Salesian Bulletin | 02
he eyes and the hearts of the Salesian
Family and of the people of Ghana Tand Nigeria in general, are still full of
joy at the visit of the Relic of Don Bosco to
the two countries. It was really a great
success, despite some organizational and
bureaucratic difficulties.
fruitfulness in the apostolate.
People turned up in a good numbers. Many
Don Bosco 's faith in the risen Christ,
young people, especially, felt that this was a
experienced and promoted through love
friend who was coming to visit them,
for the Holy Eucharist, was accompanied by
encouraging them to face life and face the
faith in Mary as someone who was living
future. There were all-night vigils, with
and active in the life of the Church and of
prayers, songs, confessions and a long
humanity, as well as in his vocational story
procession of young people around the
and his pastoral mission.
glass box of the relic, professing their love
Don Bosco himself founded the Association for Don Bosco and asking him to intercede
of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) in April with God for their particular needs.
1869 at the Shrine of Mary Help in
The image of Don Bosco that we saw is a
Valdocco, Torino. The ADMA promotes, as
copy of the one that is in the Basilica of Mary
in Don Bosco ‘s dream of the two columns,
Help of Christians in Turin. During this
the worship of the Eucharist and devotion to
month of May many people will visit the
Mary Help of Christians, in all forms public
Basilica and will stop at the altar where the
and private approved by the Church, paying
Relic of Don Bosco is venerated.
particular attention to families and young
Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco are people.
closely related; the people know it and this
I invite the Salesian Family to promote this
is the particular month to remind us of it; it is
Association in our new AFW Province and
a month specially dedicated to Mary Help of
Nigerian Delegation, as part of our
celebrations for the Bicentenary of Don
Through the motherly intervention of Mary, Bosco's birth.
the Holy Spirit raised up Don Bosco to be an
Let me express big thanks to the readers of
apostle of youth and the founder of a new
the Salesian Bulletin that support the
charism in the Church. The Virgin Mary
formation of the Young Salesian confreres;
holds an extraordinary place in the life of
through the Salesians Communities; you are
Don Bosco. There are not many founders in
helping the Province in the big effort to face
whose lives Mary has intervened as much as
the expenses that the formation and studies
she did in the life of Don Bosco. Few others
require. Be sure that every day in the
experienced the same level of motherly
formation Houses the confreres will pray for
solicitude, the same continuity, the same
powerful interventions and the same
Salesian Bulletin | 03
cool evening in May 1862, with his
usual skill as a story-teller Don Bosco Asaid: «Try to picture yourselves with
me on the seashore, or better still, on an
outlying cliff with no other land in sight. The
vast expanse of water is covered with a
formidable array of ships in battle formation,
prows fitted with sharp spear-like beaks The Valdocco sanctuary becomes the
capable of breaking through any defence. All tangible and the real sign of the presence of
are heavily armed with cannons, incendiary Mary in the life of Don Bosco and of the
bombs, and firearms of all sorts, and are Congregation. This is the “mother church” of
heading toward one stately ship, mightier the Salesian Family.
than them all. As they close in, they try to ram Popular opinion immediately discovers the
it, set it afire, and cripple it as much as marvellous understanding between Mary
possible. Help of Christians and Don Bosco: Mary
This stately vessel is shielded by a flotilla Help of Christians now will always be «Don
escort. Winds and waves are with the enemy. Bosco's Madonna.» And Don Bosco is «the
In the midst of this endless sea, two solid saint of the Help of Christians.» Very rarely
columns, a short distance apart, soar high in has it happened that a title of Mary, almost
the sky; one is surmounted by a statue of the unknown, has spread so quickly throughout
Immaculate Virgin at whose feet a large the world.
inscription reads: “Auxilium Christianorum”; Humbly Don Bosco said: «I am not the one
the other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a responsible for the great things you see; it is
Host of proportionate size and bears beneath the Lord, it is Mary Most Holy who deigns to
it the inscription: “Salus Credentium”. make use of a poor priest. I have put up
The flagship commander – the Roman Pontiff nothing of my own: Aedificavitsibidomum
– breaking through all resistance steers his Maria (Mary has built herself a house). Every
ship safely between the two columns from stone, every decoration represents a grace.»
whose summits hang many anchors and The Valdocco sanctuary is the church which
strong hooks linked to chains. He moors it to Salesians all round the world see more with
the two columns, first to the one surmounted their hearts than with their eyes. And it is here
by the Host, and then to the other, topped by that everyone feels “at home.”
the statue of the Virgin. At this point
something unexpected happens. The enemy
ships panic and disperse, colliding with and
scuttling each other.»
Mary has built herself a house
BY: Pascul Chavez Villanueva (The Rector Major)
Salesian Bulletin | 04
on Bosco was devoted to Mary from his earliest childhood. At
the time of his birth his saintly mother, Mamma Margaret, Dplaced him under Mary's protection. As soon as he could
speak, she taught him to pray to Mary, to recite the Angelus three times
a day, and to join in the family rosary every evening. In his early years,
and in the early years of his priesthood, Don Bosco prayed to Mary as
Mother of Sorrows, or as Our Lady of Consolation. This was the title
associated with the Church of the Consolata, the favourite shrine of
Mary in the city of Turin, where the good Christian people of the city
went to seek Mary's help and obtain favours through her powerful
intercession. It was here that the boys and young men went to pray,
night and day, in July 1846 when Don Bosco was at death's door.
Through their prayers and Mary's intercession, Don Bosco was restored
to health, miraculously in the opinion of his doctors, and was able to
continue his good work for boys.
