien
taç-çentru ENAM. Barra minn dawn, kien hemm
parruççani u ©enituri li wkoll tilfu djarhom jew
il-post tax-xog˙ol g˙ax kienu ©©arrfu. G˙alhekk,
issa, il-missjoni tas-Salesjani hija li jedukaw u
j˙arr©u dawk li huma l-©enerazzjoni ta’ g˙ada.

B˙alissa hemm mat-23,000 tifel, tifla u
Ωg˙aΩag˙ fl-iskejjel Salesjani. Wara sentejn ta’
˙idma bla waqfien u sforzi kbar, dawn il-˙afna
tfal u Ωg˙aΩag˙ qed ikollhom, g˙al darb’o˙ra,
l’opportunita li jkunu edukati sabiex ikunu jistg˙u
jer©g˙u jibnu pajjiΩhom. Hekk, per eΩempju, f’Cap
Haitien, mal- 580 jmorru l-iskola, li minnhom
154 jitg˙allmu l-agrikultura. Fid-Don Bosco

Haiti Sentejn Wara

Tifkira u
Polytechnical Centre (Fort Libertè) 120 student
jitg˙allmu s-seng˙a tal-bini, ta’ mastrudaxxa,
jew ta’ infermier. Fil-belt ta’ Timtakè hemm ‘il fuq
minn 600 student, waqt li fiç-Çentru ta’ Gressier
l-istudenti dalwaqt jil˙qu l-1000.

Il-Kapitali Port-au-Prince, kienet l-aktar
milquta mit-terremot tat-12 ta Jannar 2010. Mijiet
ta’ eluf kellhom ifittxu g˙ajnuna biex jibqg˙u
˙ajjin. Issa, wara sentejn, sar ˙afna progress,
imma g˙ad baqa’ bosta xi jsir f’din il-gΩira li
hija fost l-ifqar fid-dinja. Il-“United Nations
Development Programme” jg˙idilna li g˙ad hemm
mas-600,000 fil-kampijiet tar-rifu©jati g˙aliex
g˙ad m’g˙andhomx dar; li ©ie mne˙˙i biss 25%
tat-terrapien; u li l-kolera qatlet mas-7,000 ru˙ is-
sena l-o˙ra.

F’Óaiti ‘l fuq minn 80% tal-popolazzjoni kienu
di©à qed jg˙ixu fil-faqar qabel it-terremot, u nofs
il-popolazzjoni l-anqas kienu jafu jiktbu u jaqraw.
‘Óaiti m’huwiex biss pajjiΩ li ntlaqat bit-terremot
ta’ Jannar 2010, iΩda huwa pajjiΩ li ˙afna drabi
qabel dan kien ©ie sfruttat”, tg˙id l-ekonomista
Camille Chalmers. Is-Salesjani li ilhom ja˙dmu
hemm g˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar ˙amsa u sebg˙in sena
jg˙idu li “Óaiti huwa pajjiΩ b’sa˙˙tu u minkejja
t-terremot, in-nies tal-post g˙andhom il-possibiltà
li jag˙mluh pajjiΩ a˙jar”.


10 Hajja Salesjana

Don Bosco Around the World


On Thursday 1 December, the pilgrimage of Don
Bosco’s relics in Africa officially began. On 2nd
December, the casket was taken to the Salesian
centre in Embu. The school band, Scouts and
various other groups were ready as the Father who
loved and lived for the young came in. At 11.30 a.m.
Mass was celebrated by the Bishop of Embu, Paul
Kariuki. 16 boys were confirmed. In the afternoon the

Don Bosco's casket begins its pilgrimage in Africa

casket was taken to Makuyu, where huge crowds
of children, youth and the people were waiting, with
Salesians and Sisters. Mass was celebrated by the
Bishop of Muranga, James Wainania. After the Mass
the Sisters went to the chapel to thank God with
prayers, hymns and poems and then renewed their
On Sunday 4 December there was a national
celebration in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of
Christians at Upper Hill, Nairobi. Accompanied by
folk dancing, the Mass was celebrated by Bishops

11Hajja Salesjana

Peter Kihara, Anthony Muheria and the
Nuncio Apostolic, Archbishop Alain Paul
Lebeaupin, and 20 Salesians priests and
others. In the afternoon the relics of the saint
were taken to the Salesian Novitiate at Mutuini, the

Don Bosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES) and
Don Bosco Boys’ Town. The next day, accompanied
by the “Bosco Boys” the casket was taken to the
various Salesian centres: Langata, Kuwinda, the
Kakuma refugee camp where there are about
80,000 refugees. That was the final day of the
pilgrimage of the relics of Don Bosco in Kenya. That
evening and all night there was a Vigil of prayer and
hymns and films about Don Bosco until the farewell
Mass celebrated at 5.00 a.m.

The casket’s journey in Tanzania began on the
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and
continues in the 11 Salesian communities of the

Province of East Africa. The relics reached the city
of Moshi and were taken to the Cathedral where
the bishop presided at Mass, with festive dances
and songs by the faithful. On 9 December, the 50th
anniversary of the Independence of the country, at
the Salesian seminary in Dodoma, the day began
with a moment of prayer followed by the catechesis
of Bishop Gervas Mwasikwabhila Nyaisonga, and by
the retired Bishop Mathias Isujaa. Then Mass was
said, during which Bishop Isujaa movingly recalled

how in 1980 he invited the Sons of Don Bosco into
his diocese. On Saturday 10 December the casket
left for Iringa, where practically the whole of the
city of Iringa was on the streets to welcome Don
Bosco. On Sunday 11 the casket passed through

12 Hajja Salesjana

the cities of Ifunda and Mafinga: for the occasion
the police had arranged to move aside the traffic
and give the casket priority. Mass was said in the
Salesian parish of Mafinga in the presence of many
ecclesiastical and political authorities, and was
broadcast by Radio Maria.

Don Bosco’s casket arrived in Dar Es Salaam
on the afternoon of Tuesday 13, welcomed by
Pupils, a Salesian Band and faithful with singing
and dancing. Then in the chapel of the Salesian
Institute at Oyster Bay the Auxiliary Bishop
Mons. Eusebius Nzigilwa, led the prayers. The
following day in the Cathedral the Archbishop
Cardinal Polycarp Pengo, accompanied by
his Auxiliaries Bishop Nzigilwa and Bishop
Salutarius Libena, presided at Mass, at which
a further 23 priests concelebrated. Among the
congregation were the former President of
Tanzania, the Hon. Benjamin Mkapa and many
local authorities. The transfer of the casket to
the Upanga Youth Centre was accompanied by
about 1000 young people singing and dancing.
The casket had to return to Dar Es Salaam and
many faithful and Salesians, accompanied the
convoy as far as the airport.


Early in the afternoon of 19 December, the
minibus carrying the statue of Don Bosco
arrived in Dilla from Adamintullu. There,
the first communion catechism children all
dressed in white greeted Don Bosco with
hymns. The following day the statue was taken
to the Don Bosco Stadium where there were
songs and dances in the presence also of the
leaders of various Christian communities and
the Islam Imams. On Wednesday 21 the statue
arrived at the house in Makallé. Fr Alema
Hagos, the Rector explained the meaning of
the pilgrimage of the relic, which then was
taken to the community at Adigrat, where the
Salesians had organised a celebration with
traditional dancing, a theatrical performance
and a quiz about Don Bosco and the 25
years of the presence of the Salesians. The
statue stayed in the Adua community on
22 and 23 December, welcomed by all the
students of the technical school with songs
and the waving of flags. On Friday morning,
23, Mass was said according to the Ethiopian
“Geez” rite. Afterwards the relic went to the
FMA community in Adua, where there was a
conference, a celebration with silent prayer
and the saying of the rosary.

