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newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation
Publication of the Missions Sector for SDB Communities and Friends of the Salesian Missions
For whom & with whom
Dear confreres
and friends,
Happy New Year 2021!
Although we are stili strugghng
to cope with this 'new normai',
we start this new year 'moved
by hope' because we are
convinced that the Lord makes
ali thmgs new. What is
important is to have the eyes
of faith that will enable us to
reread the events w1th the
eyes of faith
You have also in your hands
Cag\\iero 11 which has been
renewed in its format and
content with the sole purpose
of making it a resource
materiai for miss1onary
animatlon of the Salesian
commu-rnty and of the
members of the Educative-
Pastoral Community
May this 'change' in Cagliero 11
foster a renewed appreciation
of this simp\\e but important
tool for keeping alive
missionary spirit and fervor
alive in the h earts of every
Salesian and in every
Communiw , i J Educative-Pastora\\
Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB,
Generai Councilor for Missions
Cagliero11 is entering into the 12th year of its existence. We want to continue
offenng this bulletin to ali those who are sensitive to the m1ssions, and we are
pleased to present you some changes and news starting from this issue:
a new modem layout with bigger images and color combination
a "Forum" of interesting remarks, ref\\ections, and examples of good
every 3 issues of Cagliero11 showing more of one continent, then it
Pope Franc1s' prayer intentions hnked to the prayer for a specific country
every 3rd month there comes an extra page with photos: CaglieroPIX
With the new format we want to invite you to cooperate with us in a closer
way. For Cagliero11 to be interesting and attractive, we need your active
cooperation. What exactly7
Send us news from your missionary reality accompanied by some photos.
Send us examples of good practices, ideas, experiences, testimonies.
Send us one or two quality photos in high resolution (at least 2MB).
Pray for the missions, missionaries, volunteers, benefactors, and young
Here is our editoria\\ staff. Three Salesian priests and a young lay man from
the Sector for the Sa\\esian Missions in Rame:
Fr. Alfred Maravilla (Philippines): generai councilor for the missions
Fr. George Menamparampil (India): respons1ble for missionary sohdarity
Fr. Pavel Zenisek (Czechia): responsible for missionary animation
Mr. Marco Fulgaro (Italy): cooperator of missionary arnmation
In the next three months (Jan-Mar) Cagliero11 will turn more to the ·old
continent" where Project Europe is stili underway. The prevailing color of this
quarter will be blue as the color of the flag of the EU, and the Marian color.
We entrust every m1ssionary activity to the intercession of the Virgin Mary.
With the best wishes of
God's blessings,
Your fnends from
Pavel, George, Alfred
& Marco
(in the ph oto from the left)
P. S. If you know a nybody who
w ould appreciate receiving this
n ewsle tter, let us know please.

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The most inspiring and encouraging experience that keeps me
always in movement is "God's compassion and love towards
me". I can never explain how deep this joy is to be a Salesian of
Don Bosco. My inner happiness is doubled by the grace and gift
to be a Salesian Missionary in Europe. I never chose or wanted
to be in France.
As with every missionary I must go through all the struggles in
the beginning, but God was, is, and will be with me. I feel really
loved by my confreres in FRB province. What more do I need
than this7 Even before coming to France I always shared with my
confreres my desire to communicate GOD's Love to young
people through Media. I never knew that this dream would get
its form in an unknown country, called France. God's plan and
His way of leading is extremely inspiring.
What is the "added value" or benefit of a young 508 coming
from a different continent to work in Europe? /s the Salesian
"Project Europe" stili in vigor?
Confreres coming from different continents to work in Europe
should not be seen and interpreted that "most of the confreres
are elderly here" and therefore the congregation is sending them.
We are an international congregation, receiving and sending
confreres to the places where they are needed. This is something
that is a part of our congregation's DNA
The question if Project Europe is still relevant should be
answered by each confrere who hves with young missionaries
coming from different continents.
You are working in both, Mission Animation and Socia/
Communication sectors in your province. Do you think it is
Being in both sectors makes my work easy and less problematic.
I always had a soft corner for Mission Animation because I am a
Salesian. This flame will remain with me always. Don Bosco had
to face industrial revolution, we are facing digital and
technological revolution today.
Due to COVID-19 this digital revolution has come to hght and we
are able to see and experience its positive and negative effect. It
is time now for the Salesians around the world to ACT hke Don
Bosco with the one and only goal "to see our young people
HAPPY here and the next world".
Fr. John Paul Swaminathan, SDB | |
* 1987, Tamil Nadu, South India
SDB province of origin INT (Tiruchi)
Member of FRB province since 2011 | Delegate far Socia!
Communication | Delegate far Missionary Animation
The principal response of the
Congregation to COVID-19 consisted of:
our educational, pastoral, spiritual and
religious services, all of them adapted to
the demands of quarantines and
lockdown. The world level coordination
under the Missions Sector also received
requests for about:
8.5 million euro for 282 projects of
which about 165 were supported with
about 6.5 million.
11 million people belonging at least
to 625,000 families were helped by
material assistance.
This became true Initial Proclamation by
focusing on the most marginalised,
forgotten, unwanted and stigmatised
people, reaching heroic proportions and
generating at least two Salesian martyrs in
service against COVID-19.
Fr. MC George Menemparampil, SDB
Human fraternity
For fostering human fraternity
and the Salesian spirit of loving kindness in France.
May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers
and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.
[Pope Francis' Prayer Intention]