The work expanded and Don Bosco's trust and confidence in Mary
grew. In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the dogma of the Immaculate
Conception. Don Bosco began then to honour Mary under the title
Mary Immaculate and encouraged others to do the same. Twelve year-
old Dominic Savio became a fervent apostle of devotion to Mary
Immaculate. He founded the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception in
her honour. Almost all of the eighteen founder members who
assembled on 18 December 1859 for the birth of the Congregation had
been members of that Sodality. Mary, indeed, played a key role in the
founding of the Salesian Congregation.
One day in 1862 Don Bosco confided to John Cagliero, future bishop
and cardinal, “The Madonna wishes us to honour her under the title
Mary, Help of Christians.” From then on, he became an ardent
promoter of devotion to Mary under that title – the title she herself had
chosen! – and Mary Help of Christians became known as “Don Bosco's
Madonna.” Don Bosco encouraged everyone he met - his Salesians, his
benefactors and the boys - to turn to Mary in their every need. “Have
devotion to Mary, Help of Christians” he used to say, “and you will see
what miracles are.”
Don Bosco was always conscious of Mary's dual role. She is the help of
individuals who seek her intercession. But she also has a broader role
as Mother of the Church and the helper of all Christians. Don Bosco said
to Cagliero in 1862: “the times are so bad that we sadly need her help to
preserve and safeguard our faith.” Later he wrote, “Not only for private
favours is Mary invoked, but especially because of the serious and
imminent dangers that threaten the faithful.
>>>continued on page 18
Salesian Bulletin | 05
enedict XVI gave thanks to God for the
opportunity to visit Cuba during his Bdeparture speech at Havana airport.
people to foster social harmony and to allow He also thanked the civil and Church
the blossoming of all that is finest in the authorities for their cooperation and
Cuban soul, its most noble values, which can assistance.
be the basis for building a society of broad
“I hold deep in my heart all the Cuban vision, renewed and reconciled,” he
people, each and every one,” he said. “You commented.
have surrounded me with prayer and
On a more overtly political note the Pope affection, offered me cordial hospitality and
referred to the limitations on basic freedoms shared with me your profound and rightful
and also to restrictive economic measures aspirations,” the Pope added.
imposed from outside that “unfairly burden”
He declared that he had come to Cuba as a the people of Cuba.
witness to Jesus Christ, to proclaim a message
The respect and promotion of freedom is of salvation and to strengthen the Church.
essential, the Pontiff continued, to enable
“May this journey also serve as a new impulse people to respond to the demands of human
to al l those who cooperate with dignity and to build up society.
perseverance and self-sacrifice in the work
He called for a “patient and sincere of evangelization, particularly the lay
dialogue” and said: “The present hour faithful,” he said.
urgently demands that in personal, national
Christ's message to humanity, he explained, is and international co-existence we reject
not one of constraint, but is rather the premise immovable positions and unilateral
for authentic development. v i e w p o i n t s w h i c h t e n d t o m a k e
“The light of the Lord, has shone brightly understanding more difficult and efforts at
during these days; may that light never fade cooperation ineffective.”
in those who have welcomed it; may it help all
Salesian Bulletin | 06|
nother phenomenon that is becoming a
hindrance to the development of young Agirls in Sub-Saharan Africa is the issue of
teenage pregnancy. It has become a serious trend
in the region for some years but it is unfortunate
that adequate attention has not been given to this
sweeping wave, which threatens the future of
teenage girls. The region has the highest number
of teenage pregnancies in the world. Statistics
show that 143 per 1,000 girls – aged 15-19 years
are victims while more than one in six teenage
girls between the ages of 15-19 gave birth
annually, and nearly one in seven babies born to
these teenagers dies before the age of one year.
Teenage pregnancy may be considered as
pregnancy conceived by girls who are in the age
range of 12-18 years. This stage of life is
characterized by a lot of bodily changes. But what
are the factors causing so many of our girls to get
pregnant? Are there consequences of teenage
pregnancy? These are pertinent questions which
need to be addressed consciously, and positive
suggestions are expected to aid in minimizing the
rate of teenage pregnancy. The core causes of
teenage pregnancy can be summed up as follows:
the illusion that having early sex makes one
mature, poor relationship between female teens
and their parents, the traditional mentality of not
speaking about sex to children, lack of sex
education programs in schools, early exposure to
pornography, poverty and peer pressure. Due to
these situations, the sacredness of sex is no longer
preserved and the value of abstinence is being
undermined by the use of various forms of
contraceptive methods. The quest for pleasure has
become the order of the day. This trivial attitude
toward life has ruined the lives of many teenage
girls. It has also made them vulnerable to
prostitution, HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases. Their plans for the future are
M a n y o f o u r
teenage girls who
persevered and later
had a child or children
o f t e n f a c e d t h e s e
consequences: many of them
undergo caesarean operation, there is a big risk of
poor health of both the offspring and the mother,
there is also a low count in weight of the infant, the
individual involved immediately becomes a
school dropout if she is schooling and the parents
may automatically assume the role of
breadwinner for both the girl and the unborn
child. In some cases the girl is asked to leave the
home, since in the majority of situations no one
claims to be responsible for the pregnancy. Some
girls who later overcome the stigma and trauma of
teenage pregnancy succeed in completing their
studies and become an asset to the society, the
majority do not succeed in finishing their studies
and acquire low-status jobs like sales girl at bars,
restaurants, or shops, or as housekeepers. These
girls remain underpaid or
unemployed due to their
l o w e d u c a t i o n a l
s t andards which
e v e n t u a l l y w i l l
subject them to
poverty for the rest
of their lives. If we
must act, the
time is now!
