Year 6 | Issue No. 23 Jun - Jul - Aug 2012
Don Bosco with us
A monument or a Friend?
Don Bosco’s visit to ZMB
The Roman Missal (III)
Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 6/Nº23 Jun - Jul - Aug 2012
Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba,
Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda,
Alexio Mesi, Fr Ignatius Musenge.
Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. Andrew Reut,
Walter Thyrniang, Clement Mutamba SDB,
David Njolo SDB, Christopher Mukuka
SDB, John Musonda SDB.
Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House
Editorial: Personality Cult 3
Knowing Don Bosco - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Church today: The Assumption of Mary 6
Words of the Provincial 7
The Roman Missal: A significant milestone 8
Salesian World | Local News 9
The Alchemist’s Pilgrimage 10
Relativism: The Culture of Use and Throw 11
The Dream 12
Salesian World | International News 13
A Threefold Priest 14
Newly Professed Saleians 15
Moshi Mini-Olympics 16
Don Bosco with us 17
A Monument or a Friend 18
Fr. Zygmunt Labun 19
ZMB Photo 20
In this Issue:
3Salesian NewslinkZMB
ne of the biggest challenges to life in ministry is the so-
called ‘Personality Cult’, which tends to identify the
minister with the ministry itself, making him/her
absolutely necessary for the success of the enterprise. It also
praises the qualities of the minister to a point in which even the
community become divided. This sort of understanding of
ministry might be deceiving and even dangerous. From the
outset of the church, when Jesus called his first disciples, he
called them for a purpose; he wanted to spread the knowledge of
the “Kingdom of God and its righteousness”. In the gospel
accounts, Jesus’ followers are not even named, but only
numbered. We read verses like, “Jesus called the twelve”,
“Jesus sent seventy two others...” etc. But what is clearly stated
is that Jesus sent them for a purpose; he sent them to preach,
cure and proclaim the good news. He did not intend to make of
them celebrities by means of giving them miraculous powers.
With today’s understanding of the importance of the human
person as an individual and as a unique member of this universe
that has so much to give to the world, we seem to be entering a
situation in which the person of the minister is as important or
perhaps, in some cases, more important than the mission itself.
The early church was founded on Peter, the Rock, but after him
came many others of whom there is no specific record, and what
is most interesting they seemed not to have had much to say
about themselves; their main goal was to continue the mission
of the Church.
Looking at the profile of the apostles, it is wonderful to see that
they founded Christian communities all in many places and, at a
certain point, they moved on, and the community grew and
developed. However, not all was as good as it sounds. St. Paul
witnesses that in some of the early Christian communities a
certain tension developed between Christians based on the
person who founded the community. Some claimed to be for
Paul, other for Cephas, Apollo, etc; to these people Paul clearly
stated that it wasn’t any of them who gave their lives for the
community, but Christ. For him, Christ was the only and main
thing, the rest are co-workers, if you wish, but they are in no way
the ones to replace Christ.
With the veneration of the saints, it seems that the praise of the
virtues of the person and the personality of the minister grew.
And nowadays, there is some sort of understanding creeping
into the church and our Congregation as well, a mentality that
praises the minister and his qualities over the mission; and thus
people in ministry are becoming more and more indispensable
and consequently unmovable.
Sometimes we seem to forget that the mission is God’s work
and intervention in the history of salvation. The minister is
simply and only God’s instrument and servant.
It is praiseworthy to witness the community’s appreciation for
one’s efforts in improving the Christian community; it is also
very comforting, But anything beyond that becomes
Personality cult
a threat to ministry
By Fr Javier A. Barrientos SDB
St. Paul outside the walls - ROME
Salesian NewslinkZMB
Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 6/Nº23 Jun - Jul - Aug 2012
Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba,
Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda,
Alexio Mesi, Fr Ignatius Musenge.
Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. Andrew Reut,
Walter Thyrniang, Clement Mutamba SDB,
David Njolo SDB, Christopher Mukuka
SDB, John Musonda SDB.
Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House
Editorial: Personality Cult 3
Knowing Don Bosco - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Church today: The Assumption of Mary 6
Words of the Provincial 7
The Roman Missal: A significant milestone 8
Salesian World | Local News 9
The Alchemist’s Pilgrimage 10
Relativism: The Culture of Use and Throw 11
The Dream 12
Salesian World | International News 13
A Threefold Priest 14
Newly Professed Saleians 15
Moshi Mini-Olympics 16
Don Bosco with us 17
A Monument or a Friend 18
Fr. Zygmunt Labun 19
ZMB Photo 20
In this Issue:
3Salesian NewslinkZMB
ne of the biggest challenges to life in ministry is the so-
called ‘Personality Cult’, which tends to identify the
minister with the ministry itself, making him/her
absolutely necessary for the success of the enterprise. It also
praises the qualities of the minister to a point in which even the
community become divided. This sort of understanding of
ministry might be deceiving and even dangerous. From the
outset of the church, when Jesus called his first disciples, he
called them for a purpose; he wanted to spread the knowledge of
the “Kingdom of God and its righteousness”. In the gospel
accounts, Jesus’ followers are not even named, but only
numbered. We read verses like, “Jesus called the twelve”,
“Jesus sent seventy two others...” etc. But what is clearly stated
is that Jesus sent them for a purpose; he sent them to preach,
cure and proclaim the good news. He did not intend to make of
them celebrities by means of giving them miraculous powers.
With today’s understanding of the importance of the human
person as an individual and as a unique member of this universe
that has so much to give to the world, we seem to be entering a
situation in which the person of the minister is as important or
perhaps, in some cases, more important than the mission itself.
The early church was founded on Peter, the Rock, but after him
came many others of whom there is no specific record, and what
is most interesting they seemed not to have had much to say
about themselves; their main goal was to continue the mission
of the Church.
Looking at the profile of the apostles, it is wonderful to see that
they founded Christian communities all in many places and, at a
certain point, they moved on, and the community grew and
developed. However, not all was as good as it sounds. St. Paul
witnesses that in some of the early Christian communities a
certain tension developed between Christians based on the
person who founded the community. Some claimed to be for
Paul, other for Cephas, Apollo, etc; to these people Paul clearly
stated that it wasn’t any of them who gave their lives for the
community, but Christ. For him, Christ was the only and main
thing, the rest are co-workers, if you wish, but they are in no way
the ones to replace Christ.
With the veneration of the saints, it seems that the praise of the
virtues of the person and the personality of the minister grew.
And nowadays, there is some sort of understanding creeping
into the church and our Congregation as well, a mentality that
praises the minister and his qualities over the mission; and thus
people in ministry are becoming more and more indispensable
and consequently unmovable.
Sometimes we seem to forget that the mission is God’s work
and intervention in the history of salvation. The minister is
simply and only God’s instrument and servant.
It is praiseworthy to witness the community’s appreciation for
one’s efforts in improving the Christian community; it is also
very comforting, But anything beyond that becomes
Personality cult
a threat to ministry
By Fr Javier A. Barrientos SDB
St. Paul outside the walls - ROME
Salesian NewslinkZMB
coming to enlist clergy and sisters; they made this reason he sent his missionaries to Rome to
contact with Don Bosco, visited Valdocco and receive the Pope’s blessing.
made suggestions about foundations. He saw in
this a sign of God’s will and was enthusiastic. It is THE VANGUARD OF A GREAT ARMY
in this context 1871/72 that the first missionary
dream finds its place. Among the alternatives, the practicalities/practical
«I seemed to be in a wild region I had never seen nature of it led him to prefer the Argentina
before, an immense untilled plain, unbroken by proposal/option: thousands of immigrants were
hills or mountains, except at the farthest end where heading there and his missionaries would not find
I could see the outline of jagged mountains … Then themselves isolated; there was a civil society there
I saw a small band of other missionaries, led by a ready to support the work; and there too were the
number of young boys, advance cheerfully toward “savages” of his dreams. The letters and news from
those savages. I feared for them, thinking: They Cagliero and the others about the real Patagonia
are walking to their death. I went to meet them: they would have radically altered the romantic vision of
were clerics and priests. – When I looked closely at Don Bosco, always ready to adapt himself to
circumstances and to see the voice of the Lord in
them. The strategy changed: the founding of works
like Valdocco (colleges, parishes and oratories),
which would be places of formation for the
transformation of the new nations of Latin America
and from there set out for the missionary service in
the missions among the native peoples.
In this way the traditional model of the mission
updated with elements taken from the charism of
the oratory, which gave great importance to the
education and care of the young. Even the
organisational aspects changed: the Salesian
missionaries were not only witnesses and apostles
who left everything to proclaim the Gospel; like the
top of an iceberg, like the vanguard of a great army,
they felt that there were representing the whole
Salesian Family which was supporting them
spiritually and materially, and which shared their
joys and sorrows, their successes and difficulties.
Don Rua reminded the Cooperators: «The
Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians like the hosts of an army in the field will
do their part, placing at the service of God and of
them I recognised them as our Salesians. their neighbour their wills, their health, their lives;
I personally knew only those in front, but I could the Cooperators on their part will do what good
see that the others too were Salesians.» fathers and mothers of families do for their children
when they go to war.» (BS 14 [1890] pp. 4-5).
Influenced by the spirit of his century, he thought of The letters of the missionaries published in the
the missions in a stricter sense, in partibus Bulletin spoke about every particular detail, every
infidelium, and in a more romantic sense: among project, every achievement, every success, every
cruel and savage peoples. His vision of the Church suffering, every difficulty. Everyone could know
as Catholic, sent to all peoples, also played an about and share in the apostolic labours, enjoy
important role, and his perception of the Salesian them, be proud of them, suffer with all of them,
vocation as a gift from God to the young of the support them with their prayers, collaborate
whole world, as well as anti-protestant concerns. financially. And the missionaries, who felt
The principles of missionology in those days were themselves part of the great family of DB,
of the transforming leaven, of the struggle of appreciated, supported, encouraged and loved,
conquest, of evangelical witness even to know how to plant in an effective way the Salesian
martyrdom. The ’Euntes in mundum universum’ in charism in every part of the world.
his ears was like a juridical-ecclesial mandate, for
Fr Pascual Chavez SDB
he President of the United States, Barack
Obama, on a visit to Brazil on 19 and 20 March
2011 to extend and optimise political and
commercial relations between the two
countries, in an address to business men
recalled Don Bosco’s dream about the city of
In concluding his address which lasted about
twenty minutes, Obama referring to Don
Bosco’s dream said: ““Brasilia is a young city -
- it will turn 51 next month. But it began as a
dream more than a century ago. In 1883, Dom
Bosco, Brasilia’s patron saint, had a vision that
one day, a capital city of a great nation would
be built between the 15th and 20th parallels. It
would be a model for the future and ensure that
opportunity was the birthright of every
The most poignant object in Don Bosco’s
rooms at Valdocco is a small globe of the world
dark and rather approximate. It is hard to make
abandoned youth, will gradually be the basis out the frontiers between the countries and the
for the decision to open the Salesian Family to world is strangely fused together in a compact
the missions ad gentes. Don Rua repeated it: whole.
«It was this need to save souls that made him “Young Michael Rua often heard him exclaim,
think the old world was too narrow and led him «Oh how much good I could do if only I had
to send his sons to the far off Missions in twelve priests at my disposal! I would send
America» (BS 21 [1897] 4). them out to preach our holy Faith not only in
In his years at the Ecclesiastical College, the churches, but in the streets as well!»
influenced by his reading about the missions, Whenever he glanced at a world map he would
DB had fondly dreamed of joining the Oblates heave a deep sigh at seeing so many regions
of Mary Immaculate for the missions among still lying in the shadow of spiritual death, and
the Indians in North America. He was an avid he would eagerly long for the day he could
reader of the Annali della Propagazione della carry the light of the Gospel to places not
fede from 1848. But the decisive factor in opened up by missionaries” (Biographical
accelerating the development of the Memoirs III, 383).
miss ionary vocat ion of the young The same apostolic zeal acquired at the school
Congregation came with the Vatican Council I of Cafasso, which led Don Bosco to identify as
(1869-70): many bishops from America, his field of action the world of poor and
Africa and Asia, taking advantage of their
Salesian NewslinkZMB 5
4 Salesian NewslinkZMB
coming to enlist clergy and sisters; they made this reason he sent his missionaries to Rome to
contact with Don Bosco, visited Valdocco and receive the Pope’s blessing.
made suggestions about foundations. He saw in
this a sign of God’s will and was enthusiastic. It is THE VANGUARD OF A GREAT ARMY
in this context 1871/72 that the first missionary
dream finds its place. Among the alternatives, the practicalities/practical
«I seemed to be in a wild region I had never seen nature of it led him to prefer the Argentina
before, an immense untilled plain, unbroken by proposal/option: thousands of immigrants were
hills or mountains, except at the farthest end where heading there and his missionaries would not find
I could see the outline of jagged mountains … Then themselves isolated; there was a civil society there
I saw a small band of other missionaries, led by a ready to support the work; and there too were the
number of young boys, advance cheerfully toward “savages” of his dreams. The letters and news from
those savages. I feared for them, thinking: They Cagliero and the others about the real Patagonia
are walking to their death. I went to meet them: they would have radically altered the romantic vision of
were clerics and priests. – When I looked closely at Don Bosco, always ready to adapt himself to
circumstances and to see the voice of the Lord in
them. The strategy changed: the founding of works
like Valdocco (colleges, parishes and oratories),
which would be places of formation for the
transformation of the new nations of Latin America
and from there set out for the missionary service in
the missions among the native peoples.
