Salesian Vocabulary: a vocabulary for describing the Religious Institute known as the Salesians of Don Bosco (or more formally as the Society of St Francis of Sales), a consecrated life group in the Roman Catholic Church. It was put together initially to deal with the Salesian Congregation's central web site and the database upon which that rests. Other Salesian web sites may share a number of tables or fields in that database (though possibly under different titles) and to that extent this vocabulary could be useful for them. It may also provide a model for other consecrated life groups who wish to share some of their data.
The most common usage scenario for a vocabulary of this kind is anticipated to be the description of concepts for use in subject-indexing of web documents.
There is an essential difference between a simple taxonomy or dictionary of terms and a 'vocabulary' which is at least heading in the direction of being an ontology. The former would be a simple list of terms. The latter seeks to describe concepts rather than terms. Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary (SED) is a glossary, effectively, but it already includes indicators for ontological organization (upper level concepts, sectors etc). At any rate, since it covers Salesian life in an extensive way, it is regarded here as an adequate 'vocabulary' for our purposes. Reference is also made to the Consecrated Life Vocabulary
One of the recommendations for creating semantic web vocabularies is to re-use existing vocabularies or at least some terms from them where possible. This practice is evident in the current vocabulary: other than the aforementioned Salesian or Consecrated Life-based vocabularies, SKOS, FOAF, GEO, ORG are amongst the other ontologies and vocabularies brought into Salesian Vocabulary and indeed, in cases where this latter has no appropriate class or property, other vocabularies can be called upon.
There is one additional vocabulary called upon - the vocabulary supported by Google, Yahoo and Bing. Elements are drawn from this set for description of an organization such as a Salesian ‘work’ (school, youth centre, whatever) and the various associated properties. Whatever the future - as yet uncertain - of the developing semantic web scene, it seems a good bet to move with the major search engines. In the case of the vocabulary in question, they have gone out on a limb somewhat with regard to the more ‘purist’ approach to semantic vocabularies. But the overall conception of the vocabulary is extensive and relatively simply expressed. It may help our NGOs and other associated operations in developing their semantic web approach.
Nota bene: All URIs below are given in full. Where they appear as hyperlinks, they will produce a 404 if clicked within this html file in its online location (, but will function if the document is downloaded to your computer.
This version:
The URI for this vocabulary is:
When abbreviating terms the suggested prefix is sdb.
Salesian Social Communications Sector:
This document is open for review by others who feel they can contribute. The objective is to enhance the witness and effectiveness of websites belonging to the Salesian Congregation in the overall context of the Web, by promoting open data where it is possible and desirable to do so and the means to link such data. This approach can enhance interoperability in many instances where it is particularly desirable, e.g. linking data amongst not-for-profit organizations and activities managed by and/or in the name of the Congregation.
The intended public is invited to send comments to
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. It is to be noted that the EVENT class and properties are simply included here for reference rather than being incoporated as such into the Vocabulary.
addressCountry addressLocality addressRegion contactType elevation email faxNumber formativePhase generalAdministration generalCouncil geo hasMembership homepage inCountry isEmployee isHoly isPrimaryTopicOf isSalesian latitude linkedTo localAdministration longitude map perpetualVows photo postalCode postOfficeBoxNumber provinceCode provincialAdministration provincialSupport primaryTopic professed regionClassification roleClassification separated statusClassification statusClassificationNovice statusClassificationDeacon statusClassificationBrother streetAddress supportUnit telephone temporaryVows upperLevelConcept
label: Thing
comment: OWL introduces the class 'Thing' as a name for the universal class of all things. This is sometimes useful when we want to express universality of property use. Theoretically, for example, any 'thing' can have a homepage.
label: Class
comment: A class of elements, terms
sub class of: skos:ConceptScheme,
label: Term Base
comment: The class of all (Salesian) terms
sub class of: skos:ConceptScheme,
label: Code
comment: a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a province or region or group) into another form or representation. Thus AFO follows a rule which indicates that Salesian Provinces will have a 3 letter code. In this case it stands for Africa Francofona Orientale.
