Contact Fr. Jose Lucero, sdb
Vocation Director
“More, that vocational
campaigns be put into
action: families, parishes,
all our schools should be
able to create a pastoral mi-
croclimate where they can
grow and ripen vocations,
forming a genuine culture
of vocation
in which LIFE is
conceived and lived
as a gift,
as a vocation and mission,
amidst the diversity
of options.”
Fr. Pascual Chavez, SDB
My name is Jhoni Alejandro Cham-
orro Veliz, born in Granada, Nicara-
gua. I grew up in a warm and loving
home with my grandmother, moth-
er and two brothers. In 2000, I grad-
uated from a Salesian high school
and was very involved with the Sale-
sians. Several years later I decided
to come to the United States. I still
remember like it was yesterday, I ar-
rived in November just three days
before thanksgiving. I’ll never forget
that first thanksgiving spent with
my aunts, cousins and friends. We
all sat around the table giving thanks
to God for all that he provided for us
during the year (we gave thanks for
the good and bad moments).
For the first three months, while
living here in California, I thought
about my vocation and soon began
seeking out the Salesians back in
2010. As I was quietly discerning my
vocation, I continued to ask God for
a miracle in order to show me what
he wanted of me. But just then, I en-
countered a really difficult moment
in my life that really put my voca-
tion to the test. In January 2011,
I was informed that my grandma
had gotten really sick and inevitably
passed away. At that point in my life,
I had decided that it was probably
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best for me to return to Nicaragua.
However, after giving it some serious
thought and after listening to advice
from a really close friend, I chose to
stay here and seriously continue with
my discernment.
In July 2011, I was looking for some in-
formation on the internet and saw an
announcement about the world-wide
pilgrimage of the relic of Don Bosco.
I was so excited at learning this that
I was filled with so many emotions
and my heart was full of happiness.
Imagine my surprise when I realized
that the relic would be visiting Cali-
fornia! I truly believe that the arrival
of the relic was the miracle I was ask-
ing for from God. This was the sign I
needed to help me respond with cour-
age to his call. During the relic visit in
California, I met Fr. Jose Lucero and
spoke with him about my interest in
deepening my discernment. Right
away, he kindly gave me valuable in-
sight regarding my vocation and soon
put me back in touch with my call to
enter with the Salesians once again.
Shortly after speaking with Fr. Jose, I
began volunteering in youth ministry
at Corpus Christi parish for a year.
Throughout this time I resigned my-
self to God’s will for me and opened
myself to say yes to his call. I decided
to fill out the formation application
and soon realized that I was accept-
ed to the pre-novitiate program. I
started the pre-novitiate formation
on September 17, 2011. The purpose
of this particular phase of formation
was to prepare me for the novitiate.
I certainly couldn’t have gotten
through the pre-novitiate without
the help of my formators, not to
mention the example of the SDBs
from St. John Bosco High School. It
was during this period of formation
that I was given a warm welcome
and refuge in order to properly dis-
cern my vocation.
At the end of April 2012, I submit-
ted my application to the Provincial
expressing my interest to continue
my formation and to move on to the
next phase as a Salesian Novice. Ev-
ery day continues to be a challenge,
especially since English isn’t my first
language, but I believe with all my
heart that continuing with my for-
mation is God’s will for me. Because
I grew up with a strong faith life, I
believe that no matter how hard the
situations in my life are, nothing will
make me feel discouraged. I love my
vocation and I want to respond to
God with a sincere heart during this
year of formation.