In this way the traditional model of the mission
updated with elements taken from the charism of
the oratory, which gave great importance to the
education and care of the young. Even the
organisational aspects changed: the Salesian
missionaries were not only witnesses and apostles
who left everything to proclaim the Gospel; like the
top of an iceberg, like the vanguard of a great army,
they felt that there were representing the whole
Salesian Family which was supporting them
spiritually and materially, and which shared their
joys and sorrows, their successes and difficulties.
Don Rua reminded the Cooperators: «The
Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians like the hosts of an army in the field will
do their part, placing at the service of God and of
them I recognised them as our Salesians. their neighbour their wills, their health, their lives;
I personally knew only those in front, but I could the Cooperators on their part will do what good
see that the others too were Salesians.» fathers and mothers of families do for their children
when they go to war.» (BS 14 [1890] pp. 4-5).
Influenced by the spirit of his century, he thought of The letters of the missionaries published in the
the missions in a stricter sense, in partibus Bulletin spoke about every particular detail, every
infidelium, and in a more romantic sense: among project, every achievement, every success, every
cruel and savage peoples. His vision of the Church suffering, every difficulty. Everyone could know
as Catholic, sent to all peoples, also played an about and share in the apostolic labours, enjoy
important role, and his perception of the Salesian them, be proud of them, suffer with all of them,
vocation as a gift from God to the young of the support them with their prayers, collaborate
whole world, as well as anti-protestant concerns. financially. And the missionaries, who felt
The principles of missionology in those days were themselves part of the great family of DB,
of the transforming leaven, of the struggle of appreciated, supported, encouraged and loved,
conquest, of evangelical witness even to know how to plant in an effective way the Salesian
martyrdom. The ’Euntes in mundum universum’ in charism in every part of the world.
his ears was like a juridical-ecclesial mandate, for
Fr Pascual Chavez SDB
he President of the United States, Barack
Obama, on a visit to Brazil on 19 and 20 March
2011 to extend and optimise political and
commercial relations between the two
countries, in an address to business men
recalled Don Bosco’s dream about the city of
In concluding his address which lasted about
twenty minutes, Obama referring to Don
Bosco’s dream said: ““Brasilia is a young city -
- it will turn 51 next month. But it began as a
dream more than a century ago. In 1883, Dom
Bosco, Brasilia’s patron saint, had a vision that
one day, a capital city of a great nation would
be built between the 15th and 20th parallels. It
would be a model for the future and ensure that
opportunity was the birthright of every
The most poignant object in Don Bosco’s
rooms at Valdocco is a small globe of the world
dark and rather approximate. It is hard to make
abandoned youth, will gradually be the basis out the frontiers between the countries and the
for the decision to open the Salesian Family to world is strangely fused together in a compact
the missions ad gentes. Don Rua repeated it: whole.
«It was this need to save souls that made him “Young Michael Rua often heard him exclaim,
think the old world was too narrow and led him «Oh how much good I could do if only I had
to send his sons to the far off Missions in twelve priests at my disposal! I would send
America» (BS 21 [1897] 4). them out to preach our holy Faith not only in
In his years at the Ecclesiastical College, the churches, but in the streets as well!»
influenced by his reading about the missions, Whenever he glanced at a world map he would
DB had fondly dreamed of joining the Oblates heave a deep sigh at seeing so many regions
of Mary Immaculate for the missions among still lying in the shadow of spiritual death, and
the Indians in North America. He was an avid he would eagerly long for the day he could
reader of the Annali della Propagazione della carry the light of the Gospel to places not
fede from 1848. But the decisive factor in opened up by missionaries” (Biographical
accelerating the development of the Memoirs III, 383).
miss ionary vocat ion of the young The same apostolic zeal acquired at the school
Congregation came with the Vatican Council I of Cafasso, which led Don Bosco to identify as
(1869-70): many bishops from America, his field of action the world of poor and
Africa and Asia, taking advantage of their
Salesian NewslinkZMB 5
4 Salesian NewslinkZMB
The Assumption
of Mary
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 16, 2012 (
Dear brothers and sisters,
our steps in meeting her Son on
In the heart of the month of August the Church in the East and the West our journey to reach the glory of
celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy into heaven, the eternal joy.
heaven. In the Catholic Church, the dogma of the Assumption – as we know [Following the recitation of the
– was proclaimed during the Holy Year of 1950 by Venerable Pius XII. The Angelus the Holy Father greeted
celebration of this mystery of Mary, however, has roots in the faith and t h o s e p r e s e n t i n v a r i o u s
worship of the Church’s first centuries, in that deep devotion to the Mother languages. In English he said:]
of God that progressively developed in the Christian community. I offer a warm welcome to the
Already at the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth, we E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g v i s i t o r s
have the witness of various authors who affirm that Mary is in God’s glory gathered for this Angelus prayer,
with her entire being, soul and body, but it is in the fourth century that in including the groups from Nigeria,
Jerusalem the Feast of the Mother of God, the Theotokos, consolidated with Ghana and Burkina Faso. Today
the Council of Ephesus in 431, was transformed into the feast of the we celebrate the Solemnity of the
dormition, the passage, the transit, the assumption of Mary; it became the Assumption of Our Lady. May the
celebration of the moment in which Mary left the scene of this world, example and prayers of Mary,
glorified in soul and body in heaven, in God. Queen of Heaven, inspire and
To understand the Assumption we must look to Easter, the great mystery of sustain us on our pilgrimage of
our salvation, which marks the passage of Jesus to the glory of the Father faith, that we may rejoice with her
through the passion, death, and resurrection. Mary, who gave birth to the in the glory of the resurrection and
Son of God in the flesh, is the creature who is most deeply inserted in this the fulfillment of her Son’s
mystery, redeemed from the first moment of her life, and associated in a promises. Upon you and your
special way with the passion and glory of her Son. Thus, Mary’s families I invoke the Lord’s
Assumption into heaven is the mystery of the Passover (Pasqua) of Christ abundant blessings!
fully realized in her. She is intimately united to her risen Son, victor over sin [Concluding in Italian he said:]
and death, fully conformed to him. But the Assumption is a reality that I hope that you will pass this
touches us too because it points to our destiny in a luminous way, the destiny solemn and popular Marian feast
of humanity in history. In Mary, in fact, that reality of glory to which each of in serenity and in faith.
us and the whole Church is called.
The passage of the Gospel of St. Luke that we read in the liturgy of this [Translation by Joseph Trabbic]
solemnity shows us the journey that the Virgin of Nazareth took to be in the
glory of God. It is the account of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (cf. Luke 1:39-
56), in which Our Lady is proclaimed blessed among all women and blessed
because she believed in the fulfillment of the words of the Lord that were
spoken to her. And in the song of the “Magnificat,” which elevates her to
God in joy, the depth of her faith shines through. She places herself among
the “poor” and the “lowly,” who do not trust in their own strength, but give
themselves over to God, who make room for his action, which is capable of
doing great things precisely in weakness. If the Assumption opens us up to
the bright future that awaits us, it also powerfully invites us to entrust
ourselves to God, to follow his Word, to seek and do his will every day: this
is the path that makes us “blessed” on our earthly pilgrimage and opens the
gates of heaven to us.
Dear brothers and sisters, the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council states:
“Mary, assumed into heaven ... by her constant intercession continues to
bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. By her maternal charity, she cares for
the brethren of her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers
and worries, until they are led into the happiness of their true home” (Lumen
Gentium, 62). Let us invoke the Holy Virgin, may she be the star that guides
“Mary’s Assumption into Heaven
is the Mystery of the Passover of Christ fully Realized in Her"
and the Salesian Sisters, shower of blessings from the Lord
made great efforts to prepare the through the intercession of St John
youngsters and the people to Bosco at this solemn occasion. I can
welcome Don Bosco. I am sure Don see that the visit of Don Bosco has he visit of Don Bosco
Bosco would have been very happy brought us together and made us t o Z M B w a s a n
with us. Hearty congratulations to more enthusiastic for the Salesian occasion of grace to
everyone . Some organized Mission.everyone. When We
everything to the last detail, as planned the visit of
was seen in Harare. In some Don Bosco, there was a mixed feeling
places there was a sea of people, among the confreres. Most were very
l i k e i n M a n s a . B u t enthusiastic. A few were not so much
everywhere, there was a joyful - not because they did not want to
and prayerful atmosphere. All welcome Don Bosco - but they were
the fears of the confreres and thinking of the reaction of the
others regarding how Don people… fearing some cultural
Bosco would be welcomed, taboos.
were quickly pushed aside. But I must say that the people outdid
This reveals a great truth to us. us in their enthusiasm and joy to
People in general are very welcome Don Bosco, to pray to him,
religious minded and they love to spend some moments of quiet with The visit of Don Bosco coincided
to be in touch with the sacred and the h i m , t o h a v e t h e m s e l v e s with a great tragedy for ZMB – the
holy. True, there were some who photographed with him, to have death in Poland of Fr Zygmunt
were just curious as to what was rosaries and other religious objects, Labun, his brother Henryk and sister-
happening etc. But these were very, handkerchiefs, chitenges etc. placed in-law Bernadeta, in a car accident,
very few! Several people expressed on the casket of Don Bosco. Starting when their car was hit by a train at an
their words of gratitude for bringing from Harare where we welcomed unmanned railway crossing. Fr
Don Bosco to their places. In fact this Don Bosco, to Lilongwe where we Zygmunt was due to return to Zambia
was a special grace that we offered to said good bye to him, the atmosphere towards the end of August. We will
the people and the youngsters and among the people who were gathered miss Fr Zyga a lot. We do not
even our confreres. Instead of going together, was electric. There was a understand why this tragedy took
to Turin to venerate the Relics of Don sacred frenzy if I could say so – an place. But I am sure the Lord has
Bosco at the Basilica of Mary Help of aura of delirium. People were provided for us a new intercessor in
Christians, Don Bosco came to us. overjoyed and enthusiastic to heaven and now he will be able to
We could make the pilgrimage to Don welcome Don Bosco. The help us better than before. May their
Bosco here in our own land.Archbishop of Harare, Most Rev. souls rest in peace.
I am sure the visit of Don Bosco has Robert Ndlovu, was present at the My sincere words of thanks to
changed the lives of many people. airport in Harare to welcome Don everyone who shared in planning the
There is reported in Lilongwe of the Bosco. The youngsters and the people visit of Don Bosco, for coming to
healing of a woman who was ill for from our parishes turned up in big venerate Don Bosco and pray to the
almost 8 years. But there were several numbers to offer a fitting welcome, to Lord through his intercession. He
spiritual miracles taking place among Don Bosco with dances and singing helped thousands of youngsters here
our confreres and among the and endless ululations!. on earth. From heaven I am sure he
youngsters and people who prayed to This was also seen in the huge will help all who seek his help in their
Don Bosco for different graces. I am number of people, in several of our lives. Invoking the Lord’s blessings
sure we will see the effects of the visit communities, who spend the entire on you all in abundance through the
of Don Bosco soon.night praying to Don Bosco. There intercession of Don Bosco,
All this was in preparation for a great was a festive and joyful atmosphere Yours,
celebration we will have in 3 years’ but compounded with a overall
time – the Bicentenary of the Birth of prayerful atmosphere. Fr George Chalissery SDB
Don Bosco. We expect a great All the communities of the Salesians
Source: ZENIT.ORG 16.08.2012
Salesian NewslinkZMB 7
An unforgettable event
Salesian NewslinkZMB
The Assumption
of Mary
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 16, 2012 (
Dear brothers and sisters,
our steps in meeting her Son on
In the heart of the month of August the Church in the East and the West our journey to reach the glory of
celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy into heaven, the eternal joy.
heaven. In the Catholic Church, the dogma of the Assumption – as we know [Following the recitation of the
– was proclaimed during the Holy Year of 1950 by Venerable Pius XII. The Angelus the Holy Father greeted
celebration of this mystery of Mary, however, has roots in the faith and t h o s e p r e s e n t i n v a r i o u s
worship of the Church’s first centuries, in that deep devotion to the Mother languages. In English he said:]
of God that progressively developed in the Christian community. I offer a warm welcome to the
Already at the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth, we E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g v i s i t o r s
have the witness of various authors who affirm that Mary is in God’s glory gathered for this Angelus prayer,
with her entire being, soul and body, but it is in the fourth century that in including the groups from Nigeria,
Jerusalem the Feast of the Mother of God, the Theotokos, consolidated with Ghana and Burkina Faso. Today
the Council of Ephesus in 431, was transformed into the feast of the we celebrate the Solemnity of the
dormition, the passage, the transit, the assumption of Mary; it became the Assumption of Our Lady. May the
celebration of the moment in which Mary left the scene of this world, example and prayers of Mary,
glorified in soul and body in heaven, in God. Queen of Heaven, inspire and
To understand the Assumption we must look to Easter, the great mystery of sustain us on our pilgrimage of
our salvation, which marks the passage of Jesus to the glory of the Father faith, that we may rejoice with her
through the passion, death, and resurrection. Mary, who gave birth to the in the glory of the resurrection and
Son of God in the flesh, is the creature who is most deeply inserted in this the fulfillment of her Son’s
mystery, redeemed from the first moment of her life, and associated in a promises. Upon you and your
special way with the passion and glory of her Son. Thus, Mary’s families I invoke the Lord’s
Assumption into heaven is the mystery of the Passover (Pasqua) of Christ abundant blessings!
fully realized in her. She is intimately united to her risen Son, victor over sin [Concluding in Italian he said:]
and death, fully conformed to him. But the Assumption is a reality that I hope that you will pass this
touches us too because it points to our destiny in a luminous way, the destiny solemn and popular Marian feast
of humanity in history. In Mary, in fact, that reality of glory to which each of in serenity and in faith.
us and the whole Church is called.
