newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation
Publication of the missions sector for SOB communities and friends of the salesian mission
JI Missionaries: Prophets not Messiahs
After the resurrection of Jesus, he commissioned his disciples to go, make
disciples, baptize and teach with the assurance that he will be with them always
(Mt 28:18-20). Jesus' command to all his disciples leads us to understand that,
Dear friends,
During the month of July, in the
Southern Cone region, several
missionary experiences took
place with adolescents and
young people linked to the
Salesian Youth Movement. The
various youth groups and
missionary experiences that
form part o f the Salesian
Missionary Volunteer Project
are a good w ay to present to
young people the true face of a
'Church that goes ou t': an open
and welcoming e cclesial reality,
in which communion and
particip ation are prom oted.
The mission ary perspective of
Youth Ministry contributes to a
culture o f solidarity. It is a
witne ss to God's love for the
m ost diverse peoples, especially
the m ost vulnerable young
people. It is a matter o f taking
seriously the mlss1on ary
dimension of one's own life,
which springs from our
encounter w ith J esus and is
nourish ed by the experience of
Salesian Youth Spirituality. Su ch
missionary experiences are
fertile ground for th e
maturation an d vocatio nal
discernment of our young
through our baptism, we are missionary disciples sent to share the Gospel to
all peoples at every opportunity. Indeed, the mission of sharing the Gospel and
offering them the gift of baptism is part of our identity as Christians.
The Apostle Paul is considered the greatest missionary, who founded Christian
communities in the various parts of Asia and in Rome and Spain. Does this
mean that every Christian is called to be a cross-cultural missionary? Acts 13:2-
3 could provide us a hint: "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting,
the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for m e Barnabas and Saul for the work to which
I have called them.' Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on
them and sent them forth."Thus, while all Christians ought to have the ardour
to share the Gospel, som e are called to go out of their country or culture, while
others are called to stay and share their Gospel in their home country.
'Mission' comes from the Latin word that means "to send." The missionary is
one who is ·sent out' to share communicate and proclaim the gift of faith
and baptism. The place does no t matter. It could be in any continent or
In the Bible a prophet was one who spoke in God's name and by His authority
(Ex 7:1). His missio n is to remind God's people to be faithful to th eir
commitment. Every missionary is a prophet. sent to tell people about God's
salvation through J esus Christ.
If a missionary doe s not make this his priority, then he really is only a social
worker or a social service provider which is no different than the numerous
humanitarian organizations.
Today, the vast majority of people still associate missionary work with Africa,
social w ork, or forests and jungles. This idea is n ot wrong, but it is too n arrow
and does n ot fully encompass all that the mission ary is called to. It also brings
with it the risk that the missionary be over concerned about providing for their
mate rial n eeds, like the messiah the J ewish people wanted Jesus to b e.
Indeed, missionaries are prophets not messiahs!
▀ Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB
General Councillor for the Missions
▀ To whom I am sent to announce
~ d , _ , ~ the Gospel as a missionary disciple?
▀ Fr. Sérgio Ramos de Souza,
SDB Regional Coordinator for
Missionary Animation,
Southern Cone Region
▀ What are the temptations
that make me a messiah instead
of a prophet?