
(1)«ACREDITEI, PROMETI, SAREI!» Artêmides Zatti
(1)Admission to the diaconate and priethood and exercise of the diaconate
(1)Admission to the seminary of candidates coming from other seminaries or religious families
(1)Alegrai-vos. Carta circular aos consagrados e consagradas
(1)Alegraos. Carta circular a los consagrados y consegradas
(1)Ammissione al diaconato e al presbiterato e l'esercizio dell'ordine del diaconato
(15)Amoris Laetitia
(1)Animación y gobierno de la comunidad: El servicio del Director salesiano
(1)Animating and Governing the Salesian Community: The ministry of the Salesian Rector
(1)Animation et gouvernance de la communauté Le service du Directeur salésien
(1)Animazioe e Governo della Comunità: il Servizio del Direttore Salesiano
(1)Anniversary of the founding of the Salesian Congregation
(1)Annoncez. Aux consacrés et aux consacrées témoins de l’Évangile parmi les nations
(1)Annunciate. Ai consacrati e alle consacrate testimoni del Vangelo tra le genti
(1)Anunciad. A los consagrados y consagradas testigos del Evangelio entre las gentes
(1)Apostolic Interiority: Reflections on the grace of unity...
(1)Apostolic Letter to All Consecrated People for the Year of Consecrated
(1)Apostolisches Schreiben Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Franziskus zum Jahr des geweihten Lebens
(1)Appartener di più a Dio, di più ai confratelli, di più ai giovani
(1)Appartenir davantage à Dieu, davantage aux confrères, davantage aux jeunes
(1)As Yeast in Today’s Human Family...
(1)Atencção renovada ao salesiano coadjutor
(1)À vin Nouveau outres Neuves
(1)Basic norms for the formation of permanent deacons - Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons
(1)Belonging more to God, more to the confreres, more to the young
(1)Boodschap van Zigne Heiligheid Paus Benedictus XVI voor de Vastentijd 2007
(1)Botschaft von Papst Benedikt XVI für die Fastenzeit
(1)Budskap av Vår Helige Fader Påven Benedikt XVI för Fastetiden ar 2007