The passage of the Gospel of St. Luke that we read in the liturgy of this [Translation by Joseph Trabbic]
solemnity shows us the journey that the Virgin of Nazareth took to be in the
glory of God. It is the account of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (cf. Luke 1:39-
56), in which Our Lady is proclaimed blessed among all women and blessed
because she believed in the fulfillment of the words of the Lord that were
spoken to her. And in the song of the “Magnificat,” which elevates her to
God in joy, the depth of her faith shines through. She places herself among
the “poor” and the “lowly,” who do not trust in their own strength, but give
themselves over to God, who make room for his action, which is capable of
doing great things precisely in weakness. If the Assumption opens us up to
the bright future that awaits us, it also powerfully invites us to entrust
ourselves to God, to follow his Word, to seek and do his will every day: this
is the path that makes us “blessed” on our earthly pilgrimage and opens the
gates of heaven to us.
Dear brothers and sisters, the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council states:
“Mary, assumed into heaven ... by her constant intercession continues to
bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. By her maternal charity, she cares for
the brethren of her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers
and worries, until they are led into the happiness of their true home” (Lumen
Gentium, 62). Let us invoke the Holy Virgin, may she be the star that guides
“Mary’s Assumption into Heaven
is the Mystery of the Passover of Christ fully Realized in Her"
and the Salesian Sisters, shower of blessings from the Lord
made great efforts to prepare the through the intercession of St John
youngsters and the people to Bosco at this solemn occasion. I can
welcome Don Bosco. I am sure Don see that the visit of Don Bosco has he visit of Don Bosco
Bosco would have been very happy brought us together and made us t o Z M B w a s a n
with us. Hearty congratulations to more enthusiastic for the Salesian occasion of grace to
everyone . Some organized Mission.everyone. When We
everything to the last detail, as planned the visit of
was seen in Harare. In some Don Bosco, there was a mixed feeling
places there was a sea of people, among the confreres. Most were very
l i k e i n M a n s a . B u t enthusiastic. A few were not so much
everywhere, there was a joyful - not because they did not want to
and prayerful atmosphere. All welcome Don Bosco - but they were
the fears of the confreres and thinking of the reaction of the
others regarding how Don people… fearing some cultural
Bosco would be welcomed, taboos.
were quickly pushed aside. But I must say that the people outdid
This reveals a great truth to us. us in their enthusiasm and joy to
People in general are very welcome Don Bosco, to pray to him,
religious minded and they love to spend some moments of quiet with The visit of Don Bosco coincided
to be in touch with the sacred and the h i m , t o h a v e t h e m s e l v e s with a great tragedy for ZMB – the
holy. True, there were some who photographed with him, to have death in Poland of Fr Zygmunt
were just curious as to what was rosaries and other religious objects, Labun, his brother Henryk and sister-
happening etc. But these were very, handkerchiefs, chitenges etc. placed in-law Bernadeta, in a car accident,
very few! Several people expressed on the casket of Don Bosco. Starting when their car was hit by a train at an
their words of gratitude for bringing from Harare where we welcomed unmanned railway crossing. Fr
Don Bosco to their places. In fact this Don Bosco, to Lilongwe where we Zygmunt was due to return to Zambia
was a special grace that we offered to said good bye to him, the atmosphere towards the end of August. We will
the people and the youngsters and among the people who were gathered miss Fr Zyga a lot. We do not
even our confreres. Instead of going together, was electric. There was a understand why this tragedy took
to Turin to venerate the Relics of Don sacred frenzy if I could say so – an place. But I am sure the Lord has
Bosco at the Basilica of Mary Help of aura of delirium. People were provided for us a new intercessor in
Christians, Don Bosco came to us. overjoyed and enthusiastic to heaven and now he will be able to
We could make the pilgrimage to Don welcome Don Bosco. The help us better than before. May their
Bosco here in our own land.Archbishop of Harare, Most Rev. souls rest in peace.
I am sure the visit of Don Bosco has Robert Ndlovu, was present at the My sincere words of thanks to
changed the lives of many people. airport in Harare to welcome Don everyone who shared in planning the
There is reported in Lilongwe of the Bosco. The youngsters and the people visit of Don Bosco, for coming to
healing of a woman who was ill for from our parishes turned up in big venerate Don Bosco and pray to the
almost 8 years. But there were several numbers to offer a fitting welcome, to Lord through his intercession. He
spiritual miracles taking place among Don Bosco with dances and singing helped thousands of youngsters here
our confreres and among the and endless ululations!. on earth. From heaven I am sure he
youngsters and people who prayed to This was also seen in the huge will help all who seek his help in their
Don Bosco for different graces. I am number of people, in several of our lives. Invoking the Lord’s blessings
sure we will see the effects of the visit communities, who spend the entire on you all in abundance through the
of Don Bosco soon.night praying to Don Bosco. There intercession of Don Bosco,
All this was in preparation for a great was a festive and joyful atmosphere Yours,
celebration we will have in 3 years’ but compounded with a overall
time – the Bicentenary of the Birth of prayerful atmosphere. Fr George Chalissery SDB
Don Bosco. We expect a great All the communities of the Salesians
Source: ZENIT.ORG 16.08.2012
Salesian NewslinkZMB 7
An unforgettable event
Salesian NewslinkZMB
Salesian NewslinkZMB 98 Salesian NewslinkZMB
S WSalesian dorl
that they do. CBU Catholic
students are going around
Zambia sharing their faith
experience and showing signs of
their commitment in living a
serious Christian life and
Kabwe (ZAMBIA) 13-Makululu-Kabwe (ZAMBIA) joy and thanksgiving to God for
15/08/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK. 2/08/2012. ZMB NEWSLINK. the gift of fidelity and vocation.
YES TEAM FORMATION The annual programme of During the homily Bishop
WEEKEND.Animation of the Playgrounds C l e m e n t r e m i n d e d F r .
led by the Belgian Volunteers of Christopher of the duties of the
Don Bosco Jeugddienst has priest, but also of the fact that it is
gathered more than 25 youth always God who is at work in
leaders fo r the learn ing each person and the most
programme of youth animation. important thing is to see His
In turn the youth leaders will presence and action in one’s
have the oppor tun i t y o f own life.
developing their youth animation The formation journey of Fr.
skills during the week of practical Kunda to become a Salesian
A group of 13 youth leaders t r a i n i n g w h i c h w i l l b e Priest took 19 years and it is
gathered for a formation coordinated after the learning through God’s intervention that
weekend at Don Bosco Youth weeks. he has received the grace of
Centre in Kabwe. The aim of the This year the Belgian Volunteers ordination to become a more
meeting was to strengthen the were present in both Don Bosco committed servant of God’s
YES Retreat Team by means of Youth Centre in Kabwe (next to people.
sharing experiences, planning St. Mary’s Parish) and Don Fr. Kunda chose as the motto of
the year activities and getting to Bosco Makululu. his ordination the words of Peter
know each other better. Salesian The programme is enabling in the Gospel of John: “Lord, you
Bishop Right Rev. Clement youngsters to become more know everything, you know that I
Mulenga, honoured the occasion effective peer animators. love you” which reflects his
by an occasional visit towards vocation journey.
the end of the weekend. He Kabwe (ZAMBIA) 15/07/2012.
s h a r e d h i s v i e w s a n d ZMB NEWSLINK.- Youth Chimese-Mansa (ZAMBIA)
expectations on the group of Evangelising the Youth. 23/06/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK.
animators. Fr. Andrew Reut The Giant that is in Me.
SDB, rector of the community Youngsters from Chimese,
and Youth Co-ordinator of Mansa, have attended a youth
Kabwe Diocese led the weekend semina r mean t t o ra i se
programme, giving a salesian awareness of how to handle their
touch to the whole event. sexuality positively. More than 40
girls and boys attended the
Bauleni-Lusaka (ZAMBIA) seminar and came out of it
07/07/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK. grateful for the way it was
Youth from the Copper Belt Priestly ordination of Fr conducted, promising a positive
University (CBU) visited the Christopher Kunda SDB. behavioral change.
youth of St. Mary’s Parish in an Salesian Bishop Clement
effort to make a reality the motto: Mulenga SDB has ordained
“Youth Evangelising the Youth”. priest Rev. Christopher Kunda
During their visit, CBU students SDB in splendid ceremony at St.
strongly reminded young people Mathias Mulumba Parish in
from Kabwe that if they want to Bauleni (Zambia).
succeed in life, they have to put Fr. Christopher Kunda Kaloso
Christ as the foundation of all SDB was ordained priest amidst
In this, the third and final reflection on the celebration not be usurped by the Priest.
of the Eucharist, I propose to look briefly at the Therefore, he should avoid saying 'Amen' at the end of
different prayers recited by the priest alone, the people the Prayer he has just recited. This includes the 'great
alone, and priest and people together. Amen' at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer. The response
'Amen' belongs to the people.
With regard to the various prayers recited by the
priest, the General Instruction of the Roman In similar vein, after inviting the people to pray the
Missal states: Lord's Prayer, the Priest should wait for them to begin,
“Among those things assigned to the Priest, the and should avoid starting them off by saying 'Our
prime place is occupied by the Eucharistic Prayer, Father.........' leaving them to continue 'who art in
which is the high point of the whole celebration. heaven'. The Lord's Prayer is the prayer of God's family
Next are the orations, that is to say the Collect and the people have the right to address God as their
(opening prayer), the Prayer over the Offerings, 'Father'.
and the Prayer after Communion. One final comment is on the tendency of some presiding
These prayers are addressed to God by the Priest priests to introduce into the Eucharistic celebration
who presides over the assembly in the person of unofficial/spontaneous prayers.
Christ, in the name of the entire holy people and of One well known Bishop, commenting on some of the
all present. Hence they are rightly called the prayers he found his priests using, wrote:
'presidential prayers'. “(GIRM 30) 'The prayers of many are being corrected every day,
The nature of the 'presidential' prayers requires once they have been read by the learned, and much
that they be spoken in a loud and clear voice and against the catholic faith is found in them. Many
that everyone listen to them attentively.” (GIRM blindly seize upon prayers composed not only by
32) unskilled babblers but even by heretics and use them
“For the Priest, as the one who presides, expresses because in their simple ignorance they cannot
these prayers in the name of the Church and of the evaluate the prayers and think them good.'
assembled community; but at times he prays only in
his own name, asking that he may exercise his The Bishop was St Augustine.
ministry with greater attention and devotion. Augustine was referring mainly to 'unofficial' prayers
Prayers of this kind, which occur before the written by others, but his words could also be applied to
reading of the Gospel, at the Preparation of the the prayers of some priests who, ignoring the official
Gifts, and also before and after the Communion texts, decide to create their own.
of the priest, are said quietly.” (GIRM 33) The prayers in the new Roman Missal are not perfect, in
Regarding the prayers over the gifts, although the first fact some of them (in my opinion) are practically
option is to recite them quietly, the Missal does state unintelligible at first reading, but at least no one's faith
that, if there is no hymn being sung at this time, the priest will be led astray by them!
may say the two prayers “Blessed are you, Lord God of
all creation......” aloud and the people may respond, The same cannot necessarily be said about prayers
“Blessed be God forever”. (See page 597 No.24 in the composed by the parish liturgy committee or those
Roman Missal.) prayed spontaneously by the presider himself.
However, the other prayers before and during the It is presumptuous in the extreme for an individual priest
washing of hands, are always said quietly. to think that he knows better than the universal Catholic
Throughout the celebration, therefore, it is important for Church with its long history of teaching and tradition.
the presiding priest to differentiate between the
'presidential prayers' which he recites aloud in the name These are just a few reflections on the Rules and
of the people, and the private prayers which he says in Directions given in the Roman Missal as they affect the
his own name and quietly. These latter prayers are not role of the presiding priest in the celebration of the
for everyone to hear, but are simply for his own Eucharist.
intention. Much more could and, no doubt, will be written and said
Other prayers are recited by priest and people together concerning the New English Missal.
(e.g. 'Our Father', 'Lord, I am not worthy'... etc.) or by the But I hope that these few thoughts may help us all to
people themselves (e.g. 'May the Lord accept...', celebrate, in union with the whole Church, the Holy
'Blessed be God forever', 'For the Kingdom, the power Eucharist which is the 'source and summit' of our
.......', as well as the response 'Amen' at the end of the Christian life.
Presidential Prayers.
These prayers are the response of the people and should
The New Roman Missal
Salesian NewslinkZMB 98 Salesian NewslinkZMB
S WSalesian dorl
that they do. CBU Catholic
students are going around
Zambia sharing their faith
experience and showing signs of
their commitment in living a
serious Christian life and
Kabwe (ZAMBIA) 13-Makululu-Kabwe (ZAMBIA) joy and thanksgiving to God for
15/08/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK. 2/08/2012. ZMB NEWSLINK. the gift of fidelity and vocation.
