Fr. Joseph Occhio who is recuperating from
his hip surgery traveled to both New York and
Washington in mid-November and this after
only one month out of the hospital. He now
walks with the aid of two canes. Talk about
bouncing back! We celebrated his 83rd birthday
on November 17th. -- Fr. Paul Bedard arrived
here in early November to help out with our
parish ministry. He will remain with us over the
Christmas season. What a blessing he is! We
also celebrated his 80th birthday on November
16. -- Fr. Joseph Ho preached a week-long
spiritual retreat to a community of Chinese
Carmelites in Zephyr, ON, during the first
week of November. In her letter of thanks the
Prioress said: “He exhorted us to love our
unseen God by loving those whom we can see
around us,”
Our community held its first quarterly
recollection at St. John the Divine Anglican
Convent on November 3 and 4. The theme
developed was the life and spirituality of St.
Mary Dominic Mazzarello. This was done
with the help of a DVD and video. -- Fr. Frank
Kelly was elected as our delegate to our
upcoming Provincial Chapter to be held Easter
week in Montreal. Fr. Drago Gacnik was
elected the substitute. -- St. Benedict’s
parish has chosen the Rector Major’s words,
“The Family, Cradle of Life” as its Advent
theme. Two parishioners composed a song for
this occasion.
Bro. Bernie Dubé has just concluded 14
retreats with grades 9, 10 and 11 classes at Don
Bosco Secondary School. In addition he helped
prepare for the Salesian Leadership Retreat
held at Jackson’s Point on Lake Simcoe. There
were over 60 teenagers in attendance. There
were also participants from Montreal with Fr.
Mike and Bro. Robert. Bro. Bernie is also
animating a prayer group twice a month of a
dozen young adults. They are preparing to
participate in the International Eucharistic
Congress to be held in Quebec City in June
2008. The Saint Dominic Savio Club of St.
Benedict’s parish is in its 15th year of operation.
This year over 120 members gather twice a
week in the church hall for recreation, prayer
and cheerfulness. This year Fr. George is
The Preparatory Commission for the
Provincial Chapter composed of Frs. Richard
Authier, Romeo Trottier, Mike Pace and
George Harkins held their first meeting in
Montreal on November 30. Thanks to the
diligent preparation by the moderator, Fr. Mike,
much progress was accomplished.
The St. Benedict Centre of Salesian
Cooperators promotes a specific project of aid
entitled “Education in Haiti” for the coming
year. A fund raising event will be organized in
early Spring to help the poorest children of the
poor. Mr. Michel Jobin is the local coordinator.
The DB Residence community will host the
Salesian Family Christmas party on December
22. Prayer, food, drink, song and joviality will
be the order of the day.
Centre Laura Vicuña. Journée mondiale de
réjouissance dans la Famille alésienne. Maman
Marguerite, la sainte maman de Don Bosco, est
déclarée Vénérable. Elle est considérée, à juste
titre, le berceau de l’œuvre salésienne, comme
le dit si bien Teresio Bosco : « La
Congrégation Salésienne fut bercée sur les
genoux de Maman Marguerite ». A toutes les
messes des paroisses Marie-Auxiliatrice, St-
Joseph et Ste-Claire, les SDB, les FMA, les
Salésiens Coopérateurs et Coopératrices sont
représentés. La liturgie est soignée et les
homélies axées sur les vertus de cette humble
maman, modèle approprié en ces temps
Le soir du 19, vers 19h, au Centre Laura
Vicuña, les Sœurs de la maison provinciale
reçoivent les SDB, les FMA, les Coopérateurs
et les Volontaires de Don Bosco. Ils sont une
quarantaine, tous très enthousiastes et fiers de
cette nouvelle bénédiction sur notre famille. La