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Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
A Publication of the Missions Department for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Missions
D ear
Now, we have
entered fully
into the Bicen-
tennial year. We
entered the year 2015 “with both
feet” (as they say in Angola).
The month of January is always
for us a month full of Don Bosco. A
month under the light of January
31, which is the dies natalis, the
day of true and definitive birth of
our dear Father, his birth to eter-
nity. He always wanted one thing:
that young people are happy in time
and eternity!
It is impressive how the great
Salesian missionaries have always
connected with such naturalness
these two births: caring for life and
promoting respect for it, the ten-
derness with the little ones and
those newly born, and at the same
time, enthusing everyone and eve-
rything through the witness of the
boundless joy of a life totally rooted
in God.
In this perspective I recommend
to show to others the testimony of
Don Luigi Bolla, a missionary in
Peru, in the video of the Salesian
Mission Day 2015.
Happy feast of Don Bosco !
Fr. Guillermo Basañes SDB
Councillor for missions
All Rectors Major from
the Special General Chap-
ter (1972) onwards have
consistently insisted that
The missionary dimension
of Don Bosco’s charism:
live our Salesian life
“missionary activity is an
essential characteristic,
that touches the essence
“permanently in
a state of mission”
and the very life of our
Congregation.” (D. Ricceri, ACS 267, p.13). This means that “the mis-
sionary dimension is an essential element of our charism,” (D. Vi-
ganò, AGC 336, p.11), hence it “is part of our identity.” (D. Fernández,
AGC 419, p.22). This implies then that the “the missionary sense is
not an optional trait but forms part of the Salesian spirit in every
time and situation.” (D. Vecchi, ACG 362, p.8).
Being an essential feature of the Salesian spirit, this presup-
poses that every Salesian wherever he is - in a school, university,
parish, vocational training centre, oratory, in the forest, in the
city, in his country, out of his homeland - must live this missionary
spirit if he is to be faithful to the charism of Don Bosco. This is con-
cretely expressed by his “passion for the salvation of others” and
“the joy of sharing the experience of the fullness of the life in Je-
sus” (D. Chávez, AGC 401, p.137). In fact for our founder, “the the
source to his missionary activity was his ardent apostolic zeal, his
longing to save souls.” (D. Ricceri, ACS 267, p.15).
Today Pope Francis enlightens us that living this missionary
dimension of our charism implies living our Salesian life
“permanently in a state of mission” and thus, keep alive our pas-
sion for Jesus and his people that makes us overcome pastoral
acedia, small mindedness, the tomb psychology and helps us to re-
discover the joy of evangelising! (Evangelii Gaudium 25, 82-83, 268).
On the other hand, this missionary spirit which every Salesian
must live does not exclude, but actually implies that there are
Salesians who have a specific vocation to be a missionary
amongst those who do not know Christ or have abandoned him,
outside one’s own country, for life.
This, then, is the sense of the Sale-
sian Mission Day 2015: to keep alive
in every Salesian the missionary spirit,
and help in the discernment of those
who feel that they have the missionary
vocation ad gentes, ad exteros, ad
Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB
Missions department
Starting this year 2015 the video for the Salesian Mission Day will be available only
online ( It is the task of
the PDMA to download it and send to communities who have no access to the internet.
If any community desires the video in DVD the PDMA should send the request to the Mis-
sions Department. The cost of production and postage will be charged to the Province.