Year 3 No. Jan - Feb - Mar 2009
Blessing of the playgounds
Preventive System
Zone Youth Rally ‘08
Youth Retreat
Rome, 2-6 Jan 2009
Human Rights
Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
Preventive System and Human Rights 5
Initial Formation: Profiles 7
Jubilee Celebrations: Kazembe 8
Christmas Celebrations Chawama 9
Blessing of playgrounds: Kabwe 10
Construction of the new church 11
ZMB Confreres in Moshi 12
Solidarity with Zimbabwe 13
Letters to the Editor 14
Thinking Zone 16
ADL Youth Animators Reunion 17
Youth Retreat - Bauleni 18
World News - ANS 19
ZMB Photo 20
Salesian Newslink | ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 3/Nº9 Jan-Feb-Mar 2009
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Bruno Zamberlan
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Br Walter Thyrniang,
Fr Antonio Barrientos, Fr George Szurgot.
Printed: Printing Press of the Provincial House
150 Anniversary
of the Foundation Congregation
ZMB Photo
The world events of the year 2008 are Johannesburg and dwelt on the impact of Fr Pascual Chávez innermost desire to slowly making its impact in this New the Salesian educative system in regard to become evangelisers of culture.Year 2009. There are many the human rights. The second event took As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of
possibilities in all fields, but there are many place in Rome at the Salesianum where the foundation of the Congregation, it is
challenges as well. The hopes of many Salesians and lay collaborators met for few good for each of us to thank God for Don
people are founded on what institutions, days to reflect on the Preventive System Bosco and those young men who decided to
people in government and science can do. and Human Rights. The event congregated follow him and co-operate in the mission of
The worlds’ downturn is proving how fickle people from all over the world. All nations educating and evangelising young people.
the world’s security can be. Overnight were Salesians are present were Thanks to them today we are a vast
people lost almost everything, financial represented, even those with extremely movement. And that is what Fr Chávez is
empires are now facing bankruptcy and difficult social or political situations. reminding us this year, ‘the seed has
many lives around the world have not yet Both meetings were forums of reflection on become a tree’. It is not a little thing for us to
recovered from those tragic moments. In the influence of our methods of education be members of such vast movement,
countries of the developing world, the crisis and evangelisation in regards to the live of instead is a great opportunity. And let us
is taking its toll. Money that used to come people and the nation at large. remember that it is not our faith that will
from Europe and America is no longer I believe, these efforts will not go for move the mountains, but the strength of the
available since most people are losing jobs nothing, instead will help the Congregation Mountains mover [God].
and can no longer send the fruits of their and each individual Salesian think of the Let us entrust all our cares to God,
work to their relatives in the developing responsibility we have in making this world especially the desire to make this world a
world. To single out the actual cause of this a better place. Definitely, the downturn of better place, and put all our trust in Him
state of things is not an easy task. It will take the world’s economy will not be reversed after the example of Don Bosco whose feast
a good number of years to recover from this but the attitude towards those who are we are about to celebrate.
situation. It is not the end of things, but affected by the world’s economy will. We
definitely it has become a stumbling block cannot live lamenting the things that went Happy Feast of St John Bosco!
to the frenetic race of progress, where a vast wrong, yet we still can change our approach
majority remains on the verge of society to education and evangelisation, making it
while a small group benefits from the chaos. have more impact in the lives of people. It is
Late last year and early this
year 2009, there have been
two important events
w h i c h u r g e t h e
Congregation and the
Salesian Family to look
beyond our ‘traditional
way’ of carrying out the
y o u t h m i n i s t r y a n d
broaden the horizons to
look at the needs of the
world. The first of these
events was the workshop
organised by Don Bosco
Mission Bonn, Jugend
Dr i t te Wel t and the
Salesian Development of
Office of South Africa. The
meeting took place in
Fr Javier A. Barrientos.sdb
A year full of HOPES
Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
Via della Pisana 1111 -00163 Roma
The Rector Major
Dear brothers and sisters
I would like to conclude this Congress on
the "Preventive System and Human
Rights", which has brought us together
from 2-6 January 2009, with a word of
thanks, in the first place to all of you for
responding to my invitation, taking part in
the entire program, and for seeing that it
has been so successful.
Bringing about an event of this magnitude
spirit of true charity needed for the work of Preventive System and which at the same is no small thing; it has occurred in the
the Oratories on behalf of neglected young time open this Preventive System up to this Christmas season where we celebrate the
people at risk. For in these disastrous times relatively recent way of promoting the birth of Jesus, the birth of a new humanity
of ours such young people are liable to be human right and his or her growth. I would in Christ, the new Adam, model and goal of
corrupted and plunged into godlessness like to offer some pointers for continuing every human being. The mystery of the
and irreligion to the detriment of the whole along this path; some strategic choices for Incarnation in fact enlightens our
of society. The Gathered group then the future. understanding of human dignity and
decided to form a society or congregation motivates our commitment on behalf of
with the aim of promoting the glory of God 1. The Salesian charism and our human rights.
and the salvation of souls, especially of responsibility for human rights
those most in need of instruction and In this hall, with people of many ethnic It is no small thing either that this Congress
education…” origins, cultures, languages, we all see opened the beginning of this jubilee year
We live in different times today and the ourselves as part of the unique charism of when we celebrate the 150th anniversary
circumstances in which we are living out Don Bosco and we are renewing his of the Foundation of the Salesian
our Salesian vocation have also changed; missionary dreams which saw the presence Congregation. A celebration of the kind
this requires our constant reflection and a and effort of his sons and daughters on must stimulate a renewed fidelity to Don
response which is adequate to the new behalf of young people throughout the Bosco and the young, with the same
challenges we face. The Salesian mission world. enthusiasm and conviction of that first
though has not changed nor have its This is the marvellous inheritance which group of Salesians who, on 18th December
purpose, those to whom we are sent, the the Salesian Family has within its grasp: 15 1859, began the Congregation. They
criteria for our activity, all of which Don million boys and girls in 130 countries gathered in Don Bosco's room:
Bosco left us as a precious inheritance. around the world. Perhaps like no other "in one and the same spirit with the sole
educat ional agency - the special purpose of preserving and promoting the
And it is precisely in this combination of representative from the United Nations
circumstances that we have chosen to speaking on the right to education told us -
reflect on the “Preventive System and we have a unique geographical and
Human Rights”, with a view to offering cultural representation, one which fosters,
human rights, especially where children in a determining way, the education of
are concerned, the rich contribution that young generations around the world. We
comes from the motivations, reflections acknowledge this with humility, but also
and experiences which are part of the with awareness.
