(Fr. Ariel Macatangay SDB is a missionary in Papua New Guinea for the last 9 years. He is the present master of Novices and Rector in Don Bosco Technicak
School Kumgi in the highlands. He has previously served as Rector of Vunabosco in East New Britain. Fr. Ariel took time out to share his thoughts and
experiences while he was in vacation in Manila, Philippines. )
… the most
experience in
his stay is to
witness non-
graduating from
school. It is the
chance for the
boys to join
society again…
It was in August 1999 when Fr. having the curriculum of the school
Ariel was assigned in Vunabosco upgraded and implemented and Fr.
Agro-Technical School initially as a Ariel made sure that all the
professor to young seminarians
preparations were realized. He
studying in Rapolo Diocesan
recalls that it was a tough decision
Seminary. However, due to lack of to make one self available for the
personnel, he assumed the
missions inasmuch as he did not
Headmaster of the school
want to, but the continuity of the
beginning from 1999 – 2001. At the work in Canlubang was essential.
same time, he took up
simultaneous roles as a concurrent
philosophy professor from 2004 –
2005; and the school economer and
extended Rector again from 2005 –
The time finally came when Fr.
Capelli, the then Provincial
approached him about his desire to
go to the missions. It was
whether one volunteers or is
volunteered, the individual is
primarily a missionary. Two
important things that have kept him
strong throughout these years is
first: the love for Jesus who is the
number one missionary and the
love for neighbor in the person of
the boys under one’s care; and
second: the ability to grow in one’s
vocation through asceticism living
out the prayer of the saints “My
body given up for you.”
Fr. Ariel shares that his
missionary vocation began as early
as his novitiate life. He quips that
“once I become a Salesian, I will be
ready to go anywhere.” He went by
the usual stages of formation taking
his vows as a brother in Canlubang
and soon to Paranaque. It was a
significant event as a
4th year student of
theology that
somehow God shook
him again if he can
make himself
available to work in
the missions.
However, God’s
stirrings will be
actualized much
Fr. Ariel worked as one of the
full time professors of the province
for the post novices. Moreover,
much later in his academic
occupation, he was very much
immersed in administrative work as
Dean of Don Bosco College in
Laguna. There was the process of
memorable because it was the time Nevertheless, it is vital that
of his birthday too. Fr. Ariel knew missionaries are also reenergized
that he can no longer buy some
through ongoing formation which
time and it was the moment to let has been lacking. It would be good
go of his comfort zone. After his
to look at the opportunity to
discernment, he believed that no strengthen and organize
one is indispensable and this time communities in the mission areas
he answered the call to go to the as support group for formation.
Fr. Ariel took over as Master of
Missionary life has not been
Novices in the year 2006 from Fr.
wanting in happy moments. Fr. Ariel Odorico transferring the Novitiate
singles out as the most rewarding from Savio House in Port Moresby
experience in his stay is to witness to Don Bosco Kumgi. There have
non-selected students graduating been constraints in the work
from school. It is the chance for the because he is also the concurrent
boys to join mainstream society
Rector of the school. Nevertheless,
again. This is further significant as this does not deter him from
some of the students nurture
continually being of service to
vocations to the religious and
others dedicating his energies to
priestly life both for the diocese and the young and the novices. He
the Salesians.
envisions one day that Don Bosco
The work in Papua New Guinea
and for any mission territory for that
matter is unending. Fr. Ariel tells
that the whole idea of answering
the call to the missions is the ability
to say yes to God. It is evident from
the Latin word MISSUS which
means “one who is sent.” Hence,
can contribute and make a
significant mark in facilitating a drug
rehabilitation center which is under
a feasibility study at present. This is
an important intervention with the
proliferation of marijuana better
known as PNG gold present in the