13Hajja Salesjana

There is an overall increase in the number
of Salesians in the Regions of South Asia,
East Asia Oceania and Africa-Madagascar,
while there is a decrease in the others.
The number of novices also reflects this. The
Provinces with the highest numbers are almost
all in Asia: India-Guwahati 24, Indonesia-East
Timor 21 and Vietnam 20, but Central Africa
also has 22. There are 1823 canonically erected
Salesian houses in the world, to which can be
added a further 142 non-erected foundations.
Countries in which the Sons of Don Bosco
are now is of 131 – one more than in 2010;
this is due to the division of Sudan into two
separate countries, North Sudan and South

Sudan, with Salesians already present in both.
The number of Provinces and Vice Provinces
remains the same (89), but in 2012 there has
been the creation of a new Province of India-
Silchar, and the Special Circumscription of East
Europe. The Province with the highest number
of Salesians – professed and novices together
– is the original one of Don Bosco, the Special
Circumscription of Piedmont-Val d’Aosta, with
520. The one with the least is Hungary with 37.
The country with the highest number of
Salesians is India with 2,537; that with the
least is Namibia, with 2, where the Salesians
have been for only 15 years.

Salesian numbers : the statistics

for 2010
(ANS – Rome) – At the conclusion of the work of the General Council of the Salesian
Congregation, the latest statistics of the Salesian Congregation at the end of 2011 were
presented and published. The Salesians in the world number 15,560. The total is made up of
15,439 professed, to which are added 414 novices and 121 Bishops. Among the perpetually
professed there are 1609 Salesian Brothers (12,1% of the total), and 10,433 Salesian
priests (67,6%).

14 Hajja Salesjana

Young Bosco had his faults too and his feelings
and emotions ran deep and strong. He could be
impetuous and on rare occasions, he was not above
settling problems with his fists. So successfully,
however, did John keep all these forces within
him under control that calmness and peacefulness
characterised his whole life and his relationships
with others.

John had to work very hard for his seminary
education. During the long years of study, he

picked up a variety of jobs and learned a host of
trades: he could make candy, repair shoes, design
and mend suits, manage a restaurant and put on a
one-man circus. His showmanship attracted small
youngsters, so after he had the little ones suitably
awed, he’d slip in a catechism lesson or two.

IN 1841 Turin’s Archbishop Fransoni ordained
John, now twenty-five, a priest for his archdiocese.
Shortly after ordination, Don Bosco went for
an intensive five-year course of postgraduate
theology. College authorities, aware that many
Italian priests refused to mix with the people
because of the anti-clerical hatred, insisted that
the young theology scholars mix with the city’s
population, particularly the poor. Thus John visited
and worked in the hospitals, prisons, orphanages
and slum sections. This firsthand experience with

cultured Turin’s grubby underside shocked
his sensitive and gentle heart. It was

however, the young slum boys’ plight
that bothered him most.

When still a graduate student, he

persuaded a few youngsters
to meet with him Sunday
afternoons at the College
courtyard. Patiently he

Saint John Bosco
A brief account of his life

Throughout history, God has sent prophets and saints to warn, teach and lead His people.
Modern times are no exception. God has sent saints to found religious orders of men and
women for particular needs. He has sent martyrs, virgin, and holy men, such as Don Bosco, to
teach virtue and apostleship to a special portion of God’s people – namely youth. This is his
life story.

Part 2

15Hajja Salesjana

established a relationship with the street kids
based on the famous saying of St. Francis de Sales:
“You can catch more flies with honey than with
vinegar.” As John moved through Turin’s slums
he invited youngsters to his Sunday get-togethers
at the College. He called these gatherings his
“Oratory”. The Oratory featured songs, prayers,
and catechism as well as horse-play, contests, long
walks and picnics. A pioneer disciple remembered
those pleasant Sundays. “At the end of each Sunday
excursion,” he recalled, “Don Bosco always told us
to plan for next Sunday. He gave us advice as to
our conduct and asked us if we had any friends, to
invite them too. Joy reigned among us.”

Not everyone in Turin was content. Indeed,
John, having completed his college residency,
could find no place to gather almost 400 boys.
Some generous people did try to help. But the
noise and sheer presence of this huge, energetic
band overwhelmed. No less than ten people had
offered John the use of their facilities; every one
of them, after a few experiences, withdrew his
promise. Later, remembering Palm Sunday of 1846,
when John felt his work might come to an end, he
wrote: “As I looked at the crowd of children and
thought of the rich harvest they promised, I felt my
heart was breaking… My health was shattered and
I could not tell where to gather my poor little ones

John urged them to pray and, as so often
happened, his youngsters’ prayers were answered.
A certain Mr. Pinardi offered to rent John a piece of
property located in Turin’s marshy area, called the
Valdocco. When John saw the shed, he was bitterly
disappointed. It was simply too low for him to
enter. “Oh good Father, do not worry,” counselled
the irrepressible Pinardi. “We will dig down and
lower the shed’s floor. You will celebrate here on
Easter Sunday.”

Pinardi was as good as his word. On Easter
Sunday morning John celebrated at a humble altar

surrounded by his urchins, who had jammed into
the rickety shack. The Oratory finally had a home.
The priest did not yet know that he was going to
pay a fearful price for his success.

For five years even during his graduate studies,
John had dedicated his life to his youngsters. He
visited them at their jobs, found work for those
laid off, nursed the sick, and assisted those who
had run afoul of the law. Using every possible
means, John struggled to keep his little ones out of
Turin’s corrupting reformatories. All this caught up
with him when three months after purchasing the
Pinardi place, John suffered a severe pneumonia
attack. At the hospital where he was taken, doctors
feared for his life. Heartbroken and bewildered
boys, on hearing the news, milled about the
hospital courtyard hoping for further information.
Many youngsters struggled into a nearby church
and prayed for this man who loved them so much;
all-night prayer vigils were organised. More than
one vowed to reform his life, say extra prayers
and do penance. Some little construction workers,
whose jobs demanded they carry bricks and mortar
up four or five stories of scaffolding, fasted from
solid foods. Although these children suffered pain
and came near fainting, they were determined to
wrestle John Bosco out of death’s grip by their
prayers and penances.

All their efforts however seemed doomed to
failure. As his condition continued to worsen, John
prepared to die. At his bedside, Father Borel, a
close friend bent over John and whispered: “John,
these children need you. Ask God to let you stay.
Please say this prayer after me, ‘Lord if it be your
good pleasure, cure me. I say this prayer in the
name of my children.”

John repeated the prayer. When he finished it,
his fever broke. The pneumonia crisis had passed.