Rector Major
Fr Pascual Chávez.sdb
Educating Young People
Concluding address of the Rector Major
for “Preventive System and Human Rights
Christian rock concert,
Zambians on the
We are talking of an inestimable patrimony turn privatizes wealth and socializes all educat ion , where edcuat ion and
which leads to accepting a huge kinds of poverty, as a Salesian evangelisation are like two sides of the
responsibility, that of contributing, giving Congregation with the young, with lay same coin (Cf. GC26, 29). Holistic
inspiring through the Gospel of Jesus and people and families, we are called to: education of this kind means educating
the charism of Don Bosco, fostering the young people to social and political
transformation of society, removing the Scrutinise the quality of our educative and involvement following the inspiration of
deep causes of injustice, poverty, pastoral offering, its capacity to bring the Church's Social Teaching (Cf. GC26,
exclusion, enabling the growth of the young people to mature appreciation of 43). In Chapter 25 of Matthew's Gospel
human being in all his or her dignity, universal values: respect, fostering of the those who are blessed because they have
evangelising the young, especially the dignity of the human being, personal and given the hungry to eat and the thirsty to
poorest amongst them. social responsibility for justice and drink ask God when it is that they saw the
solidarity, active citizenship; hungry or thirsty person; and they ask
because they thought they were doing
something simply human which bore no
reference to eternal life. The Gospel word
responds by identifying the presence of
God the Saviour in the least of all human
I would venture to say that when the
Salesian, urged on by God's love, gets
involved in fostering human rights, he or
she is celebrating a liturgy of human rights
since the glory of God is man alive (Ps
150); this is why I dare talk of a liturgy of
human rights.
As disciples of Jesus, in the light of faith,
we can appreciate human rights as the
bringing into history of God's plan, without
forgetting that these rights are a
providential response to the cry of millions
of men and women, including non-
believers, who invoke their dignity when it
is being trampled upon.
The Congregation has no reason for Scrutinise the capacity of our educative and
existing other than the salvation of the pastoral offering to communicate the
3. Fruitful mutuality between
young in all the meanings of the word Gospel and bring young people to an
the preventive system and human rights
salvation. Like Don Bosco in his time, we encounter with Jesus, including through an
cannot be bystanders; we must be active education which frees them from all forms
The preventive system and human rights
agents of their salvation. The Letter from of poverty and marginalisation;
interact in a mutually beneficial way. The
Rome in 1884 also asks us today to put the Scrutinise our capacity to give full
preventive system offers human rights a
"child at the centre" as a daily effort in what expression, in our Salesian communities
unique and innovative educational
we do and as an ongoing choice in the life and in our educative and pastoral
approach regarding the movement to foster
of every one of our communities. This is communities, to values which promote the
and protect human rights up to now
why, for the complete salvation of the dignity of the human person, not only
identified by denouncing "ex post",
young, the Gospel and our charism today through teaching but also through witness.
meaning the denunciation of violations
ask us to set out on this path of human
already committed. The preventive system
rights; meaning a new path and new This kind of scrutiny and evaluation will, as
offers human rights preventive education,
languages which we cannot ignore. We a consequence, lead us to put certain
meaning an action and proposal which is
must leave nothing untried for the salvation choices into practice, which are deeply
"ex ante".
of the young; it should not be possible for rooted in our charism; in particular it will
us today to look into the eyes of a child ask us to:
without seeing ourselves as promoters of - renew our choice of starting from those
that child's human rights. who are the least in any Salesian work (Cr.
GC26 106), educating to responsibility for
2. The centrality of the quality of human rights in all our works and
education activities: schools, technical and
p r o f e s s i o n a l f o r m a t i o n c e n t r e s ,
Only education can promote a new world, universities, oratories and youth centres,
where every human being, each man, parishes, associations, groups. Works that
woman and child can live a free and are not directly concerned with hardship
dignified life in peace; at the same time and marginalisation can and must also
education is the most radical means for educate to and for human rights (Cf. GC26,
removing the causes which obstruct such 107). Human rights will help change the
promotion. status quo, power structures and dominant
Faced with the "educational emergency" life styles, consumer patterns; they are a
marked out by such polarities and powerful means at our disposition for
ambivalence, faced with an education that promoting and protecting the young who
is often considered in terms of "market are more at risk, weak, in need.
logic", faced with, an education which
serves to maintain the status quo which in - renew our choice for a complete
Group Discussion According to Regions: Africa-Madagascar
evangelisation, evangelical poverty and citizens of heaven. It is a metaphor of
new frontiers. This is the path for the freedom and joy of living in the fullness of
Congregation to follow. human dignity.
I am happy that in this Congress
representatives of Salesian Family I entrust to Mary Help of Christians our
Groups have also been present; it will Mother and Teacher, you, your work, our
make it easier to reflect, form ourselves commitment to being faithful to Don
and work together on this new Bosco and the young. May she continue to
educational front. guide us and shape our pastoral hearts
During these days there has been a symbol come as she did with Don Bosco.
which has accompanied us and which has
aimed at symbolising Christ attracting our Rome, 6 January 2009 Solemnity of the
gaze from on high and we ourselves, called Epiphany
to live with feet firmly planted on the
ground but gaze fixed on heaven, the Pascual Chávez Villanueva.sdb
young, especially the poor, abandoned and Rector Major
at risk whom we must help to become good
Christians, honest citizens and one day
As social believers we can say that the
preventive system offers human rights an
anthropology inspired by a Gospel
spirituality and sees the basis of human
rights as the existential fact of the dignity of
each human being “without distinction of
any kind, of race, colour, sex, language,
creed, political or any other opinion,
national or social origins, of wealth, birth
or other circumstance".
In the same way human rights offer the
preventive system new frontiers and
opportunities for dialogue and networking
with other bodies with a view to identifying
and removing the causes of injustice,
iniquity and violence. Besides, human
rights offer the preventive system new
frontiers and opportunities for social and
cultural impact as an effective response to
the "drama of modern humanity's rupture
between education and society, divide
between school and citizenship".
In the new globalised context human rights
become a tool capable of going beyond
narrow national confines to set common
limits and objectives, create alliances and
strategies and mobilise resources both
human and economic.
4. Conclusion
Don Bosco could not speak of the human
rights of children and adolescents, because
that legal category did not exist; but Don
Bosco was a precursor of so many of the
elements in a view of the child and
adolescent which is today defined by the
language of human rights. In the same way
Don Bosco was a precursor of so many
elements of what today is called education
to responsible world citizenship.
Dear brothers and sisters, this Congress did
not set out to be the closing event for the
Strenna for 2008, but intended to provide a
decisive impulse for sustaining the
development of a path of research,
formation and action which we now have
to take forward in our provincial and local
circumstances. This is consistent with the
26th General Chapter which has entrusted
its putting into practice to us, especially in
reference to the core ideas of the urgency of
I am Christopher Kole, born in a family of nine: five are girls (Ednah,
Nelly, Janet Catherine and Harriet), and four are boys (Francis, Vincent,
Christopher and Ian). I am the eight born. Both parents of mine are alive
and they are retired. For their living they do farming. They both are
Catholics and they have a Christian marriage which was blessed at
Kabundi Parish in Chingola.
