2007 February

2007 February

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
Février 2007 February No.90
Bulletin mensuel électronique
SHERBROOKE. Les fêtes sont passées. Il faut
peut-être commencer à croire que le réchauffement
de la planète, ce n’est pas une chimère. Notre Noël
n’était peut-être pas d’un beau vert pomme, mais il
n’était pas blanc non plus! Et les sports d’hiver de
nos jeunes et membres du personnel pendant le
congé en ont grandement souffert. Et nous voici
lancés sur l’année 2007. Il me semble que ce n’est
qu’hier que nous entrions dans le 3ème millénaire. Et
les activités communautaires et scolaires reprennent
de plus belle…La rentrée a eu lieu le 8 janvier pour
le personnel, le 9 pour les jeunes.
La communauté continue à préparer le chapitre
provincial que nous célébrerons pendant la semaine
de Pâques à Pierrefonds. Nous avons déjà étudié 3
des 5 thèmes qui devraient nous mettre sur la voie
de l’élaboration d’un plan pastoral local ainsi que
Du 18 au 26 janvier, le P. Trottier se trouvait à
Rome, participant aux Journées de Spiritualité de
la Famille Salésienne. Dans les semaines qui
suivent, il aura l’occasion de partager avec ses
confrères et consoeurs les richesses de ce congrès
auquel participaient quelque 250 membres de la FS.
Se réservant quelques jours après le congrès, il
eut le bonheur de participer à l’audience papale du
mercredi ainsi qu’aux vêpres œcuméniques
présidées par Benoit XVI en la basilique St Paul-
hors les murs à la conclusion de la Semaine de
l’unité chrétienne le 25.
Le 26 du mois, quelque 350 enseignants et
membres du personnel des 11 institutions privées de
la région se retrouvaient au Séminaire Salésien pour
une journée de perfectionnement. L’objectif ?
Bien se préparer à l’implantation de la réforme
pédagogique au 2ème cycle, tout en échangeant sur les
défis auxquels il faut faire face quotidiennement dans
leur tâche d’éducateurs. Ils ont participé à divers
ateliers : la violence, les styles d’autorité, le soutien à
la réussite auprès des élèves en déficit d’attention, le
stress et l’anxiété chez les jeunes, etc.
Un autre événement marquant de cette période de
l’année est l’Expo-Sciences locale qui s’est tenue à
la Salle Père-Décarie : 36 kiosques dont la moitié ont
été jugés aptes à se rendre à l’Expo régionale. Ce qui
démontre les talents scientifiques de nos « jeunes
savants .” Les kiosques étaient évalués par le
personnel et les étudiants eux-mêmes selon plusieurs
critères : pertinence du sujet, l’intérêt, la présentation
(diction, réponses aux questions, etc.) sources
utilisées, etc.
La fête de Don Bosco est l’un des temps forts de
célébration pour les étudiants au cours de l’année. Le
leitmotiv cette année a été inspiré du thème du
prochain Chapitre Général et de la devise des
salésiens : Da mihi animas, caetera tolle, que nous
avons traduit librement : Ici, ce qui compte le plus,
c’est toi. On a remis à chaque élève un porte-clés
portant le logo de la direction générale des salésiens
et au verso la phrase ci-dessus. Dans une intervention
très écoutée, le P. Bob a expliqué le sens et de l’icône
et des paroles. Le Bosco-Show retrouva la scène
encore cette année avec la participation de 35 élèves
(musique, chorégraphie) et de 12 membres du
personnel. Le spectacle fut présenté en matinée au
2ème cycle et en après-midi au 1er. Sarah Séguin-Baril
et Jimmy Forgues (2ème cycle), Samuel Longchamps
et Simon Provencher-Girard firent un formidable
travail d’animation.
Une autre activité qui est en voie de devenir
traditionnelle, c’est Portes Ouvertes sur la

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communauté pour les 10 groupes des 1ère et 2ème
secondaires. Les guides cette année étaient les PP.
Alain, Paul et Roméo. À chacun des locaux visités
(bureau de Paul, chapelle, salle à manger de la
communauté et ateliers de menuiserie et de reliure),
quelque chose est dit de la vie de Don Bosco,
comme aussi de la façon dont la communauté
continue son œuvre (« Je fais le brouillon; vous
ferez la bonne copie »! DB). Dans l’atelier de
menuiserie, nous avons chanté Bonne Fête au Fr.
