Guideline 12: Processes required for change.
Let each community:
• Ensure that confreres know and put into
practice what is indicated in the Provincial
Directory’s poverty and administration
section, especially in reference to personal use
of good and technological tools.
• Diligently make the annual scrutinium
paupertatis in view of a more credible witness.
• Prepare the annual budget, present the
financial statement, regularly inform confreres
of the financial situation and sensitise them to
the cost of living; punctually hand over to the
province any monies left over.
Guideline 13: Solidarity with the poor.
Let each community:
• Express its solidarity with the poor not only
through ‘charity’, but also through choices
that have an impact on the tenor of our lives.
• Educate, in collaboration with the educative
and pastoral community, to a culture of
solidarity, helping young people to bring a
critical spirit to their interpretation of the
economic and social phenomena of our time,
involving them in initiatives and projects of
development, and encouraging their taking