>>>continued on page 19
by Cornelius R. U-Sayee
Salesian Bulletin | 07
ain ts Cal l i s tus
Caravar io and
Aloysius Versiglia S
are the patron saints of the Salesian
community in Ibadan. Every year the
community celebrates “community day” on the
feast day these Saints.
This year's celebration was quite unique. The
day was marked liturgically on 25th February,
2012 with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Michael
Smyth. The external celebration, coupled with
the celebration of the anticipated birthday of the
rector, was held on the 3rd March, 2012 when
all the community members were present. One
of the events that took place on this day was a
community gathering in the morning. One of the
post-novices gave a short reflection on
community life after which there was a moment
of community evaluation. This evaluation was a
way of giving fraternal help to one another by
acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of
each confrere.
The Bosco Boys and some young people from
the oratory and youth centre joined in the
activities. There was a royal reception for the
Rector at the Youth Centre. The cultural group
presented a wonderful cultural dance. In his
“good night” talk, the Rector thanked the youth
for their efforts to make the day a great one for
him and the entire community. He expressed his
deep joy at the reception and at the number of
young people present. He said that he hopes they
did not come simply to celebrate with him,
but to meet Don Bosco. He added further
that Don Bosco is not the relic they saw some
days ago but the Salesians of today,
especially the young ones. He highlighted
the importance of youth in the mission of
Don Bosco and their contribution in helping
the young Salesians grow in their vocation.
In the evening the community had a great
supper after which there were presentations
from individual confreres and class groups.
At the end of the day the Rector gave the
good night talk thanking every member of
the community and stressing the fact that we
are all gifts. He added that the Ibadan
community is gifted with a good number of
young Salesians. This gift from God however
needs to be nurtured, not from the outside
but from within. This nurturing is achieved
by listening to God in prayer, by
participating in the life of the community,
and by getting to know more about our
founder and father Saint John Bosco.
Salesian Bulletin | 08|
oung people are indeed treasures we
need to cherish. The closer we are to Ythem, the easier it is for us to become
part of their story. In this way, we can lead them
towards an interior experience of Christ, who is
the source and summit of all. “If not for Don
Bosco, I don't know how my life would have
been. I think God is speaking to me…” said, one
of the boys in the hostel. We pray God will
enrich him with His grace to take further step in
his vocational journey.
Here in Ashaiman, we are not far from our
founder's charism. We do not only live with the
boys, but are part of their story. The young
people are challenged in various ways, and we
cannot get in touch with their problems, if we
are at a distance.. “Come, let us make the young
our life mission.” The Rector Major urges all
Salesians. They need our brotherly advice,
chatting and sharing in our vocational story.
Our work is quite diversified. We work at the
Mass Centre, the School, Tema New Town, the
Automobile workshop and the Hostel. We try to
evangelize by educating and educate by
evangelizing. The young people need us to help
them attain a holistic formation. In these past
days, we have been able to listen to them,
celebrate with them, celebrate our founder,
Don Bosco, who started this path for us, share
with other religious congregations within the
Archdiocese of Accra and finally, pay homage
to our dear Archbishop. “We are indeed
imitating Christ the good Shepherd in the
footsteps of Don Bosco.”
he local counties meet is a tournament
organized by the Salesians and youth Tcoordinators of Don Bosco Youth Centre,
New Matadi, Monrovia, Liberia with the sole aim
of bringing the youths of Monrovia together in joy
and happiness, and also creating an environment
of cheerfulness, love and care for each other so as
to build in the young people the sense of
There were 15 registered teams representing the
15 different counties of Liberia. The teams were
divided into four groups ranging from A to D with
four counties in every group. The tournament
rdcommenced on 3 February, 2012. Eight counties
made it to the quarter-final stage with two
counties per group, after which four counties
successfully qualified for the semi-final stage with
two counties per group. Finally two counties
qualified to the grand final stage. At the end, Sinoe
County beat Montessorado County by 2 goals to 1,
and so became the winner of the tournament.
by Christopher Anso
by Iyke Nwugo
Salesian Bulletin | 09
Local Counties
meet Matadi, Monrovia, Liberia
Let Us become
part of their Story
he coming of Don Bosco's relic to Ghana and Nigeria
filled the Salesians and young people of these Tcountries with joy. Salesians in both countries had a
rare opportunity of seeing the relic of St. John Bosco. The
relic which had toured other African provinces came to
thAFW province, precisely Ghana and Nigeria, from 16 to
th th th
19 and 20 to 29 February respectively. All Salesian
houses in these countries hosted the relic welcoming it
with joy and enthusiasm. The coming of the relic to Ghana
and Nigeria gave us a golden opportunity of having our
founder with us. The young people of these countries
were not forgotten. Programmes including processions,
veneration of the relic, vigil and Holy Mass were organised
for the spiritual benefit of the young people.
When the relic arrived in Nigeria, it was held up at Lagos
Airport for two days. This prevented the relic from moving
as planned to the parishes where the Salesians are
present. However, the people of Lagos had the
opportunity of having the relic with them on the 28 of
February. The relic finally left AFW province for Cameroon
thon the 29 of February after an eventful tour. This
opportunity of a lifetime was highly appreciated by all
Salesians in AFW province, especially those in Ghana and
Udechukwu Pascal
hen I heard in 2009 that the relic of Don Bosco
would embark on a pilgrimage round the WSalesian world, I wasn't very enthusiastic about
the idea. First of all, I knew it would involve investing a
huge amount of money. Secondly, I felt the way the relic
was placed in a glass casket would not allow it to be
welcomed in an African context. These were my
preoccupations and sincerely I found it so
difficult to understand why we had to embark on
this kind of adventure.