Gérard Richard qui célébrait ce jour-là, le 30, son
84ème anniversaire de naissance.
En communauté, nous avons célébré notre
fondateur le jour même de sa fête liturgique, le 31
(pour les élèves c’était le 25). Nous avons eu le
bonheur d’accueillir notre archevêque, Mgr
André Gaumond, qui est aussi le président de la
Conférence des évêques du Canada. Il présida
l’eucharistie et prit le repas avec nous. Nous avons
saisi l’occasion de « renouveler » la photo
« officielle » de notre communauté. On commençait
à ne plus reconnaître les personnages de
Ces jours-ci, le Fr. Marcel Gauthier est au
centre de l’attention. Vous avez deviné pourquoi? Il
vient d’Hérouxville!!! St-Timothéen, il participe à
la gloire et la renommée mondiale dont on entoure
sa petite municipalité de la Mauricie qui se trouve
dans la banlieue de St-Tite et de Proulxville… Il est
l’un de ses citoyens qui est parfaitement d’accord
avec les « normes de vie » du conseil municipal,
même s’il n’y a pas d’immigrés à St-Timothée.
« On sait jamais…! » Ces temps-ci, il regarde la télé
beaucoup plus souvent que d’habitude; il a hâte
qu’on annonce l’établissement du 1er « étrange .”
Question de voir la suite…
Bonne préparation de chapitre et bon début de
TORONTO-HAMILTON. Fr. Drago received an
encouraging Christmas present from Slovenia in the
person of Fr. Marian, one of his former students
who will remain as his assistant at St. Gregory’s
Parish in Hamilton for the next 6 months.
Our Toronto-Hamilton Community had the
delight of welcoming our “recycled” Fr. Provincial
for his canonical visitation from Jan. 11 to 16. In
addition to the two meditations he preached, he also
gave a mini-retreat to 20 Salesian Cooperators and
lay collaborators. He met with the house council,
celebrated two Masses at St. Benedict’s and visited
our three confreres in Hamilton. We were also
pleased to have Fr. Richard with us for our first
sharing on Theme #1 in preparation for our
upcoming provincial chapter. He helped us a lot with
the methodology in our personal reflections.
At our St. John Bosco evening Eucharist on
January 30, the St. Benedict’s Centre of the Salesian
Cooperators welcomed Marilena Berardinelli’s
first promise. Marilena is a former parishioner of
Mary Help of Christians in Rivière-des-Prairies. She
is presently teaching at St. Michael’s choir school
here in Toronto. She was also elected to our local
Cooperators council. Congratulations! We welcomed
Fr. Bernie Gilliece for a week of R&R (Jan. 31 to
Feb. 8). He still looks in top shape for his young age.
Fr. George assisted at the Retirement ceremony
and Mass for Fr. Joseph Fenech, a former Salesian,
at St. Aidan’s Church in Scarborough. He was the
founding pastor 20 years ago. Fr. George likewise
celebrated the Mass of St. John Bosco and gave the
homily on Sunday, January 28. Many members of the
Salesian Family were also present.
Fr. Kelly recently preached a weekend retreat to
the community in Tampa, Florida. He profited from
this trip to spend a few days with some of his
relatives and take in a little R&R. He had high praise
for the retired confreres’ new residence. Before many
parishioners and members of the Salesian Family, for
the feast of our Founder, he delivered a masterful
panegyric on the charismatic figure who was Don
Bosco during our Eucharistic celebration. A light
lunch followed in the company of the Salesian Sisters
and some friends.

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Surrey, BC
What can you tell us about your family?
My parents are Diogenes Villaraza (deceased
1995) and Elena Marquez. We are eight siblings (3
sisters and 5 brothers). My parents are very
religious and members of the Salesian Cooperators
in Manila, Philippines. I was born in Davao City but
grew up in Mandaluyong City, where there is a
Salesian school.
My mom came in contact with the Salesians
when she was just a child. Bishop William Piani,
S.D.B., was the apostolic delegate to the Philippines
for almost 4 decades, from 1910 to 1946. When he
would go for his yearly vacation to the hometown
of my mom in San José, Batangas, a parish run by
the Oblates of Saint Joseph, the children of the town
would gather in the train station to welcome him.
He would give candies, holy pictures of Mary Help
of Christians and Blessed John Bosco.
