The Salesian province of Venezuela has a beautiful and rich tradition of
working with catechists. How do the catechists there "transmit" to the
youngsters a relationship with the living Christ, not just the Catholic
We try to convey the message and present the person of Jesus through
the cultural categories lived out in different social contexts: friendship,
family - with a large family unit-, hospitality... In this way Jesus becomes
the Friend, the Brother, the One who visits us and lives in our home.
What good experiences have you had as regards the missionary animation
of Salesians?
The Salesians who work with the indigenous peoples of the Amazonia
pass on to us the experience of a catechesis rethought in terms of their
own languages: signs, symbols, cultural categories with which the Gospel
message can be better expressed and understood.
For example, catechesis is organised around the celebration of a feast
which becomes a liturgical celebration with its preparation (messages,
songs, representations, artistic expressions... ). In this way catechesis is
combined with a living liturgy.
Many people from Venezuela flee to neighbouring countries. Do you, as
Satesians, support them in this decision or do you try to convince them to
The decision to emigrate is always very painful, especially in a country that
has never had this experience in its history. Young people dream of
alternatives and solutions that may tum out to be short-term ones. They
do not readily accept advice; they want immediate results to meet their
family's needs. We maintain contact with organisations run by Salesians in
other countries to coordinate humanitarian aid or to help in special cases
when guidance is needed to find possibilities for work or for studies. On
the other hand, in our vocational and youth centres we offer them various
alternatives for short-term vocational preparation and inspire in them
hopes of a better future for Venezuela.
Fr. Jorge Bastidas SDB
He is originally from Caracas, Venezuela,
where he became a Salesian (2005)
and was ordained a priest (2014)
After studying philosophy, pedagogy and
theology in Los Teques and Caracas, he
obtained a Bachelor's in philosophy and
theology at the Salesian Pontifical
University in Rome.
Starting from 2014 he worked in Punto
Fijo "Falcon" for three years as head of
a professional centre and a youth
centre/oratory. Then he was sent to the
Salesian Pontifical University in Rome
for two years for specialization in youth
At the moment he is a provincial
councillor and the delegate of the
provincial, Fr Rafael Montenegro (VEN),
for youth ministry.
The Salesian Missions Sector is launching a logo
for the new year 2022. Here is an explanation
of the symbols:
• JESUS & SALESIANITY – the Salesian cross
• INTERNAZIONALITY – 5 colours, 5 continents
• PEOPLE – centrality of the human person
• CHARISMA – the flames of the Holy Spirit
• LOVE –the fire of the love of God the Father
• MYSTERY – the burning bush of Moses
• MARY – the beads of the “missionary rosary”
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For proclamation and testimony of God's
love despite the difficult socio-economic situation
in Venezuela
Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of
God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity and in
the power of the Holy Spirit.
[Pope Francis’ prayer intention]