When the time came for the relic to visit AFW
Province, and precisely our post-novitiate in
Ibadan, Nigeria, I was chosen to be part of the
group in charge of promoting the event. This
meant that I had to address groups of young
people, parishioners, students, teachers,
workers, religious congregations and so on,
about the coming of the relic of Don Bosco.
During the promotion, I had to talk to people
about the importance of relics, and why the
coming of Don Bosco's relic is a privilege to be
As I moved round the city of Ibadan and its
environs talking about Don Bosco and his relic, I
gradually realized that what I was doing was no
longer a mere task entrusted to me - it had
become for me a spiritual exercise. The more I
talked to people, the more I became convinced
of what I was doing, and to my great surprise I
began to have a kind of deep desire and longing
to behold the relic of Don Bosco.
When the relic finally arrived in Ibadan on 28
February, my experience was like that of Simon
Peter at the Transfiguration. I felt like pitching
three tents – all for Don Bosco. When I got the
chance to move closer to the relic, I whispered to
him, “I thought the pilgrimage you started in
2009 was a waste of time and resources, but
now – just like Thomas – I have seen with my own
eyes, and I believe”.
Ogundana O. Joseph Kunle Sdb
Now I Have Seen & Believe!
Salesian Bulletin | 10|
ndeed it is awesome and a thing of joy to share my
wonderful experienceI
I actually came to know the Salesians and also got
involved in the programs and activities of Don Bosco
Youth Centre Onitsha during my primary school as far
back as 1995.Since then my life has been positively
transformed in various aspects like in character
moulding. Although my family can be considered ideal,
my character was positively influenced by active
involvement in the programme they organised. During
my formation programs as an Animator of Don Bosco
Youth Centre I acquired moral and spiritual
development, leadership and administration,
organisation skills and creativity in animating my peers.
We were taught a lot about St. John Bosco, Dominic
Savio, Blessed Laura Vicuna, and Michael Rua which
motivated and challenged our spiritual life. With my
experience of Don Bosco, I have come to know that
being with the young people and children, teaching
them and serving them, we save our soul. Today, I find
so much joy being with the young children. It reminds
me of one of the qualities of Don Bosco’s spirituality of
joy and optimism
More so, the arrival of the Relics of Don Bosco brought
joy in the life of so many people and I give all thanks to
God Almighty for the gift of Don Bosco. Till today the
joy, blessings and miracles of Don Bosco still radiate in
my life and my family. I will also urge my fellow youths
to always make themselves available for the service of
the Young.
Chika Oduaro
hen I was a boy, we use to go to a man's
house. This man is so poor but will give us all Whe had just to make sure we are happy and
satisfied. He would even come to our locality to visit us.
He always brought football, volley ball and other
playing materials along with him. Although old, he
played so energetically as if he is of our age. He had so
much life in him that we kept telling ourselves he
could never grow old. His smile is the most beautiful
part of him because he always wears it and it covers
even his unattractive features. When we grew a little
bigger and were ready for catechesis, he taught us with
a clear understanding that “sin is ugly and virtue very
beautiful”. With that in mind we approached the altar
with holiness in heart. There were many young people
that came to his house during the long vacation. This
prompted him to organise a holiday camp for us in
which after tuition in the early hours of the day, and
later for skill acquisition where we were taught
different crafts, later is the games. This camp moulded
us and now many of us are leaders in different aspects
of life in our different endeavours. I've gained a lot from
this man and am so fond of him that I cannot stay for
months without visiting that home that raised me to be
a good Christian and honest citizen.
Recently he paid us a visit, this time it wasn't a time for
games or holiday camp. He took us into a deep
reflection of who we are, and what we are called to be.
To be a saint is doing your duties judiciously in a happy
mood he would always tell us, and to become a saint is
doing ordinary things in extraordinary way”.
You fill me with extraordinary youthfulness papa and
that's why you are a Saint.
Oti Ikechukwu
My Experience in Don Bosco
Youth Centre
Salesian Bulletin | 11|
he Salesian Youth Movement technology today, committing
(SYM) Congress (Nigeria) is crime with the use of computers, life Twhere hundreds of youths from in the campuses, reaction of youths
all the Salesian communities in to their parents telling them that
Nigeria meet once a year in one of they are “old school” (they are
the communities, depending on outdated) and much more. It
which community is to host the helped us understand more about
congress. The last SYM Congress was life.
hosted by the Onitsha community in We can do without most of these
Anambra State from the 15th - 18th things and can still live an honest life,
of December 2011. if we focus on what we really want to
The congress helps us to get closer to become in the future and take the
Jesus Christ, and to know more right route to get there. We should
about Don Bosco and Salesian not be in a hurry to get there before
spirituality. At the congress in our time, because most of the time
Onitsha there was a talk given by we young peoplewant to make our
one of the speakers Rev. Br Paolo way to the top before our time
“The Significance of Jesus' Life in our comes, and we ruin our lives or the
World Today.” He spoke about how lives of others in order to make it,
Jesus would react to the situation of without taking into consideration
things going on in the world of the consequences.
by Adetosoye Adedayo
Salesian Bulletin | 14
e was born praying and doing penance. When Don Bosco
at Riva di suggested to him that he could become a saint by HChieri, Italy being cheerful and willing to entrust himself to
ndon 2 April 1842 him, Dominic wasted no time in seeking the path
into a family poor in of holiness.
ththis world's goods The 8 of June 1856 was a day of great joy for
but rich in faith. He was nurtured in the family Dominic and his companion as they began the
with a sense of true devotion to Jesus and Mary. Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. They
He was seven years old when he made four promised to become apostles among their
important resolutions at his first Holy companions, to help those who were lonely and
Communion. He said “I will go to confession to spread joy and cheerfulness. St Dominic
often and receive communion as often as my Savio's sanctity of life was a fruit of Don Bosco's
confessor allows; I will keep feast days holy; My educational method known as the preventive
thfriends shall be Jesus and Mary; Death rather system. He died on 9 March 1857 at almost the
than sin.” age of fifteen in his native village of Mondonio.