One of my aspirations in being a pre-novice is working in the oratory
with and for the youth especially the needy and abandoned ones. I am
four months now in the pre-noviciate and one of the things I have achieved is deeper
knowledge of myself. I would like to thank the Salesian Community in Bauleni for their
support and help in discovering more about myself and in discerning my fitness to living the
Salesian way life.
I entrust myself into Mary’s protection and guidance that she may teach me more and more
to tune myself into the likeness of St John Bosco. Please keep me in your prayers.
Christopher Kole
I am Lupupa C. Chongo, born in a family of seven: five boys and two
girls (Karen, Tiyezye, Moses Angie and Chomba). I was born of Mrs
Martha Mwamba and Mr Kaemba Chibowa, they were both Catholic
and their marriage was blessed in the church. Unfortunately, my father
left us on the 9th of May 1998: may his soul rest in peace. At present, my
mother is a circle social counsellor.
One of my aspirations as a pre-novice is acquiring the aspect of a good
Salesian so that I can resemble our father and teacher, Don Bosco, who
worked tirelessly for the sanctity and the salvation of young people. I
pray that the Virgin Mary may help scrape away in life all that does reflect Don Bosco, so
that I may be fit for Salesian life. Please remember me in your prayers.
Lupupa C. Chongo
My name is Vincent Ngozanga, I’m Malawian. I was born on
1September 1986. I come from a Catholic family of eight, where I am the
last born. Both parents of mine are still alive and they are farmers. I thank
them for their help, guidance and accompaniment in the Catholic faith.
All the members of my family are still devoted Catholics up till now.
As I was an altar boy, I grew up close to priests. Most of the priests I met
left a big impact in my life. This is what awakened in me the desire of
becoming a priest. It is now four months of my pre-noviciate and I would
like to thank the Salesians in Bauleni Community, most of all, for their help and
accompaniment in discerning my suitability for Salesian lifestyle. I pray that God may
grant me all the graces I need in moulding myself into the image of St. John Bosco. Please
pray for me.
Vincent Ngozanga
Community Celebrations
On Sunday, 21 September 2008, celebrate the jubilee Mass with love, faith
n Sunday 18lh September 1983, there was a Silver Jubilee Celebration in and joy. The church was packed and even
two Salesians celebrated for the Kazembe to thank the Lord for 25 years of some people had to remain outside.
first time the Mass in Kazembe; Fr. our presence there and for 25 years of Don Bashikulu (Fr. Gotter) gave a "historical"
John Bernas and Fr. Peter Boryczka. It was Bosco Parish. The celebration went on quite and encouraging sermon lasting about 30
the day of the official "taking over" of the well. The rector and at the same time the minutes. The Mass ended at about 12pm.
parish by the Congregation. It was, rather a parish priest, Fr. Andrew Daniluk, together Lunch. It was quite well organized, well
very humble celebration. There was with his community, made sure everything served and well controlled. Everybody had
nobody representing the diocese. Only two was done well. And it was done well a chance of tasting a good "Luapularian
of us; Fr. Bernas was the main celebrant and indeed! The program included: the Mass Kitchen."
I preached the sermon. After the Mass we 9am, the lunch, cultural entertainment Entertainment was organised by
met with the church council to discuss some performed by the youth of the parish. the youth. It was so rich and so much variety
issues concerning our presence in that it cannot be described here! The youth
Kazembe. Before going to Kazembe we The Mass. I felt very privileged to were very happy and so were we.
stayed with the White Fathers in be the main celebrant and have around me
Kawambwa. qui te a number of confreres as The confreres participants at the
concelebrants. The Mass started at 9am jubi1ee were: Fr. Daniluk Andrew, Fr.
Five days later, on Friday with a colourful procession; altar boys, Gotter Joseph, Fr. Socha Casimir and Br.
afternoon, 23 September 1983, we arrived bansansa (dancers) and choir, all nicely Mpundu Macarius from Kazembe, Br.
in Kazembe to begin our permanent dressed, "bauomba" with their strong Falek Andrew, Fr. Skowron Mariusz and
presence there. It was a very beautiful cultural impact and many faithful from all Br. Kulczyk Bartek from Chingola,
afternoon. We came by our pick up fully outstations of Don Bosco Parish. Fr. Fr. Boryczka Peter from Lilongwe, and Fr.
loaded; 8 live chickens given to us by Andrew welcomed all to the celebration, Malec Peter, Fr. Wnek Eugene and Br.
Sisters of Charity in Kawambwa, 2 dogs explained the reason for it and invited all to Kunda Chris from Lufubu.
(Aza and Pikus)... When we arrived at our
place, inside the courtyard, Pikus
immediately killed one chicken that
happened to be there. It seems that it was a
custom to do that in order to start a "new
life" at a new place. Our Pikus was a very
clever dog.
The place was full of broken bricks, cement
blocks, stones and so on. The construction
of the mission just ended and all disorder
was left for us to clean up. I was happy to
use the material to construct the first
salesian building in Zambia. It was the
house for our chickens. The chickens were
very grateful for their new "palace" and
were giving us few fresh eggs every day.
That house is still there and had served
many purposes; chickens, dogs, generator,
Silver Jubilee
Fr Peter Boryczka.sdb
Don Bosco Parish
Lilongwe Area 23
Community Celebrations
workmates also shared the same feeling.
Other two speeches followed.
Fr Provincial concluded with a
prayer and blessing. Fr Javier led the
concluding Christmas carol; he was
accompanied by Cl Michael Mbandama hen people normally have
who sang tenor. Cl. Alexio Mesi though not employees there is a tendency of
gifted in singing choral music, was able to and we had lunch. After the main course of Whaving only an employee-
sing a very beautiful tenor. Fr Provincial the meal was over, Mrs Margaret Simwaba worker relationship. Usually, this is held up
and Fr Leszek sung bass while the rest of and Mrs. Elisabeth Mulenga brought the by the structures people have and
the house sung first part. I forgot to mention cake while performing some traditional perpetuated by the offices people hold. An
that our guest Patrick from South Africa dance that was accompanied by a song employee tends to give the employee
was also present and together we offered from Moshi (that I think everybody in the his/her due and that's it. However, although
the best of our talents to our guests on this province knows by now) called Kata-kata. there is always the employer-employee
celebration of Christmas.It was the first time for the families of our relationship, which is all right; it is also
How wonderful it was to share the staff to hear this song. They really enjoyed good to meet outside the office and
joy our Saviour (baby Jesus) with others. I it though they did not understand the socialise with them. This does not only
wish that this practice of having such meaning. You could hear the children enhance our relationship at work but also it
celebration with our employees (as done by miming the song as the cake was gives them the feeling of being appreciated,
Chawama community) may be diffused distributed. However, before the cake was moreover it deepens their sense of
into the province at large, so that we may cut the four staff (Mr J. Mumba, Mr. J belonging
share the peace and unifying experience of Siyani, Mrs. E. Mulenga and Mrs. In Chawama community, we have
Christmas, Easter (and other feasts in the Simwaba) were asked to make a wish; a tradition that was started sometime ago:
Church) together with our employees and afterwards they were asked to feed each celebrating Christmas together. In this
their families too. other with a piece of cake.celebration our staff come with their
Fr Leszeck (the Rector of the families and we all celebrate the birth of our
Community) was asked to say a speech. He Saviour. This year, we had the joy of
talked about the importance of family life hosting our staff and their families who all
and how he wished that each family (that together numbered more than twenty
was present) could emulated the example people.