YES TEAM FORMATION The annual programme of During the homily Bishop
WEEKEND.Animation of the Playgrounds C l e m e n t r e m i n d e d F r .
led by the Belgian Volunteers of Christopher of the duties of the
Don Bosco Jeugddienst has priest, but also of the fact that it is
gathered more than 25 youth always God who is at work in
leaders fo r the learn ing each person and the most
programme of youth animation. important thing is to see His
In turn the youth leaders will presence and action in one’s
have the oppor tun i t y o f own life.
developing their youth animation The formation journey of Fr.
skills during the week of practical Kunda to become a Salesian
A group of 13 youth leaders t r a i n i n g w h i c h w i l l b e Priest took 19 years and it is
gathered for a formation coordinated after the learning through God’s intervention that
weekend at Don Bosco Youth weeks. he has received the grace of
Centre in Kabwe. The aim of the This year the Belgian Volunteers ordination to become a more
meeting was to strengthen the were present in both Don Bosco committed servant of God’s
YES Retreat Team by means of Youth Centre in Kabwe (next to people.
sharing experiences, planning St. Mary’s Parish) and Don Fr. Kunda chose as the motto of
the year activities and getting to Bosco Makululu. his ordination the words of Peter
know each other better. Salesian The programme is enabling in the Gospel of John: “Lord, you
Bishop Right Rev. Clement youngsters to become more know everything, you know that I
Mulenga, honoured the occasion effective peer animators. love you” which reflects his
by an occasional visit towards vocation journey.
the end of the weekend. He Kabwe (ZAMBIA) 15/07/2012.
s h a r e d h i s v i e w s a n d ZMB NEWSLINK.- Youth Chimese-Mansa (ZAMBIA)
expectations on the group of Evangelising the Youth. 23/06/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK.
animators. Fr. Andrew Reut The Giant that is in Me.
SDB, rector of the community Youngsters from Chimese,
and Youth Co-ordinator of Mansa, have attended a youth
Kabwe Diocese led the weekend semina r mean t t o ra i se
programme, giving a salesian awareness of how to handle their
touch to the whole event. sexuality positively. More than 40
girls and boys attended the
Bauleni-Lusaka (ZAMBIA) seminar and came out of it
07/07/2012.- ZMB NEWSLINK. grateful for the way it was
Youth from the Copper Belt Priestly ordination of Fr conducted, promising a positive
University (CBU) visited the Christopher Kunda SDB. behavioral change.
youth of St. Mary’s Parish in an Salesian Bishop Clement
effort to make a reality the motto: Mulenga SDB has ordained
“Youth Evangelising the Youth”. priest Rev. Christopher Kunda
During their visit, CBU students SDB in splendid ceremony at St.
strongly reminded young people Mathias Mulumba Parish in
from Kabwe that if they want to Bauleni (Zambia).
succeed in life, they have to put Fr. Christopher Kunda Kaloso
Christ as the foundation of all SDB was ordained priest amidst
In this, the third and final reflection on the celebration not be usurped by the Priest.
of the Eucharist, I propose to look briefly at the Therefore, he should avoid saying 'Amen' at the end of
different prayers recited by the priest alone, the people the Prayer he has just recited. This includes the 'great
alone, and priest and people together. Amen' at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer. The response
'Amen' belongs to the people.
With regard to the various prayers recited by the
priest, the General Instruction of the Roman In similar vein, after inviting the people to pray the
Missal states: Lord's Prayer, the Priest should wait for them to begin,
“Among those things assigned to the Priest, the and should avoid starting them off by saying 'Our
prime place is occupied by the Eucharistic Prayer, Father.........' leaving them to continue 'who art in
which is the high point of the whole celebration. heaven'. The Lord's Prayer is the prayer of God's family
Next are the orations, that is to say the Collect and the people have the right to address God as their
(opening prayer), the Prayer over the Offerings, 'Father'.
and the Prayer after Communion. One final comment is on the tendency of some presiding
These prayers are addressed to God by the Priest priests to introduce into the Eucharistic celebration
who presides over the assembly in the person of unofficial/spontaneous prayers.
Christ, in the name of the entire holy people and of One well known Bishop, commenting on some of the
all present. Hence they are rightly called the prayers he found his priests using, wrote:
'presidential prayers'. “(GIRM 30) 'The prayers of many are being corrected every day,
The nature of the 'presidential' prayers requires once they have been read by the learned, and much
that they be spoken in a loud and clear voice and against the catholic faith is found in them. Many
that everyone listen to them attentively.” (GIRM blindly seize upon prayers composed not only by
32) unskilled babblers but even by heretics and use them
“For the Priest, as the one who presides, expresses because in their simple ignorance they cannot
these prayers in the name of the Church and of the evaluate the prayers and think them good.'
assembled community; but at times he prays only in
his own name, asking that he may exercise his The Bishop was St Augustine.
ministry with greater attention and devotion. Augustine was referring mainly to 'unofficial' prayers
Prayers of this kind, which occur before the written by others, but his words could also be applied to
reading of the Gospel, at the Preparation of the the prayers of some priests who, ignoring the official
Gifts, and also before and after the Communion texts, decide to create their own.
of the priest, are said quietly.” (GIRM 33) The prayers in the new Roman Missal are not perfect, in
Regarding the prayers over the gifts, although the first fact some of them (in my opinion) are practically
option is to recite them quietly, the Missal does state unintelligible at first reading, but at least no one's faith
that, if there is no hymn being sung at this time, the priest will be led astray by them!
may say the two prayers “Blessed are you, Lord God of
all creation......” aloud and the people may respond, The same cannot necessarily be said about prayers
“Blessed be God forever”. (See page 597 No.24 in the composed by the parish liturgy committee or those
Roman Missal.) prayed spontaneously by the presider himself.
However, the other prayers before and during the It is presumptuous in the extreme for an individual priest
washing of hands, are always said quietly. to think that he knows better than the universal Catholic
Throughout the celebration, therefore, it is important for Church with its long history of teaching and tradition.
the presiding priest to differentiate between the
'presidential prayers' which he recites aloud in the name These are just a few reflections on the Rules and
of the people, and the private prayers which he says in Directions given in the Roman Missal as they affect the
his own name and quietly. These latter prayers are not role of the presiding priest in the celebration of the
for everyone to hear, but are simply for his own Eucharist.
intention. Much more could and, no doubt, will be written and said
Other prayers are recited by priest and people together concerning the New English Missal.
(e.g. 'Our Father', 'Lord, I am not worthy'... etc.) or by the But I hope that these few thoughts may help us all to
people themselves (e.g. 'May the Lord accept...', celebrate, in union with the whole Church, the Holy
'Blessed be God forever', 'For the Kingdom, the power Eucharist which is the 'source and summit' of our
.......', as well as the response 'Amen' at the end of the Christian life.
Presidential Prayers.
These prayers are the response of the people and should
The New Roman Missal
Hello thinking people!
and in Malawi. The organisation
in Harare was impressive; the
throng of children with the
Salesians Sisters was amazing. I
am told good things from the
places where I could not go – a sea
of people in Mansa, a colourful
function in Chingola. I saw the
overwhelming curious mob in
Malawi. A sceptic like me could
be converted by the faith of simple
people. Of course for some it was
all about being spectators at a
strange event, for the economist it
was a sheer waste of money.
Apart from the electronic problem
of the truck the journeys went
Now that is it over, it is a time to
ask, what was it about? Was it to show Don Bosco to
people or to show the people to Don Bosco?
The movements have not finished yet. People are
travelling and transferring. It seems the journey never
stops. Travelling is not easy; much more a transfer is not
pleasant, but that's the way it must be. Life is a journey.
While some are resisting, others are delaying; where is
the end – the treasure? Some carry a lot. Could it be that
they already have the treasure? If we have found it, then
the pilgrimage is over. If we are still searching, then
Paulo Coelho's book The Alchemist, narrates the would be better to take a light bag, just like Paulo
journey of the young shepherd in search of a treasure Coelho's shepherd boy, so that it will be easy to collect
only to discover that what he was looking for was right the treasure.
where he first set off. During the journey he learned from It is natural to be confused, but if we prefer to remain in
the Alchemist the essential wisdom of life, spoke to his one place we will not find the treasure even if it is hidden
own heart and communicated with the world about his in the very spot we are at the moment.
I had the opportunity to accompany the Relics of Don What do you think?
Bosco on the pilgrimage in Zimbabwe, here in Lusaka
Br. Walter Thyrniang SDBLife as a journey
10 Salesian NewslinkZMB 11Salesian NewslinkZMB
rue for YOU but not True for ME.’ This is the corrosive
disease that is taking root or rather has already established
itself in our human society today. Relativism has silently
crept into our human structures and bounds like a snake
looking for warmth in the cold dark night. Its effects can
clearly be seen in political life, economical life,
educational life, social life etc. In relation to truth, absolute
relativism looks at reality from the individualistic point of
view in which each individual person becomes the authority of much as possible to promote this culture of
whatever he considers to be true. If this is the case then we cannot talk use and throw. People are encouraged to buy,
about objective truth or common values let alone virtues because each buy and buy more, if you don’t buy then you
person is the master of his own according to this kind of thinking. are behind time.... well, you are too old-
In our society today, many people are led astray by the influence of the fashioned. The more you buy, the better you
media and tend to think that freedom is actually doing whatever one become; that is what the culture of use and
wants. But we forget the simple reasoning that goes with freedom, throw is all about. Our friendships are also
namely; your freedom ends where mine begins. As such it would be a becoming fragile; a certain A becomes a friend
mistaken viewpoint in thinking that whatever one considers as true is to a certain B because he or she is expecting to
actually true.....well, it may be just the opposite. The danger is that get something. When that need is fulfilled,
what seems to be right is very attractive to people because it offers a what happens? Separation follows or worse
certain kind of fake freedom. Sadly, without realizing it, we are still, hatred and the feeling of being used
entering into a compromise mode in the name of modernity and little psychologically destroys the other party. This
by little whatever is immoral is incorporated into the legal system and is the culture of use and throw.
becomes part and parcel of our daily living. Many people tend to ask There is a wise saying that goes, ‘a fool looks
questions like ‘what is the problem with that?’ But let us remember, not at the finger that points to a bird in the sky but
everything that is legal is moral and the thinking that since the majority the wise look at the actual bird that the finger
are doing it in different rich countries then it is a good thing to follow, points to’ Now, what really lies behind this
Morality does not go with majority rule..... Now this is indeed the culture of use and throw? Well, there are many
corrosive disease which we are talking about here. principles that govern all these rapid changes.
More than ever, young people of today (the so called ‘.com One of them is consumerism in which the
generation’), hunger for truth. Unfortunately, they are exposed to too consumer-driven mindset by all means wishes
much information on social networks like face book, twitter etc., not to exploit the other regardless of their human
counting other sources of information feed which bombard them with dignity and respect. Thus the employer pays
what seemingly appears to be true and good. But the point is that as we peanuts to an employee. The powerful nations
try to look for the truth in wrong places, we won’t find it. Truth lies in put down principles that will weaken and
Jesus Christ, the God made man. In the New Testament there are destroy the lives of weaker nations. The
several verses that talk about Jesus as the Truth or the Witness to the principle of only the strong survive has taken
truth. “I am the way, The Truth and The Life; no one can come to the refuge in consumerism. On the other hand,
Father except through me.” John 14:6 or “...I was born for this, I came relativism, the attitude that says it is true for
into the world for this, to bear witness to the TRUTH; and all who are you but not true for me, has created a gap
on the side of TRUTH listen to my voice.” Pilate said unto him, between what is objectively true and what
“WHAT IS TRUTH?” John 18:37-38. Young people are then seemingly appears to be true. For instance,
challenged to seek the meaning of truth as Pilate did. It is Christ who when the killing of human embryos is reduced
gives the true meaning of truth. If we look for him, we will actually be to choice, in this case, the mother claims that it
searching for truth itself. is her choice to deal away with the intruder.
The utilitarian attitude of, you are good as
The media more than ever before has become too consumeristic. Today long as you are useful and above all the
one needs only to go on the internet, watch TV, read magazines, attitude of atheism, in which God is no longer
billboards, posters and newspapers to realize how the culture of use the centre of one’s meaning of life, when one
and throw is spreading. For instance commitment to a stable marriage exagerates humanism (characterising all
life is no longer the trend of the day, marriage is now becoming a rented things in human framework and over-
item, with the help of the media, two partners agree to cohabit for 5 or emphasizing human rationality) to an extent
10 years; after which there is no marriage anymore. However, the crude of forgetting THE TRUTH which is God. The
example of a consumeristic generation is the over production of phone Question is: Can humans survive without the
brands which keep on changing on a daily basis, from button touch to source of life? Does one’s angle or perspective
screen touch, to voice touch or eye touch. The producers are trying as alter the Truth?
By George Phiri sdb
The Culture of ‘Use and Throw’ in today’s Society
Hello thinking people!
and in Malawi. The organisation
in Harare was impressive; the
throng of children with the
Salesians Sisters was amazing. I
am told good things from the
places where I could not go – a sea
of people in Mansa, a colourful
function in Chingola. I saw the
overwhelming curious mob in
Malawi. A sceptic like me could
be converted by the faith of simple
people. Of course for some it was
all about being spectators at a
strange event, for the economist it
was a sheer waste of money.
Apart from the electronic problem
of the truck the journeys went
Now that is it over, it is a time to
ask, what was it about? Was it to show Don Bosco to
people or to show the people to Don Bosco?
The movements have not finished yet. People are
travelling and transferring. It seems the journey never
stops. Travelling is not easy; much more a transfer is not
pleasant, but that's the way it must be. Life is a journey.
