Orientation Course for New Missionaries
to the Province and the local
Church; the richness of his
faith and culture and his own
personal gifts enrich the Prov-
ince and the local Church, but
without adequate preparation
the newcomer could actually be-
come a disturbance or un un-
comfortable presence because
he is incapable of fostering
with the
new real-
The Orien-
Course for
New Missionaries is envi-
sioned as an immediate prepa-
ration of the departing mis-
sionaries through four nuclei:
introductory, anthropo-
cultural, missiological (Rome)
and the Salesian nucleus (in a
form of spiritual journey
through Salesian holy places
(Turin-Colle). It is through
prayer, witness of life, sharing
of experiences, personal re-
flections and through a joyful
life with other course partici-
pants that the new missionary
is helped in verifying, deepen-
ing and sometimes even discovering the fundamental reasons for his going
to the missions.
Presuppositions: The preparation for mis-
sionary life begins years before in the home
Province of the missionary, where the candi-
date is accompanied in discerning his suit-
ability and the necessary qualities leading to
the option for missionary life. The home
Province of the missionary has the commit-
ment to provide the departing missionary an Salesian Missionary Expedition of 2009
opportunity to take part in meetings or courses for departing missionaries,
if they are organised in the country of origin.
The Missions Department has published the Criteria for the Discernment of
Missionary Vocations as essential guidelines on the path leading to the
choice of candidate for the missions. A confrere who has difficulty in inte-
grating in the ordinary life of the community in his home Province is not
meant to be a missionary for the culture shock and the new and more chal-
lenging environment in the missions will not only not help solve these prob-
lems, they might even aggravate it.
The Province which receives the new missionary has also the commitment
to guide and foster the integration of the new missionary in his new cul-
tural social and ecclesial context. This requires an assiduous initial accom-
paniment. This means, above all, ensure that he has a spiritual guide and,
during the early years, a missionary who could accompany him on his first
steps in missions. It is also essential that within a year in the missions the
new missionary is given the opportunity to participate in courses organised
by local church or conference of religious to better understand the local
culture and promote a proper inculturation.
Indeed, every Salesian missionary is a precious gift for the entire congrega-
tion. But it is a gift that requires careful prior preparation as well as assidu-
ous initial accompaniment. This, certainly, involves us all!
Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB
Coordinator, Course for New Missionaries
Missions Department
Salesian Missionary Intention
Salesian Communities of Italy
That all the Salesian communities in Italy may know how to relaunch and accom-
pany missionary groups, summer experiences abroad and missionary volunteer
service for a renewed missionary impetus in Italy and for missions ad gentes.
All the six provinces of Italy have a great missionary heritage - with hundreds of missionar-
ies ad gentes who are present today in all five continents, with numerous active missionary
groups in our works, various missionary movements (e.g. Matto Grosso, Friends Sidamo,
Communities' Mission Bologna, VIS - international volunteer, missionary groups of SDB &
FMA Provinces, etc). The experiences of young missionaries recorded in the magazine Gio-
ventù missionaria '(1923-1975), and the thousands of missionary vocations from missionary
aspirantates of Piedmont (Ivrea, Colle Don Bosco, Cumiana, Rebaudengo, Penang ...) inspire
us to involve young people in the mission of the universal Church. The Harambee - feast of
Salesian missionary groups at the national level, held during the missionary send off on the
last Sunday in September, is the best expression of missionary impetus. They are a source of
inspiration for us as well to continue in the missionary animation of the young.
Send your suggestions and contributions to cagliero11@gmail.com