set by Jesus, Mary and Joseph (the Holy The gathering started around
Family). He also mentioned that as midday with some Christmas carols that
Christians we are all called to holiness, but were prepared by the community members
it is only the way of living out this holiness and Michael Mbandama who was with us
that may differ between families. He that day. Fr. Provincial's blessed the food,
concluded by wishing everybody a merry
Christmas and a wonderful 2009!
Mrs Elisabeth Mulenga who
spoke on behalf of her workmates
expressed her gratitude to the Salesian
Community for inviting them and their
families to celebrate Christmas together.
She said that the celebration made her grow
in the sense of belonging to the Salesian
family in some special way. She mentioned
that the gathering gave them the
opportunity to meet, interact and share a
meal with her colleagues' families. Her
A feast of Unity
Christmas celebration with the staff
of Chawama Community and their family members
Cl Alexio Mesi.sdb
The celebration helped us bond
together with our staff and it was
an occasion to know better their
Local NEWS
Kabwe (Zambia) Sunday 14 December,
2008| Blessing of the New Playgrounds
t was on a Sunday afternoon that
Salesians, Salesian Co-operators and IYoung People gathered together in the
tent of the youth centre to give thanks to
God and those who made possible the
construction of the new playgrounds.
T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e
playgrounds started long back, when Fr
Andrew requested some funds to the
Krakow Mission Procure. The response
was quite quick and the logistics were then
volleyball and the toilet and showers were some other officials, and the ZMB worked out between the mission office, the
completed within the projected time. provincial youth delegate; in brief the event Salesian Community and the Polish
During the month of October, the was very well represented.government.
supervisor of the Polish government for The programme started at around After some months of paper work
Development visited Zambia. The 3:00 pm. The first to arrive were the young the go ahead was given and thus the funds
government’s representative was pleased to people of Kabwe youth centre who for the project were allotted, waiting only
see the developments of the works in immediately started setting up the tent, for the parties to sign the contract. In the
Zambia (Mansa and Kabwe) as well as the organizing every detail for the function. month of May the contract was finally
way the reports of the project were given. The courts were swept thoroughly, the signed and ready for its implementation.
This was a plus for the projects! ribbons to be cut during the inauguration The mission procure of Krakow
After this visit, the works hung in the right place, scissors ready, the sent two volunteers to monitor the project:
continued with no less difficulty. This time, cake and Champaign for the occasion ready Ms Agata Zyniewicz and Ms Agnieszka
the main hinder to the completion of the as well.Kakol. The project had its moments of crisis
construction works were the heavy rains of The cultural group of Kabwe due to the shortage of cement in the
the beginning of the rainy season. But the oratory escorted the officials from the country; nevertheless, the construction of
efforts paid off and the big day for the community house to the tent and welcomed the two basketball courts, the one for
blessing of the playgrounds arrived. them with traditional dances. It was all
Fr Gilbert Twahirwa, the Oratory euphoria and merry for such achievement!
director of Kabwe, was the person in- The same group performed many other
charge of the celebrations. Fr Gilbert dances for the spectators who delighted in
promptly organised the young people with the show. After the performances, speeches
the traditional dances and other skits which from the officials followed. Workers and
were the delight of those attending the the Polish government were the two groups
Among the invited guests were the
Minister for Youth Development of Zambia
who was accompanied by his wife, the
contractor Mr Cornel Ng’andwe and his
wife, the Project Co-ordinator Ms Agata
Zyniewicz, the novice Master of the
Salesians Fr Christopher Rychczyk plus
Fr Javier A. Barrientos.sdb
A joint effort of the Polish Government and the
Salesian Community of Kabwe
Reporting from
absent at the ceremony but who were
remembered with gratitude.
During the speeches, a heavy rain
poured down and flooded the tent were the
ceremony was taking place. Fortunately, it
stopped after some minutes. Once the
speeches were over, the minister and the other
officials moved towards the playgrounds in
order to continue with the ceremony. Once at
the site, Fr Gilbert gave the blessing while the
Minister cut the ribbons and thus officially
inaugurated the playgrounds of Don Bosco
youth centre in Kabwe. Fr Andrew Reut
thanked the Minister for Youth Development
and those present for turning up for such an
important occasion for the youth centre.
After the blessing and inauguration of the
courts and ablutions block, the invited guests
played volleyball with the young people of
Kabwe youth centre. This was the official
Thanks once again to the Polish
Government, the Mission Procure of Krakow
(Fr Adam) and those involved in the
construction of the playgrounds and ablution
block at the Don Bosco youth centre in Kabwe.
was terminated we see things moving on
with Multipack Enterprises Limited ne for sure may wonder what’s
taking charge. The roof is almost going on with the new church in
finished and we are casting concrete on Kabwe. Why is it taking so long?,
the slab of the church and offices around. one may ask. Well, in spite of difficulties
We trust God and our benefactors that we were facing let’s not worry too much
we be able to continue with the walls, as because we are going forward slowly but
we already have a good number of surely. Baby steps, just baby steps. The
blocks made. positive side of it all is that the whole
I would like to express our community of St. Mary’s Parish is
gratitude to all who helped us so far, learning how to be involved, and that it
especially Recto Major and our won’t come just like manna from heaven.