While some are resisting, others are delaying; where is
the end – the treasure? Some carry a lot. Could it be that
they already have the treasure? If we have found it, then
the pilgrimage is over. If we are still searching, then
Paulo Coelho's book The Alchemist, narrates the would be better to take a light bag, just like Paulo
journey of the young shepherd in search of a treasure Coelho's shepherd boy, so that it will be easy to collect
only to discover that what he was looking for was right the treasure.
where he first set off. During the journey he learned from It is natural to be confused, but if we prefer to remain in
the Alchemist the essential wisdom of life, spoke to his one place we will not find the treasure even if it is hidden
own heart and communicated with the world about his in the very spot we are at the moment.
I had the opportunity to accompany the Relics of Don What do you think?
Bosco on the pilgrimage in Zimbabwe, here in Lusaka
Br. Walter Thyrniang SDBLife as a journey
10 Salesian NewslinkZMB 11Salesian NewslinkZMB
rue for YOU but not True for ME.’ This is the corrosive
disease that is taking root or rather has already established
itself in our human society today. Relativism has silently
crept into our human structures and bounds like a snake
looking for warmth in the cold dark night. Its effects can
clearly be seen in political life, economical life,
educational life, social life etc. In relation to truth, absolute
relativism looks at reality from the individualistic point of
view in which each individual person becomes the authority of much as possible to promote this culture of
whatever he considers to be true. If this is the case then we cannot talk use and throw. People are encouraged to buy,
about objective truth or common values let alone virtues because each buy and buy more, if you don’t buy then you
person is the master of his own according to this kind of thinking. are behind time.... well, you are too old-
In our society today, many people are led astray by the influence of the fashioned. The more you buy, the better you
media and tend to think that freedom is actually doing whatever one become; that is what the culture of use and
wants. But we forget the simple reasoning that goes with freedom, throw is all about. Our friendships are also
namely; your freedom ends where mine begins. As such it would be a becoming fragile; a certain A becomes a friend
mistaken viewpoint in thinking that whatever one considers as true is to a certain B because he or she is expecting to
actually true.....well, it may be just the opposite. The danger is that get something. When that need is fulfilled,
what seems to be right is very attractive to people because it offers a what happens? Separation follows or worse
certain kind of fake freedom. Sadly, without realizing it, we are still, hatred and the feeling of being used
entering into a compromise mode in the name of modernity and little psychologically destroys the other party. This
by little whatever is immoral is incorporated into the legal system and is the culture of use and throw.
becomes part and parcel of our daily living. Many people tend to ask There is a wise saying that goes, ‘a fool looks
questions like ‘what is the problem with that?’ But let us remember, not at the finger that points to a bird in the sky but
everything that is legal is moral and the thinking that since the majority the wise look at the actual bird that the finger
are doing it in different rich countries then it is a good thing to follow, points to’ Now, what really lies behind this
Morality does not go with majority rule..... Now this is indeed the culture of use and throw? Well, there are many
corrosive disease which we are talking about here. principles that govern all these rapid changes.
More than ever, young people of today (the so called ‘.com One of them is consumerism in which the
generation’), hunger for truth. Unfortunately, they are exposed to too consumer-driven mindset by all means wishes
much information on social networks like face book, twitter etc., not to exploit the other regardless of their human
counting other sources of information feed which bombard them with dignity and respect. Thus the employer pays
what seemingly appears to be true and good. But the point is that as we peanuts to an employee. The powerful nations
try to look for the truth in wrong places, we won’t find it. Truth lies in put down principles that will weaken and
Jesus Christ, the God made man. In the New Testament there are destroy the lives of weaker nations. The
several verses that talk about Jesus as the Truth or the Witness to the principle of only the strong survive has taken
truth. “I am the way, The Truth and The Life; no one can come to the refuge in consumerism. On the other hand,
Father except through me.” John 14:6 or “...I was born for this, I came relativism, the attitude that says it is true for
into the world for this, to bear witness to the TRUTH; and all who are you but not true for me, has created a gap
on the side of TRUTH listen to my voice.” Pilate said unto him, between what is objectively true and what
“WHAT IS TRUTH?” John 18:37-38. Young people are then seemingly appears to be true. For instance,
challenged to seek the meaning of truth as Pilate did. It is Christ who when the killing of human embryos is reduced
gives the true meaning of truth. If we look for him, we will actually be to choice, in this case, the mother claims that it
searching for truth itself. is her choice to deal away with the intruder.
The utilitarian attitude of, you are good as
The media more than ever before has become too consumeristic. Today long as you are useful and above all the
one needs only to go on the internet, watch TV, read magazines, attitude of atheism, in which God is no longer
billboards, posters and newspapers to realize how the culture of use the centre of one’s meaning of life, when one
and throw is spreading. For instance commitment to a stable marriage exagerates humanism (characterising all
life is no longer the trend of the day, marriage is now becoming a rented things in human framework and over-
item, with the help of the media, two partners agree to cohabit for 5 or emphasizing human rationality) to an extent
10 years; after which there is no marriage anymore. However, the crude of forgetting THE TRUTH which is God. The
example of a consumeristic generation is the over production of phone Question is: Can humans survive without the
brands which keep on changing on a daily basis, from button touch to source of life? Does one’s angle or perspective
screen touch, to voice touch or eye touch. The producers are trying as alter the Truth?
By George Phiri sdb
The Culture of ‘Use and Throw’ in today’s Society
publications in preparation and
pilgrimages to the Salesian Holy
Places. On this same day,
Salesian bishops are invited to
attend a meeting arranged for
them in May 2015.
The Rector Major reminds
Provincials that the Bicentenary
will take place after GC2 : It will
22/8/2012 - RMG - Syria still of the world. The President, Fr begin on the 16/8/2014 and
troubled. (ANS - Rome) Adam Parszywka, said: “We conclude on 16/8/2015. The
The unstable situation in Syria have undertaken hundreds of direction and the theme of the
shows no sign of abating; the missionary projects in the bicentenary year, as a logical
worrying specter of a still wider poorest parts of the world; but outcome of the preparatory
war continues to loom. Aleppo this is not the most important years, will centre on: Don
was one of the more peaceful thing; the world needs love, and Bosco’s mission with the young
cities in the country some weeks with our volunteers we try to and for the young.”
back, but has now become one bring this to people”.
of the amain theatres of conflict.
The city, close to the Turkish 26/7/2012 - RMG - Salesian
border, has been prey to much schools and vocational
arms trafficking which principally training in Africa. (ANS -
the rebels opposed to the Assad Rome).
regime have taken advantage of. Formal education, the schools
It is said that there are many and vocational training are of
underground arms caches great importance in the Africa
located in the city. The ready Madagascar Region. in spite of
availability of weapons along the d i f fe rences and the
with the impossible task of difficulties which are a feature of
bringing about public order, is the many African countries the
provoking growth in criminality. Salesians have succeeded in
Kidnapping businessmen and providing an educational project
better-off people has become that is flexible in its techniques,
commonplace and more and educational-pastoral objectives
more people are able to are and individual approach to the
fleeing the country. children and young people.
The pastoral activities that many Even though the illiteracy rate
religious were able to carry out continues to be alarming high in
up until a few days ago have many African countries, in 17/8/2012 - Poland - “Mlodzi
been reduced to free initiative by general the number going to Swiatu”: 15 Years of
s o m e c l e r g y , w h o a r e school is on the increase. The voluntary service. (ANS -
independently; the atmosphere variety of educational policies in Krakow)
of war and risks involved in the different countries creates a On 12 August “Sa les ian
movement of any kind do not mosaic that is not easy to Missionary Voluntary Service
permit more coordinated action. manage, even within some (SMV) “Mlodzi Swiatu” in the
provinces which contain several Krakow Province celebrated its
countries.15th anniversary, with a special
thanksgiving Mass at wich Fr
Marek Chrzan , Reg iona l
To coincide with the 16th August, Councillor for North Europe
Don Bosco’s birthday, the Rector presided and other priests and
Major has sent Provincials some missionaries from distant places
news about the celebration of the concelebrated.
Bicentenary (1815-2015): the The Krakow SMV has taken part
calendar of world events, in many projects in various parts
16/8/2012 - RMG - 197
Birthday of St. John Bosco.
(ANS - Rome).
t is important to have a goal, a dream, as this acts as one’s driving
force through life. Having a dream alone isn’t enough though. What
matters most is finding ways of pursuing it and ensuring that those
around you benefit from it all. For what is the point in leading a good,
successful life if the people around you don’t share in it?
Now, this kind of approach towards life reminds us of one great man in
the history of humanity. And as past students we wish to follow in his steps by
adopting a similar approach. St John Bosco, ‘Don Bosco’ as you preferred to be
called, indeed you were a great man who influenced many people in your lifetime
and amazingly continue to do so with a lot more people from all age groups today.
When only nine years old you had your dream, and on that dream you built your
life. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds but with consistency in prayer and always
seeking God’s will in everything you did, it all became possible and you were able
to succeed in all your endeavors in trying to realize your dream. You did not
understand your dream when you first had it and described it as ‘a bit odd’ when
you shared it with your mother who had this to say…”no matter how odd your
dream may be, remember to keep it in your heart and with time you will
understand…” and rightfully so, today we all join you in understanding it! You
stood your ground and stuck to your dream even though almost everyone was
against you and doing so was one very good mistake you could ever
make as this saw a lot of souls, that were exposed to
all sorts of dangers, being saved. We are called past
students, Oratorians, Cooperators and above all
Salesians because you had kept your dream like a
promise waiting to be fulfilled and never did
you try to give up on it at any one time!
One doesn’t really have to fall into some deep
sleep per say in order to have a dream like Don
Bosco. No! But it could be that passion you feel
about something burning inside of you, the
zeal; the eager to do something great! After all
God created each one of us with a purpose,
and that purpose is the one that translates into
a dream which is later achieved in order to bring
glory to his kingdom… So, go on and follow that
dream even if the world in its entirety is against you for
you never know whom you shall cross paths with and
touch with it…..
Thank you so much for your dream Don Bosco, a
promise now fulfilled!!!!!‘T
Salesian NewslinkZMB 912 13Salesian NewslinkZMB
By Chongo Musonda, Chingola
S WSalesian dorl
International NEWS
Picture from Australasia
publications in preparation and
pilgrimages to the Salesian Holy
Places. On this same day,
Salesian bishops are invited to
attend a meeting arranged for
them in May 2015.
The Rector Major reminds
Provincials that the Bicentenary
will take place after GC2 : It will
22/8/2012 - RMG - Syria still of the world. The President, Fr begin on the 16/8/2014 and
troubled. (ANS - Rome) Adam Parszywka, said: “We conclude on 16/8/2015. The
The unstable situation in Syria have undertaken hundreds of direction and the theme of the
shows no sign of abating; the missionary projects in the bicentenary year, as a logical
worrying specter of a still wider poorest parts of the world; but outcome of the preparatory
war continues to loom. Aleppo this is not the most important years, will centre on: Don
was one of the more peaceful thing; the world needs love, and Bosco’s mission with the young
cities in the country some weeks with our volunteers we try to and for the young.”
back, but has now become one bring this to people”.
of the amain theatres of conflict.
The city, close to the Turkish 26/7/2012 - RMG - Salesian
border, has been prey to much schools and vocational
arms trafficking which principally training in Africa. (ANS -
the rebels opposed to the Assad Rome).
regime have taken advantage of. Formal education, the schools
It is said that there are many and vocational training are of
underground arms caches great importance in the Africa
located in the city. The ready Madagascar Region. in spite of
availability of weapons along the d i f fe rences and the
with the impossible task of difficulties which are a feature of
bringing about public order, is the many African countries the
provoking growth in criminality. Salesians have succeeded in
Kidnapping businessmen and providing an educational project
better-off people has become that is flexible in its techniques,
commonplace and more and educational-pastoral objectives
more people are able to are and individual approach to the
fleeing the country. children and young people.
The pastoral activities that many Even though the illiteracy rate
religious were able to carry out continues to be alarming high in
up until a few days ago have many African countries, in 17/8/2012 - Poland - “Mlodzi
been reduced to free initiative by general the number going to Swiatu”: 15 Years of
s o m e c l e r g y , w h o a r e school is on the increase. The voluntary service. (ANS -
independently; the atmosphere variety of educational policies in Krakow)
of war and risks involved in the different countries creates a On 12 August “Sa les ian
movement of any kind do not mosaic that is not easy to Missionary Voluntary Service
permit more coordinated action. manage, even within some (SMV) “Mlodzi Swiatu” in the
provinces which contain several Krakow Province celebrated its
countries.15th anniversary, with a special
thanksgiving Mass at wich Fr
Marek Chrzan , Reg iona l
To coincide with the 16th August, Councillor for North Europe
Don Bosco’s birthday, the Rector presided and other priests and
Major has sent Provincials some missionaries from distant places
news about the celebration of the concelebrated.
Bicentenary (1815-2015): the The Krakow SMV has taken part
calendar of world events, in many projects in various parts
16/8/2012 - RMG - 197
Birthday of St. John Bosco.
(ANS - Rome).
t is important to have a goal, a dream, as this acts as one’s driving
force through life. Having a dream alone isn’t enough though. What
matters most is finding ways of pursuing it and ensuring that those
around you benefit from it all. For what is the point in leading a good,
successful life if the people around you don’t share in it?
