Cagliero Agosto 2011- ing

Cagliero Agosto 2011- ing

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Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Dear Salesian
and friends of the Sale-
sian Missions!
From August 16 to 21
7000 young people of the
Salesian Youth Movement
will be gathered at the
Salesian School at Ato-
cha in Madrid together
with two million young
people attending the
events of 26th World
Youth Day. Definitely it
will be an event that will strengthen the faith of many
young people and their encounter with Jesus. We
know that faith grows when it is shared! We also be-
lieve that the call of the Lord needs inspiration that
comes from the sharing of one’s own vocation story.
With these simple questions I invite you to share your
Salesian vocation or Salesian missionary calling with
young people!
How did you meet Don Bosco and the Salesians, how
were you led to the Salesian missionary life?
What do you remember of your formation experi-
ence (companions, formators, experiences) and how
did they form you to be a Salesian missionary the
following years?
What change has taken place in the profile of your
Salesian missionary so far?
How did you overcome moments of crisis in your
missionary vocational journey?
Which people or events have marked your Salesian
life in a special way?
What do you say to a young man who wants to be a
Salesian or missionary?
What have you learnt from the Lord in your spiri-
tual and vocation journey?
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
Councilor for the Missions
A new pastoral approach
is necessary for young people
today who ask
what it means to believe!
J esus lives with genuine passion his dedication to the
dream he has in his heart: the preaching and the
building of the Kingdom of his Father who wants all
men to be saved and to reach the fullness of life. His is not
a life lived in indifference and indolence. Rather it is a life
lived with boundless intensity. It is a life lived with energy
and dynamism. His words leave us in no doubt: «I have
come to bring fire on the earth and how I wish it were al-
ready kindled!». The image of fire is very expressive and
describes the ardour with which he pursues the cause he
has embraced.
This fire is the Holy Spirit which renews us, first of all in
prayer. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love which shows itself
in the peace within us, in the joy of our surroundings, and
in the dynamism of our life. Renewed by the Spirit, we be-
come people who are fulfilled: patient, faithful, commit-
… The decision to follow Jesus in a radical manner all de-
pends on our committing everything we have to being able
to be in love with God and to spend ourselves in the service
of people, especially the poor and the abandoned…
I also pray for my beloved sons the Salesians: … May you be
enlightened guides for those who seek spiritual direction
and who are already living in practice a sacramental and
church life; wise and patient teachers for those who are
searching for their vocation.
I pray, in particular, that the Holy Spirit may raise up zeal-
ous creative workers capable of coming to the aid of all
those young people who nowadays no longer knock on the
doors of the Church. These are young
people who on their way following the
star would rather meet the Magi than
the scribes in Jerusalem; young people
who no longer ask us what they should
believe but rather what does it mean
to believe. For all these reasons a real
change in our pastoral approach is
Don Pascual Chávez
Message to the SYM, January 31, 2011
05-06 > Meeting PDMA of South Asia (Kolkata, India)
07-11 > South Asia Study Days – (Kolkata, India)
14-18 > East Asia Study Days – (Sampran, Thailand)
21-25 > Oceania Study Days – (Port Moresby, Papua
New Guinea)
01-25 > Orientation Course for New Missionaries
(Rome - Turin)
25 > Giving of the Missionary Cross (Turin)
19 September - 08 December > On-Going Formation Course for
Missionaries (Rome, UPS)

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As a volunteer I experienced a profound joy and
I discovered my Salesian vocation
F aith has always been an important pillar in my life. I was raised a Christian by my parents and
since childhood we were actively involved in our parish. For many years I was an altar server, I
was also a member of a youth group. In this way the desire
to have a missionary experience developed after I finished
my studies. I wanted to serve the less fortunate and share
my life with them. Through a friend I met the Salesian Vol-
unteer Movement which is coordinated in Austria by the
NGO Jugend Eine Welt - Don Bosco Aktion Austria. I signed
up immediately.
I was 19 years old when I left for Mexico. I had a great de-
sire to work with young people and undergo new experi-
ences. I worked in Maria Auxiliadora parish and oratory in
Tijuana. The Salesians shared their lives with us volunteers.
The day began with prayer and breakfast together and
ended with the "good night" after a full day of work. Shar-
ing with each other the beautiful and less beautiful events
of the day and with community prayer were the pillars of daily life. In many projects we experienced the
riches that each has to offer to others. In this way we helped each other. So I always felt more at home.
This stage of my life has shaped me profoundly.
Since I spent a whole year in this country I could partici-
pate in Mexican folkloristic and religious fiestas. I got to
know their stories, joys and sufferings. I hope that they
too learnt something from me because the meeting of
cultures is not a one-way street but is mutually enriching.
Surely the cultural diversity brought sometimes some mis-
understanding. Everyone thought he was right. But one
needs to listen, to open up to others and have the desire
to understand their points of view as well.
The year I spent as a volunteer with the Salesians was a
decisive period in my vocational journey. Through the
Salesian Volunteer Movement I was able to mature and
reach a decision. After returning to Austria, I started the
aspirantate and the following year I made my novitiate at
Pinerolo (Italy). On September 8, 2009 I consecrated my life to God and now I am preparing for the priest-
hood. I want to become a true follower of Don Bosco for our times and follow his footsteps!
Cl. Peter Rinderer
austrian, postnovice at Benediktbeuern, Germany
Salesian Missionary Intention
So that all the Salesians in Spain may be open to the Holy Spirit and
be more "rooted and grounded in Christ, firm in faith" (Col 2:7) as
companions of young people in their path of faith and vocation jour-
The 6 Provinces of Spain (Barcelona, Bilbao, Leon, Madrid, Seville and
Valencia) with around 1100 confreres, are experiencing an important
historical period full of challenges and hopes. The journey of the reor-
ganization of the Provinces, with a renewed commitment to vocations
and evangelisation in a secularised society has began. The 26th World
Youth Day will take place in Madrid (16-21 August). This is an opportu-
nity for all Salesians in the journey of revitalisation of our charism.
Send your suggestions and contributions to