(to continue…)

16 Hajja Salesjana

Many young couples, today, have a tangible
fear of ever getting married. With the divorce
at 50% young folks today do not want to relive
the nightmare of divorce that they, themselves,
have already endured as a child. Couples today
live together before getting married. As a
result (and ironically), many begin with higher
odds for divorce by cohabitating before taking
their vows. Many of these have lost the mental
and psychological ability to cross over from
the mentality of living together to making the
lifelong commitment necessary to get through
the hard times of marriage.

Evidently some couples are taking steps and
adopting new traditions in order to strengthen
their marriages from the start. This new practice
comes from Croatia where the cross is placed at
the centre of the wedding ceremony. Over here
the priest or minister traditionally says “You may

kiss the bride” after vows are exchanged. In this
new tradition, newlyweds instead hear, “You may
kiss the cross”.

Now let me tell you about this most beautiful
tradition the Croatian people have for marriages.
In the town of Siroki-Brijeg, not one single
divorce has been recorded among its 13,000
inhabitants. Not one single family has broken up
in living memory. Is there a magic formula that
keeps the demon of division at bay?

The answer is very simple: For centuries
(because of the pressure from the Turks and then
the Communists) the people suffered cruelly as
their Christian faith was always threatened. They
knew through experience that salvation comes
through the Cross of Christ. It does not come
from disarmament plans, from humanitarian

“You may kiss the cross”
A new tradition for wedding ceremonies?
Adapted from article by Jenn Giroux

We live in a time that is very difficult on marriages. Due to our failures to properly prepare
our young people for marriage many enter the commitment of marriage without complete
understanding and sadly bring with them impediments that ultimately result in annulment or


aid or peace treaties, even if these things may
bring limited benefits. The source of salvation
is the Cross of Christ! That is why they have
indissolubly linked marriage with the Cross
of Christ. They have founded marriage, which
brings forth human life, on the Cross, which
brings forth divine life.

When a young couple is preparing for
marriage, they are not told that they have found
the ideal partner. No! The priest says: “You have
found your cross. And it is a cross to be loved, to
be carried, a cross not to be thrown away, but to
be cherished.”

When the bride and groom set off for the
church, they bring a crucifix with them. The
priest blesses the crucifix. The bride places her
right hand on the crucifix and the groom places
his hand over hers. Thus the two hands are
bound together on the cross. The priest covers
their hands with his stole as they proclaim their
vows to be faithful, according to the rites of the
Church. The bride and groom do not then kiss
each other, they rather kiss the cross. They
know that they are kissing the source of love.
Anyone close enough to see their two hands
joined over the cross understands clearly that
if the husband abandons his wife or if the wife
abandons her husband, they let go of the cross.
And if they abandon the cross, they have nothing
left. They have lost Jesus.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds take the
crucifix back home and give it a place of honour
in their home. It becomes the focal point of

Hajja Salesjana

family prayer, for the young couple believes
deeply that the family is born of the Cross. When
trouble arises, or if a conflict breaks out, it is
before this cross that they will seek help. They
will not go to a lawyer, they will not consult a
fortune-teller or an astrologer, and they will not
rely on a psychologist to solve the problem. No,
they will go straight before their Jesus, before
their cross. They’ll get on their knees there and
in front of Jesus they will weep their tears and
pour out their hearts, and above all exchange
their forgiveness. They will not go to sleep with
a heavy heart because they will have turned to
their Jesus, the only One who has the power to
save. They know that Jesus is holding them in his
arms and that there is nothing to be afraid of,
and their fears melt away in their kiss to Jesus.

(Source: 2002)

18 Hajja Salesjana

to think about…

19Hajja Salesjana

The Knots Prayer

Dear God,
Please untie the knots that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots, may nots, might nots
that may find a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots, would nots
and should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all, dear Lord,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart and my life
all of the ‘am nots’ that I have allowed
to hold me back,
especially the thought that
I am not good enough.


Enrico Maria Greco / Joe Fonde SDB

Imma ˙add, Ωgur li ˙add mhu se jg˙id Ìuda,
it-traditur ta’ Ìesù. Dan Ωgur li le. U b˙al Ìuda
Ωgur ukoll li jibqa’ barra l-˙alliel it-Tajjeb, li kien
imsallab ma’ Ìesù. Madankollu, dan il-bniedem,
ikkundannat g˙ax tassew ˙ati, kien kapaçi
jaççetta li jkun ikkundannat u g˙araf l-in©ustizzja
kbira li Ìesù innoçenti kien ikkundannat g˙all-
mewt. Dan il-qaddis ma kienx imissu jit˙alla
barra! Madankollu dan il-bniedem hu Ωgur l-uniku
wie˙ed li qieg˙ed il-˙enna. L-uniku wie˙ed li Ìesù
assiguralu post fil-˙enna dak inhar stess li miet.

Il-Qaddisin li a˙na nqimu huma qaddisin g˙ax
wara li l-Knisja tkun studjat sewwa l-˙ajja tag˙hom
u wara li Alla stess ikun ippermetta mirakli bl-
interçessjoni tag˙hom, il-Knisja tiddikjarhom
qaddisin u tqeg˙edhom fuq l-altari b˙ala xempju
g˙alina. Imma ebda wie˙ed minnhom, l-anqas
l-akbar qaddis ma ˙ie ddikjarat minn Ìesù stess li
tabil˙aqq qieg˙ed il-˙enna!

Il-˙alliel midneb, li g˙araf u nidem minn

˙tijietu, wara mewtu da˙al dritt il-˙enna. B˙al
Madonna li kienet mnissla ming˙ajr dnub!

Ma na˙sibx li ˙add qatt qal xi talba lil dan il-
˙alliel it-tajjeb biex jitolbu xi grazzja, xi g˙ajnuna,
hu li qieg˙ed il-˙enna ma’ ˙enb Ìesù! IΩda ta’ min
jiftakar li dan il-bniedem hu tassew qrib tag˙na,
ta’ ˙tijietna, tal-indiema tag˙na. Hu xbieha
ta’ l-umanità mu˙ug˙a, midinba u niedma. U
g˙alhekk huwa tama g˙al kul˙add g˙aliex a˙na
wkoll nistg˙u xi darba nkunu ma’ Ìesù fil-Ìenna.

Wie˙ed mill-˙atjin li kienu msallbin mieg˙u
beda jg˙ajru u jg˙idlu: “Inti m’intix il-Messija?
Salva lilek innifsek u lilna.’’ Imma qabeΩ l-ie˙or,
çanfru u qallu: “Anqas minn Alla int ma’ tibΩa’,
int li qieg˙ed ta˙t l-istess kundanna? Tag˙na hija
˙usta tassew g˙ax qeg˙din nie˙du li ˙aqqna ta’
kull m’g˙amilna; imma dan m’g˙amel xejn ˙aΩin.”
Imbag˙ad qal: “Ìesù ftakar fija meta tid˙ol fis-
saltna tieg˙ek.” U Gesù wie˙bu: “Tassew ng˙idlek!
Illum tkun fil-˙enna mieg˙i.” (Luqa 23, 39-43).