Now, this kind of approach towards life reminds us of one great man in
the history of humanity. And as past students we wish to follow in his steps by
adopting a similar approach. St John Bosco, ‘Don Bosco’ as you preferred to be
called, indeed you were a great man who influenced many people in your lifetime
and amazingly continue to do so with a lot more people from all age groups today.
When only nine years old you had your dream, and on that dream you built your
life. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds but with consistency in prayer and always
seeking God’s will in everything you did, it all became possible and you were able
to succeed in all your endeavors in trying to realize your dream. You did not
understand your dream when you first had it and described it as ‘a bit odd’ when
you shared it with your mother who had this to say…”no matter how odd your
dream may be, remember to keep it in your heart and with time you will
understand…” and rightfully so, today we all join you in understanding it! You
stood your ground and stuck to your dream even though almost everyone was
against you and doing so was one very good mistake you could ever
make as this saw a lot of souls, that were exposed to
all sorts of dangers, being saved. We are called past
students, Oratorians, Cooperators and above all
Salesians because you had kept your dream like a
promise waiting to be fulfilled and never did
you try to give up on it at any one time!
One doesn’t really have to fall into some deep
sleep per say in order to have a dream like Don
Bosco. No! But it could be that passion you feel
about something burning inside of you, the
zeal; the eager to do something great! After all
God created each one of us with a purpose,
and that purpose is the one that translates into
a dream which is later achieved in order to bring
glory to his kingdom… So, go on and follow that
dream even if the world in its entirety is against you for
you never know whom you shall cross paths with and
touch with it…..
Thank you so much for your dream Don Bosco, a
promise now fulfilled!!!!!‘T
Salesian NewslinkZMB 912 13Salesian NewslinkZMB
By Chongo Musonda, Chingola
S WSalesian dorl
International NEWS
Picture from Australasia
Salesian NewslinkZMB 914 15Salesian NewslinkZMB
Fr. Christopher Kunda SDB
A Threefold priest:
Fr. Christopher Kunda SDB
was ordained on 7 July 2012
by the Right Rev. Clement
Mulenga SDB,
bishop of Kabwe
threefold priest has a deep foundation for his ministry.
However, something unusual struck my mind about
the word ‘Three’. I think that other than the
spiritual richness it has, it also engulfs the shining
characteristics of the newly ordained. The word
THREE is also symbolical and each letter has the
following message about Fr. Chris Kunda:
T stands for talented. He as a person has portrayed a
lot of talents. He is a gifted man in many areas,
certainly a good material for the Salesians of Don
H stands for humorous; he is filled with a sense of
laughter and instills it in those around him. You
can’t stay with him without at least smiling.
R stands for resilience; the focused spirit he has
shown in the seemingly long time in initial
formation is itself a proof of his resilience.
E stands for enthusiasm, when he talks or when
assigned with a task, he fulfils it with passion.
E stands for energy, though slender Fr. Chris has a lot
of energy hence the perseverance of his hard
working spirit.
I hope as we familiarize ourselves with this threefold
priest, the most probable statement is that Fr. Chris
encountered either bad luck or good luck. But the basic
truth is that all things work well for those who trust in
him. When God calls you there is neither bad luck nor
good luck instead mysteries. As such I trust that in
moments of doubts or distractions Fr. Chris will
continue to draw strength from the threefold
experiences and relationships he has. Firstly he will
turn to his relationship with God who has been with him
always. Secondly he will look to the young people
whom God has told him to feed (feed my lamb), and
thirdly he will look to his personal past experiences.
By Clement Mutamba SDB
Newly Professed
Chawama - Lusaka (Zambia) 15/08/2012.-
On the Feast of Assumption of Our Lady ZMB
Vice Province has been blessed with four new
Salesians who made their first profession at the
Solemn Mass at the provincial house, Chawama
in Lusaka. Our five newly professed ( four for
ZMB and one for AFM) pronounced their vows
during the Eucharistic Celebration presided by
Fr. George Chalesery the Provincial of ZMB Vice
province. During his Homily Fr. George about the
role of Mary in the foundation of the Salesian
Congregation and our filial trust in Her as our sure
guide in our vocation. He also encouraged the
young professed to remember that even though
people will not fully understand the commitment
they take upon themselves by the profession of
vows, which goes totally in different direction to
the society’s views and values; it nevertheless is
a sign of the new world to come.
Earlier, during the morning prayer they were
clothed with cassocks and suit as final
preparation for their profession. Four of the newly
professed are candidates to the priesthood and
one made his commitment as a Salesian Brother.
Fr. Christopher Rychcik their Novice Master
presented the candidates to the Provincial in the
presence of Salesians, Relatives of the Novices,
fellow Novices of ZMB Vice province, Novices of
other Congregations and a good number of
young people who came to witness the
The lively and prayerful Mass in the fully packed
chapel began at 10.00 am and ended at 11.30
am. After the Eucharist, all the guest we treated
to a sumptuous lunch and followed by
entertainment where different group presented
activities and speeches to congratulate the newly
professed Salesians.
t one point I had quoted Racine and I wish to was a Pre-novice from January to August
quote him again; life is a comedy to one who 1994 at Makeni-Lusaka. In August 1994
thinks, and a tragedy to one who feels. he entered the Salesian Novitiate in Moshi
Furthermore, we ought to understand that – Tanzania. However, with only four
every life is a book; it can be read, months along the line he became seriously
interpreted and emulated, or it can be ill making it even impossible to finish his
dumped on the shelf having little or no novitiate. After his return to the province
influence at all on us, or it can simply for recuperation, Chris by then became
mesmerize us -“Wow! What a book. Some probably the first to receive the status of
people do travel on straight, smooth paths “perpetual aspirant” with almost three
humanly speaking. Other people, time and years of experience. Later in August 1996
again, ask for directions because they he was back in the same novitiate for the
followed wrong paths or were instructed second time. Thank God, he became
wrongly by others. While others, despite the Salesian on 15th August 1997 in Moshi
slowness of their pace, still do reach their and proceeded with philosophical studies
well intended end. The seeming paradox is in the same community. After completing
that when you have not experienced other the post novitiate in 1999, a two year
paths other than the one you are on this break was given to him. These years were
scenario is mere garbage. But I think I need not in vain, thank God we have a
to draw your attention to the founder of the technician in metal fabrication & welding
Buddhist religion. Buddha was from a noble trained at Don Bosco Chingola. Chris by
background. After encountering for the first then after being called back to duty, was
time a funeral, his eyes were opened to the assigned to Lilongwe for observation
reality of human suffering and death; hence (2002 – 2003). In order to renew his sense
the need to found a religion that would save of consecrated life he had to do a novitiate
the soul from suffering. Is the newest for a third time though only for a month
Salesian Priest- Fr. Chris Kunda a new under Fr. Chris Rychik. And a solemn
Buddha? Absolutely not! The indisputable renewal of religious profession was made.
point here is that Fr. Chris Kunda like you In 2003 he went to the Democratic
and me is a book embodied with lessons for Republic of Congo and had his Practical
all who may read it. Thus my invitation is to Training there until 2004. Thereafter, he
think over this book rather than just be did his four years of Theology and in 2007
mesmerized or flabbergasted by the beauty had his perpetual profession there in
or ugliness of its covers respectively. Congo DR. Chris finished his theological
I call this newest Salesian priest a threefold studies in 2008 minus being ordained
priest simply because the number three very Deacon as we customary see. But after
closely characterizes his vocational journey. one year of pastoral experience in Lufubu,
In the vocational journey of Fr. Chris he with Mbandama Michael (Fr.) was
Kunda, major formation phases and ordained Catholic Deacon in 2009 by his
decisions have been a question of again and Grace Spaita at St. Dominics Major
again. The underlining concept is that if not Seminary. Indeed his threefold
three times, then at least more than one. experience is summed up by his three
Fr. Chris Kunda born in Lusaka and nurtured years of being a deacon.
in Chingola enjoyed the Christian Family The number ‘Three’ has great spiritual
atmosphere inspired very much by Mr. connotations. The boy Samuel was called
Steven Kunda (Father) and Mrs. Juliana by the Lord thrice without noticing who
Kunda (Mother). As a young boy in the then was really calling him. Peter disowned
mine motivated city of Chingola, he did his Jesus three times. The interrogation
education there. Passionate about being between Jesus and Peter (Jn 21:15-18)
priest like any innocent altar boy, Fr. Chris which is well captured in Fr. Chris’
joined the Salesian aspirantate, Bauleni souvenir and it is on the third day that
from September to 8th December 1993. And Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Thus, the
Salesian NewslinkZMB 914 15Salesian NewslinkZMB
Fr. Christopher Kunda SDB
A Threefold priest:
Fr. Christopher Kunda SDB
was ordained on 7 July 2012
by the Right Rev. Clement
Mulenga SDB,
bishop of Kabwe
threefold priest has a deep foundation for his ministry.
However, something unusual struck my mind about
the word ‘Three’. I think that other than the
spiritual richness it has, it also engulfs the shining
characteristics of the newly ordained. The word
THREE is also symbolical and each letter has the
following message about Fr. Chris Kunda:
T stands for talented. He as a person has portrayed a
lot of talents. He is a gifted man in many areas,
certainly a good material for the Salesians of Don
H stands for humorous; he is filled with a sense of
laughter and instills it in those around him. You
can’t stay with him without at least smiling.
R stands for resilience; the focused spirit he has
shown in the seemingly long time in initial
formation is itself a proof of his resilience.
E stands for enthusiasm, when he talks or when
assigned with a task, he fulfils it with passion.
E stands for energy, though slender Fr. Chris has a lot
of energy hence the perseverance of his hard
working spirit.
I hope as we familiarize ourselves with this threefold
priest, the most probable statement is that Fr. Chris
encountered either bad luck or good luck. But the basic
truth is that all things work well for those who trust in
him. When God calls you there is neither bad luck nor
good luck instead mysteries. As such I trust that in
moments of doubts or distractions Fr. Chris will
continue to draw strength from the threefold
experiences and relationships he has. Firstly he will
turn to his relationship with God who has been with him
always. Secondly he will look to the young people
whom God has told him to feed (feed my lamb), and
thirdly he will look to his personal past experiences.
By Clement Mutamba SDB
Newly Professed
Chawama - Lusaka (Zambia) 15/08/2012.-
On the Feast of Assumption of Our Lady ZMB
Vice Province has been blessed with four new
Salesians who made their first profession at the
Solemn Mass at the provincial house, Chawama
in Lusaka. Our five newly professed ( four for
ZMB and one for AFM) pronounced their vows
during the Eucharistic Celebration presided by
Fr. George Chalesery the Provincial of ZMB Vice
province. During his Homily Fr. George about the
role of Mary in the foundation of the Salesian
Congregation and our filial trust in Her as our sure
guide in our vocation. He also encouraged the
young professed to remember that even though
people will not fully understand the commitment
they take upon themselves by the profession of
vows, which goes totally in different direction to
the society’s views and values; it nevertheless is
a sign of the new world to come.
Earlier, during the morning prayer they were
clothed with cassocks and suit as final
preparation for their profession. Four of the newly
professed are candidates to the priesthood and
one made his commitment as a Salesian Brother.
Fr. Christopher Rychcik their Novice Master
presented the candidates to the Provincial in the
presence of Salesians, Relatives of the Novices,
fellow Novices of ZMB Vice province, Novices of
other Congregations and a good number of
young people who came to witness the
The lively and prayerful Mass in the fully packed
chapel began at 10.00 am and ended at 11.30
am. After the Eucharist, all the guest we treated
to a sumptuous lunch and followed by
entertainment where different group presented
activities and speeches to congratulate the newly
professed Salesians.
t one point I had quoted Racine and I wish to was a Pre-novice from January to August
quote him again; life is a comedy to one who 1994 at Makeni-Lusaka. In August 1994
thinks, and a tragedy to one who feels. he entered the Salesian Novitiate in Moshi
Furthermore, we ought to understand that – Tanzania. However, with only four
every life is a book; it can be read, months along the line he became seriously
interpreted and emulated, or it can be ill making it even impossible to finish his
dumped on the shelf having little or no novitiate. After his return to the province
influence at all on us, or it can simply for recuperation, Chris by then became
mesmerize us -“Wow! What a book. Some probably the first to receive the status of
people do travel on straight, smooth paths “perpetual aspirant” with almost three
humanly speaking. Other people, time and years of experience. Later in August 1996
again, ask for directions because they he was back in the same novitiate for the
followed wrong paths or were instructed second time. Thank God, he became
wrongly by others. While others, despite the Salesian on 15th August 1997 in Moshi
slowness of their pace, still do reach their and proceeded with philosophical studies
well intended end. The seeming paradox is in the same community. After completing
that when you have not experienced other the post novitiate in 1999, a two year
paths other than the one you are on this break was given to him. These years were
scenario is mere garbage. But I think I need not in vain, thank God we have a
to draw your attention to the founder of the technician in metal fabrication & welding
Buddhist religion. Buddha was from a noble trained at Don Bosco Chingola. Chris by
background. After encountering for the first then after being called back to duty, was
time a funeral, his eyes were opened to the assigned to Lilongwe for observation
reality of human suffering and death; hence (2002 – 2003). In order to renew his sense
the need to found a religion that would save of consecrated life he had to do a novitiate
the soul from suffering. Is the newest for a third time though only for a month
Salesian Priest- Fr. Chris Kunda a new under Fr. Chris Rychik. And a solemn
Buddha? Absolutely not! The indisputable renewal of religious profession was made.
point here is that Fr. Chris Kunda like you In 2003 he went to the Democratic
and me is a book embodied with lessons for Republic of Congo and had his Practical
all who may read it. Thus my invitation is to Training there until 2004. Thereafter, he
think over this book rather than just be did his four years of Theology and in 2007
mesmerized or flabbergasted by the beauty had his perpetual profession there in
or ugliness of its covers respectively. Congo DR. Chris finished his theological
I call this newest Salesian priest a threefold studies in 2008 minus being ordained
priest simply because the number three very Deacon as we customary see. But after
closely characterizes his vocational journey. one year of pastoral experience in Lufubu,
In the vocational journey of Fr. Chris he with Mbandama Michael (Fr.) was
Kunda, major formation phases and ordained Catholic Deacon in 2009 by his
decisions have been a question of again and Grace Spaita at St. Dominics Major
again. The underlining concept is that if not Seminary. Indeed his threefold
three times, then at least more than one. experience is summed up by his three
Fr. Chris Kunda born in Lusaka and nurtured years of being a deacon.
in Chingola enjoyed the Christian Family The number ‘Three’ has great spiritual
atmosphere inspired very much by Mr. connotations. The boy Samuel was called
Steven Kunda (Father) and Mrs. Juliana by the Lord thrice without noticing who
Kunda (Mother). As a young boy in the then was really calling him. Peter disowned
mine motivated city of Chingola, he did his Jesus three times. The interrogation
education there. Passionate about being between Jesus and Peter (Jn 21:15-18)
priest like any innocent altar boy, Fr. Chris which is well captured in Fr. Chris’
joined the Salesian aspirantate, Bauleni souvenir and it is on the third day that
from September to 8th December 1993. And Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Thus, the
Mini Olympics
(Bosco Volunteer Action)
By Paul Barnes
s part of my contribution to the life of the Don
Bosco Secondary School in Moshi (I arrived in
Moshi from Dar on Sunday 22nd July) I offered to
organize a Mini Olympics. I spoke at the School
assembly and explained to the staff and students what it
would mean.
