2008 May

2008 May

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
MAI 2008 MAY No.105
Bulletin mensuel électronique
Note: Although the GC26 concluded almost a
month ago, I thought it well to enclose here Fr.
Richard’s last two messages; four have already
been published here. They are still significant.
Friday of Easter Week, March 28, 2008
Hello once more to each of you,
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!
What we lack in snow, we’ve had in rain; also here
spring seems hesitant in arriving. But Easter has
arrived and the Lord renews & revitalizes our
The high point of this week was Tuesday,
March 25, the day on which we elected our Rector
Major, Fr. Pascual Chavez. What an outpouring of
affection and joy for “our Don Bosco”! And Fr.
Pascual received all this with his characteristic
simplicity and humility. Truly the Lord has blessed
For the rest of the elections, some went very
smoothly, others were more difficult. It’s sometimes
not obvious how to balance the needs of the Con-
gregation, personal gifts & charisms of individual
confreres, and a fair representation of all eight
world regions on the general council.
My message for this week comes from the
beautiful Good Night the Rector Major gave us on
Tuesday, March 25. Normally, in the Church’s
calendar, this date is the feast of the Annunciation,
when Mary was asked to become the Mother of the
Lord. Fr. Pascual considered that his election was
also an annunciation – a call to “be Don Bosco” for
the Salesian Family and the young. He also re-
minded us that it was on March 25, 1855, that Don
Bosco invited young Michael Rua to make his first
private vows as a Salesian. On this occasion Don
Bosco also reminded Michael Rua about the
meaning of “going halves” with him. Michael Rua
would share everything with Don Bosco, be his
alter ego, and eventually become his first successor.
Fr. Chavez then went on to remind us that Don
Bosco was the only founder of a religious congre-
gation who had called young people to become “co-
founders” with him. Don Bosco saw the young as
protagonists, as primary actors in his mission. Today
we would say he inspired and developed leadership
qualities and gave major responsibilities to the
young. This, therefore, should always be our own
approach in all of our youth ministry & educational
activities. And in so many ways this is what we are
already trying to do in Canada: through our
leadership retreats, our formation of camp animators,
our calling upon our closest young collaborators to
assume ever more responsibilities in our mission. So
we are on the right track.
As we do all this, let us do it in the spirit of the
Easter message. Let us act out of faith by believing
in the Risen Jesus. Let us accept a new life and live
as people who have risen to a new life in Jesus. Let
us bear witness by communicating the hope we
carry in our hearts by our life & our words.
Have a great week,
Fr. Richard in Rome!
April 4, 2008
Greetings once again from the Eternal City!
This might be my last message, as the chapter
ends next week. Many of you have thanked me for
these little messages. I have enjoyed doing them
myself as they have helped me to deepen my own
experience here.
The highlight of this week was obviously the
audience with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
Try to imagine the scene! When we arrived at St.
Peter’s Basilica, we were escorted by security
personnel to the statue of Don Bosco near the main
altar. There we renewed our promise of fidelity to
our founder. Then we were accompanied to the main
altar itself, below which are found the relics of St.

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Peter. There we recited the Credo to recommit
ourselves to our faith. Then we all had the chance to
descend the steps below the altar to venerate the
relics themselves. It was most inspiring to do all this
as a group of over 300 Salesians from around the
Entering the Apostolic Palace is always
impressive in its own right: walking by the Swiss
Guards and going up the 120 or so steps to the
audience hall. Warm, heartfelt applause accom-
panied the entrance of the Holy Father. He shared
with us a beautiful message from which I quote the
two thoughts that most struck me.
The first thought is for the Salesians:
“Your first task must consist in strengthening
the vocation of every Salesian in living his call to
the consecrated life in its fullness. The entire Con-
gregation must constantly strive to be “a living
memorial of Jesus’ way of living and acting as the
Incarnate Word in relation to the Father and in
relation to the brethren. May Christ be the focus of
your lives!”
The second thought is for all families,
educators, collaborators and Cooperators:
“In the education of youth it is extremely
important that the family be an active subject.
Oftentimes, faced with the challenges of education,
the family finds itself in difficulty; many times it is
either unable to make its specific contribution, or it
is absent. Your youth ministry must therefore be
decisively open to family ministry. To care for
families is not to subtract from efforts on behalf of
the young; rather it makes those efforts more lasting
and effective.”