sub class of: skos:Concept,
label: Term
comment: A term, which may involve one or more words, as found in Salesian Termbase
sub class of: skos:Concept,
label: Classification
comment: A classification scheme in use within the Salesian Congregation or Family
sub class of: skos:Concept,
comment: A lawfully constituted community under the authority of a Superior designated by law. The term interprets 'lawfully constituted' broadly here to include a presence set up by due religious authority but not canonically constituted (it may have a 'priest in charge')
sub class of:
label: Service of Authority
comment: a role (of authority) a person or other agent plays in the Salesian Congregation. Usually a person is established as a sign of unity and a guide in discerning God's will, which is the role of the Superior, or Rector.
sub class of: skos:Concept,
label: Sector
comment: A charismatic area of Salesian mission as indicated by the Salesian Constitutions (cf Italian edition C. 133, 134).
sub class of: skos:Concept,
Label: Formation
comment: Included here as a Class since Formation is so central to the activity of any consecrated life group. it is the personal accompaniment of an individual, the stages reached in the process of personal growth towards completeness as a human being. For particular phases where they might be considered subclasses (subjects) such as 'initial formation', 'ongoing formation', 'special formation', 'quinquennium' etc. this class can be used to cover that phase too. Where it is a case of a process (a relationship of a formative nature at initial, ongoing etc. level) cf. formativePhase property
label:Salesian Family
comment: stands for the Salesian Family which has come into being around Don Bosco's charism
sub class of:
label: Holiness
comment: A formally declared state regarding a deceased Salesian confrere renowned for holiness and for whom a Cause for Canonization has been introduced or concluded (in which case is a Saint)
sub class of: skos:Concept,
label: Province
comment: The province unites the different local communities in one large community. It is canonically erected when the necessary and sufficient conditions exist for promoting in a special juridical circumscription the life and mission of the Congregation with the autonomy that belongs to it according to the Constitutions.
sub class of: skos:Concept,
label: Organizational Unit
comment: a unit which has recognition within the Salesian Congregation (and possibly within the wider Salesian Family) but no juridical status as such
sub class of: org:organization,
sub class of: clv:Institute,
label: Work
comment: Essentially the 'Organization' class, except that we suggest it be restricted to a 'Salesian work' such as a school, youth centre or other work which clearly exhibits the charism and particularly the 'home, school, parish, playground' Oratory criteria. For other organizations (e.g. NGO or other organization asssociated, even closely, with a Salesian community or the Salesian Society, we suggest the 'Formal Organization' class.
label: Formal Organization
comment: In reference to an organization which may be an extension of a Sector's activities in wider civil society, or at least closely linked to the Salesian Mission (e.g. a Salesian NGO, or NGO Network such as Don Bosco International, Don Bosco YouthNet…)
comment: It may be useful to use the property linkedTo indicated below to establish that there is a link between the Salesian Congregation and the organization
sub class of: org:Organization,
label: Concept Scheme
is defined by:
label: Document
comment: A foaf class, representing those things (physical, electronic) broadly conceived of as a 'document'. In the foaf definition any image or other resource can be of the 'Document' class. Cf.
label: Dataset
comment: A DCMI Type class: data encoded in a defined structure, which could be a list, a spreadsheet, database etc. Cf.
label: Postal Address
comment: A class, representing a mailing address. The physical address (not internet address).
label: upper level concept
comment: A main concept catetgory, as defined in Salesian Termbase (thus a property of 'Concept', essentially to do with charism, institution and mission as indicated in the Termbase).
domain: Having this property implies being a term in Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary (SED),
domain: Having this property implies being a
range: Values of this property are Charism, Salesian holiness, Salesian history, Institution and Mission as found in
label: province code
comment: 3 letter code as defined in Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary (sigla)
is defined by:
label: regional classification
comment: Region as defined in Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary (Regione)
range: as defined in the Description in Salesian Encyclopaedic Dictionary
label: country
comment: A country in the ISO country list
label: homepage
comment: From foaf 'homepage'. Many kinds of things have homepages. FOAF allows a thing to have multiple homepages, but constrains homepage so that there can be only one thing that has any particular homepage.