As a little girl of 11, my mom was given by an
uncle a sweepstake ticket (lotto) and she prayed to
Blessed John Bosco: “Don Bosco, help me win the
lotto because you came from a poor family and I
am also poor.” She never won any lotto, but when I
became a priest and again for my 25th priestly
anniversary last January 6, 2007, I told her she won
the jackpot – a son priest. Don Bosco would say:
“A son priest is God’s greatest gift to a family.” My
mom, Lena, experienced also a grace from Mary
Help of Christians which I would consider a little
miracle. The following is an excerpt from an article
written by my brother-in-law, Delfin Angeles, for
the occasion of my 25th year as priest:
Because they served as altar boys, Lena’s brothers
Luis and Salvador became good friends of Bishop
Piani. Also a little before the war, the bishop gave
Luis a large picture of Mary, Help of Christians,
which the Marquez family devotedly displayed at
the center of the living room. Then on December 8,
1941, the Japanese invaded the country. One day,
during the Japanese occupation, Lena took it upon
herself to clean their house and she thought of
replacing the picture of Mary, Help of Christians
with the picture of her beauty queen sister, Lilia.
After all, Lilia had been recently crowned as Miss
High School of the Southern College in Cebu. That
very same day, the farm lookouts spotted Japanese
soldiers coming toward the farm. The girls were
quickly whisked away. The Japanese barged into the
house to search for guerrillas. Lilia’s picture caught
the attention of the soldiers. Their father was tied up
and threatened with bayonets when he would not tell
where the beauty queen could be found. In their
heart of hearts, they prayed to Mary Help of
Christians. At last, the soldiers relented and went
away with sacks of rice instead. Right away, Lena
returned Mary to her rightful place in the center of
the living room. To this day, the Marquez recall that
the Japanese never patrolled the farm area except on
that day, and they never returned. Lena since then
learned to enthrone Mary Help of Christians in her
heart and in her home.
What about your childhood and youth?
I spent my childhood and even my youth in
games. I learned to be daring and not to be afraid of
anything in the swimming pool of Don Bosco
Mandaluyong. I learned to be tough and to be humble
in the soccer field.
How did you get to know the Salesians and how did
your vocation come about?
When my family finally settled in Mandaluyong,
my eldest brother entered Don Bosco Technical
Institute and became a soccer player. This attracted
us boys to go to Don Bosco. I was then Grade 2.
There we met the Salesians, who were always in the
playground. Fr. Maurillo Candusso, S.D.B., in charge
of the youth centre, left a deep impression on all the
kids of the youth centre; he was a real saintly priest.
My older brother, who was in his 3rd year high
school, decided to enter the aspirantate, and I was
allowed to enter so that my brother would not get
homesick. During his novitiate, he found out that he
was meant for another kind of life. He decided to
leave and I was left behind in the seminary. I entered
the novitiate on April 1, 1974, with Fr. Alfred

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Cogliandro as my novice master; and professed on
April 1, 1975.
Where were you ordained, and how did you spend
your first years as a Salesian?
I was ordained on December 8, 1981, in
Parañaque, Metro Manila. My first five years, I was
assigned to the house of formation (aspirantate) and
at the same time in charge of the youth centre.
What various apostolates did you exercise?
1982-1983 Catechist of the aspirants (Don Bosco
Juniorate – Pampanga)
1983-1987 Principal of the aspirants (Don Bosco
Misionary Seminary – Cebu)
1987-1988 Associate pastor of San Ildefonso Parish
( Makati City )
1988-1991 Dean of college (Don Bosco College
Seminary – Canlubang)
1991-1994 Dean of engineering (Don Bosco
Technical College – Mandaluyong City)
1994-2004 Pastor/director of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Parish – Naga City)
Since 2004 I am pastor/director of Our Lady of
Good Counsel Parish, Surrey. And I love what I do!
What would you consider as one of the most
meaningful experiences of your Salesian
priestly life?
The most meaningful experience in my Salesian
life was when I was assigned as pastor/director of a
mission parish in Naga City, Philippines. For 10
years, “to live poor like the poor.” I witnessed how
God works wonders when we never close our hands
to the poor in need. Providence came in when we
shared the little we had with those who were more
in need.
I experienced also that the strength of every
Salesian is the religious community. Trials from
within the person, from outside the community and
within the community were overcome by the
support of the Salesian community. When we lose
our community life, we lose also our Salesian
vocation and identity.