Inspiring & challenging words for all of us. May
we really believe in each of our vocations and
respond as energetically as would Don Bosco.
Fr. Richard signing off in Rome!
MONTREAL. Since the return of Fr. Richard from
the general chapter in Rome in mid-April, our
parish has lived many interesting events. A few
weeks before, around the feast of St. Joseph, our
parish held its yearly pilgrimage to St. Joseph’s
Oratory. Two busloads of parishioners went to
honour the saint for his feast.
The Easter triduum was preached this year by the
pastor of Our Lady of the Difesa, and the
participation of the people was encouraging. Many of
them availed themselves of the occasion to receive
the sacrament of Reconciliation. And for the liturgi-
cal ceremonies of the Holy Week triduum itself, the
church was filled. The faithful followed the celebra-
tions with exemplary devotion while our choirs
helped pray with well chosen singing. The drama-
tised Via Crucis on the evening of Good Friday
created a climate of prayerful meditation.
On Easter Monday, in spite of the cold, our
community joined with the Sherbrooke confreres at a
“cabane à sucre” at St-Grégoire to share a typical
“sugar log meal” – products of the maple tree – as
well as their friendship.
The next day, the pastoral team of the parish met
at the YLC Youth Centre to start planning the
“Salesian dimension “of the parish work. Also with
the first days of April came to an end the catechism
course for over 900 youngsters, many of whom are
preparing their First Communion and Confirmation.
Those preparations for about 600 of them started in
mid-April. Given the high numbers, the celebrations
will take place over 4 Saturdays, with 3 celebrations
on each Saturday.
On April 24, the community met with Father
Provincial at the YLC. He shared with them the
essential points of the recent chapter and also
informed them about the modalities of the coming
canonical visitation. This year, this visitation will
take place separately for the confreres of Maria
Ausiliatrice and those of St. Joseph.
On the weekend of April 25, 6 animators of the
youth groups of the parish went to South Orange,
N.J., for a Salesian Spirituality Weekend with other
animators of Salesian works in the USA: 32
participants in all. Those participating from our
parish were Dina Amicone, Carolina Lagama, Joseph
DiStaulo, Nadia Martone, Theo Vecera and Lorrie
Marchetta. The session included topics like the
Preventive System, the Oratory Criteria, Team
Ministry, Evangelisation and Catechesis Skills,
Pastoral and Self-Planning. The participants gave a
positive evaluation of the presentations that were
offered. One participant put it this way: “This
weekend really opened up my eyes to the richness of
the Salesian style and method of youth ministry” (Cf.
E-Service, May 1, 2008).

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SHERBROOKE. Le grand événement de ce mois
passé, même si cela se tenait à des milliers de km
d’ici, fut la clôture du 26e Chapitre Général à
Rome. Les moyens de communications d’aujourd’-
hui, surtout l’Internet, nous permettent de suivre ces
événements, presque comme si nous y étions:
textes, photos, vidéos, etc. Cela avait lieu à la
Maison généralice des salésiens le samedi 12 avril.
Notre provincial était de retour le lendemain. Quant
à Mike, il profita de quelques jours pour visiter
quelques compagnons d’études. Le destin l’attendait
à Prague : un pickpocket lui soutira discrètement
son portefeuille : argent, cartes et tout!
Chaque confrère a sans doute déjà lu et réfléchi
sur le discours de conclusion du Recteur Majeur :
« Le CG26 : une carte de navigation vers le Jubilé
de 2015 sous le pavillon du Da Mihi Animas,
Caetera Tolle .”
Le dernier jour d’avril, les directeurs des com-
munautés du Canada se réunissaient à Montréal au
monastère des Recluses missionnaires pour une
journée d’études. Étaient présents les PP. Richard
Authier, provincial, Roméo Trottier, vicaire pro-
vincial, Alain Léonard (Sherbrooke), Dominique
Britschu (Montréal), George Harkins (Toronto-
Hamilton), Romano Venturelli (Edmonton), Mario
Villaraza (Surrey). Plusieurs aspects de la vie de la
province furent abordés, dont le principal fut le
Plan de Vie Communautaire. Le Provincial
présenta aussi une ébauche du programme de la
retraite spirituelle du mois d’août à Châteauguay.