Provincial House and local community The more struggle the more appreciation
as we continue our adventure with the and understanding of ownership. There
project. was some period of silence and stagnation
Fr. Andrzej Reutbut things are different now. As soon as
the contract with Light Steel Company
A Project that is becoming a
Fr Andrzej Reut.sdb
Local NEWS
An update on the construction of the new
church in Kabwe. The works are going ahead
but not without difficulties
ZMB Salesians in Tanzania
o build a community is an
adventure’ these were the words Tthat Fr George Chelissery the rector
of Moshi Community. He reminded us of
this fact during the house assembly held at
the beginning of the academic year. These
words seem to have suggested that, Moshi
is our home whether we like it or not. From
my own point of view, the whole round of wrapping out of the celebrations to
community took the rectors words literary be held at the end of the month. In addition
but to the bottom, such that today the to this the community was divided into four
Community is racing towards the very ceremonies from Zambia (Kuomboka, teams named after the four gospels. The
community that we all professed we want Umutomboko and Nc’wala), where the teams engaged into different competitions
to be. Perhaps it’s the reason why this years ‘elder’ is carried by a group of people in the that included football, volleyball, and
Community month commemoration was midst of songs and dances. Later in the day, basketball and handball. The games were
just an eye opener to the possibility of the we had the revealing of the names we had played in the afternoon not to interfere with
ideal Community. Yes, it’s happening in been praying for.the usual community timetable.
Moshi. I think as a community and basing Then, finally, Friday arrived. It With reference to the theme, the
was the day every one had been waiting for. rector encouraged the community to go an
It was a like the big bang. It all began with a extra mile in reading the Word of God, as a
solemn mass to mark the actual sure way to commemorate the month in a
Community Day. Later in the evening we more evangelical way. Indeed theme was
had some good time together. To wrap up rightly chosen keeping in mind the fact that
things we had the presentation of the this liturgical year we are honouring St
cultural items from all the countries Paul.
presented in the community. It was indeed a The climax of the community
great night.
The event proved that even though there are
so much things that make us different and
threaten to separate us, Moshi Community
my argument on the above premises we are is indeed one, caring and united
one step away from the actualization of the community, gathered together by the Word
invitation to ‘Return to Don Bosco’. of God.
To celebrate our community
month this year the theme read
“Community United by the Word of God”
Our community month this year was from
21st October to 21st November. It is one of
month began with the traditional reception the lively traditions of our community
of the rector into the community. The which traces it roots from the time of Don
students and the teaching staff of Don Bosco, where the whole community
Bosco Training Centre including all gathered around the rector as the father of
workers of our community cherished the the house.
event.This year we began the month-
The Zambian brothers introduced the long activities by picking of the name of the
rector to the whole community in their own community member for whom we would
traditional way. It was done with the be praying for the whole month. The name
combinat ion of three t radi t ional picked was to be kept secret until the final
Community Celebrations
Cl John Musonda.sdb
Community life is a gift
but it is also a journey
Dear Antonio Vazoler,
Christian Community of St Liberale and
Dear Friends,
I have just come back to Zambia, I arrive
yesterday late in the day. I spent seven days
in Harare and on Saturday, 3rd January I left
for Hwange. In Hwange, one of our young
confreres has renewed his religious parish run by diocesan clergy (around running the clinic, but has nothing to offer.
profession in the presence of the Christian 124,000 thousand people distributed in 19 All the work is done through the NGOs. The
community of St Theresa Parish. small communities). The second group is government controls that in the records it
What I’m writing to you would Budiriro parish, also run by diocesan remains clear no to state that a person died
like to be a brief report of what we have clergy, where the apostolic vicar is the of cholera. I had received all the
managed to do in this short time. I am quite parish priest (140,000 people organized in information regarding this matter from a
sure that other Christian communities will 22 small communities). Finally, the main nurse from the parish who works inside the
write to you with the desire to greet and beneficiary of the food relief and medicine clinic. Medicines come from all over the
thank you. was the Salesian parish, which is divided in place but in most cases, it is not enough. The
three centres Kambuzuma, Rugare and presences of those who present the
This is what we managed to do Warren Park (150,000 people organized in symptoms or are already affected by
a. In Zambia we bought medicines for the 18 small communities). cholera are between 60 and 180 a day. On
treatment of the cholera patients who As you very well know, in Zimbabwe the the day of our visit, they numbered 76.
numbered more than hundred. Therefore, Catholic population reaches only 9% of the Those who have died in that clinic reach
we purchased 33 bottles of chlorine to country’s population, therefore the small more than 1200; this is the reason why the
purify 50,000 litres of water, 10 boxes of communities are organized not only to help bishop, the apostolic vicar and the parish
medicine for the prevention of malaria and minister themselves but in occasion priest prompted me to leave the medicines
especially among children also suffering like this, they were organized even to offer in this particular clinic.
from diarrhoea, plus 200 kg of corn flour. ‘your Christmas gift’ to the poor and those I also held a brief meeting with the
b. We have also carried with us an most in need, whether Catholics or not. We directives of the clinic, some members of
approximate of 100 kilos of small dry fish managed to help more than 500 families Zimbabwe’s ruling party. They quickly
(called Kapenta in the local language), and and among them those who are most in received the medicines but they prevented
100 kilos of beans that a charitable lady need: elderly and orphans. me from taking any photos, and they
from our parish (Bauleni-Zambia) had e. The medicines were distributed directly reported that there were no more than 20
donated generously. to a clinic in Budiriro. This clinic was chose people inside who at the moment are
c. In Zimbabwe we bought 4 tones of corn from the beginning of the cholera pandemic undergoing treatment, and that so far ‘none
flour, 1000 kilos of sugar, 500 litres of to look after the most serious cases of died due to the cholera pandemic.’
cooking oil, and 500 kilos of beans. cholera, by then it had only 15 beds f. Regarding the solidarity fund, we have
d. On Monday 29 December 2008, I sat available. Later on one quarter of the received on 16 Dec 2008 Euro 2,853, on 17
with the Salesians of the community of population of Harare started to send the Dec 2008 Euro 4,391. This money changed
Harare; in the morning we went to see the cases of cholera to this clinic, and therefore into American dollars gave us USD
bishop and his apostolic vicar. There we in less than a week they had to pitch more 8,410.00
decided to extend the help brought from than 5 tents from the UNICEF and other Please, be aware that among the
Zambia to other parishes that surround us. NGOs in order to cater for more people. The medicines and food stuff bought I also
The food relief went to help Mufakose ministry of Health is the one in charge of added the costs of transport USD 345.00
cholera Zimbabwe
Fr Bruno Zamberlan.sdb
2. Some conclusions for you and me Zimbabwe: it is just a gesture instead! This disciples to ‘give people to eat’ even as they
a. In regard to me, I am very happy to have is what I told those who received the are shocked to see the multitude of them. In
spent Christmas among those most in need: medicines and food relief. This little help is front at the challenge Jesus poses them,
I have found Jesus in the manger, together a gesture of God’s love that comes to them they remained silent. The money you have
with Mary and Joseph and the shepherds through the care of a Christian community, collected have been sufficient to make 500
(the poor). There are experiences that physically far away, but that wants to be families happy. But remember that the joy
cannot be described with words, not even present and near you in your sufferings. does not come from the fact they had
with photographs, but I can say that you Even as the sea is made of millions of drops something to eat but that they found some
have helped me to make that deepest of water, your help made possible that the people who really loves them. They have
experience of Christmas ever in my life. It sea might be more ‘generous’ and even be somehow rediscovered themselves and
became very natural for me to embrace the able to reach them. God in their lives in-so-far as you sent your
children, make merry with the elderly, pray - One person of my parish here in Bauleni Christmas present to them. I promised them
for all and help them pray, and give them (Zambia) went with me to Zimbabwe. The that somebody from your community will
hope especially when hope cannot be seen. time he went back home and gathered with come to visit them during Easter, so they
We are living an experience of desert, a his family told them: ‘I just came back from are waiting for you.
