In this connection must be recalled at least the ample space and importance given by the Saint to recreational
periods, to sport, music, the theatre or (as he liked to express it) the life of the playground. It is there, in spontaneous
and joyful relationships, that the shrewd educator finds ways of intervening, as gentle in expression as they are
efficacious because of their continuity and the friendly atmosphere in which they are made.22 If an encounter is to be
educative there must be a deep and continued interest which leads to the acquiring of a personal knowledge of each
individual and at the same time of the elements of the cultural condition they have in common. It needs an intelligent
and loving attention to the aspirations, the value assessments, the conditioning factors to which the young are
subjected, to their situations of life, to the local models which surround them, their tensions, their claims and their
collective proposals. It is a case of detecting the urgent need for formation of conscience, of a family, social and
political sense, for maturing in love and in the Christian view of sexuality, for developing the critical faculty and a
proper flexibility in the evolution of age and mentality, keeping always clearly in mind that youth is not only a time
of transition, but a real time of grace for the building of personality.
Even today, even though in a changed cultural context and with young people of non-Christian religions, this
characteristic constitutes one of the very many valid and original elements in Don Bosco's pedagogy.
13. I want to point out, in fact, that these pedagogical criteria are not things of the past: the figure of this Saint, the
friend of youth, continues to exert a fascinating attraction for young people of the most widely differing cultures
under heaven. It is true that his educational message needs to be studied at still greater depth, to be adapted and
renewed with intelligence and courage, precisely because of changed social, cultural, ecclesial and pastoral contexts.
It will be well to keep in mind the new lines of thought and the developments that have taken place in many fields,
the signs of the times and the indications of Vatican II. Nevertheless the substance of his teaching remains intact; the
unique nature of his spirit, his intuitions, his style, his charisma are unchanged, because they draw their inspiration
from the transcendent pedagogy of God.
St John Bosco is relevant to the present day for another reason too: he teaches us to integrate the permanent values
of tradition with so as to meet in a creative fashion the newly emerging requests and problems: he continues to be
our teacher in the present difficult times, and suggests a which is at once both creative and faithful.
"Don Bosco ritorna" - ('Don Bosco comes back') is a traditional hymn of the Salesian Family: it expresses the fervent
hope and desire of a "return of Don Bosco" and of a "Return to Don Bosco" , so as to be educators able to preserve
our fidelity of old, and at the same time be attentive, as he was himself, to the thousand and one needs of today's
youth, so as to find in his legacy the starting point for a present-day response to their difficulties and expectations.
14. The Church feels herself directly implicated in the education question, because she is always there where man is
involved since her missionť.23 This evidently implies a true love of predilection for the young.
Let us go to the young: that is the first and fundamental need in the field of education. "The Lord has sent me for
Youth" : in this statement of Don Bosco we discern his fundamental apostolic option, directed to poor youth, to those
of the lower classes, those most at risk.
It is useful to recall those striking words of Don Bosco to his boys which form the genuine synthesis of his basic
choice: "Remember that whatever my worth, I am here at every moment of the day and night for you. I have no other
goal than your physical, mental and moral welfare"24 "For you I study, for you I work, for you I live, for you I am even
ready to give my life".25
15. So great a dedication of himself to the young, in the midst of difficulties sometimes of an extreme nature, John
Bosco attained because of a singular and intense charity, i.e. an interior vitality that united in him in an inseparable
manner love of God and love of his neighbour. In this way, he was able to establish a synthesis between evangelising
activity and educational work.
His concern for the evangelisation of his boys was not limited to catechesis alone, nor to liturgy alone, nor to those
religious practices, which call for an explicit exercise of faith and lead to it, but covered the whole vast sector of the