It took quite a lot of organizing but with the support of Fr.
Vincent Tembo and the teachers, the Pre Pre Novitiate
guys and my fellow BOVA Volunteer, Robert Good, I was
able to put it together. We arranged for the students to meet
in their respective Houses, Bosco, Rua, Mazzarello and
Laura Vicuna. They were able to enter a maximum of three
events but no more than two Games. The games were
Football, Basketball and Volleyball all for boys and
girls plus Netball for girls. In addition they had Egg and
Spoon race (small potatoes) Three-legged race Sack race,
100 m, 400 m and 1600m.
We played the semi finals of the games on Wednesday 1st
August and then the Finals and the races on Friday 3rd
August, the last day of term. The last day of term was very
special because we had school Mass at 8.00am and then
cleaning duties followed by a concert of farewell for some
of the teachers. I did my “blow up plastic guitar” routine
much to the amusement of the students. Lunch followed
and final assembly before the Mini Olympics.
The start was delayed but we got going by 2.10pm
eventually. They were slow to come forward but once we
had done the boys and girls 100 m they were fine. We
played all the finals and finished by about 5.15. Fr. Bruno
and the Brothers were a great help, (unfortunately Robert
had to leave early that morning to go to help at a Refugee
Camp in North West Kenya along with the Pre Pre
Novitiate guys who had to go to Nairobi) Fr. Bruno came to
the rescue bringing some Italian flavor to his refereeing
duties and starter for the 100 m races.
We then issued certificates to the winners and then Fr.
Bruno did his specialty – a rain of sweets from the balcony.
Fortunately no one was injured in the scramble!
The students then had some supper before going home. It
had been a tiring day but well worth it and I thank God we
were able to complete most of the events. As Don Bosco
said “The best is the enemy of the good “I learned some
lessons about the African temperament and had to be very
patient at times! The students enjoyed it and were very
excited when they won cheered on by their peers. The
winning House was Mazzarello with 95 points; Bosco had
75 with the other two less than 50.
Finally I thank all those who helped to make it a great event
and at least we had good weather not like some of the days
in London for the big Olympics!
Mr Paul Barnes awarding some of
the young participants
Youngsters during the rain of sweets
provided by Fr Bruno
Girls from the Mazzarello Team
during the 100 mt race
Salesian NewslinkZMB 916 17Salesian NewslinkZMB
together with priests of the diocese. A delegation from
Harare escorted Don Bosco up to the border with Zambia.
From the border an enthusiastic group of Salesian
cooperators from Bauleni accompanied the trip of Don
Bosco’s relic from Livingstone to Lusaka, with a very
meaningful stop over in Mazabuka at the FMA’s
In Lusaka, Don Bosco’s relic visited the salesian
community of Makeni, Chawama and Baluni, as well as
the FMA communities of Thorn Park, City of Hope and
also the Cathedral of the Child Jesus. From Lusaka, the
relic was taken to Kabwe, where Salesian Bishop,
Clement Mulenga welcomed Don Bosco’s relic together
with the Salesian community and hundreds of people.
After a night in Kabwe, the pilgrimage continued to the
Northern Province (Kasama and Luwingu) where
Lilongwe (Malawi) 31/07/2012. DON hundreds of people rushed to see the Father and Teacher
BOSCO’S RELIC LEAVES ZMB of youth. The relics spent two nights in the Northern
PROVINCE (ZMB NEWSLINK). Province and from there it was taken to Luapula province
Salesians and young People bade farewell (Kazembe, Lufubu and Mansa). The welcome of Don
to Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s relic that toured Bosco in these three places was spectacular and people
ZMB Vice-Province from the 16 to 31 July felt very deeply the presence of God in their lives through
2012 had eventually left ZMB for Angola. the action of his saints.
There were few but joyful days in which
Salesians, young people and friends of From Mansa, Don Bosco’s relic was flown to Chingola to
Don Bosco came together to pray to God visit the Copperbelt Province, last stage of the pilgrimage
through the intercession of St. John Bosco. in Zambia. From Chingola Don Bosco was taken to Ndola
Town, where Bishop Alic Banda welcomed Don Bosco
The weeks from 16 to 31 July were very and celebrated the Eucharist together with other many
intense and people came in hundreds to diocesan priests and the laity who came in numbers. The
pray and give thanks to God for Don Bosco, reception of Don Bosco in Chingola was overwhelming,
whose tireless work has united many since the brass band of the oratory escorted the relic in its
people from all walks of life to work towards march through town.
the welfare of youth.
On Sunday 29, Don Bosco’s relic flew to Malawi together
The relic of Don Bosco started the with Fr. George Chalissery and Deacon Jerome Bwalya
pilgrimage in Harare where thousands of who had the privilege to fly with the relics to its last
people had the chance to visit the relic and destination in ZMB.
pray for their various needs. From Harare,
Don Bosco’s relic was transported by truck Two days of various activities close the pilgrimage
to Hwange; there too, hundreds came journey of Don Bosco in ZMB where Fr. Kim and the
together to pray at various places, Salesians in Malawi bade a heartfelt farewell to the
beginning with the Marian Shrine of Father and Teacher of Youth, whose Bicentenary is to be
Hwange (10 km before Hwange town). The celebrated in 2015, of which this pilgrimage is one of the
bishop of Hwange, Right Rev. Alberto preparatory activities.
Serrano came to welcome the relic
with US
Mini Olympics
(Bosco Volunteer Action)
By Paul Barnes
s part of my contribution to the life of the Don
Bosco Secondary School in Moshi (I arrived in
Moshi from Dar on Sunday 22nd July) I offered to
organize a Mini Olympics. I spoke at the School
assembly and explained to the staff and students what it
would mean.
It took quite a lot of organizing but with the support of Fr.
Vincent Tembo and the teachers, the Pre Pre Novitiate
guys and my fellow BOVA Volunteer, Robert Good, I was
able to put it together. We arranged for the students to meet
in their respective Houses, Bosco, Rua, Mazzarello and
Laura Vicuna. They were able to enter a maximum of three
events but no more than two Games. The games were
Football, Basketball and Volleyball all for boys and
girls plus Netball for girls. In addition they had Egg and
Spoon race (small potatoes) Three-legged race Sack race,
100 m, 400 m and 1600m.
We played the semi finals of the games on Wednesday 1st
August and then the Finals and the races on Friday 3rd
August, the last day of term. The last day of term was very
special because we had school Mass at 8.00am and then
cleaning duties followed by a concert of farewell for some
of the teachers. I did my “blow up plastic guitar” routine
much to the amusement of the students. Lunch followed
and final assembly before the Mini Olympics.
The start was delayed but we got going by 2.10pm
eventually. They were slow to come forward but once we
had done the boys and girls 100 m they were fine. We
played all the finals and finished by about 5.15. Fr. Bruno
and the Brothers were a great help, (unfortunately Robert
had to leave early that morning to go to help at a Refugee
Camp in North West Kenya along with the Pre Pre
Novitiate guys who had to go to Nairobi) Fr. Bruno came to
the rescue bringing some Italian flavor to his refereeing
duties and starter for the 100 m races.
We then issued certificates to the winners and then Fr.
Bruno did his specialty – a rain of sweets from the balcony.
Fortunately no one was injured in the scramble!
The students then had some supper before going home. It
had been a tiring day but well worth it and I thank God we
were able to complete most of the events. As Don Bosco
said “The best is the enemy of the good “I learned some
lessons about the African temperament and had to be very
patient at times! The students enjoyed it and were very
excited when they won cheered on by their peers. The
winning House was Mazzarello with 95 points; Bosco had
75 with the other two less than 50.
Finally I thank all those who helped to make it a great event
and at least we had good weather not like some of the days
in London for the big Olympics!
Mr Paul Barnes awarding some of
the young participants
Youngsters during the rain of sweets
provided by Fr Bruno
Girls from the Mazzarello Team
during the 100 mt race
Salesian NewslinkZMB 916 17Salesian NewslinkZMB
together with priests of the diocese. A delegation from
Harare escorted Don Bosco up to the border with Zambia.
From the border an enthusiastic group of Salesian
cooperators from Bauleni accompanied the trip of Don
Bosco’s relic from Livingstone to Lusaka, with a very
meaningful stop over in Mazabuka at the FMA’s
In Lusaka, Don Bosco’s relic visited the salesian
community of Makeni, Chawama and Baluni, as well as
the FMA communities of Thorn Park, City of Hope and
also the Cathedral of the Child Jesus. From Lusaka, the
relic was taken to Kabwe, where Salesian Bishop,
Clement Mulenga welcomed Don Bosco’s relic together
with the Salesian community and hundreds of people.
After a night in Kabwe, the pilgrimage continued to the
Northern Province (Kasama and Luwingu) where
Lilongwe (Malawi) 31/07/2012. DON hundreds of people rushed to see the Father and Teacher
BOSCO’S RELIC LEAVES ZMB of youth. The relics spent two nights in the Northern
PROVINCE (ZMB NEWSLINK). Province and from there it was taken to Luapula province
Salesians and young People bade farewell (Kazembe, Lufubu and Mansa). The welcome of Don
to Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s relic that toured Bosco in these three places was spectacular and people
ZMB Vice-Province from the 16 to 31 July felt very deeply the presence of God in their lives through
2012 had eventually left ZMB for Angola. the action of his saints.
There were few but joyful days in which
Salesians, young people and friends of From Mansa, Don Bosco’s relic was flown to Chingola to
Don Bosco came together to pray to God visit the Copperbelt Province, last stage of the pilgrimage
through the intercession of St. John Bosco. in Zambia. From Chingola Don Bosco was taken to Ndola
Town, where Bishop Alic Banda welcomed Don Bosco
The weeks from 16 to 31 July were very and celebrated the Eucharist together with other many
intense and people came in hundreds to diocesan priests and the laity who came in numbers. The
pray and give thanks to God for Don Bosco, reception of Don Bosco in Chingola was overwhelming,
whose tireless work has united many since the brass band of the oratory escorted the relic in its
people from all walks of life to work towards march through town.
the welfare of youth.
On Sunday 29, Don Bosco’s relic flew to Malawi together
The relic of Don Bosco started the with Fr. George Chalissery and Deacon Jerome Bwalya
pilgrimage in Harare where thousands of who had the privilege to fly with the relics to its last
people had the chance to visit the relic and destination in ZMB.
pray for their various needs. From Harare,
Don Bosco’s relic was transported by truck Two days of various activities close the pilgrimage
to Hwange; there too, hundreds came journey of Don Bosco in ZMB where Fr. Kim and the
together to pray at various places, Salesians in Malawi bade a heartfelt farewell to the
beginning with the Marian Shrine of Father and Teacher of Youth, whose Bicentenary is to be
Hwange (10 km before Hwange town). The celebrated in 2015, of which this pilgrimage is one of the
bishop of Hwange, Right Rev. Alberto preparatory activities.
Serrano came to welcome the relic
with US
Born: 17.11.1964 Chocielewo, Slupsk,
Diocese of Koszalin
1st Profession: 22.08.1990 Czerwinsk
Ordained: 23.05.1999 Lufubu, Zambia
Died: 16.07.2012 Reda, Poland
Fr Zygmunt was born in Chocielewo in Poland. He made
his first profession in Czerwinsk in 1990, fell in love with
the Salesian Missions and came to Zambia in 1993, after
finishing hisphilosophical studies in Kutno.
Fr Zygmunt did his practical training in Lufubu (Luapula
Province, Zambia) and after the two year period of
pastoral work he began his theological studies at Tangaza
College in Nairobi, Kenya. He was ordained priest in
Lufubu, Zambia.