‘fertile desert’(if I there exist something of Zimbabwe and I have taken a decision, 3. Conclusion
this sort) where God manifests himself with from now on nothing should be wasted in Certainly your community is growing in
many signs of his love and where people this house, we will not throw away ‘age’ and grace in the eyes of God and the
open to his presence are able to discover anything.’ After this experience of world. Do not become conceited but rejoice
him, and I can say that among them I found solidarity I invite you to educate children in and live happily in the Lord.
you. attitudes of solidarity and of poverty in With love and prayer,
b. In regard to you, (although you could times of abundance, in order to become rich Your compatriot and missionary in Africa,
make your own conclusions) I allow myself in humanity and grace.
to say this: - You may have heard in this days that the Don Bruno Zamberlan,sdb
- With your gesture of solidarity you readings coming from the gospel of
haven’t resolved the cholera crisis of Matthew stressed how Jesus tells his
Youth Ministry FOLLOW-UP
The long awaited moment of Lusaka
Archdiocese Youth Animators
Reunion finally came.
Chawama, 17 January 2009.
It was a very joyful moment, after over six years since I
left Youth Office of the Archdiocese of Lusaka, to meet
again with the Youth Animators that I used to work
with while doing my Youth Apostolate from 1996 to
2002. I must thank the Rector of Provincial House
Community for allowing the meeting to take place
within their premises. Majority of those who attended
the meeting were with me from 1997 or 1998 as I was
beginning to organize the group of peer educators.
They are no boys or girls anymore but young men and (they were 28) expressed their willingness to start formation as
women, some already married and with children. With some sense soon as all the logistics are in place. Let us put this idea in our
of satisfaction and pride I was happy to see them doing fine in their prayers and if that is God’s will may it come to realization for the
lives and know that the years that we spent together in Youth benefit of the young people and the Salesian Family at large.
Animation were helpful to establish their own families or start new As we ended our meeting with the prayer we
careers. Some of them are still involved in Youth Ministry in their remembered five girls from the group that passed away.
respective places. Lastly I thank all who contributed to the preparation and success
Although we met mainly to socialize together and share of this beautiful gathering, may God shower his blessings on
with one another our experiences it was also an occasion to you.
recommit ourselves to Youth Ministry in Don Bosco’s way. I had
an opportunity to sell to my young friends the idea of starting the Fr Andrew Reut
group of Young Salesian Co-operators. Majority of those present
Reun oni
Thinking ZONE
However, looking at the development and outcome of the act. Sex is the lawful union
cultural change which is taking place, it between two people who have sealed their
will be too naïve to use old solutions in love and commitment in marriage. As such,
response to the current problems on sex is reserved for marriage only. Sex is not
sexuality. Unfortunately, some parents merely a way of showing love but there is
he world is moving at a fast rate in
have taken two extremes on the way they something more to it. Young people need to
terms of science and technology.
approach the sexuality of their children. res t ra in themselves f rom sexual TDespite all the goodness science
One group of parents is too overprotective relationships and see sex as a treasure or a
and technology has brought forth, men and
on their children especially on the girl- parcel which needs not to be opened but
women have been defragmented and
child. They have ended up calculating admired. This is a primary training for
dehumanised. The values he once held
every movement of their children. They do patience needed for the young in there
with respect are now violated without
not trust any man who talks with their preparation for sex because in marriage
seeing anything wrong. It seems we are
daughters. They keep their children under there will have moments when they will be
living in a world which has lost its ethic and
their proximate or in the fence from required to abstain from uniting for
moral conscience. The mass media expose
morning to night. On the other hand, we example during time of pregnancies,
young generations to violence, sex, lust for
have a group who is too loose with their sicknesses and when one of the spouses is
power and love for possessions. The world
children that their children do whatever out.
is using media as its voice to suggest ways
they want with their lives, to the extent that Although young people are free to
of living a happy life. However, through the
they reach the point in which no longer be in relationships, they should be
development of science and technology,
know what to do with their lives, how to conscious enough to respect each other’s
the world has made sex to be accessible to
handle their sexuality and its expressions. body. They should be aware that they do not
all; married and single, parents and their
We are sexual human beings. As such, we yet have a right over the other person’s
teens. Science and technology claim to
need to take pride in understanding and body as the civil law and the church has not
have responded to the evil outcome of sex
learning our sexuality. Our sexual feelings yet endowed them with that right.
like venereal disease, H.I.V/AIDS and
should not rule us but with the use of the However, there are many ways young
unwanted pregnancies with condoms, pills
intel lect endorsed in us by the people can show love; exchange of gifts,
and abor t ion . Amids t a l l t hese
ALMIGHTY, we have the obligation to caring, advising each other, respecting each
developments still man feels unsatisfied,
subject our feelings. Sex presupposes other, sharing jokes, listening to each
empty, with no meaning in life. A human
freedom and freedom is determined by the other’s worries and celebrating with each
being, who is fundamentally social, is
presences of alternatives on which the other in moments of joy. Relationships
slowly losing his identity and falling into
intellect and the will, shall act upon in the among young people should be seen in the
living a life of individualism or isolation.
process of making a choice after having light of developing other external gestures
The mobile phones for example have made
been enlightened by the sense of of love instead of venturing into sexual
some people lose the therapeutic contact
responsibility in order to bring about true intercourse.
with immediate people resulting into
inner happiness in one’s life. Sex needs preparation, there is no
Unfortunately, most young people have need of blindly rushing into it. There are
All these developments have a
neglected their responsibilities in the girl – many things involved in it. People need to
great influence on how a human being
boy relationships that is why we have a lot date for a long period of time in order to
looks at his or her sexuality. This has been
of unhappy marriages and a lot of broken understand each other as a whole so that the
seen from many broken relationships
relationships. The relationships we make two will be able to treat each other as
among young people, separation and
now are a foundation for our future life unique and valuable persons. This calls for
divorce cases being filed in courts by
commitments. Sex before marriage is a sin. maturity and patience.
parents. Young people are finding it
Most young people have compromised this Marriage is for matured people! A
difficult to enter into lifelong intimate
sin. Some young people ask: ‘How is it a young man who is preparing to marry is
relationships both with God and man. They
sin?’ Sex is sacred in the sight of God; it has seen from his capacity to respect sex and
lack faith, unconditional love and trust in
to be taken seriously and with reverence. preserve it only for marriage, while a young
people because they have put their security
The aim of sex is to unite a woman and a lady who is serious for marriage is seen
more on money, gadgets and machineries
man into one body and the second aim is from the way she treasures sex and is not
they possess.
that sex should be open to procreation. willing to give in but waits to give it to her
Some parents sound a little bit
Unity entails that the two are living in future husband as a special gift.