The moment Don Bosco encountered him, he He was canonized by Pope Pius XII on 12 June
knew that such a boy was good material for the 1954. His feast day is celebrated on 6 May.
Lord. Dominic was the kind of person who loved
ary Mazzarello was born on May 9,
1837 in Mornese a small village in MPiedmont, northern Italy. She was the
first born of seven children of Maddalena and
Giuseppe Mazzarello. The environment where
she found herself was marked by work and deep
Christian piety. As such, she was able to develop
a good moral character, an ardent temperament,
a good sense of reality, a clear mind and stable
At the age of fifteen she offered herself to God
with a vow of virginity. Her love for Jesus was so
strong that nothing seemed too much for her to be
with Him and to receive Him in the Eucharist. In
1860, an epidemic of typhoid broke out in
Mornese. She contracted the illness while caring
for her relatives who were ill. Due to her poor
health, she could no longer work in the fields and
she decided to become a seamstress. Soon she
began to teach the young girls to sew but above
all she helped them to know and love God and to
be good, and she
keeps them away
from dangers. A
meeting with Don
Bosco in 1864
marked a decisive
point in her life. She
collaborated with
Don Bosco to establish an oratory for poor and
abandoned girls, and later she became co-
founders and first superior of the Salesian sisters.
thShe died on the 14 of May 1886, at the age of 44.
She was beatified by Pope Pius XII on November
20, 1938 and canonized on June 24, 1951. Her
feast day is celebrated on 13 May.
by Dike Kenneth
Salesian Bulletin | 15
he role of Mary in the church is indeed
wonderful. We honour Mary because God
first honoured her through the greeting of T
the Angel Gabriel. In the Gospel of Luke,
Gabriel greeted Mary with the words, “Rejoice, O
highly favoured daughter! The Lord is with
you”.(1:28). Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary, filled
wi th the Holy Spi r i t , a l so honoured
Mary:,“Blessed are you among women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb”.(1:41-42). The
Gospel of John speaks of Mary standing at the foot
of the cross and records how she was symbolically
offered to us as our mother. (19:25-27).
Mary has always served as an intercessor for us.
She interceded for the couple at the wedding feast
and her intercession prompted Christ to action.
We believe that when we bring our petitions to
her, she will plead for us before Christ her Son and
our prayers will be granted. As a mother, she is full
of love and continues to help us whenever we ask
her to pray for us. In the Old Testament, the book
of Exodus talks of the Ark which bore the Covenant
and commandments. (25:10-22). Mary is seen as
the new Ark of Covenant since Christ is the new
covenant and Mary is the new ark where God has
chosen to dwell. The coming of Christ to the world
is a thing of joy to the whole world. Mary is
referred to as the Cause of our Joy, due to that
simple yes which she said at the annunciation.
Mary continues to help each and every one of us in
our vocation. She teaches us daily how to follow
the Son and gives an example of accepting joy and
sorrow which are part of life. The Gospel of Luke
records the prophecy of Simeon to Mary, “a sword
will pierce your own heart”(2:35). This was
reflected at the foot of the cross as Mary watched
her only son die so that she could become the
mother of us all. Is it not only right that we honour
the mother of God who has been given to us by
God on the cross? Mary teaches us how to live with
the virtue of patience and trust as she believed
everything that was promised her by God. She was
present in the upper room when the apostles
received the Holy Spirit and that makes her burn
with a fire from above that radiates the love of God
to whoever draws close to her. My life has been
shaped through the intercession of Mary who
continues to assist us by forwarding our prayers to
her son who pleads insistently for us before the
Father. Let us love God by loving his mother and
giving her the honour due to her.
Salesian Bulletin | 16|
very day life as you know presents its own usually travel 5 kilometres every morning and
experience and these experiences are unique evening for school and oratory consecutively.Eno matter how simple some might be. thI finally arrived at this parish residence on 30
I will like to share my experience of been privileged September 2010. Without missing words, I was
to be one of those to pioneer a Salesian mission. startled at the sight of the building and the dirty
environment. It also rained, so all the flies had a
After two days of my arrival to Nairobi, I received a
reason to perch on us and since I was new, they
call from the delegate – Fr Ferrington - that, I was to
were all over me to grant me a grand welcome.
join the team going to begin a new mission in the
Western part of South Sudan. Though not having After lunch, one of the Salesian priests took us
any idea of what this mission might look like, I was around – I and a Jesus youth volunteer from India
all yes and enthused to arrive at this new mission. I who was coming to join the new community too.
also got a call from the regional – Fr Basanes – who We were first taken to the toilet and bathroom. The
had just concluded a visit to the new mission. He sight and smell of the pit toilet made me tremble.
was with the delegate superior so he took the The flies, according to me, soldier flies oozed out
opportunity to welcome me, encouraged and and we took to our heels. The priest was full with
wished me well for my first assignment as a laughter. He had enough reason to laugh. He had
practical trainee. stayed there for 3 months after his ordination and
was ill to the point of death, that he was rushed to thI arrived at Juba on 26 August, 2010. I stayed in our
Nairobi for treatment. So his laughter was more out
community in Gumbo - outskirt of Juba town - for
of his personal experience than just laughing at us.
one month. I had to stay there to wait until the
Even as I'm writing this now, i am smiling, but it was
mission house of our new mission was built – It took
not funny then. He took us to the parish Church,
the contractor a month and a half to build this
which was an old building. There, we saw bullet
house. Two confreres were already living in the
marks on the walls. The church had served as
parish residence of the Catholic parish in Maridi.
barricade during the war between the SPLA South
Maridi is a small town, 5 kilometres before Manguo
and the SPLA North, both at each side. SPLA means
where our mission is situated. These confreres
Sudan People's Liberation Army.
by Anthony Odior
Salesian Bulletin | 17
We finally shifted to our mission residence on the
3 of October 2010. It was a different experience.