Notre communauté de Sherbrooke avait
quelques jours auparavant travaillé son plan de vie
communautaire lors de sa récollection mensuelle. –
Comme chaque année, en la fête de Saint Joseph
Travailleur le 1er mai, les employés de la com-
munauté furent invités à une eucharistie présidée
par le P. Alain, suivie d’un repas fraternel au
restaurant. C’est une façon d’exprimer notre re-
connaissance envers ces personnes qui collaborent
avec nous dans notre mission auprès des jeunes.
Quant à la vie au Séminaire, le principal
événement du mois fut le lancement de la cam-
pagne de financement de plus d’un M$ de la
Fondation du SS lors d’un souper aux crabes le 26.
Ce lancement s’est effectué sous la présidence
d’honneur de Pierre Dion, président et chef de la
direction du Groupe TVA. M. Dion est un ancien du
Salésien (‘81). À date, 450 000$ ont été amassés. Le
thème de la campagne, s’inspirant d’une parole de
Don Bosco, est : Vous êtes les couleurs.
Les projets envisagés comprennent un terrain de
tennis évolutif, déjà pour la prochaine rentrée
scolaire, un centre culturel, des aménagements à la
bibliothèque et la bonification de l’aide financière
aux élèves.
Pour ce qui est du terrain de tennis, concept
unique au Québec, je cite La Tribune du 28 avril.
«Les terrains de tennis que l’institution désire
aménager s’adaptent à l’évolution des joueurs :
débutants, intermédiaires et standards. ‘Nous
sommes en discussion avec la Ville de Sherbrooke
pour un partenariat à ce sujet,’ indique M. Raymond
Lepage, directeur du Séminaire Salésien, en
soulignant que les installations pourraient aussi
servir à la communauté sherbrookoise. Le projet est
évalué à environ 200 000$..Le projet du centre
culturel de 375 places, de son côté, est évalué à plus
de 1 M $.»
Cette campagne de financement, dont la
directrice est Mme Julie Tremblay, se déroulera
jusqu’à l’automne 2008. Le souper aux crabes qui
réunissait quelque 325 convives, pour la plupart des
anciens et leurs familles, se tenait au gymnase du
Séminaire et a recueilli environ 15 000$. La soirée
fut animée avec brio par François Jeanson, un ancien
du Salésien (‘79), animateur à Radio CHLT.
Pour faire suite à ce rassemblement, le 29 avril,
l’invitation était lancée cette fois-ci aux anciens du
Salésien de la région de Montréal. M. Pierre Dion,
avait réservé l’un des studios de TVA, rue
Alexandre-de-Sève, pour recevoir environ 150
anciens et professeurs du Salésien. En plus de M.
Dion qui accueillit chaleureusement les invités, se
sont adressées au groupe les personnes suivantes :
Raymond Lepage, dg du SS, Richard Pierre-Gilles
(‘81), professeur au Salésien, Marie-Christine Proulx
(‘95), animatrice culturelle à Rythme FM, Pierre
Bruneau et Sophie Thibault, animateurs des bulletins
de nouvelles à TVA, à 17h et 22h respectivement.
Le plus ancien des «anciens» remontait à 1967.
Quelle joie de retrouver ces visages dont la présence
au Salésien s’échelonnait sur près de 50 ans d’hi-
stoire! Un témoignage que j’ai recueilli en «piquant
une petite jasette» avec l’un de ces anciens des
années ‘70 : «Ce furent de belles années celles

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passées au Salésien. Je suis reconnaissant pour ce
que j’ai vécu pendant ces années qui ne sont pas
toujours faciles. Reconnaissant pas tellement pour
l’instruction- j’aurais pu obtenir l’équivalent
ailleurs- mais pour les valeurs que j’ai vécues et
apprises. Ce sont ces valeurs-là que j’ai essayées et
que je transmets encore à mes enfants.»
Notre hôte nous réservait une surprise pendant
la soirée. On nous fit passer au studio où on
enregistre l’émission de TV Le Banquier. Le
réalisateur et son assistante nous expliquèrent toute
la façon dont l’émission est produite.
Les PP. Alain (‘81) et Roméo (arrivé au
Salésien en ‘66) furent enchantés de cette soirée qui
fit revivre de beaux souvenirs. Après quelques
heures en si bonne compagnie, ils poursuivirent leur
route vers Rivière-des-Prairies, puisque c’est là que
se rencontraient les directeurs de communautés le
SURREY, B.C. April 1 saw the return of OLGC
students from their spring break, and also ushered in
April Fools’ Day. Another month got underway to a
terrific start, and it was great to see the playground
alive with a youthful presence. A few days later, Fr.
