newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation ' Publication of the Missions Sector for SDB Communities and Friends of the Salesian Missions
Cagliero11 publishes
its 150th issue!
Dear friends,
I would like to thank you from
the bottom of my heart for
this opportunity to share my
greetings and thanks for this
work of "spreading good" that is
A challenging birthday has been
reached: 1501 It is a significant
number - 150 - a good that has
lasted over time and helps us all
never to forget a fundamental
part of us: The Missionary spirit!
If God is your God, faith in him
comes out in every action, in
every word, in every decision...
it is the energy of the Risen
Christ that enters us... and from
us to all those around us, as far
as the Lord wills.
This Spirit of the Resurrection
also comes to us with the
missionary bulletin that reaches
us everywhere and helps us
never to forget what we really
are: Children of God.
When Fr Vaclav Klement was elected Councillor for the Missions in 2008, I was
called to be part of his team. I remember that after the World Consultative
Assembly for the Missions in September 2008 we had long discussions on
ways to promote missionary animation at the Congregational level. Fr
Klement proposed this tool of animation and made us look at the format of
MT 28:19 which was the mission animation bulletin of the FIN Province. He
suggested naming ours in honour of this great Salesian missionary. He wanted
a monthly day of prayer for the missions every 11th of the month. Cagliero11
was thus born with its first issue on 11 January 2009
The first issues I prepared were precisely to see how the confreres would react
to this new publication, simultaneously in 5 languages, in its 2-page A4 format.
Not only was it very easy to read, it was also easy for a community, school or
parish to print it for their notice board. Initially we published some thoughts
about Don Bosco and other Salesian missionaries. But not long after, we
decided to invite missionaries to share their experiences. This turned out to
be the most attractive and most read part of Cagliero11.
Many of these stories have been reprinted in countless editions of the Salesian
Bulletin. How many Salesians and lay people have discovered their missionary
vocation after reading the sharing of a missionary in Cagliero11! I have often
found a copy of Cagliero11 on the community noticeboard in many provinces.
It is now translated into twenty languages every month and is accompanied
by a !-minute video clip mainly for young people
Looking back at these 150 issues, we can only thank the Lord for this
wonderful inspiration of the Spirit that keeps Don Bosco's missionary spirit
▀ Fr Alfred Maravilla, SDB
Councilor for the Missions
Thanks to all those who, with
heart and competence, have
been taking care of this
CAGLIERO 11 for 150 issues!
▀ Fr Stefano Martoglio, SDB
Vicar of the Rector Major
N11111ber I
Dear (Fr Rector, Mission Delegate)!
This year wc arc celebrat!ng the 150:~~th~aia~:~,
Congrcga1ion. John Caghero (~8!~~co's ?,,~itation in
the first four whoSac,ce~led~iety and he was chosen 10
1854 10 form ihc a cs,an . • ' 11 ovembcr
lead the firsl missionary cxped111on_on call 1his simple
1875 to Argcn1ina. So we wo~ld hke 10
mon1hlv anima1ion 1001 Cagltero I I .
• from the Missions Counclllor
• Saleslan mission Intention
_ January 2009
• How Don Bosco became
Involved In the missions