A 'homepage' in this sense is a public Web document, typically but not necessarily available in HTML format.
domain: foaf Thing,
range: every value of this property is a Document
label: primary topic
comment: From foaf 'primaryTopic'. For any document it applies to, it can have at most one value. This is useful, as it allows for data merging. In many cases it may be difficult for third parties to determine the primary topic of a document, but in a useful number of cases it should be reasonably obvious. Documents are very often the most authoritative source of information about their own primary topics
domain: having this property implies being a foaf Document,
range: every value of this property is a foaf Thing
label: is primary topic of
comment: From foaf 'isPrimaryTopicOf'. Relates something to a document that is mainly about it. For any document that is the value of this property, there is at most one thing in the world that is the primary topic of that document. This is useful, as it allows for data merging.
domain: foaf Thing,
range: every value of this property is a Document
label: general council
comment: Roles filled by individuals who cooperate directly with the Rector Major
range: note that the Procurator and Postulator roles are included even though not technically members of the GC
label: general administration
comment: Support roles filled by individuals who cooperate directly with the Rector Major and General Council
range: Values of this property (people and/or offices) are listed in the SED
label: provincial administration
comment: This is understood as a service of authority as well as being juridically enshrined
range: Values of this property include Provincial, Vice Provincial, Superior (of a Vice Province), Delegate (of a Delegation), Provincial Economer, Provincial Councillor, Provincial Secretary, Provincial Delegate (for a Sector)
label: provincial support
comment: Intended to cover other roles and groups at Province level; they may be sub units of Sector organization
range: Values of this property include roles responsible under a Sector (e.g. Cooperators or Past Pupils under Salesian Family), or an administrative role (Administrator) which might in fact imply the work of a 'Service of Authority' role but answers to the Provincial or a Member of the Council.
label: support unit
comment: Intended to cover units rather than people at world, regional, province or local level: e.g. departments, consultative groups
range: Values include those listed in SED, plus consultative group or advisory council (Consulta), other ad hoc arrangements (e.g. departments of the Mission),
label: local administration
comment: In reference to a juridically constituted House, but may also apply to a 'presence'
range: Values of this property include Rector (or Superior), Vice Rector, Priest in Charge (or similar term), Bursar (Economer or similar term), Councillor
label: role classification
comment: This applies to the classification of roles listed in the Annuario in its canonical form in Italian, represented by the code in parentheses
comment: In certain circumstances just the code may appear
domain:, and (where the code applies)
range: Values of this property are: Cooperator Delegate (Co), Councillor (Cs), Rector or Director (Dt), Economer or Bursar (Ec), Past Pupils delegate (Ex), Director of Novices (Ma), Director of Oratory (Or), Parish Priest (Pr), Principal (Ps), Rector of Shrine (Rt), Vice Rector (Vc).
label: status classification
comment: This applies to the classification of personal status listed in the Annuario in its canonical form in Latin, represented by the code in parentheses
comment: In certain circumstances just the code may appear
domain: it could be regarded as an extension of but with a specific use only in the Annuario, or of the code alone appears, it belongs to the domain of
range: Values of this property are: Diaconus (D), Episcopus (E), Laicus [Coadjutor] (L), Presbyter (P), Scolasticus (S), Novitius (N)
label: novice
comment: This applies only when it is necessary to mark up the number of novices in a table such as a statistical table
sub property of:
label: deacon
comment: This applies only when it is necessary to mark up the number of deacons in a table such as a statistical table
sub property of:
label: cleric
comment: This applies only when it is necessary to mark up the number of clerics/candidates for priesthood in a table such as a statistical table
sub property of:
label: brother
comment: This applies only when it is necessary to mark up the number of Coadjutor Brothers in a table such as a statistical table
sub property of:
label: professed
comment: Confreres who have been admitted to vows
range: All living Salesian confreres
label: temporary vows
comment: Confreres who have professed temporary vows
sub property of:
range: All living temporary professed Salesian confreres
label: perpetual vows
comment: Confreres who have professed perpetual vows
sub property of:
range: All living perpetually professed Salesian confreres
label: formative phase
comment: A defined phase in the formation process, which may receive various designations, but the most common would be: 'initial' 'ongoing', 'specific'. The key aspect here is that it is a process and a relationship, hence a property of Formation. It could also involve a pre-phase such as aspirantate or prenovitiate, inasmuch as the process of accompaniment is involved
label: deceased
comment: Confreres listed in the Salesian Necrology. Or to indicate those who are deceased (e.g.number in a year) in a statistical table
sub property of:
label: separated
comment: Confreres who have left the Congregation (other than by 'deceased'!)