We had a new house with master bedrooms, of
course with good water system toilets; fine open
environment; nice community of confreres; a well
equipped Jesus Youth volunteer; two cooks and a
religiously inclined Christian community. We
didn't have television, internet, power – we had
bought a Chinese 5KV generator that got damaged
after a week usage. No solar panels yet, we were
living with candles and charged solar lamps and
touch-lights during the nights and early morning.
We lived like this for a month before the solar
panels were installed.
On our first Sunday in the new mission, we were
introduced in the church and the people were very
happy that we have finally come to stay.
Our Salesian community was vibrant and pulsating
with ideas of how to bring the gift of Don Bosco to
the young and the people in general. It was so
invigorating; the emotions that emerged in me,
thinking of the fact that I am actually part of a
group bringing the gift of Don Bosco to people of
this part of the world. I was very much enthusiastic
that I was, we were all out for this mission.
The Parish priest formed so many Christian
communities. Every evening he goes to each group
with one or two catechists to animate prayer
service. The volunteer and I were in the oratory
with the young people, organizing games, choir
practices in the parish, and we were both teaching
in the primary school. The young people were so
happy at our presence in the school. The mood of
the school changed that news about us soon reach
Maridi town and Ibba – 40 kilometres
from Manguo – that something new and
attractive was now taking place in
After a month, the Jesus Youth volunteer
was seriously ill. Being an Asthma
patient the weather did not favour his
condition so he had to be flown to India
for treatment. After proper medication,
he came back refreshed for the mission.
I was not spared too. I was constantly
attacked by malaria and typhoid fever.
Mosquitoes were so aggressive while
water was bad. The dust did not spare my
eyes too. We all got our share of that
perils the new mission had for us.
However, these situations which were
transitive, thank God, did not deter my zeal
but something unexpected will happen.
Salesian Bulletin | 18
Today the Catholic Church itself is attacked in its
mission, its institutions, in its head, in its doctrine
and in its discipline. It is precisely to obtain the
special protection of heaven that we have
recourse to Mary as the Mother of us all, the
special helper of Catholics throughout the world
and of their leaders.
Mary has been constituted by God as the Help of
Christians, and in time of crisis she has shown
herself to be the helper especially of those who
suffer for their faith.”
Times were bad in Don Bosco's day, and they are
certainly no better in our own day. The Church is
still under attack “in its mission, its institutions, in
its head, in its doctrine and in its discipline.” Mary
is still the Mother of the Church and the Help of
Christians, as powerful in our day, and as much
needed in our day, as she was in the time of Don
Bosco. We treasure devotion to Mary Help of
Christians as part of the precious heritage left to us
by Don Bosco. We invoke her help for our
personal needs and for the needs of the Church
and of all Christians. She will not fail us!
>>>continued from page 5
OUR LADY want us to honour Her
as the Help of Christians
he Association of Mary Help of Association works in communion and
Christians (ADMA) offers a fidelity with the pastors of the Church
and in cooperation with other church Tjourney to hol iness and
apostolate according to the groups, especially those of the
Salesian charism. Don Bosco Salesian Family.
founded the Association 18 April
1869 at the Shrine of Mary Help of
Christians, Valdocco (Torino), with
the aim of promoting and
defending the faith of the
common people.
ADMA promotes, as in the dream
of Don Bosco of the two columns,
the worship of the Eucharist and
devot ion to Mary Help of
Christians, in all forms, public and
private approved by the Church,
paying particular attention to
families and young people.
The Association of Mary Help of
Christians is a group of the Salesian
fami l y and i s w idesp read
throughout the world, particularly
in the places where the Salesians
and the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christ ians are present. The
Let us rise and wage war against
teenage pregnancy by encouraging
parents to take up their responsibility as
domestic educators. Moral education
should be included in all school
curricula. Government and private
institutions are to create awareness
programs to sensitize the masses to the
effects of teenage pregnancy. Finally,
there is the need to invest in human
resources for the fulfilment of this mission
in order to secure a brighter future for
our young and talented girls within the
Teenage Pregnancy: A serious trend
in Sub-Saharan Africa
>>> continued from page 7
Salesian Bulletin | 19
etween 16 and 18 March 2012 there were
two events in Hong Kong which Bstrengthened the presence of the Salesian
spirit: a retreat for the lay personnel of the Salesian
schools and the promise of new Salesian
Cooperators. On Friday and Saturday 16 and 17
March, the principals and supervisors of the
Salesian schools in Hong Kong and Macao hada
weekend spiritual retreat. The event gave the staff
members – not all Christians - the opportunity to
reflect on the influence they have on the young
and the importance of guiding them well. Fr Simon
Lam, Provincial of China, pointed out that not only
Christians were qualified to evangelise and lead
others to God; non-Christian educators,
possessing a Christian merciful heart and
practising Jesus' spirit are also fulfilling the mission
of education and evangelisation. As Don Bosco
used to say, the Provincial added: “When you save
others, you yourselves are also being saved.”Fr
Lam then observed that it was important to take
care also of themselves and to have a strong
interior life as a support, to avoid burn-out in their
responsibilities for the young. The solution he
suggested was to draw on a never dried-up
fountain. Fr. Lam provided four directives for
acquiring holiness and doing ordinary things with
extraordinary motivation: doing everything
joyfully, aware of God's support; having the pillars
of the Eucharist and of Mary; praying with short
ejaculations frequently to relate everything to
God; and the fourth, having a sense of mission
which leads to doing one's best to save everyone.
