N. 116 - August 2018
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Publication of the Missions Sector for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
We find in the Maximum Illud of
Pope Benedict XV, a clear di-
rective on the urgency of forming
"the missionary", that is, to ade-
quately train every agent of evan-
gelization. References to possible
"deformations" of the missionary
are very explicit ("avarice", "craze
for profit"). Today we may have to
add expressions such as national-
ism, colonialism or mission as mere
material and social development.
"disinterestedness", universality,
and above all, the spirituality and
holiness of life of the missionary
are strongly emphasized: "it is
necessary that he who preaches be
a man of God”, who "burns with
We continue to present this experience
of missionary groups from the Pontifi-
cal Mission Societies. This good prac-
tice can enlighten us and motivate us to
create missionary groups or movements
within our own youth ministry.
The “leaven groups” are those in
which young people, whose person-
al and community formation ena-
bles them to project their human,
Christian and missionary commit-
ment into their environment and
beyond. Each group consists of
twelve young people in the manner
of the apostles of Jesus. The
groups choose their own animators
who, through their way of life and missionary animation, help the members to
grow. Twice a year or annually they may change the young person who offers
this service. Everyone, in one way or another, must exercise leadership and
serve the group. The group names itself after a missionary or something that
indicates the missionary orientation.
Services provided by the missionary leaven groups:
Projection of the young person within the family, the school, the group of
friends, the parish, the neediest, society in general as someone with a
universal outlook.
The Salesian Congregation contin-
ues to grow in awareness and in its
explicit commitment to the
"Missionary Formation of the
Salesians of Don Bosco" (Rome
2013). This commitment continues
to be a strong priority for the sons
of Don Bosco.
The study of missiology and the
acquisition of qualifications in it,
as well as in the sciences that have
a direct bearing on our commit-
ment to evangelization ad gentes,
are to be given even greater
importance in the Congregation.
Participation in the animation of the Mission Days (World Mission Day,
Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle, Missionary Childhood and Pontifical
Missionary Union).
Cooperation of the young in the universal mission, and among the young peo-
ple themselves, in the month of October; on Mission Sunday, to promote the
National Day of Missionary Youth.
Accompaniment of youth groups or groups of missionary childhood.
Promotion and organization of live-ins and other missionary activities for
young people.
Training of teams for mission dioceses or for other places in need.
Spiritual and material support for priestly and religious vocations in mission
lands, through the Pontifical Society of Saint Peter the Apostle.
Dissemination of the journals and missionary aids of the Pontifical Mission
Links to the parish mission committee and the Diocesan Office for the Missions
Participation in and weekly animation of the Sunday Eucharist at the parish.
Fr. Guillermo Basañes, SDB Offering "a year of missionary service" "without borders" as a support for the
Councillor for the Missions evangelization of fallen-away Catholics or for bringing the Gospel to those who
have not ever received it.
Missionary witness of authentic young Christian life and sacramental life.
Participation in the weekly training and other activities with missionary themes.
Daily prayer for missions all over the world.
Cultivation of one's missionary vocation.
Evangelization "beyond borders" by animating other young people.
A personal offering for the missions, to deliver it in October to the fund for the
Propagation of the Faith and the Works of Saint Peter the Apostle.