Undoubtedly, in the minds of everyone, especially those who wish to do something about this
painful situation, the question arises: how can we help?
First of all, as I have already said, with our affection, solidarity, by siding with those who have
suffered and are suffering this unjust aggression. I am sure of the fact that there are millions of
Russians who do not want war; and that it is only their rulers who want it and are doing it.
We must also put before the Lord the pain of a world which, though redeemed by our Lord,
continues to bleed and suffer today.
Certainly we must and can intervene with financial aid. I am aware of several initiatives already
in place:
1. Missioni Don Bosco, Turin, is promoting a campaign to collect aid for the Ukraine in the
immediate emergency. In dialogue with me, we have agreed to think above all about the
post-emergency, about how to meet the needs that will arise when the war is no longer
“front page news”, thanks be to God!
2. The Misiones Salesianas Mission Office, Madrid, is already allocating the first lot of funds
to cover basic needs. It will also try to plan, as mentioned above, for the phase following
this emergency.
3. The Salesian Lombardo-Emiliana (ILE) Province together with the “Opera don Bosco
onlus” Foundation, has taken protective action in agreement with the Superior of the
Ukraine Vice-province, Fr Mykhaylo.
4. The Salesian Venezia-Mestre (INE) Province has made direct arrangements with the Rector
Major to help in any way possible.
5. The Salesian community in Vatican City has sent 20,000 Euro to the Rector Major for the
most urgent needs in Ukraine.
6. The Irish Salesian Province has begun a collection of basic necessities and has allocated
some funds to be used for the emergency in Ukraine.
7. In Germany, “Don Bosco Mission Bonn” has launched a campaign to collect funds as well
as an awareness-raising campaign.
8. The Salesian Mission Office in Warsaw, too, in the early hours of war breaking out in
Ukraine, has been active in raising funds and sending humanitarian aid.
9. Before this emergency, even the European network of Salesian youth organisations (Don
Bosco Youth Net), in line with what I have expressed, and in its own area of competence,
has shared indications and guidelines among the organisations of its network on work for
the rights and the reception of refugees, organisation and involvement in solidarity, charity
and peace awareness initiatives.
And no doubt many other initiatives will arise that I am not yet aware of
However, one question remains: how do we coordinate our efforts to make this aid of ours
I will suggest one immediate way, but first I want to restate a principle: during this emergency
we all want this aid to to get to people most in need, those displaced, those who have lost
everything they own, those who do not know how to carry on living at the moment... As I
said, we are very clear who we are and must be, as I said: just a mediation, a conduit to convey
the help that so many people are already offering to those most in need.