After his priestly ordination, he continued his love for and
dedication to the Lufubu Mission and worked there as
School Principal, Administrator and Project Coordinator
till 2009.
He went to Poland for medical treatment and after
returning he could not obtain the work permit for
Hwange. He worked in Kabwe and was appointed to
Chingola but died tragically on Monday morning 16th of
July 2012, together with Bernadeta and Henryk, his
brother and sister in law.
Rev. Fr Zygmunt Labun, sdb
Salesian NewslinkZMB 918 19Salesian NewslinkZMB
lives all because we are fathomed as personal
beings. It is undeniably true that our existence
is a borrowed existence hence the nature we
possess is borrowed too. Since God has lent
us our tendency to enter into the lives of
others, therefore, God too, is a personal being
and sequentially intervenes in people’s lives.
The most important question you and I should
ask is: what then do we have to do to allow
him intervene more strongly? This is because
we cannot deny his intervention in our lives.
Calling Him a personal God does not
preclude divinity; otherwise he will be a
human being like you and me having only
fresh, blood and DNA, having human life.
Instead it is through his personal nature that
we experience his divinity. Because he is both ave you ever been taken up by the figure of a
a divine and personal God, we have a greater statue or a monument, whatever what that
reason for believing in his supernatural statue is? Has anybody felt loved by things
happenings in our lives and faith as a whole. I like stones or machines among many others?
suppose with great esteem that such Do inanimate beings initiate any emotional
knowledge about the God we worship will satisfaction in us or do we simply posit that
make our love for Him even more they made us feel whatever that feeling is?
meaningful.What is more charming; a friend or a
It is not always the case that we do not have monument?
the knowledge of God we worship. The characteristics of a monument:
Sometimes we do have but it is blurred by the immobile, speechless, emotionless, very
tragedies of our lives. We ought to know that objectified. It is always I who give it
no tragedy ever had a face or will ever have a meaning. It is aloof from me unless I decide to
face otherwise it could be avoided. Thus, evil make sense of it. It leaves me empty and with
is faceless and can neither be prevented nor mono-interaction. God under such an image
stopped. What then is the best thing for man is impersonal, and an impersonal human
in such a condition? Pessimistic thinkers have being has absolutely no relations. He is
said: the best thing for man is not to be born at devoid of choice; he simply does not choose
all and the second best is to die soon. Shall we anything. Such a person using Leibniz’s
subscribe to such a trend of thought? language is a monad – a self contained being.
Agreeing to disagree, the baseline is that life In such a scenario the human spirit which by
is fundamentally good. Participating in life is its very nature as exi- stare is expressive, that
a joyous thing; it is more meaningful than the is, it goes out of itself but unfortunately in an
awareness of one’s sufferings, vulnerability, impersonal state the opposite is true. Under
tragedy.such a circumstance the face of the other no
We should perhaps turn to one of the simple longer invites. If anything it threatens our
and yet thrilling movies “Marcelino Pan & subjectivity, hence
Vino” and draw some meaningful reflections. the t endency to
Watching this movie we realize that the enc lose onese l f ,
crucifix was left alone, and had absolutely thereby opting the
nothing do with the Friars earlier before impersonal state of
Marcelino’s curiosity. The Friars minded being.
their own daily chores. Amazingly enough, We respond to the
the little Marcelino chooses to go against the other; we chose the
odds, enters the barn and discovers that the other me; we become
other is hungry. It is in this moment that a subjective and get
relationship begins, in this moment he finds a involved into others’
friend to reckon with.
We need to draw a lesson from the manner in
which this boy was struck. One thing that
struck the boy incredibly in the room filled
with disorder, filth and darkness is the person
crucifixied. To Marcelino it is true de facto
that the person on that cross is neglected,
aloof from the whereabouts of the Friars. I
guess this indicates what an impersonal ‘God’
could probably be. The symbol of the
neglected crucifix in the old store room in this
movie prima face presents that impersonal
‘God’. However, against all odds the two
mingle and influence the life of each other.
Our lives very often like the barn are in
disarray. But we too can draw strength from
“Pan & Vino”, Marcelino’s interaction with
the Person on the cross did not enlighten only
his life but also that of the Friars and the
people around. Holy Scripture has shown us
that whoever stays with Christ, his/her life
always moves to greater heights. For
instance: Andrew and Peter, after staying with
him, decided to leave everything and live as
first disciples (Jn 1:35-51). The Samaritan
woman encounters Jesus at the well and her
life plus those of her neighbours were
transformed (Jn 4:1-42).
In the movie little Marcelino does not merely
discover the crucifix but the Person of the
cross - Jesus Christ. When the human person
enters into relationship with the personal
God, very often than not, the former benefits a
great deal. I suppose a meaningful life calls
for subjectivity, for participation in the life of
others, even that of God. Equally, allowing
others as well as God to intervene in my life,
since he is the first person who is not
impersonal all through history. For that
reason, God can and will never be a
monument even if one chooses to brush his
influence out of his life. Has a nature of a
friend, he is always diffusive. Like love his
abilities to influence me cannot be
constrained. Conscious or not of his active
and supernatural influences in my life, he still
remains a friend!!
For the Salesian Family in ZMB and
throughout the world, we are already
practically experiencing this inter-
subjectivity in life through the coming of Don
Bosco to our premises. If our Father and
Founder-Don Bosco was impersonal in his
mortal lifetime there would be no reason to
have the pilgrimage of his relics. God who in
his personal nature infused in Don Bosco too
this characteristic and because of this we too
are happy that Don Bosco is with us, and
continues to be a friend to us!
Let us also strive to be friends to others and
not monuments!
By Clement Mutamba SDB
Born: 17.11.1964 Chocielewo, Slupsk,
Diocese of Koszalin
1st Profession: 22.08.1990 Czerwinsk
Ordained: 23.05.1999 Lufubu, Zambia
Died: 16.07.2012 Reda, Poland
Fr Zygmunt was born in Chocielewo in Poland. He made
his first profession in Czerwinsk in 1990, fell in love with
the Salesian Missions and came to Zambia in 1993, after
finishing hisphilosophical studies in Kutno.
Fr Zygmunt did his practical training in Lufubu (Luapula
Province, Zambia) and after the two year period of
pastoral work he began his theological studies at Tangaza
College in Nairobi, Kenya. He was ordained priest in
Lufubu, Zambia.
After his priestly ordination, he continued his love for and
dedication to the Lufubu Mission and worked there as
School Principal, Administrator and Project Coordinator
till 2009.
He went to Poland for medical treatment and after
returning he could not obtain the work permit for
Hwange. He worked in Kabwe and was appointed to
Chingola but died tragically on Monday morning 16th of
July 2012, together with Bernadeta and Henryk, his
brother and sister in law.
Rev. Fr Zygmunt Labun, sdb
Salesian NewslinkZMB 918 19Salesian NewslinkZMB
lives all because we are fathomed as personal
beings. It is undeniably true that our existence
is a borrowed existence hence the nature we
possess is borrowed too. Since God has lent
us our tendency to enter into the lives of
others, therefore, God too, is a personal being
and sequentially intervenes in people’s lives.
The most important question you and I should
ask is: what then do we have to do to allow
him intervene more strongly? This is because
we cannot deny his intervention in our lives.
Calling Him a personal God does not
preclude divinity; otherwise he will be a
human being like you and me having only
fresh, blood and DNA, having human life.
Instead it is through his personal nature that
we experience his divinity. Because he is both ave you ever been taken up by the figure of a
a divine and personal God, we have a greater statue or a monument, whatever what that
reason for believing in his supernatural statue is? Has anybody felt loved by things
happenings in our lives and faith as a whole. I like stones or machines among many others?
suppose with great esteem that such Do inanimate beings initiate any emotional
knowledge about the God we worship will satisfaction in us or do we simply posit that
make our love for Him even more they made us feel whatever that feeling is?
meaningful.What is more charming; a friend or a
It is not always the case that we do not have monument?
the knowledge of God we worship. The characteristics of a monument:
Sometimes we do have but it is blurred by the immobile, speechless, emotionless, very
tragedies of our lives. We ought to know that objectified. It is always I who give it
no tragedy ever had a face or will ever have a meaning. It is aloof from me unless I decide to
face otherwise it could be avoided. Thus, evil make sense of it. It leaves me empty and with
is faceless and can neither be prevented nor mono-interaction. God under such an image
stopped. What then is the best thing for man is impersonal, and an impersonal human
in such a condition? Pessimistic thinkers have being has absolutely no relations. He is
said: the best thing for man is not to be born at devoid of choice; he simply does not choose
all and the second best is to die soon. Shall we anything. Such a person using Leibniz’s
subscribe to such a trend of thought? language is a monad – a self contained being.
Agreeing to disagree, the baseline is that life In such a scenario the human spirit which by
is fundamentally good. Participating in life is its very nature as exi- stare is expressive, that
a joyous thing; it is more meaningful than the is, it goes out of itself but unfortunately in an
awareness of one’s sufferings, vulnerability, impersonal state the opposite is true. Under
tragedy.such a circumstance the face of the other no
We should perhaps turn to one of the simple longer invites. If anything it threatens our
and yet thrilling movies “Marcelino Pan & subjectivity, hence
Vino” and draw some meaningful reflections. the t endency to
Watching this movie we realize that the enc lose onese l f ,
crucifix was left alone, and had absolutely thereby opting the
nothing do with the Friars earlier before impersonal state of
Marcelino’s curiosity. The Friars minded being.
their own daily chores. Amazingly enough, We respond to the
the little Marcelino chooses to go against the other; we chose the
odds, enters the barn and discovers that the other me; we become
other is hungry. It is in this moment that a subjective and get
relationship begins, in this moment he finds a involved into others’
friend to reckon with.
We need to draw a lesson from the manner in
which this boy was struck. One thing that
struck the boy incredibly in the room filled
with disorder, filth and darkness is the person
crucifixied. To Marcelino it is true de facto
that the person on that cross is neglected,
aloof from the whereabouts of the Friars. I
guess this indicates what an impersonal ‘God’
could probably be. The symbol of the
neglected crucifix in the old store room in this
movie prima face presents that impersonal
‘God’. However, against all odds the two
mingle and influence the life of each other.
Our lives very often like the barn are in
disarray. But we too can draw strength from
“Pan & Vino”, Marcelino’s interaction with
the Person on the cross did not enlighten only
his life but also that of the Friars and the
people around. Holy Scripture has shown us
that whoever stays with Christ, his/her life
always moves to greater heights. For
instance: Andrew and Peter, after staying with
him, decided to leave everything and live as
first disciples (Jn 1:35-51). The Samaritan
woman encounters Jesus at the well and her
life plus those of her neighbours were
transformed (Jn 4:1-42).
In the movie little Marcelino does not merely
discover the crucifix but the Person of the
cross - Jesus Christ. When the human person
enters into relationship with the personal
God, very often than not, the former benefits a
great deal. I suppose a meaningful life calls
for subjectivity, for participation in the life of
others, even that of God. Equally, allowing
others as well as God to intervene in my life,
since he is the first person who is not
impersonal all through history. For that
reason, God can and will never be a
monument even if one chooses to brush his
influence out of his life. Has a nature of a
friend, he is always diffusive. Like love his
abilities to influence me cannot be
constrained. Conscious or not of his active
and supernatural influences in my life, he still
remains a friend!!
For the Salesian Family in ZMB and
throughout the world, we are already
practically experiencing this inter-
subjectivity in life through the coming of Don
Bosco to our premises. If our Father and
Founder-Don Bosco was impersonal in his
mortal lifetime there would be no reason to
have the pilgrimage of his relics. God who in
his personal nature infused in Don Bosco too
this characteristic and because of this we too
are happy that Don Bosco is with us, and
continues to be a friend to us!
Let us also strive to be friends to others and
not monuments!
By Clement Mutamba SDB
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13 ZMB PHOTO - Issue No 22
1. Harare(Zimbabwe): Don Bosco’s relic at the with the relic of St. John Bosco at the
Cathedral of Harare. Cathedral of the Child Jesus.
2. Kambuzuma (Harare - Zimbabwe): Young 8. Kabwe:
dancers performing during the thanksgiving
mass with Don Bosco’s relic.
3. Mazabuka (Zambia): Arrival of the relic of St 9. Luwingu (Zambia): Mass at St. Paul’s parish
John Bosco to the FMA community. church in Luwingu.
4. Makeni - Lusaka (Zambia): Night vigil with 10. Kazembe (Zambia): Fr Peter Malec and
the relic of St. John Bosco at the Salesian parishioners escorting Don Bosco’s relic to
Novitiate. the parish church.
5. Thorn Park - Lusaka (Zambia): Police escort 11. Lufubu (Zambia): Youngsters carrying the
at the arrival of the relic of St. John Bosco to relic of St. John Bosco in a traditional boat..
the FMA community. 12. Lilongwe (Malawi): Youngsters singing and
6. Chawama - Lusaka (Zambia): Prayer service dancing in front of the relic of St. John Bosco.
with the relic of St. John Bosco led by Fr. 14. Chingola (Zambia): Fr. Slawomir Bartodziej
George Chalissery at the provincial house. escorting the relic of St. John Bosco in its tour
7. Pope’s Square - Lusaka (Zambia): Youth mass aroudn Chingola town.
Preparation before the march pass with
the relic of St. John Bosco to the Cathedral of