Madrid. Opening Mass of WYD: in centre, Fr. Michael Pace. / Eucharistie d’ouver-
ture des JMJ; au centre, le p. Michael Pace, accompagnateur du groupe.
Holy Father’s Message to Croatian Youth
Here is the last part of the address Benedict XVI deli-
vered at a prayer vigil with the Croatian youth in Zagreb’s Ban
Josip Jelacic Square (June 4, 2011). First part published in
last issue of Salesian Echoes Taken from Zenit.
Young friends: do not let yourselves be led astray by
enticing promises of easy success, by lifestyles which regard
appearances as more important than inner depth. Do not yield
to the temptation of putting all your trust in possessions, in
material things, while abandoning the search for the truth
which is always «greater», which guides us like a star high in
the heavens to where Christ would lead us. Let it guide you to
the very heights of God! In this springtime of your youth, you
can find support in the witness which so many of the Lord’s
disciples gave in their own days by treasuring the newness of
the Gospel in their hearts. Think of Francis and Clare of Assisi,
Rose of Viterbo, Theresa of the Child Jesus, Dominic Savio:
think of all the many young saints in the great company of the
Here in Croatia, though, you and I think of Blessed
Ivan Merz. A brilliant young man, completely involved in so-
cial life, who began his university studies after the death of
Port Chester, NY. First profession in Salesian life after a year of novitiate: Adam,
Eduardo, Marc, with Fr. William Keane, master of novices and Fr. Thomas Dunne,
Provincial./ Après un an de noviciat, première profession des vœux le 16 août : 3
nouveaux salésiens.
young Greta, his first love. During the years of the First World
War he was confronted by destruction and death, but this
experience shaped and forged him, helping him to overcome
moments of crisis and spiritual struggle. Ivan’s faith grew so
strong that he devoted himself to the study of the liturgy and
embarked upon an intense apostolate among other young peo-
ple. He discovered the beauty of the Catholic faith and came to
understand that his own calling in life was to experience, and
to help others experience, the friendship of Christ. The path of
his life was strewn with astonishing and moving acts of charity
and goodness! He died on 10 May 1928, at only 32 years of
age, after a few months of sickness, offering his life for the
Church and for young people.
This young life, completely given over to love, bears
the fragrance of Christ; it invites all of us not to be afraid and
to entrust ourselves to the Lord as did the Virgin Mary, Mother
of the Church, who is venerated and loved here under the title
of Our Lady of the Stone Gate. This evening I wish to entrust
each of you to her, asking her to accompany and protect you,
and above all to help you to encounter the Lord and in him to
discover the full meaning of your life. Mary did not fear to
surrender herself completely to God’s plan; in her we see the
Orange, NJ. Mgr Luc Van Looy, sdb, évêque de Gand, Belgique, s’entretient avec le Rome. Le conseil général des salésiens : session d’été à la maison généralice. /
p. Adélard Labonté (24 juin/2006). Le p. Adélard (Del), né à L’Avenir, QC, est décédé General Council of the Salesians in its Summer session, July 2011.
le 24 juil.dernier./ Bishop Luc Van Looy, SDB, greets Fr. Labonté (06/24/06). Fr. Del
passed away last July 24.