During the final sharing session, participants
indicated that they could feel the kind concern of
the Salesian Society in organizing such a retreat
time for them, with enriching content and a
chance to rest, and experience the support and
power of the community and share with each
other the same mission as educators.
The second event on Sunday 18, was the taking of
the promise by 27 new Salesian Cooperators from
the Hong Kong Centre.
he pilgrimage of Don Bosco's casket
continues in the Province of Central Africa, Twhere it stays until the middle of April.
From Kinshasa it was taken to Goma and then to
Lubumbashi. Almost the whole of Tuesday 20
March was spent taking the casket from Kinshasa
to Goma, over 1,600 km. Along the way there
some unexpected and quite spontaneous
episodes which demonstrated the profound
devotion of the Congolese people to Don Bosco.
For example, at the airport of Ndolo, the halfway
stage of the long journey, the casket arrived
covered with a layer of dust. Yet as soon as it was
unloaded from the truck, and before it could be
carried into the airport, it was wiped cleaned by a
woman with a damp cloth. She did it with the care
and the love of a mother! Or again at Kananga,
where the casket stayed for just an hour during a
technical stop-over, the pilots and the airport
personnel seized the opportunity for their private
prayer and veneration.
Great Popular Devotion to
ANS-Hong Kong
Salesian Bulletin | 20
The Salesian Family
on Increase in Number
& in Spirit
salesian world news
where the casket stayed for just an hour during a
technical stop-over, the pilots and the airport
personnel seized the opportunity for their private
prayer and veneration.
When it finally reached Goma, in the late
afternoon of Tuesday 20, the casket was taken to
the Cathedral, where the faithful had been
waitingsince 10:00am in the morning. The Bishop
was represented by Mons. Louis Nzabanita who
presided at Mass, thanking the Lord for the
opportunity to venerate Don Bosco's relics, just a
few months after the pilgrimage to the city of the
relics of Blessed John Paul II. The following day,
the relic was taken from the Cathedral to the Don
Bosco Centre in Ngangi, in a long and colourful
procession, full of young people. When it arrived
there Fr Jean-Claude Ngoy presided at Mass during
which the Rector, Fr Piero Gavioli, gave the
homily. The programme continued with along
period of veneration, by individuals and by
groups, and then in the afternoon there was
another Mass for the people from the local district.
In the evening a vigil began which lasted all
through the night until the next morning. On
Thursday 22 the casket was at the other large
Salesian centre in Goma, the Goma Industrial
Technical Institute (ITIG). The ITIG students went
to the Youth Centre early in the morning and took
part in the Mass. Then they escorted the casket in a
procession to their own Institute while
theSalesians led the singing and prayers and
explained the significance of the visit of the relics.
Whenthey arrived another Mass was celebrated
after which there was the veneration by all the
students and staff.On Friday 23 March the
pilgrimage of the casket reached the city of
Lubumbashi, where Bishop Gaston Ruvezi, SDB
was waiting in the Cathedral. First there was the
veneration by various groupsof faithful and then in
the afternoon Mass at which the Salesian Bishop
Salesian Bulletin | 21
“It is essential to think of our presence, the
community and the Salesian work in terms of a
network, like an interconnected transmitter.”
These words of the former Rector Major, Fr Juan
Vecchi, were the inspiration for the project of the
Don Alberto de Agostini Salesian Schools'
Network. On Friday 23 March, at the Provincial
House in Buenos Aires, the project started its
activities with the inauguration of the Almagro
Network, bringing together the Provincial
Centre, the Salesian Centre of Studies in Buenos
Aires (CESBA) and the Pius IX Community.
The event was attended by the Provincial of
Southern Argentina, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime,
and the Rectors of the Salesian CESBA Centre
and the Pius IX Community, and the
administrative personnel of Saint Francis of
Sales Centre.
Using free software the project is a Provincial
initiative following the recommendations of the
26th General Chapter aimed at integrating
technology and the educative-pastoral system. Fr
Artime spoke about the work accomplished by
the Salesian Schools' Network and especially
the efforts made the Salesian Brother José Luis
Muñoz, who presented the project at the 2010
Provincial Chapter.
Work has been going on for several months on
the network covering the Provincial House, the
Pius IX lnstitute and CESBA. In practical terms it is
a network involving the use of a large ring of fibre
optics around the three centres. It links four key
points and provides an internet connection with
more than 350 fixed places, a number which will
Salesian Schools’ Network
Responding to
New Challenges
ANS-Buenos Aires
n 22 and 23 March at Valdocco in Turin
there was an interesting vocation event Oinvolving about 980 young people from
senior schools, vocational training centres,
oratories and parishes in Piedmont and the Val
d'Aosta. The event, which was intended as part of
the ongoing process of coming to know Don
Bosco, involved a show, a sharing of vocation
stories and a penitential service. Young Salesian
students gave three separate performances of a
musical they themselves had composed. Entitled
“Scripta Ardent”, it is a one-act musical based on a
letter written many years ago. It tells the story of a
group of youngsters who go looking for “the
country-man of miracles,” who found a “small bit
of good among a group of rascals” and was able to
Telling the Story of Don Bosco
An Invitation
to Salesian Life
Salesian Bulletin | 22
certainly increase in time. For the future there
will be a wireless connection also for cellphones,
and if the first trials on a limited basis are
successful this will be extended. A new server to
replace the old one is also planned.