label: linked to
comment: To establish the fact that a partly or fully external organization (e.g. an NGO) is closely linked to the Salesian Mission
range: NGOs, Volunteer organizations, Funding organizations or Foundations are amongst the kinds of terms one might find here
label: has membership
comment: Indicates that a group is formally a member of the Salesian Family
range: the 31 groups listed in SED,
label: is holy
comment: Indicates that an individual member of the Salesian Family, or closely connected with the charism, is under consideration for introduction of a Saintly Cause
range: covers any reference to preliminary stages leading to a formal Cause
For description of events it is suggested to use an Event ontology such as
Prefix: lode:
label: is Salesian
comment: Property of Person. Indicates that an individual is a Salesian as distinct from, say, an employee.
range: may be applied to any Person who is a professed member of the Salesian Congregation
label: is employee
comment: Property of Person. Indicates that an individual is an employee, as distinct from a Salesian.
range: may be applied to any Person who is an employee
label: address country
comment: The country. For example, USA. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
range: suggest this be kept only for address details, as disinct from, say 'inCountry' to indicate country of belonging, countries in a region etc.
label: address locality
comment: The locality. For example, Mountain View, Roma-Bravetta…
range: for use in address details.
label: address region
comment: The region. For example, CA, Lazio,..
range: for use in address details
label: post office box number
comment: The post office box number for PO box addresses.
range: for use in address details.
label: postal code
comment: The postal code. For example, 94043.
range: for use in address details
label: street address
comment: The street address. For example, 1111 Via della Pisana.
range: for use in address details.
label: contact type
comment: A person or organization can have different contact points, for different purposes. This property is used to specify the kind of contact point.
range: for use in contact details.
label: geo
comment: The geo coordinates of the place.
range: any coordinates to locate a community or other place.
label: map
comment: A URL to a map of the place.
range: any map to locate a community or other place
label: photo
comment: Photograph of this place.
range: any photo of a place (not of a person)
label: latitude
comment: The latitude of a location. For example 37.42242.
range: for use in contact details.
label: Event
comment: "Something that happened," as might be reported in a news article or explained by a historian.
Sub class of: and dctype:Event
Equivalent to: event:Event and dul:Event
Note: references to dul prefix are to the DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology. It is a simplification of some parts of the DOLCE Lite-Plus library (cf.
label:at place
comment: a named or relatively specified place that is where an event happened.
domain: Event
sub property of:dul:hasLocation
label:at time
comment: an abstract instant or interval of time that is when an event happened.
sub property of: and dul:isObservableAt
label: circa
comment: an interval of time that can be precisely described using calendar dates and clock times.
domain: owltime:TemporalEntity
range: owltime:DateTimeInterval
label: illustrate
comment: an event illustrated by some thing (typically a media object)
domain: owl:Thing
range: Event
label: in space
comment: an abstract region of space (e.g. a geospatial point or region) that is where an event happened.
domain: Event
range: geo:SpatialThing
sub property of: dul:hasRegion
label: involved
comment a (physical, social, or mental) object involved in an event.
domain: Event
range: dul:Object
label: involved agent
comment: an agent involved in an event.
domain: Event
range: dul:Agent
sub property of: involved
Author: jbf <>
Date: 2011-10-11 08:11:55 CEST
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