CG28|en|Saluto Sindaco Torino.doc

La Sindaca

Dear Rector Major, Don Angel Fernandez Artime

for institutional commitments previously taken, I cannot be here today at the inauguration of the 28th General Chapter. However, please accept, together with my apologies, a short message of affectionate greeting which I offer on my behalf and for the City of Turin. 

Just you, Rector Major, a few years ago during a homily delivered at Colle Don Bosco, during the function that opened the celebrations for the Bicentenary of the Saint, had described the Salesian Family as a large tree whose roots extend into all the parts of the earth.

Well, from Turin and without hiding a note of pride, I am pleased to remember that the seed from which this large plant was born sprouted right in Turin. This seed which, in just over two centuries of history, has left indelible marks and contributed to strongly connote the character of our city. 

Character that, like the activities of the Salesian congregation, is reflected in the continuous commitment to educate young people, to teach to be supportive and attentive to the weakest, to welcome without prejudice those who leave their country of origin and dream of building a new life.

The path traced by Don Bosco, followed by his successors, is made of commitment among the people and is manifested every day as a lively and active presence among those who need support most, to be helped to become women and men capable of contributing, with their work and social commitment, the growth of their community.

A path that invites young people to use their best energies in the professional field and within civil society, as well as in service to others. 

For my part and for the City of Turin, together with my wish for a good work for the 28th General Chapter, a heartfelt thanks to the Salesian world for what it has given and will continue to give to our city community.

Chiara Appendino, 

mayor of the city of Turin

Piazza Palazzo di Città 1 - 10122 Torino - tel. + - fax +39.011.5625580