Jekk issaqsi lil xi wie˙ed mit-tfal waqt il-lezzjoni tad-duttrina: “Liema hu dak il-qaddis jew
qaddisa li inti tixtieq timita fil-˙ajja tieg˙ek?’’ na˙seb li jkollok aktar minn twe©iba wa˙da. Xi
w˙ud jg˙idulek San Ìwann, id-dixxiplu l-ma˙bub ta’ Ìesù. O˙rajn, Pawlu, li minn g˙adu ta’ Ìesù
sar tant i˙obbu. Xi tifla forsi tag˙Ωel lill-Maddalena, il-midinba li kkonvertiet, jew Tumas, li ried
imiss biex jemmen. Ftit ikunu dawk it-tfajliet li jag˙Ωlu lil Madonna, g˙ax jarawha wisq akbar
minnhom fil-qdusija. U wisq anqas ma jkun hemm xi ˙add li jg˙idlek Ìesù, li hu Alla.

20 Hajja Salesjana


A little girl had been shopping with her Mom.
She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red
haired, freckle faced image of innocence.

It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that
gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a
hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down
the spout. We all stood there, under the awning,
just inside the door of the Supermarket. We
waited, some patiently, others irritated because
nature messed up their hurried day.

I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost
in the sound and sight of the heavens washing
away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories
of running, splashing so carefree as a child came
pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries
of my day.

Her little voice was so sweet as it broke the
hypnotic trance we were all caught in, ' Mom let's
run through the rain,' she said.
'What?' Mom asked.
'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated.
'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit.’
This young child waited a minute and repeated: '
Mom, let's run through the rain…'
'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said.
'No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this
morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her
Mom's arm.
'This morning? When did I say we could run
through the rain and not get wet?'
'Don't you remember? When you were talking to

Daddy about his cancer, you said, “If God can get
us through this, He can get us through anything!”’

The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear
you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all
stood silently. No one left. Mom paused and
thought for a moment about what she would say.

Now some would laugh it off and scold her
for being silly. Some might even ignore what was
said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a
young child's life. A time when innocent trust can
be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run
through the rain. If GOD lets us get wet, well
maybe we just need washing,' Mom said.

Then off they ran. We all stood watching,
smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars
and yes, through the puddles. They got soaked.
They were followed by a few who screamed and
laughed like children all the way to their cars. And
yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your
material possessions, they can take away your
money, and they can take away your health.
But no one can ever take away your precious

So, don't forget to make time and take the
opportunities to make memories everyday.

To everything there is a season and a time to
every purpose under heaven.

I hope you still take time and run through the


21Hajja Salesjana

22 Hajja Salesjana

Malta Salesjana

Dawk l-Animaturi kollha li huma mmexxija mil-
Komunità Salesjana ta’ Savio College – Dingli, iltaqg˙u
flimkien sabiex jag˙mlu rtir spiritwali. Kellhom
okkaΩjoni jirriflettu fuq dak kollu li g˙addew minnhu
matul is-sena 2011. Fr Eric mexxa l-lectio Divina waqt
li Fr Fabio Attard, li kien Malta, qasam mag˙hom
xi esperjenzi tal-˙idma tieg˙u fid-Dikasteru g˙aΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙ madwar id-dinja. T˙ejjew ukoll programmi
g˙as-Sajf li ©ej, 2012!

Il-Camping tas-Salesian Brigade g˙all-
Milied li g˙adda kien fis-Swatar, limiti
tar-Rabat. Kien hemm 45 tifel u tifla
f’dal-camp. 10 tined ©ew imwaqqfa sabiex
jakkomodaw lil dawn kollha. It-temp ma
kienx ˙anin u g˙addejna minn waqtiet ta’
rwiefen u xita, ksie˙ u tajn. Dan kollu kien
sfida g˙alina min˙abba l-età Ωg˙ira ta’
xi w˙ud mit-tfal; madankollu kienu lkoll
kapaçi jie˙du sehem fl-attivitajiet li s-soltu
ji©u organizzati: tisjir, kant madwar in-nar,
mixjiet, tindif, ©bir ta’ ˙atab g˙an-nar, u
‘treasure hunt’ ©ewwa l-Imdina. Fr Gerald
Mangion qaddes g˙alina fl-a˙˙ar jum
qabel ma ©barna kollox u niΩΩilna t-tined.

Nhar il-5 ta’ Jannar ©ie organizzat jum ta’
log˙ob tal-futbol fl’Oratorju -Tas-Sliema
g˙at-tfal. IΩ-Ωg˙ar nett lag˙bu fil-bit˙a tal-
iskola ta’ St. Patrick, waqt li dawk aktar kbar
baqg˙u fil-bit˙a tal-Oratorju. G˙alkemm kien
hemm ir-rebbie˙a u t-telliefa, bejniethom
urew spirtu sportiv mill-aqwa u kul˙add
˙a gost. Ìew mog˙tija l-premjijiet u kull
min ˙a sehem jixtieq okkaΩjoni o˙ra b˙al
din, malajr. Dawn l-affarijiet jipprovdu mod
sabiex it-tfal jinΩammu fer˙ana u l-bog˙od
mill-inkwiet, proprju fuq l-istil ta’ Dun Bosco.

23Hajja Salesjana

Ix-xahar ta’ Diçembru kien mimli sew bl’attivitajiet g˙all-
dawk li jattendu l-Oratorju ta’ Óad-Dingli. “Tournament”
tal-futbol g˙aΩ-Ωg˙ar ta’ l-Oratorju ta’ Tas-Sliema u ta’
Óad-Dingli stess: 5 timijiet u xi 50 tifel ˙adu sehem.
Imbag˙ad kellna dik l-okkaΩjoni kbira tal-“Christmas
Village”. Wara dan ˙adna sehem fit-te˙id tal-pussess
tal-Kappillan il-©did. Fil-vaganza tat-13 ta’ Diçembru,
morna mixja fil-kampanja madwar Selmun, limiti tal-
Mellie˙a. Fil-‘weekends’ li segwew ˙afna miΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
qag˙du jΩejnu g˙al-Milied. G˙addejna l-festi tal-Milied
f’˙afna fer˙ u fit-30 ta’ Diçembru ©iet organizzata lejla
msej˙a “Pizza & Movie” ©ewwa l-istess Oratorju tag˙na.
F’din l-istess serata saret premjazzjoni g˙al min kien
jattendi l-Oratorju regolarment.
G˙al aktar tag˙rif fuq Dar Dun Bosco:

SPYS bdew is-sena 2012 b’laqg˙a ta’ informazzjoni fuq dak
li ©ara’ matul is-sena 2011 u l’opportunitajiet offruti g˙all-
©ejjieni, kemm f’Malta u kemm f’pajjiΩi o˙ra: “Make 2012
count: Volunteer Now!” Madwar 90 Ωg˙aΩag˙ ©odda ing˙aqdu
mal-antiki sabiex jisimg˙u fuq pro©etti li jistg˙u jitwettqu
fil-Ghana, Kenya, India kif ukoll il-pro©ett lokali fl-Isla. Kien
jin˙ass entuΩjaΩmu kbir matul is-serata kollha. SPYS bi
˙siebhom ikomplu din il-‘mixja’ b’serje ta’ laqg˙at fix-xhur li
©ejjin, li mbag˙ad jil˙qu l-g˙an tag˙hom fit-tluq taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
biex ja˙dmu fuq dawn il-pro©etti f’Malta u barra minn xtutna.

l-iskola ta’ St. Patrick qieg˙da tie˙u sehem fil- “Catch the Drop
Campaign”, li teduka kif wie˙ed ikollu sens tal-valur tal-ilma.
Flixkun tal-plastik forma ta’ qatra ilma kbira, jg˙addi minn skola
g˙al skola; it-tfal jitfg˙u fiha messa©© fuq kif tibΩa’ g˙all-ilma.
Din il-qatra waslet l-iskola tag˙na, u grupp ta’ student (Ekoskola)
organizza attività li matulha ntwerew xi films qosra dwar l-ilma.
Wie˙ed minn dawn kien prodott mill-istess studenti ta’ St. Patrick,
u wera lil wie˙ed mit-tfal, liebes ta’ ‘Acqua Man’ iwissi lit-tfal
l-o˙ra s˙abu sabiex ma ja˙lux ilma. Wara jumejn, il-qatra tal-
plastik, telqet minn St. Patrick u mxiet g˙al skola o˙ra.

