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newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation
Publication of the missions sector for SDB communities and friends of the salesian mission
Forming our lay Mission Partners ft
Dear Fr· ends
and Co ifrere~
Throughout a year-and-a-half of
the pandemic, w e have seen
thousands of members and
friends of the Salesian Family
engaged in numerous acts of
solidarity w ith their less fortunate
brothers and sisters. We look at
these concrete deeds w ith our
eyes of faith. The people of God
remain faithful to the mandate
received from their Master: Go,
preach the Goo d News to the
whole world!
Obeying the teaching of the
Master and following in His
footsteps, the missionary-disci-
ples of Christ bear within them-
selves the supernat ural force that
conquers all tragic events in
human history. His message and
risen life won the hearts of
people: Take courage! I have
overcome the world.
May we encourage one another
to dedicate our life and work to
this beautiful and noble cause.
Fr. Joseph Nguyen Thinh
Phuoc, SDB
Regional Councillor for East
Asia - Oceania
Through the Sacrament of Baptism. all Christians are part of the people of
God and share in the mission of the Church. Every lay person. together with
consecrated women and men and ordained ministers, is co-responsible for
the Church's mission.
The laity exercise co-responsibility in the Church, not merely being
'collaborators of priests' rather, as 'co-responsible' for the Church's being and
acting through their concern for the life and mission of the Church. As yeast
leavens bread from within, so lay people are called to bring Christ to the world
from within; to evangelize it from the inside out.
Thus, being an active Catholic lay person does not only mean involvement in
the lay ministries. Unlike the clergy and consecrated men and women, the
privileged field of the laity is, in a sense, outside the Church: taking
courageous and prophetic stands in the face of the corruption and
structures of sin in our present society and imbuing its social, political and
economic sectors with Christian values.
We ought to remember that the lay vocation is devalued when clergy and
consecrated people act and live like lay people; when lay people are treated as
inferior; or by charging them with tasks and characteristics proper to the
clergy. Pope Francis warned of a ‘double sin’ of clericalism: one form is
when priests clericalize the Church. But another form is when the laity ask to
be clericalized!
As Salesians and lay people, we are co-responsible within the Church to fulfil
its mission to evangelise (Mt 28:19-20) especially through our primary
missionary task of proclaiming the Gospel to the young. We offer them an
opportunity not to 'have more' but to 'be more' by awakening their conscience
through the Gospel.
Living Don Bosco·s missionary spirit means moving from considering lay
people as mere collaborators, to partners in mission By forming lay mission
partners, we build up the local Church and enrich it with Don Bosco's charism.
Fr. Alfred Maravilla SDB
Councilor for the Missions
How can I foster
communion in mission
of the lay people and
Salesians in our EPC?
How can I strengthen
the specific identity
of lay people and
Salesians in our EPC?

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Father*, how do the people in Myanmar - mainly Buddhist country - see the
Catholic Church in the present unstable political situation?
The repeated call of the Holy Father for peace and reconciliation, especially his
appeal to end violence and return to democracy, is very much appreciated by
the people and many have expressed their gratitude to the Holy Father. From
the very beginning the people of Myanmar do not see the Catholic Church as
a threat Many see Catholics as loving, peaceable and ethical citizens The visit
of the Holy Father to Myanmar in 2017 made a great impact in the country.
In what ways are Salesians present with and among the young people?
At the moment, young people are seen by the army as their enemies, the
greatest threat to them. It is already five months since the coup. Yet, young
people are still on the streets everyday opposing the coup. Despite brutal
suppression and arbitrary arrests, many young people have gone to the EAO
(Ethnic Armed Organizations) to undergo basic military training. Many have
completed this training and have returned to the cities. They group together ,._-':•::::\\~:;1,;~ ·,:,-,
and call themselves the PDF (People's Defence Force) So, young people live
under constant threat and insecurity.
The army reopened the Universities; however, it was a total failure because
over 85% of students did not enrol. High schools were reopened at the
beginning of June; there has only been below 20% enrolment
We take risks to create a safe place for the young. Although it is very risky to
keep young people in our houses, we still let them be with us. We opened small
clinics in our presences and offer basic medical care. We also distribute food to
the needy in our localities
During this month of August, we want to pray for Myanmar, What should we
pray for specifically?
Please pray for the people, especially the young who are in the front line
opposing the coup;
For thousands of refugees who are denied basic necessities - food, shelter
and medicine;
For the conversion of the Army
* Note: for the security reason we do not mention the name of the author of this article.
..........,....,u;.i;.;11'\\&,1.,u Europe, North and Latin America, Africa, Oceania, Philippines
.....~..... = ~ ~ North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia
....,,.,w,a;.....,u-a,;;,-·;u• India, Nepal, Mauritius, Fiji, Guyana
• ·. Far East (South East Asia). Mongolia, Sri Lanka
Traditional African Religions ' • l&LLr,,wA;.,&&l~'.u;asub-Saharan Africa. Caribbean
Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese Cults • .............. ·. China, Taiwan, Hong Kong. Macau
Sikhism : : : : : : . • ·. India (Punjab), United Kingdom, Canada
• ·. Israel, USA. Canada, Europe, Oceania
The Church
For the Salesian presence in both, Church
and society in Myanmar
Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from the Holy
Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light
of the Gospel.
[Pope Francis’ prayer intention]