Dave and Bro. Jerry attended the dance competition
that was being held at the Surrey Arts Center, where
our Praise Team Dancers participated. They de-
signed an energetic routine from a recent musical.
Here are a few events that took place at the
beginning of the month. The Polish community
sponsored what they entitle “SNIECONE”
something equivalent to our “Pot Luck.” A good
crowd attended this function in the Don Bosco
Gym. Frs. Mario, Dave and Jan along with Bro.
Jerry were present to taste the goodies provided and
At Mass on April 6, we welcomed two older
youngsters as they received the sacrament of
Baptism and sixteen others as they made their First
Holy Communion. Fr. Dave was the Salesian
presence and animator at “Camp Brave.” Fifty-five
young people gathered for a Youth for Christ
leadership camp. Keynote speakers addressed
God’s Crazy Plan for You and Who Is Jesus Christ
for me?, Forgiveness and Healing, the Gifts of the
Holy Spirit, Commitment to Christ. A lot of music,
fellowship, and interaction helped to create an
atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully.
Here at home base, it was also Vocation Sunday,
and we were fortunate to have with us Corporal
David McLeod, a senior military chaplain (Catholic
Padre) from the Canadian Forces, who was
accompanying one recent war casualty (who was
from Surrey, B.C.) home for the funeral. He spoke at
four of our Sunday Masses, joined us for lunch on
our Monday outing together and gave a “new
look” to priesthood in a different setting other than a
parish. Meanwhile, our Polish parishioners held a
fundraiser PACZKI (known as “Poppy Seed or Jam
Buster” stuffed pastry) baked sale in Our Mary Help
of Christians Hall after their 1:00 p.m. Mass.
On the 19th our former fundraiser coordinator,
Sharon La Fleche, had a surprise birthday party held
in her honour at our Don Bosco Gym with over three
hundred parishioners and friends in attendance at a
pot-luck, old-fashioned “Beer Barrel Oompa
Oktoberfest” – band and all – in support of our
pilgrims for World Youth Day. A 50-50 draw was
held, and a good time was had by all. Fr. Mario led
the opening prayer as the fun got underway.
Earth Day 2008 had Fr. Dave bless the tree that
was planted by our school children in the far right
end of the soccer field. The sun beamed down, and
Fr. John, Bro. Jerry, Mr. Wright and the teachers
along with all the students were present for this
special occasion that was announcing OLGC’s 60th
anniversary year.
Thursday evening of the 24th the Praise Team and
Youth for Christ performed a Christian witness event
using dance, song and prayer to invite our
confirmandi along with their parents and/or sponsors
to look seriously at their commitment to service with
Christ. This two-hour event held in the Don Bosco
Gym had the CCD students and Grade 7’s from
OLGC present. Fr. Dave was the master of
ceremonies for this event, while Youth Coordinator
Beth Reyes and CCD coordinators from our regular
Thursday evening classes, plus the Polish and
Chaldean CCD Schools, all helped behind the scenes
with attendance and refreshments. This was a unique
event where youth were reaching out to youth on
their own terms.
The novena in honour of Our Lady of Good
Counsel got underway on April 17 through the 25th.
On Saturday the 26th we celebrated the parish feast

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day, fiesta launching of the festivities with a 5:00
p.m. concelebrated Mass and a joint choir effort of
liturgical song. The church was packed, and the
Prayers of the Faithful were said in ten languages.
Afterward in the Don Bosco Gym a pot luck dinner
was enjoyed, songs and dances were performed by
our youth and young adults in ethnic dress. Peter
Bowden, one of our oldest parishioners (now in his
mid-90’s and in a retirement home), who donated
the land for our parish, was honoured and present
for this launching celebration of our 60th
anniversary year.
On the 28th we accompanied Fr. Basso to the
airport, where we had lunch and bid him farewell as
he flew to Frankfurt, and then on to Venice to visit a
dying friend and to attend a family wedding in his
home town. He will be away for about a month. In
the meantime, Fr. Dave was accompanying the
Grade 12 students from Holy Cross High School at
an overnight retreat facility. The retreat was done
by alumni who come from all over the country,
even New York City, to run this program. They
consider it an honour to perform this spiritual
The very next morning Fr. Mario left for
Montreal and the directors’ meeting, which left Fr.