As Fr Artime pointed out, the aim is to strengthen
the mentality of “a Province operating as a
network, sharing knowledge and experience
through new technology: a Province responding
to the challenges presented by the new contexts
of communication, giving priority to the poor”.
A number of houses in the Province of Southern
Argentina are now using this form of high level
technology in their educational work.
sow “sparks of joy.” There were morning shows
for young people from schools and vocational
training centres, and an evening show for those
from the oratories and parishes. Some carefully
chosen young people from Salesian centres in the
ICP Province were welcomed by the young
Salesians and by the Provincial, Fr Stefano
Martoglio. After the show, they were divided into
groups on the basis of their age. They chatted with
the young Salesians and heard the story of their
vocation. A lively and interesting discussion
followed on a wide range of topics related to Don
Bosco and vocation. The morning and the evening
sessions were each followed by a penitential
service in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians
led by the ICP pre-novices, the novices from
Pinerolo and by young Salesians from the student
ate of theology at the Crocetta, and members of
“As the one with responsibility for vocations in
ICP, I can really say that this has been a very well
participated family style event in which the young
face of the Congregation has been seen. It was one
of a number of things in which the ICP Province
has been engaged in order to create an ever more
explicit culture of vocations for the benefit of our
young people”, was the observation of Fr Luca
(Fr Barone is no stranger to AFW. He
accompanied a group of Italian volunteers who
worked on the holiday camp in Ibadan a few years
to look for a home to sustain them.
(all bending as if with stomach pain) Listen! Look at
me! I don`t have much energy as before. But if you
want, you can cut all my branches and use them to build
a house around me. I will remain with the little girls and
take care of them while you work (with enthusiasm
and smiling face) the Tree added: Don`t worry. It`s true
I have little but I can give it all to the poor girls. Cut my
trunk, it can serve to make a bigger house. I will take
care of the poor girls around me. Make a boat with my
trunk and some of these grown-up girls will go far away
through the sea to care for so many others. And many
other orphans join in as time went by. But that was just
the beginning.
Enters a priest, he stops to stare at the orphans
He states: What confusion. This seems to be what I am
already doing with the boys but the girls, the poor
girls...There are so many with no one!
After 125 years, many people from different continents
who heard of the '' Giving Tree “in Mornese continue to
go back there. But “The Giving Tree” is not tired ….
Today we have so many young people in need. So much
to do. We are few, too young, still at the beginning. But
how...? The Giving Tree: (interrupts sadly) Oh I am so
sorry. Here I am. There is nothing left that I can give
you. If I had something I really would have given you. I
am only an old bark.
Another tree added: No! No don`t worry. I do not need
anything. I am looking for a place to sit down and reflect
in order to know how to continue giving myself like
The Giving Tree: (surprised) Well! Well! Then come
and sit on me, relax and I will tell you the secret.
Anytime you need me I am here and I will always help
you out.
Yes! it`s true. Mary Mazzarello was an angel of mercy
and solidarity in her lifetime:
She cared for her little brothers and sisters at home. She
took care of the sick relatives with typhoid. She
dedicated her whole life for the good of poor young
girls of Mornese as a Salesian sister and she continue to
do it through all the Salesian sisters who serve young
people in schools, orphanages, catechesis, oratories
thprofessional and vocational centres since 140 years of
the foundation of the Institute Who will be the angel of
mercy and solidarity tomorrow? You and I and the
generation to come. Come and join us then.
The tree replied:
The 140th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute
brings with it a breathe of new life. The charisma lives a
season of revitalization, enthusiasm, hope and authentic
light. To celebrate this historic event of our Religious Family
means being renewed in the merry loyalty of the alliance of
love with God lived in the style of the Salesian spirituality.
A Parable of The Giving Tree: Once a upon a time in a
village called Mornese, in Italy there was a beautiful green
tree that grew just in a family homestead.
The whole family, village and many other people from far
often went to this special tree and were so happy. The tree was
so happy to make all people happy. It was named ''The Giving
(A mother enters very sad and desperate. She sits under the
tree and lean her back on it) She states: I have so many
children to take care of, wash, cook, and work in the farm.
Some are too small; I need a housemaid to help me.
The tree replied Oh no! Here I am, young, full of green
leaves that provide shade, a soothing breeze. You can even
pick some leaves and the children will play with them. Let the
little ones come near me. I will make them enjoy as you
continue your work. (The woman rises up, picks some leaves,
nods her head and goes away happily)
Years passed, and a terrible typhoid broke out in
Mornese. One day...
(A child sighing and weeping, sits under the tree sobbing)
Mum and Dad are sick, and my big brother is almost dying.
It's too cold; no food, no one to take care of us (shshshsh)
Don`t worry little child, says the Tree. Just come, climb on
me, gather all the fruits and nourish your sick parents, sell
some and buy food. Cut my twigs and use them as firewood to
warm them and cook food for them.
(a father with two little miserable girls sits under the
Tree )
He states: O God where are you. Look at these little
daughters of mine. They have just lost their mother. I need
140 years of the Institute
of The Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians (FMA)
Salesian Bulletin | 23