Several of these expressions are also found in our last GC27. I make mention here
of only one that completes the desire and the need to be a part of God’s plan and a
prophecy of fellowship. Let us read this powerful reminder:
“Aware of the new ecclesial moment we are living through, we are convinced that
our consecrated life is a cry against selfishness and self-reference: it is about
meeting the needs of others and beginning from our poor and supportive lifestyle.
Our cloister is the world of the young who are in difficulty and our prayer is our
hands raised up and our action in giving dignity back to those who are most
excluded. This is why we cannot spare our energy, nor do we have any more time
for ‘our things’, or to close ourselves within our personal interests. We are faced
with an exodus which will help us reach another land, one promised a thousand
times over: the land of the most abandoned and poorest. As Salesians we will find
our Tabor there” (Chapter Documents of the GC27, Appendix 5: Refocused).
What power there is in this expression! Dear confreres, we find our Tabor among
the young! This is our conversion and this is what it means, today as always, to
“return to Don Bosco”.
In the nearly three months that have passed since the Chapter concluded,
journalists from various newspapers have asked me several times if I am afraid for
our Congregation. I have always replied, in total sincerity, that I am not afraid,
that I have no fear whatsoever! And not because our Congregation is permeated by
an attitude of arrogance or a lack of humility... Far from it. I truly believe that
simplicity and humility should be our calling card, along with what I’ve taken to
calling the constitutive element of our Salesian DNA, viz. what makes us
genetically Salesians and the Salesian Family, that is, our pastoral passion for
young people, especially the poorest among them. For this reason, I do not
entertain any fear for our Congregation, because to the extent young people are
our pastoral passion and our Tabor, to that extent is our faithfulness guaranteed;
and if we are faithful, the Spirit of the Lord will undoubtedly continue to want our
Salesian Congregation and our Family for the sake of the young and, among them,
for the poorest in the world.
The three months that have elapsed since the close of our 27th General Chapter
have enabled us, among other things, to see some of the needs that have been
emerging and to engage in conversation with our confreres who have completed
their service – be it at the helm of the Congregation and the Salesian Family in the
person of our dear Rector Major Emeritus, or as the Vicar or as all the other
confreres of the previous General Council. I must say that these have really been
some beautiful moments of truly fraternal dialogue inspired by an attitude of total
availability and service. An authentic witness!
And so, the obediences are as follows:
• The Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chávez, is assigned to the Community of
“San Tarcisio” in Rome, charged first of all with the task of taking good care of his
health and continuing the excellent recovery he is making, and at the same time
making himself available for ongoing formation in the Congregation, for animating
days of recollection, retreats and conferences, for writing, and for rendering an
important service also to the Salesian Family and to Consecrated Life.