Bro. Jerry set up a Remembrance Stand, draped
in purple, on which a Memorial Book containing
the names and dates of deceased parishioners was
laid out for the duration of the month of November
dedicated to the Poor Souls. There were also All
Souls intention envelopes. In the afternoon he began
a series of training sessions for the more than 25
new applicants to the Knights of the Altar Program.
This month also ushered in the Don Bosco
Salesian Alumni of Vancouver’s dinner dance that
was held at our Don Bosco Gym. There was an
overflowing crowd, with door prizes, 50-50
chances, and other fund-raising initiatives that made
this creative event such a wonderful success. Most
of the Salesians joined them after the evening Mass
for a delicious meal and camaraderie.
The clergy study days, which got underway at
Harrison Springs, Nov. 3-7, found all the Salesians
attending; Mr. Neville Buckle, our Salesian
Cooperator, minded “the fort,” and Fr. Sarmed
Biloues graciously said the evening Mass for our
parishioners. The study week focused on Scripture,
particularly St. Paul and the Gospel of Mark. The
presenter was Fr. Normand Bonneau, a professor at
St. Paul’s University in Ottawa. The other guest
speaker was Dr. Jacqueline Gresko, who did a
forum on the history of the archdiocese of
Vancouver. It was very informative and interesting.
About 100 clergy participated, including three
bishops, the Most Rev. Raymond Roussin, SM, the
Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB, and the Most
Rev. Adam Exner, OMI. Since Bro. Jerry was the
only “lay” person present, he was asked to do the
epistle readings at all the morning liturgies.
Friday evening of the 7th through Sunday, Nov.
9, we held a weekend retreat entitled “Camp Heart”
for 156 teenagers, Youth for Christ, in our Don
Bosco Youth Center facilities. Fr. Dave was the
Salesian presence there. During the afternoon of the
8th our Perpetual Adorers held a half-hour service; it
was the 11th anniversary of their association here at
OLGC. It consisted of Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament followed by a pot luck spread in Mary
Help of Christians Hall. Bro. Jerry led the singing
and blessed the food, while Fr. John Basso, their
chaplain, said Benediction, read the Gospel, gave a
short reflective talk, and then helped with
confessions for the Youth for Christ retreatants.
Fr. Jan cooked up a storm for Bro. Jerry’s
birthday on Nov. 12 with a beef stew and tossed
salad. Fr. Dave arranged the Black Forest birthday
cake with a covering of candles that needed the help
of a 50+ Club member to help Brother blow all of
them out. The birthday party had the 50+ Club
members also bring pot luck for the celebration.
Besides the school staff also having him over for
cake and coffee during recess time, the school
children serenaded him with. “Happy Birthday” at
their Good Morning talk. That evening Fr. John
Basso represented the pastor, along with Gerard
Wright, the OLGC School principal, at the
customary educators’ dinner that was held at St.
Helen’s Parish Hall this year.
In mid-November, Our Lady of Good Counsel’s
entire 7th grade Confirmation candidates
participated in the archdiocesan-sponsored “Spirit
Day.” Over 1,400 young people from the
archdiocese gathered for that Spirit-filled event.
From Nov.16 thru 18 our whole community,
except Fr. John, who is still not able to travel, flew
on different flights to Toronto to attend the
consultation meeting with our regional superior for
the Interamerica provinces, Fr. Esteban Ortiz. It was
in regard to the amalgamation process, and the
selection of names for the new provincial who will
head this combined venture beginning next July.
The feast of Christ the King marked the second
100th anniversary event of the archdiocese of
Vancouver. The concelebrated Mass at General
Motors Place had Marc Cardinal Ouellet of Quebec
City as the main celebrant. Our parish had five
school buses to accommodate the parishioners
wishing to attend this free event. Participants from
our seven choirs joined the anniversary choir of 400
voices for this important gathering. All the parishes
had banners, and chosen representatives for the
Parade of the Faithful around the stadium. They
were led by the Knights of Columbus and the
Catholic Women’s League. Massive banners
looking like stained glass adorned the site, and a
special First Nations ceremony marked their
OLGC School held its fund raising book fair as
the parent-teachers received their children’s report
cards during this open house venture. The students
were given a presentation by Covenant House of
Vancouver about their street apostolate.
The First Sunday of Advent saw our property’s
Christmas Lights “on.” It was also a chance for our
students from Holy Cross High School, who are
going to the Philippine missions to build houses, to
make their appeal for financial assistance, with our
second collection: a fitting way to begin this period
of preparation for Christmas.