24 Hajja Salesjana

B˙al kont qisni f’˙olma, il-bog˙od minn kull ˙oss,
U paçi ©o qalbi, bdejt donni in˙oss,

Bdejt anke nit˙eddel u bdejt nara çpar,
G˙addiet Ωiffa ˙elwa u kollox deher çar.
Sibt ru˙i f’nofs folla, f’toroq kollha nies,

Ra©el demmu jçarçar b’im˙abba bla qies,
Staqsejt mara xwej˙a, “Fejn sejrin jo˙duh?”

Qaltli b’qalb maqsuma, “Sejrin isallbuh.”
Min beda jit˙assru g˙ax kien innoçenti,
Min beda jwassallu xi kliem insolenti,

Qalbi wisq ing˙afset fis-sema rajt dija,
Ìie an©lu u qalli, “Ir-ra©el bla ˙tija.”

Inross bdejt ©ol-folla biex nersaq fil-qrib,
Kemm xtaqt imqar ng˙inu i©orr is-salib,

IΩd’ Hu ˙ares lejja b’˙arsa t’onesta`,
Xtaq li juri m˙abbtu ma’ l-umanita`.

Min jaf dik il-g˙uda kemm xtaqet te˙fief,
Ωgur mhux pjaçir tag˙ha li fuqu tistrie˙,

Trab li demmu xorob, kemm ˙ass dak il-˙in,
Minn kollox xtaq jag˙mel u jsir b˙al deheb fin.

Min jaf dawk il-frosti, li bihom sawwtuh,
Kemm xtaqu imilu u qima jag˙tuh,

Il-bΩieq li beΩqulu kemm xtaq idewwie˙,
Il-©rie˙i jfejqulu biex mistrie˙ jag˙tieh.
Il-kliem ta’ stmerrija, illi g˙ajjruh bih,

Xtaq kien g˙ana t’an©li u glorja jag˙tieh,


25Hajja Salesjana

Kuruna minn xitla li nibtet mill-art,
Ix-xewk illi g˙amlet kemm xtaqet kien ward.

L-imsiemer li nifdu idej˙ u ri©lej˙,
Ωgur xtaqu idubu u ma jersqux lejh.

Il-martell li ntuΩa, kien jaf li bla ˙tija,
Xtaq li jsir tat-tafal, je˙lislu t-tbatija.

SponΩa ˙all ressqulu, x’˙in Hu jixrob ried,
Kemm xtaqet titfarrak u taqa’ irmied,

Ma kontx çert smajtx sewwa x’kien qieg˙ed jg˙idilhom,
Possibbli dal-Bniedem kien qieg˙ed ja˙frilhom?

Kemm xtaqt li stajt ng˙inu, xtaqt nitla’ ftit ˙dejh,
IΩd’ Hu mejjel rasu u g˙alaq g˙ajnejh,
U faqqg˙et sajjetta bis-sema tikrie˙,

Ix-xita qliel niΩlet, biex donnha tibkie˙.
NiΩΩlu˙, taw˙ lill-mara, imsejkna dik Ommu,
Li ridet trossu mag˙ha, f’˙ogorha ΩΩommu,
U qalbha ing˙afset x’˙in ©ew biex jo˙duh,

Keffnu˙ f’lizar abjad u f’qabar da˙˙lu˙.
Hekk din il-passjoni li kont rajt tant çara,
Issa kienet g˙ebet u xejn ma stajt nara,

U b’˙asda ninduna li kont mitluf fiss,
Wa˙di f’nofs kappella, quddiem Kurçifiss. Karol Montebello

6 ta' April 2004

26 Hajja Salesjana

It is often said that we Catholics are guilt-
ridden, and that the Church is obsessed with sex.
And most of this criticism is particularly focused
on the sacrament of confession or reconciliation.
People say that confession is about raking-up
the past and being stuck in one’s shame. Nothing
could be further from the truth. It is the secular
media and the spirit of the age that is obsessed
with sex. The media can’t get enough bad news
by raking-up politicians' and celebrities’ past
sins. Photographers follow famous people around
the world hoping to get pictures of them in
compromising situations. There is no forgiveness,

for one knows not the day or the hour when
someone will root out something said or done in
the past.

One of the titles of the devil in the New
Testament is “the accuser of the brethren”. The
devil is the one who accuses us of our past sins
and never lets us forget them. His power is limited
to being able to accuse us of them and remind
us of them. He is powerless to help us deal with
the sins of the past. The only way the devil has of
dealing with sins, besides accusing us, is to say
that everyone else is as bad as we are.

is about the

not the

By Fr. John Harris O.P.

27Hajja Salesjana

None of this has anything to do with Christ
and His Church. Christ came to set us free from
the past and to give us His life: “I came that you
may have life and have it to the full” (Jn 10.10). Our
Blessed Lord is only interested in the past to set
us free from it.

An incident related in the Gospels describes
how Jesus went to dinner one evening in the
house of a Pharisee. A woman, a local sinner,
came and cried at his feet and he did not turn her
away. It was precisely because He is the Holy One
of God that Jesus can see beyond the sin to the
renewed life of grace that is open to everyone
who comes in humility. It is because God is so
good that he can show such wonderful mercy to
us. Only God has the freedom to see beyond sin to
peace and mercy.

In the Diary of Saint Faustina, Our Blessed Lord
speaks beautifully about confession. Jesus calls
confession “this fountain of my mercy”. He says

to Faustina “Every time you go to confession,
immerse yourself entirely in my mercy, with
great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My
grace upon your soul. When you approach the
confessional, know this, that I myself am waiting
there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but
I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the
soul meets the God of mercy. Tell souls that from
this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with
the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is
no limit to my generosity. The torrents of grace
inundate humble souls. (1602)

Once the penitent confesses the sin with
sorrow in all humility then the Lord comes and
cuts the chains away and the forgiven soul is free
to fly out of the confessional box. The sacrament
was given to the Church by Jesus Himself on the
night of the Resurrection. On that first Easter
night the Lord said to the apostles; “Receive the
Holy Spirit, whatever sins you forgive they are

forgiven.” This is the way we begin to live the
new life of Christ, by having our sins of the past
forgiven and receiving the freedom to walk into
the future.

The sacrament of confession is the one place
in the whole world you know you are loved. No
matter what you have done or said, no matter
how bad things are, the Lord is there loving you.
It is a personal love. One theologian said that the
particular grace of the sacrament of reconciliation
is that it is tailor-made. It is the grace you need on
your personal journey. “I am not loved in a group,
but personally by God.” He takes my struggles
seriously. He wants to help me to be free.

