Congregational reflection on vocational guidance was crystallised in the Constitutions and
Regulations (1984). General Chapters studied the matter further and built up a very rich patrimony,
integrating the Letters of the Rectors Major and initiatives of Provinces. Thus, recognised first and
foremost was the Christian vocation to which all the baptised are called (C 37); for this reason, not only
religious or priestly vocations, for which special care is required, but also lay vocations were conceived
as ‘apostolic vocations’ (C 28).
In one way or another, the insistence has been that pastoral work for vocations is the crowning glory
of youth ministry, “its unifying principle”2, because the Salesian mission aims at helping young people
discover their vocation.3
The concept of vocation ministry as mere ‘recruitment’ of vocations has been rejected on a number
of occasions, confirming the dual aspect of vocation promotion, both general and specific.4 On the one
hand, it calls for constant attention to discovering and accompanying vocations of special commitment
in society and the Church with differentiated and appropriate initiatives; but it also sustains the
awareness of a special responsibility for arousing an explicit invitation to a vocation of special service or
consecration, in particular, to the Salesian charism in its multiple forms.5
This is why it is stated that the first objective of vocation promotion is to create a “culture of vocation”
in every Salesian setting.6 Through relationships, communication, activities and projects, it encourages a
vision of life as a gift and as service, proposing attitudes that foster vocational development, even leading
to an explicit proposal of consecrated and priestly life.
The Congregation has never ceased to insist on the special care of the relevant and indispensable
environments wherein it is essential to help young people discern their vocation and respond to it
consciously. These formative spaces have been called “aspirantates”, then “live-in community
experiences”, “come and see groups” among others.7 In this respect, the teaching of the Rectors Major
and Chapters has, over the years, urged the renewal of these vocational guidance proposals8, described
in the Regulations as "vocational guidance centres” (cf. R 16 and 17).
Serious planning of vocation ministry is also needed9 within the journey of faith offered by Youth
Ministry. This perspective has been emphasised in recent times by the Rector Major’s Action Guidelines
following GC28: there is a need to accompany “the young with a view to their personal maturity, growth
in faith”.10 This excludes the vocational process being an "ultimate", "casual", "elite" or "exceptional”
moment, but the backbone of the whole faith journey.11 The Youth Ministry Frame of Reference (2014)
inserts the vocational dimension within the Provincial SEPP, not as something added to it but as
2 GC28 p. 24.
3 SGC 374; C 37; cf. GC23 247.
4 L. Ricceri, Lettere circolari di don Luigi Ricceri ai salesiani (Roma: Editrice SDB, 1996) 636-38. The document Young Salesians and
Accompaniment. Orientations and Guidelines insists on clarifying the difference between vocational recruitment and
accompaniment and vocational discernment (cf. YSA 183).
5 Cf. J.E. Vecchi, Educatori appassionati, esperti e consacrati per i giovani. Lettere circolari di don Juan E. Vecchi (Roma: LAS, 2013)
644. 649
6 In his letter for the Year 2000, “Now is the favourable time” (AGC 373), Fr Juan Vecchi introduces this expression used by
Pope John Paul II. Cf. GC26 53.
7 E. Viganò, Lettere circolari di don Egidio Viganò ai Salesiani (Roma: Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco, 1996) 1225; cf.
GC26 72.
8 Ricceri, Lettere circolari 657-64.
9 Ricceri, Lettere circolari 645-57.
10 GC28 p. 24.
11 E. Viganò, Lettere circolari di don Egidio Viganò ai Salesiani (Roma: Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco, 1996) 1206.