‘old fashion’ in the way they approach the
harmony and peace. Peace and harmony
issue of sexuality. They use old advises and
can only prevail where the two are free
techniques to help the young generation to
from a feeling of guilt after congenial act
avoid the problems of sexual promiscuity.
and readiness to respond positively to the
needs preparation
Cl A. Hamweete.sdb
ideas of our own deceive us, we tend to put situations not as barriers, but rather as
the blame of our unfortunate situations on springboards that help us to actualize our
the people around us, or the circumstances goals in life. We have got all the resources
that we cannot control. We also have to around us that we need to come to the full
acknowledge that we do not want to know realization of our lives, what we lack is a
ourselves too well. Since we do not want to spirit of gratitude for them. We also need to
live with such a reality about our inner understand that our lives are not
selves, we are habitually tempted to go out predetermined; we have the power to
of ourselves so as to cover up for the gap decide which shape they will take, and it is ach of our lives has a direction and a
that is within us. It is usually in the only when we wake up, and with God’s purpose. It is meant to be goal-
masquerade of ‘selflessness’ and ‘charity’ grace that we will use this power in us directed, but however this is not E
that we try to please ourselves and believe positively. We thus become victors, not always the case. Most of us are not aware of
that we are actually awake and sensitive to victims, over any form of determinism. where our lives are taking us, thus are
the needs of our neighbour, yet in the actual Life is a journey in which every ‘asleep’. We simply exist and we do not
sense we are deceiving ourselves. In most little step we take makes a big contribution really live life until we wake up from this
cases we carry out such good acts in a spirit on our drawing closer to our destination, sleep. It is an unfortunate reality that most
of self-love; it makes us feel ‘important’ which is in God. Therefore, we need to be people grow old but do not grow up, and
and self-righteous when we patronizingly fully conscious in taking these little steps.even reach the point of death without
offer a hand to someone in need, and thus Our endeavor to wake up from our sleep actually ‘waking up.’
we are still asleep. We may spend all our cannot be fully realized overnight, nor does The first step towards waking up
energy in working for the needy but at the it come about without taking any risks. We is to accept the fact that we are asleep and
end of the day; we are simply wasting our risk the pain of self-realization, which may acknowledge the fact that we naturally do
time and living under an illusion of our leave us feeling disillusioned and at times not want to wake up. It is our human
own. wishing we never knew so much about inclination not to want to move out of the
Another step that we need to take ourselves (but only for a while). Awareness prison of our false convictions, beliefs and
towards waking up is to realize the comes about with a great part on our side, as stereotypes. We are comfortable with the
presence of the people and conditions well as grace from God. way we are, the way we think and the way
around us that are there to help us discover we act, since it gives us some kind of self-
how blind we are. Sometimes we die of security. We always want to hold on to what
thirst while almost sinking in a lake, simply By Simba we believe and do not want to accept new
because we cannot see that around us there Ideas based on “Awareness” By Antony de ideas, especially those that somehow
is water all over. We need to develop an Mellochallenge our ideas and demand that we
attitude of looking at these people and move from our ‘comfort zones.’ Once these
Thinking ZONE
Cl Simbarashe Musa.sdb
ometimes I feel that life is too complex to comprehend. I
have so many questions to ask about its meaning and its Spurpose, but it seems there is no one to answer them for me.
Living in today’s society, I feel like a bird in a cage, unable to
escape from what it lays out for me, and the mentality and
prejudices that it forces me to develop as its member. Society
seems to dictate what I should and what I shouldn’t do, what can I
say and what I cannot; how I should feel and how I ought to view
everything that happens to me and around me.
However, I know that I’ve got the capacity to let the bell
in my heart ring, the power to change the circumstances within
and outside myself. The spark of desire to be free always inspires
me to look into the future with hope. This capacity I have within to
free myself from being a victim of my own destiny into its master,
a key to a better tomorrow
better place. I know many of you may feel despair among the young people. The
tempted to believe that this is rather too question is; what am I doing in my own
abstract a task to do, ‘making the world a capacity to create hope or at least to nurture
better place…’ I wouldn’t really go along it among the people around me? Do I
with that view. Remember that the man believe I can make a difference amid this
who moved a mountain started with one apparently ‘desperate’ situation? We, as
little stone. I can make my own youth are the powerhouse of the future
contribution by first of all influencing my world and we it is in our power to make it a
own self, then it logically follows that I can land of despair or a land of hope As I said
also influence the little world in which I earlier on each one of us has the capacity
live, that is, my inner circle of friends, my within the self to make a step towards the
brothers and sisters, etc. If there is hope and creation of the land of hope, where we will
sense of meaning and direction in my own together, overcome all these challenges.
life, it will definitely flow out to the people Even though today’s world seems to be
around me. already forlorn, we must remember that
The world I’m talking about there is light at the end of every tunnel. Our
which can come up as a result of our little task is just to keep on driving towards that
if developed, can consequently change the contributions, is a world in which each one light!
way I view life as a young person. But then of us finds meaning and hope in our lives.
I must first get convinced that I am the one Since I cannot give what I don’t have, I’ve
occupying the driver’s seat of my life, not got to have hope in my own life in order to
other people circumstances. give it to others. If we take a look at the lives
This issue is one of the challenges of inspirational people who made big
that we, the youth of today face in our lives. contributions in making the world a land of
The world of the young person today can be hope for others; Mother Theresa, Julius
portrayed as one that is becoming more and Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, among others, it
more pessimistic. This is because most of was because first of all they believed in
themselves and believed that their dreams
could be realized. They first created the
‘land of hope’ among the few poor people
with whom they were staying before their
influence spread out to the rest of the world.