None of us can carry the burden of our sins,
we can’t change the past. None of us can wipe the

28 Hajja Salesjana

past clean. The great joy is to know that we don’t
have to. Christ Jesus has done it for us. In Christ
we are relieved of this burden. Jesus carried the
weight of all our sins when He carried the Cross.
All we have to do is ask for his mercy and accept
his new life.

In his letter to the Irish Church, Pope
Benedict XVI encouraged all “to discover anew
the sacrament of Reconciliation and to avail
yourselves more frequently of the transforming
power of grace”. This wonderful sacrament is
about your future not your past. Learn to walk in
the freedom of your future and not to be enslaved
by the sins of the past. Go to confession regularly.

(Taken from the
Divine Mercy Newsletter No. 55)

29Hajja Salesjana

Ìurnata wa˙da, fix-xahar ta’ Novembru, il-Miss tar-Religjon, Miss Rose Caruana ˙aditna mawra sal-
Mellie˙a. Ma’ s˙abi tal-klassi, ©ew ukoll tg˙alliema o˙ra, Miss Rose Axisa u s-Surmast, Father Jesmond.
Kienet deçiΩjoni sabi˙a u lilna g˙o©obna ˙afna l-fatt li no˙orgu flimkien. Kien il-Óamis, g˙adni niftakar.
Billi ma konniex ˙afna, disa’ min nies b’kollox, uΩajna il-van tal-iskola li saqu l-istess Fr Jesmond. Dan
kien filg˙odu, wara l-break, u t-triq twila minn Tas-Sliema sal-Mellie˙a ma dejqitniex g˙aliex konna
kollha fer˙anin niççaçraw bejnietna. Kif g˙edt, morna sar-ra˙al tal-Mellie˙a fejn bqajna sejrin dritt lejn
is-Santwarju tal-Madonna.
Malli wasalna d˙alna mill-ewwel fis-santwarju u g˙edna talba flimkien. Dan is-Santwarju qisu maqsum fi
tnejn, il-parti moderna, miksija kollha r˙am, u l-parti tal-artal li hija maqtug˙a fil-blat, b˙al qisha grotta.
Fuq l-artal hemm xbieha tal-Madonna bil-Bambin impingija fuq il-blat. Il-le©©enda tg˙id li kien pin©ieha
San Luqa. Mal-©enb tas-Santwarju, parti mis-sagristija, hemm b˙al muΩew çkejken mimli b’˙afna kwadri
li jridu jfissru tifkiriet ta’ fejqan mill-mard. Kien hemm ukoll kwadri biex jirringrazzjaw lill-Madonna
minn xi g˙arqa fuq il-ba˙ar, jew minn xi disgrazzja o˙ra. Rajna wkoll ritratti antiki ta’ kif is-Santwarju
kien qabel.
X’˙in ˙ri©na minn hemm, irkibna l-van u morna nΩuru ç-çimiterju tal-Mellie˙a. Billi kien ix-xahar ta’
Novembru, rajna li l-oqbra kienu mnaddfin, imΩejnin bil-fjuri u bix-xemg˙at. Rajna wkoll li fuq ˙afna
minnhom kien hemm ritratti ta’ nies midfuna hemm. Anke hawnhekk il-Miss qaltilna biex ng˙idu talba
g˙ar-ru˙ ta’ dawk il-mejtin.
Wara din iΩ-Ωjara fiç-cimiterju, morna flimkien f’post ie˙or u d˙alna ©o g˙ar ie˙or tal-Madonna. Dan
jinsab fil-Wied tal-Mellie˙a. Din id-darba dan kien ta˙t l-art, u sabiex wasalna ©o fih kellna ninΩlu xi tara©.
Kemm laqatni anke dan il-post, g˙aliex hawn ukoll rajt id-devozzjoni tan-nies li kienu ©abu hemm ˙afna
ritratti biex ifakkru il-fejqan tag˙hom minn xi marda.
Issa konna g˙ajjenin, u g˙alhekk, qbadna t-triq lura. IΩda t-teacher kellha idea sabi˙a g˙aliex xtratilna
l-pastizzi. Imma billi kien sar l-˙in li ner©g˙u lura, irkibna fil-van u l-pastizzi kilniehom bil-qalb ©ol-
karozza. L-arja safja tal-Mellieha kienet fet˙itilna l-aptit.

Har[a ma’ tal-iskola
Samuel Cutajar – Form 1

30 Hajja Salesjana

Ra©el li kien imur il-knisja kull nhar ta’ Óadd
kiteb ittra lill-editur ta’ ©urnal fejn qallu li ma
kienx g˙adu jag˙mel sens li nibqg˙u mmorru

‘Ili mmur 30 sena, issa,’ kiteb. ‘Nikkalkula
li smajt madwar 3,000 priedka; imma, f’©ie˙
kemm hemm, ma niftakarx priedka wa˙da! Issa
wasalt fil-konkluΩjoni li ma nitlifx Ωmien iΩjed;
u lanqas il-qassisin m’g˙andhom ikomplu jitilfu
Ω-Ωmien fi priedki li ma jiftakar Óadd.’

Din l-ittra ˙olqot kontroversja s˙i˙a fil-
pa©ni tal-‘Ittri lill- Editur’, u dan ˙a gost ferm
biha g˙ax damet sejra ©img˙at s˙a˙.

Imbag˙ad xi ˙add kiteb dan li ©ej: ‘Jien ili
miΩΩewwe© 30 sena. F’daΩ-Ωmien kollu l-mara
tieg˙i sajritli madwar 32,000 ikla, imma f’©ie˙
kemm hemm, ma niftakarx il-menu kollu ta’
ikla wa˙da minn dawn l-ikliet kollha. Imma
˙a©a wa˙da nafha Ωgur...l-ikliet kollha li sajritli
marti tawni nutriment li kelli bΩonn biex ng˙ix
u na˙dem dawn is-snin kollha. Kieku hija ma
sajritlix, kieku llum jiena fiΩikament mejjet.
L-istess kieku ma mortx nisma’ l-kelma ta’ Alla
u nie˙u n-nutriment tag˙ha, kieku llum jiena
spiritwalment mejjet.


* Meta na˙sbu li xejn aktar ma jista’ ji©ri...
Alla jkun qieg˙ed ilestilna xi ˙a©a.

* Il-Fidi tara dak li ma jidhirx, temmen
dak li ma jitwemminx u tilqa’ minn id
Alla dak li kienet ta˙seb li hu impossibli.

* Grazzi Mulej talli tipprovdilna dak
li jΩommna ˙ajjin fiΩikament u

31Hajja Salesjana

The Don Bosco Casket was due in Khartoum on
16 January, and what's more it was on its way from
Kigali, Rwanda. The Salesians in Khartoum had been
working at all the correct permissions as well as
preparation in 13 parishes throughout Khartoum,
since October last year. But on 16 January, 2 hours
before take-off from Kigali, word came through to the
pilot that his landing permission had been revoked
for Khartoum. The problem was that the Government
of Sudan got cold feet, if such a thing is possible in
such a hot climate, at the last moment - or was it
just the airport authorities? Fortunately the newly-
proclaimed State of South Sudan was already willing
to accept the Casket, and those accompanying the
flight had all the due written permissions with them,
so the flight simply went to Juba, where Don Bosco
was unloaded a week before he was due to arrive!
The Casket was taken to the Don Bosco Gumbo
compound in Juba and looked after by the three
member groups of the Salesian Family living there
- SDB, FMA and CSJ (the newly arrived Caritas Sisters
from our Region).