I learned also that to be a Salesian means to be a
“pastor bonus”: to defend those who are oppressed
and to continue doing good even when you are often
What message would you give to Salesians, as also
to young people?
Whatever your vocation is (whether you are a
priest, a brother, or a lay person), put “fire in your
life” or zeal. I do this because of my love for…. That
will be your driving force, that will give meaning to
what you are doing and that will lead you to find
happiness in life. God will be there if you do your
KOCHI, KERALA. Au cours de la deuxième
journée de la sa visite dans l’État du Kerala, le
Recteur Majeur a rencontré un groupe nombreux de
salésiens et de représentants de la Famille salésienne
auprès du pensionnat philosophique de Aluva. Au
cours de la rencontre, le père Chávez a rappelé les
deux icônes bibliques de la femme samaritaine et
du bon samaritain, les présentant comme une
référence pour la vie salésienne. “La vie consacrée a
une tâche nette dans le monde: le rapprocher de Dieu,
le rendre présent à l’humanité nécessiteuse, pauvre et
abandonnée dans son chemin. – a affirmé le père
Chávez – Cela exige un style de vie “samaritain” …
qui requiert une passion pour Dieu et pour
l’humanité.” Le Recteur Majeur a souligné le risque
d’adultérer la mission considérant comme sa tâche
principale “l’efficacité et la libre initiative comme
signe de la tendresse, de la compassion et de la
présence salvifique de Dieu dans le monde. Pour les
salésiens, la femme samaritaine et le bon samaritain
sont les icônes d’une soif profonde qui s’éteint en
Dieu et dans la rencontre avec Jésus.” Au terme de la
rencontre, le père Chávez a présidé une célébration
eucharistique solennelle au cours de laquelle il a
demandé aux membres de la Famille salésienne de
s’engager avec confiance dans la défense de la
qualité et de la dignité de toute vie, en particulier
de celle faible et pauvre.” Par la suite, le Recteur

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Majeur a visité le centre d’éducation pour les
enfants des rues, “Home of Love,” de Sneha
Bhavan, confiée par les autorités de l’État du Kerala
aux salésiens. Au terme de la journée, il a participé
au début des célébrations pour le 25ème anniversaire
du “Don Bosco Cultural Centre” de Vennala.
ANS 6 février 2007
(((((((((( ))))))))))
VATICAN CITY. Cardinal Javierre served the
Church faithfully At midday today, at the altar of
the cathedra in St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pope
presided at the funeral of Cardinal Antonio
Maria Javierre Ortas S.D.B., prefect emeritus of
the Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments, who died yesterday in
Rome a few weeks before his 86th birthday. In his
homily, the Holy Father affirmed that the late
Spanish cardinal, following the example of Don
Bosco, would have wanted to live his Salesian
vocation in direct contact with young people, in the
mission lands, but Providence called him to other
duties. Thus he became an apostle in the
universities and in the Roman Curia, although
without missing an occasion to continue his intense
spiritual activity ... in the field of theology and in
the wider field of culture, especially by animating
groups of teachers and religious, and as chaplain to
university students. His service to the Church was
faithful and generous, always willing and
cordial.” “Cardinal Javierre Ortas,” he continued,
“wanted his personal life and his ecclesial mission
to be a message of hope. Through his apostolate,
following the example of St. John Bosco, he strove
to communicate to everyone that Christ is always
with us. How often did he--son of the land of St.
Theresa and of St. John of the Cross--pray in his
heart: ‘Nada te turbe, / nada te espante. / Quien a
Dios tiene / nada le falta / ... / Solo Dios basta’.”
“As a worthy son of Don Bosco,” the cardinal “was
profoundly devoted to the Virgin Mary, whom he
loved and venerated as Our Lady of Help. He
sought to imitate the manner of discreet and
generous service of the Madonna, ‘Ancilla Domini.’
He left his functions as prefect of the Congregation
for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the
Sacraments ‘on tiptoe,’ in order to dedicate himself
to another function, one that must never be
abandoned: that of prayer.”
Vatican Information Service, Vatican City:
2 February 2007
De naissance : Enzo Trigatti : 24-02
P. Dominique Britschu : 1-03 (Heureux 75ième!)
Of Ordination : John Basso : 11-02