The important thing is that I become a
dreamer, someone with a vision; someone
who is in touch with reality and yet is not
overwhelmed by it. Challenges will always
us feel that we are ‘stuck’ and cannot get out come but instead of seeing them as
of the hopeless situations in which we find obstacles, I’ve got to see them as stepping-
ourselves from time to time. We tend to stones that help me in creating a ‘land of
attribute all the ‘negatives’ in our lives to hope’ out of the little environment in which
the circumstances around us. But then wait I live.
a minute…How much have I personally If we look at the situation of our
tried to influence my own environment world today, AIDS is claiming millions of
rather than to be influenced by it. How young lives; poverty, unemployment and
much have I believed in my own willpower moral decay seem to be giving birth to
and contributed to making the world a
This world is divided into two groups
of people:
Those who yearn and those who yawn
Those who fail and those who are
Those who grow up and those who
simply grow old
Those who live by chance and those
who live by choice
Those who see obstacle stones and
those who see stepping-stones
Those who see thorns on a rose and
those who see a rose on thorns
Those who work hard today and those
who will work harder tomorrow
Those who see a cup that’s half-empty
and those who see one that’s half-full
Those who are masters of their
destiny and those who are victims of
their destiny
Which group do you belong to? Life
is what you make of it, my man!
ZMB Provincial Council
Local News
Ms Lutanga Chishimba
Bauleni Parish
organized by Fr Eustace Siame and talks
were given by Br Michael Mbandama under
retreat was over-whelming and special to
me in the sense that it was a youth retreat. It
gave me that sense of belonging, to see that
we are considered as youths in church and
a retreat does not only enhance one’s faith or
made me realize that they is still hope for
embark on one recollecting, it also
the church after seeing the number that
improves one’s knowledge of God and
turned out, the questions that they were
improves one’s perception of things.
asking, the participation, and the preaching,
Remember this year as the Catholic church
this showed me youths out there are thirst
we reflect on the golden jubilee of St Paul
Personal Reflections on a retreat for Christ and are eager to know and learn
and in Romans 4: 13 – 25 he writes to us
more about God. Being a youth retreat one
hat is to retreat? One may o f the challenging talks I found was on
THROUGH FAITH.’ So, as his children all
ask. Retreat is a word that is LOVE. Br Michael wonderfully elaborated
we have to do is believe him and for what Wmostly used in military circles: the meaning of love and gave us his own
God has promised he surely fulfils his
this happens when soldiers are at war. A five personal convictions on love and these
retreat is called when they realize things are were:
not going as planned. They retreat to review 1. The one who loves, promises the other
not to die.
2. The one who loves never uses power.
3. Love is to forgive and still forgive.
4. To Love is to tell someone that ‘it is not
me who counts but you’.
5. To love someone is to tell the other that
‘you are my joy, without you I cannot live.’
Looking at the above
convictions I concluded that, youths of
nowadays tend to misinterpret and misuse
the word LOVE and hence fall victims of
their plans and strategies, check were they EARLY pregnancies and marriages (which
went wrong then re-plan. But in the fail to last), UNWANTED PREGNACIES
religious point of view; this is where one (which lead to abortions, death, orphans,
reflects on their life, recollects and see how street children and so on…).
much they can improve their spiritual life In conclusion I would like to
and faith. appeal to all churches to support and
The last retreat I attended was in encourage youth retreats because attending
December 2008 in Kyindu. It was
From the 12TH – 14TH January 2009 all the rectors and local superiors of the
ZMB vice province gathered at Chawama provincial house to evaluate the
year 2008 and plan the year 2009. In the meeting, Fr Joseph Czerwinski
updated the rectors by presenting to them the official document on Religious
Discipline, which was matter of discussion during the last CIVAM meeting
(Kenya 2008).
Fr Cheslaw Lenczuk from Hwange community was the moderator of the
meeting. The sessions took a different way this year since Fr Cheslaw
introduced the group work as the study method for the document on religious
discipline. Fr Leszek Aksamit presented the financial status of the vice
province, while Fr Antonio briefed the rectors on the recent activities of youth
animation in the vice province and those that are to come in the year 2009.
Rectors and local superior spent days of reflection, prayer, study and group
work which will eventually help the running of the communities.
Rectors’ Meeting 09
of the “Mary Help of Christians” Vice their own experiences as new missionaries
Province (ZMB) which includes Zambia, in a different situation such as Africa.
Malawi, Zimbabwe and Namibia. In addition to opportunities to share, to
The young people involved are reflect and to pray together the days
carrying out their voluntary service in included time for study of the themes of
various Salesian centres in Zimbabwe and evangelisation in Africa and inculturation
Zambia, belonging to the Vice Province which were introduced by various
hosting the meeting and in Uganda which Salesians, including the Superior of the
is part of the “Saint Charles Lwanga” Vice Salesians in Zambia, Fr Jósef Czerwiński.
Province of Africa Great Lakes (AGL). The volunteers were able to visit
B e c a u s e s o m e r e d - t a p e the Cathedral in Lusaka and pray at the
difficulties prevented some volunteers tomb of Cardinal Adam Kozłowiecki who
working in Zimbabwe from entering died in 2007, as well as Victoria Falls in
(ANS – Lusaka) – Between 6 and 12 Zambia, the second part of the meeting was Zimbabwe.
January there was a meeting of young held in Hwange, in Zimbabwe. There are 18 MWDB volunteers at present
Polish volunteers The 11 young people, 9 The meeting was chaired by Fr Stanisław in Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Perù and
from “Don Bosco International Voluntary Rafałko, Director of the Salesian Palestine, in addition to Uganda, Zambia
Service” (MWDB), and 2 from “Salesian Missionary Centre in Warsaw. The aim was and Zimbabwe.
Young Missionary Voluntary Service for to enable the young volunteers to share
the World” met together at the headquarters
Catholic Websites
Chawama Bookstore
Lives of Saints are now available at
the Provincial House at the prize of
USD $ 0.50 or its equivalent in
Kwacha (K 2500).
It is ideal for parish groups, vocation
camps, vocation promotion, altar
boys club, Christian lay groups...
Other books available are live of
Don Bosco, Dominc Savio, Mary
Mazzarelo, Laura Vicuña and most
of the Saleisn Saints. BUY NOW!
1 5
1. Lilongwe (Malawi): New Year;s Celebration (Dec 2008).
2. Lusaka (Zambia): Fr Joseph with Guido.sdb and Katrien from Don Bosco Youth Services (Dec 2008).
3. Lufubu (Zambia): archives | Fr Zyga and Fr Paul posing with children in front of the house (Jun 2006).
4. New York (USA): Fr Tresphord Chisanga during his short visit to the Big Apple during Christmas (Dec 2008).
5. Chawama (Zambia): Concelebration during the Rectors and Local Superiors’ Meeting (Jan 2009).
6 | 7 |8 : Rundu (Namibia): Youth Activities in Tondoro and Rundu (year 2008).
9. Makeni (Zambia): ZMB Rectors during their visit to the new novitiate (Jan 2009).
10. Chawama (Zambia): Bro Alexio Mesi printing t-shirt for the zone festival in Chingola (Dec 2008)
11. Chawama (Zambia): Bro Michael Mbandama stitching the booklets for the youth festival (Dec 2008).
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