SDBs and FMAs working together
to prepare educators-evangelisers
Don Bosco Technological Insititute (DBTI) is and their journey to human and Christian maturi-
a technical teachers’ university institution ty.
in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea where
The Catholic identity is much upheld and
SDBs and FMAs work together in preparing young promoted in the campus. The presence of the
people to be technical instructors and educators Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in the middle of
in secondary schools.
the campus is an opportunity to foster Marian de-
It aims at forming the students to be ser- votion. Here students can visit the Blessed Sacra-
vant-leaders (Jn 13,13-14) in their society. Many ment and approach the Sacrament of Reconcilia-
students belong to various Christian denomina- tion regularly. There is also the possibility, for
tions while some are mem-
those who wish, to attend
bers of families whose pa-
daily morning Mass.
rents belong to different
Finally, the witness of
churches, and some are not
family spirit among SDBs,
even baptized. Many of them
FMAs, Cooperators, Past Pu-
later ask to receive baptism.
pils (s), collaborators and
As future educators
students is a powerful means
there are courses on cateche-
to foster initial proclama-
sis, the Preventive System
tion, stirring up interest in
and Salesian youth ministry.
Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
Students do not only learn
The entire educative-
the social teachings of the
pastoral community that con-
Church, they also experience
tinually strives to build up
outreach activities for the
unity in the diversity of cul-
tures is an invitation to com-
The varied pastoral
munion and a prophetic fra-
proposals in DBTI are venues, moments and expe- ternity.
riences for students to encounter Christ.
The continuous effort of the SDBs
The annual youth camp is very attractive and FMAs to serve with joy and dedication is a
to students because it is a venue to express their family experience contributes to the smooth
giftedness and talents. The formative sessions, functioning of the institution and the fostering of
group dynamics and community outreach promo- a family environment that promotes success in
te their integral formation. It has also special education where students are not only prepared
moments to experience praying the Scriptures to be competent educators but also evangelisers
and reflection. Also the youth groups, inspired by of their own people!
the Salesian Youth Spirituality, are opportunities
Sr. Pamela Vecina, FMA
to propose gospel values relevant to the interests
filipina, missionary in Papua New Guinea
Witness of Salesian Missionary Sanctity
Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni SDB, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints
As a newly ordained bishop, the Servant of God Msgr. Stephen Ferrando (1885-
1978), a missionary in India, founder of the Missionaries of Mary Help of Chris-
tians, wrote to the Rector Major, Fr. Peter Ricaldone: “Beloved Father, on No-
vember 10 I was consecrated bishop. I bless Almighty God who has looked upon
my smallness so that in me his mercy may shine forth. I am a bishop, a Salesian
Bishop and I have no other desire but to honour my mother, the Congregation
to whom I owe everything [...] I can only recommend to your paternal heart the
beloved Krishnagar mission”.
Salesian Missionary Intention
That the Salesian Family may be the source of solid and fruitful inspiration
for Christian families everywhere.
The charism of Don Bosco was born in the context of the family: that of Becchi, sustained
and enlightened by the presence of Mamma Margaret; that of Valdocco, firmly developed
by our father and founder, clearly with the youth perspective. The challenges highlighted
by the last two synods on the family, have strengthened in the members of the Salesian
Family this urgent responsibility to accompany our young people, in all continents, in the
beautiful discovery of the vocation to marriage and family, and to be able to support
them on their journey to form consistent Christian families.