And where did this leave our good Salesians in
Khartoum and surrounding districts? In the words of
our correspondent: "Having known the situation in
the country, the committee had an alternative plan
for the visit of the Relic of Don Bosco. We decided
that, if in case we did not get the Relic, we would
keep only the holy Eucharistic celebration in the
Parish and in the Cathedral. We also decided to use
the statue of Don Bosco and the relic of Don Bosco
available in our community, for public veneration". ..
and bingo.....! That solved that!

The enthusiasm has been no less in Khartoum
than anywhere else in Africa. And the reaction of
the 10 or so parishes which missed out? "The parish
priests of the places where the relic of Don Bosco

A story that needs to be told, Insha Allah!
KHARTOUM -- Perhaps there's a little story in recent days that might just get entirely overlooked
on the wider scene, especially in our Region where the Casket or Statue of Don Bosco has already
passed through. What does one do when one State refuses landing permission for the Casket at
the last moment? As far as we know, it has only happened once - a few weeks ago. Here is the
story, pieced together from various sources.

should have gone informed us that the people
started to flock to the places for veneration and
receive the blessings of Don Bosco. The parish
priests conducted simple prayer services and gave
them the blessings, in order not to disappoint them.
One member of the faithful said that she hoped that
'Don Bosco will come to Sudan one day,' another
said, that he 'believes, the Don Bosco relic may not
be here at this moment, but Don Bosco's Spirit is
fully present here among us'." Our correspondent in
Khartoum continues on a sombre note:

"At this moment both Sudan and South Sudan
are facing many problems, especially lack of
security. People (priests included) have disappeared
in Khartoum, the Sudan generally, and many people
have been killed in tribal clashes and cattle raids
in the South Sudan. April 8th is the final day for
southerners still living in the North. What is next?
God only knows.Trusting in God we live our daily life."

Let's keep our Salesian Family in this area very
much in our prayers. We need to let them know we
are with them at this difficult time.

32 Hajja Salesjana

Marina ˙assitha qisha qed tg˙ix ©o ˙olma. Bdiet
tiskanta kif ir-realtà tat-tra©edja kienet g˙adha
ma la˙qitx fil-profond ta’ l-esseri tag˙ha. Hemm,
fl-ewwel bank tal-knisja, Ωew© metri ‘l bog˙od
minnha l-kadavru ta’ bintha Susie li ftit jiem
qabel sfat vittma ta’ inçident tat-traffiku. NiΩlet
g˙arkubtejha u baxxiet rasha biex tevita li t˙ares
lejn it-tebut. Lanqas biss demg˙a wa˙da g˙alkemm
kienet tobsor li xi ˙in jew ie˙or dak id-dmug˙ kollu
mi©mug˙ g˙ad jinΩel b’qawwa ta’ dilluvju. Setg˙et
tinduna li kull min ©ie g˙all-funeral beda jag˙tiha
çertu daqqa t’g˙ajn li forsi tfisser li jiskantaw kif
mhix qed tibki. Ftakret kif l-istess kien ©ralha meta
miet Ωew©ha wara marda twila u kiefra; imma din
ta’ bintha xort’o˙ra. Xtaqet verament li setg˙et
tibki, li setg˙et b’xi mod turi minn barra dak li kien
qed içarrtilha qalbha fis-satra u fis-skiet.

Susie tag˙ha mietet! Tag˙ha jew ta’ Peter?
Kienet ilha miΩΩew©a biss g˙al sentejn wara li
kienet ilha nieqsa mid-dar g˙al ˙ames snin g˙ax
qalet li ma setg˙etx tg˙ix ming˙ajr Peter. Fl-a˙˙ar,
wara dak l-inkwiet kollu li Marina g˙addiet minnu
tara lil bintha tg˙ix ma ra©el ming˙ajr Ωwie©, Susie
u Peter iΩΩew©u. IΩΩew©u, u aktarx kien ikun ferm
a˙jar li minflok iΩΩew©u sseparaw g˙ax inqala’
inkwiet bejniethom u spiççaw jg˙ixu g˙al rashom.

Tg˙id kien sema’ bl-a˙bar Peter? U kif seta’ ma
jismax! L-avviz tal-funeral kien fuq il-gazzetti kollha,
inqara fuq ir-radjijiet u allura possibli li ma jkunx
jaf? Xi ˙add mar jirrakontalha kif Peter sab tfajla
o˙ra u li kien ilu jg˙ix mag˙ha, infatti din kienet
ir-ra©uni li hu u Susie sseparaw. Kemm ˙asset
mibg˙eda g˙al Peter dak il-˙in. Li kieku kellha tarah
Ωgur li taqbad fih hemm stess, tibda tg˙iru b’kull
ma g˙amel lil bintha ... iva, quddiem in-nies, iva, fil-
knisja stess. Qatt qabel dak il-waqt ma ˙asset tant
korla u sens ta’ tpattija g˙alih. Ma kellhiex ra©un,
forsi, t˙oss dak l-g˙adab kollu g˙alih?

Ippruvat tikkontrolla lilha nnifisha. Refg˙et
rasha u minn ta˙t il-g˙ajn indunat li fuq it-tebut
xi ˙add kien Ωied bukkett kbir ta’ ward a˙mar.
Kemm kien ward sabi˙! Xi ˙add kien po©©ih
hemm waqt li kellha rasha baxxuta, u lanqas biss
biljett. Xejn. Bdiet il-quddiesa, Marina bilkemm
inteb˙et u baqg˙et g˙arkubtejha li kieku o˙tha
Thelma li kienet ˙dejha ma qabdithiex bil-˙lewwa
minn drieg˙a biex tqajjimha. Kien hemm preΩenti
xi g˙axar konçelebranti u Marina fakkret lilha
nnifisha li riedet tisma’ dik il-quddiesa bil-©abra
u devozzjoni kemm jista’ jkun; hi kienet l-aktar
wa˙da li kellha d-dmir titlob g˙al bintha. Il-knisja

Lina Brockdorff

Bukkett Ward

33Hajja Salesjana

kienet ma˙nuqa bin-nies, bosta minnhom Ωag˙Ωa©˙
li kienu jafu ‘l Susie l-iskola jew l-università. Dawk
kollha g˙adhom ˙ajjin u Susie tag˙ha mietet! Bdiet
tittama li ˙add minnhom ma jiftillu jersaq lejn id-
dar, infatti g˙amlet avviΩ li ma tridx tirçievi nies.
L-g˙ada tal-funeral u tad-difna ippjanat li tmur ma’
o˙tha xhar G˙awdex. Hemm, g˙alinqas la tara u
lanqas tisma’ ... g˙alkemm xorta ©©orr it-toqol tad-
dulur mag˙ha. G˙al dak ma hemmx rimedju mkien.

