by Pascual Chávez Villanueva
The movements “waiting”.
Don Bosco's Family becomes the inspiration for an even wider Salesian movement when, in addition to the characteristics proper to the various Groups, it is able to express some dynamic uniting factor which reveals the common apostolic identity. (cid 32)
AS is well-known there are 23 groups officially part of the Salesian Family (SF). Others will certainly be approved in this special anniversary year. It is very clear therefore that in addition to being an official organisation the SF is a much more open movement. There are so many individuals and groups who recognise Don Bosco’s spirituality as theirs. I also like to think of those innumerable lay collaborators who are working side by side with the Salesians and share the same educational ideal and apostolic commitment. There are tens of thousands of them. And it is only right to remember the even larger number of benefactors and friends; without their support it would not be possible to do what is being done in the poorest parts of the world. Many of you too, dear readers, are part of this great host of people. And the young? I’ll tell you about something that happened to me recently in Brazil. Various groups of the SF were explaining to the Rector Major their apostolic and Salesian commitment. They spoke with pride and enthusiasm of their love for Don Bosco and their involvement in working with the young. At a certain point, a girl, caught up in the general enthusiasm, came up to me looking worried: “But we young people, can we be part of the Salesian Family?”. I replied at once with joy: “Certainly you can! You are the purpose and the centre of our family.” In fact, the SF is the most beautiful and complete expression of Don Bosco alive today, who puts himself at the service of the young in a totally up-to-date and committed way.
<< I mention the reasons why a group is recognised as belonging to the SF. Several years ago the Rector Major Fr Egidio Viganò suggested some criteria.
Above all “participation” in the Salesian vocation: the group which asks to form part of the SF, is called to share in the “charism”. It needs to show therefore that it is moved by the Holy Spirit to look to Don Bosco as the model and teacher and to want to put into practice his charism. All this is easier if the founder is a Salesian or another member of the SF.
A second element is participation in the mission to ordinary young people. This means that the group ought to have the same aims: evangelisation and catechesis, the all-round development of the young, especially the poorest and the abandoned, concern for the working classes, for social communication for missionary work.
A third aspect is a sharing in the spirit and in the educative-pastoral method. The characteristic elements are pastoral charity, the family spirit, optimism, simple and lively prayer, appreciation for the sacraments and devotion to Mary.
Another important element is the evangelical life lived according to the Salesian spirit. The group proposes to its members the ideal of the gospel, which can be expressed with religious vows or with simple promises or some other form of commitment, with Don Bosco as the model.
Each group preserves its own specific character and autonomy. Being an active part of the SF, it is committed to creating an active spirit of fraternity in collaboration with the other groups and recognising in the successor of Don Bosco the role of Father and centre of unity in the great Salesian movement.
<< These elements are the basis of a deep communion and apostolic fraternity. Don Bosco had tried to do all that was possible to establish a close union among the groups he founded. Today, actively faithful to his desires, we are continuing to find ways together to strengthen this communion. There are more than a few groups who ask for a closer charismatic link. I shall mention some of them, not without expressing my total affection for those un-named. “The Disciples” founded by Fr G. D’Souza who are working in the field of evangelisation; the “Comunidade Cançao Nova” of Father Jonas Abib dedicated to evangelisation through the media (radio and tv, songs, music); the “Misioneras de Maria Auxiliadora” of Sr A. L. Bimos; the “Community of the Mission of Don Bosco”, composed of lay people who also make a special promise; the Mamma Margaret Association, springing up almost spontaneously in various parts of the world, dedicated to supporting by their prayers their own consecrated sons and daughters. The charism of Don Bosco is alive and fruitful. And today more than ever we feel the need for it. The SF is making it present in a vival and original way. We are happy to represent its presence, its passion for education, its missionary heart and its love for the young who are poor and abandoned. ◙