Jan and Bro. Jerry holding the fort. Certainly April
has gone by quickly but has been another interesting
month in the life of the parish.
TORONTO-HAMILTON. Our Salesian Coopera-
tors welcomed their provincial coordinator, Pierre
Larocque, to their meeting on April 5. He shared
with us his experience of the world gathering held
in Rome last year. He also invited us to read dili-
gently the revised rule of life. Michel Jobin, the
local coordinator of the St. Benedict’s Cooperators,
recently spent six weeks in Haiti ministering to the
needs of the very poor.
Fr. Ivan Dobrsek, our patriarch, is doing well in
his new home for the aged where he receives 24-
hour-a-day care. Our community visited with him
on April 14 during our monthly recollection in
Fr. Mike Pace arrived from General Chapter 26
in Rome, filled with enthusiasm and optimism for
this unique Salesian experience. Fr. Joseph Ho very
willingly and joyfully remitted the parish keys to him
upon his arrival.
Fr. Occhio very diligently and faithfully
continues the monthly formation of our Don Bosco
Volunteers, who will soon be making their perpetual
Over 90 young people have been preparing this
past month for their upcoming Confirmation in
addition to over 80 who will be making their First
Holy Communion. Our monthly vocational evening
held on April 19 saw three young men from our SLR
retreats express their desire one day to become
priests. Bro. Bernie will do the follow-up.
On April 18 a new circle of Squires (the youth
wing of the Knights of Columbus) was established in
St. Benedict’s parish. Nineteen quality young men
were invested into this St. Dominic Savio circle. Bro.
Bernie Dubé was inducted as chief counsellor and Fr.
George as the Fr. Prior. We wish them all our best in
their new projects.
Our Don Bosco Residence had some commotion
for a few weeks in April. A mother racoon and her
babies had made their home in our chimney. A
blasting radio placed in the chimney over a weekend
finally chased them away, much to our joy!
LYON, France. Du 30 au 3 mai a eu lieu la 2e édition
de l’École de formation pour leaders, ouverte aux
jeunes anciens élèves salésiens de l’Europe.
VATICAN. Le 2 mai auprès de la Congrégation
pour les Causes des Saints s’est réunie la
Commission des experts théologiens pour examiner
la Positio de Sr. Maria Troncati, FMA, et exprimer
un avis sur le caractère héroïque de sa vie et de ses
vertus. La Commission a exprimé à l’unanimité un
avis favorable. Un décret du Saint Père la déclarant
Vénérable devrait avoir lieu avant la fin de l’année.
Italienne de naissance, elle travailla surtout parmi les
Shuars indiens de l’Équateur.
BEIT GEMAL, Israël. La tombe du Vénérable
Simon Srugi, salésien coadjuteur né à Nazareth,
Israël, en 1877 et décédé à Beit Gemal en 1943, est
encore aujourd’hui visitée par de nombreux pèlerins,

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même juifs et musulmans. Sa renommée de sainteté
est grande parmi le peuple.
BELGIQUE. La maman de Mgr Luc Van Looy,
Margarita, est décédée le 27 avril. Mgr Van Looy,
qui fut vicaire du Recteur Majeur des salésiens, est
évêque de Gand.
Plante, an ex-SDB who for some years was a
coadjutor brother working in Paterson, N.J., died of
cancer on April 17. He was of the novitiate
1950-1951 in Newton, N.J.
BRÉSIL. Le 19 avril a eu lieu dans l’État de
Espiritu Santo au Brésil l’ordination épiscopale de
Mgr Tarcisio Scaramussa. Jusqu’à sa nomination
comme évêque auxiliaire de Sao Paulo, Mgr
Scaramussa était membre du conseil général des
salésiens, à la tête du dicastère de la communication
TOULON, France. Le P. Jacques Donne a envoyé
de ses nouvelles. Il est hospitalisé depuis une couple
de semaines, les médecins ayant diagnostiqué la
tuberculose. Une prière SVP pour lui afin que sa
convalescence soit rapide et complète.
Luc Lantagne: May 3
Paul Cossette: May 7
Marcel Gauthier: May 20
Stanley Sileika: May 28
George Harkins: June 1
Dominique Britschu: le 1 mai
Paul Cossette : le 9 mai
Bob Gagné : le 17 mai
Dave Sajdak : May 17
BX JOSEPH KOWALSKI, martyr: 29 mai