Waslet l-omelija. Resaq biex jag˙milha Dun Pawl,
˙abib kbir tal-familja u li kien ˙a ˙sieb jorganizza
l-funeral. Kien ukoll il-konfessur ta’ Susie. Beda
jitkellem dwar kif g˙andna naççettaw ir-rieda t’Alla
f’kull waqt ta’ ˙ajjitna u nkunu konvinti li ji©ri x’ji©ri
Alla j˙obbna. Semma’ l-fatt li hu baqa’ ˙dejn Susie
sa l-a˙˙ar u li hi ˙alliet messa©© li xtaqitu jxandru
fil-pubbliku. Jaqaw x’inqala’? Biex kien ©ej Dun
Pawl? Kien messa©© ta’ ma˙fra g˙al kull min xi
darba we©©ag˙ha.

Marina ma setg˙etx temmen lil widnejha.
X’ji©ifieri ? X’kien ifisser dak il-kliem? Bil-mod il-
mod bdiet tirrealizza li dak kien messa©© inidirzzat
lilha u ‘l Peter. Dejjem kienet taf li bintha kienet
qaddisa u issa qabel mietet xtaqet li twassal dik il-
ma˙fra. Óasset b˙al ribelljoni ©o fiha. Susie ̇ afritlu,
imma hi Ωgur li le! Lanqas jekk tarah qed imut ma
kienet lesta biex ta˙firlu. Dnubu kien kbir wisq biex

Qabel ma waslu biex ikantaw il-Missierna
ç-çelebrant fakkar lil kul˙add kemm kien xieraq li
jg˙idu dik it-talba bil-qalb u li ˙add ma kellu jersaq
jirçievi t-Tqarbin Imqaddes jekk qabel ma jkunx
˙afer lil kull ma˙luq. Marina semg˙ethom dawk il-
kelmiet, imma Ωgur li l-kaΩ tag˙ha kien eççezzjoni,
Ωgur li l-Mulej jifhimha u li mhux qed jistenna
minnha li hi ta˙fer lil dak li ndirettament kien il-
kawΩa ta’ dak li ©ralha bintha; u b’hekk irrovina
mhux biss ˙ajjet bintha imma ˙ajjitha wkoll. Dun

Pawl ma kienx jaf x’ji©ifieri titlef ‘il bintek.
Il-quddiesa spiççat. Óadd ma ©ie biex jie˙u dak

il-bukkett ward a˙mar u Marina ˙atfitu f’idejha biex
i©©orru hi. Naturalment hi u o˙tha Thelma kienu
l-ewwel nies li mxew wara t-tebut. Kienet g˙oddha
waslet lejn il-bieb tal-knisja x˙in ta˙t kolonna, qisu
biex jista˙ba min-nies ratu. Iva, rat lil Peter ma’
ommu u missieru. Peter li hi ˙asbet li ma kienx
jaf bil-funeral. Óasset taqtig˙a kbira ©o qalbha.
Issa kellha l-a˙˙ar opportunità biex tmur tg˙ajru
u tg˙idlu kull ma kellha f’qalbha g˙alih, imbag˙ad
forsi tistrie˙. O˙tha nteb˙et x˙in rat lil Marina
t˙ares lejn il-kolonni u rasset aktar drieg˙ha biex
iΩΩommha qrib u ma t˙allihiex tag˙mel ebda pass.
Imma Marina rnexxielha te˙les mill-kontrol ta’
drieg˙ o˙tha.

Óar©et minn postha, ferqet lin-nies u marret
dritt fuqu. Kellu g˙ajnejh ˙omor nar u xejn ma
kien jidher b˙al Peter li kienet taf hi. In©ibdet lura.
Qalbha bdiet t˙abbat goff u beΩg˙at li ser i˙ossha
˙aΩin. Po©©iet il-bukkett tal-ward fuq bank qrib u
ming˙ajr biss ma taf x’kien li ©ieg˙lha ta©ixxi hekk
˙arset f’g˙ajnejn Peter. Qrat talba ta’ ma˙fra.
Óaddnitu mag˙ha waqt li qaltlu: “Il-paçi mieg˙ek!
Peter, ibqa’ Ωgur li Susie qed titlob g˙alina.”
Imbag˙ad resqet fuqha ommu u waqt li ˙addnitha
mag˙ha qaltilha: “Grazzi Marina, qatt ma stennejna
dan minn g˙andek! Int mara ©eneruΩa ferm!”

Qabel telqet semg˙et lil Peter jitlobha :
“Tag˙tina permess li ni©u mag˙kom? Nitolbok,
nixtieq in˙alli dak il-bukkett ward a˙mar ... ˙dejha.”

“G˙andek kull dritt li ti©i Peter, anzi nixtieqek
ti©i.” U kif qalet hekk infexxet f’bikja kbira. NiΩel
dak id-dmug˙ li kienet ilha tixtieq li jinΩel. Imma
g˙alkemm id-dmug˙ imbarazzaha, fl-istess ˙in
˙asset is-sliem f’qalbha u lissnet: “Grazzi Susie,
li tajtni lezzjoni tant sabi˙a, lezzjoni ta’ ma˙fra u

34 Hajja Salesjana

“A good priest is a truly human person who
expresses his love for God in prayer and in
love for people. These gifts are sanctified
and focused through the grace of ordination
when he becomes ‘a man for others’.”
Cardinal Cormac Murphy – O’Connor

• Do I really want to follow Jesus and show
his love to others, especially to the young,
as Don Bosco did?

• Is prayer and my own relationship with God
at the centre of my life?

• Do I want to be honest and ‘real’ before
God and others?

• Do I enjoy the life and company of other
people? Am I approachable?

• Am I concerned for the young, the poor
and vulnerable?

If you believe you have a calling to be a
Salesian priest then contact the voca-
tions director, Fr. Louis Grech SDB at:

Tel. 21 454546 / 21 456251
or e-mail:

for more information

way of life?

Are you
being calledto the


And to the


jj l j


Il-kontribuzzjonijiet kollha, kemm Ωg˙ar u kemm kbar,
huma dejjem apprezzati.

Ibg˙at il-kontribuzzjonijiet tieg˙ek lil:
Fr. Eric Cachia SDB - Amministratur tad-Delegazzjoni
Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli DGL2702
Tel: 2145 4546

Tista’ tg˙inna fix-xog˙ol li a˙na nag˙mlu mat-tfal u
maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ foqra billi tiftakar fina fit-testment tieg˙ek
jew tibg˙at donazzjoni.

Huwa bil-g˙ajnuna ta’ nies b˙alek li x-xog˙lijiet li
g˙andna madwar id-dinja jibqg˙u jag˙tu l-frott.

BorΩa ta’ Studju
Hija somma ta’ flus li tg˙inna biex in˙allsu parti mill-formazzjoni
ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ li qed i˙ejji ru˙u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan.

Kapital ta’ b600

Le. Wie˙ed jista’ jag˙tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xhar jew tant fis-sena.

Le. Jistg˙u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa˙da u kul˙add jag˙ti
sehmu. IΩda min jo˙ro© wa˙du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta’ dik il-BorΩa.

Jistà. U min jag˙mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: “In˙alli b˙ala legat
lis-Salesjani ta’ Don Bosco, is-somma ta’ g˙all-formazzjoni ta’
Ωag˙Ωug˙ Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.