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2.2.1. Letter of convocation of GC29 |
This outline offers some suggestions for what Provinces must do in preparation for GC29. They can be useful to focus the attention of the confreres, local communities and the Provincial Chapters on the theme of GC29, guiding the reflection and work of everyone.
The letter of convocation of our 29th General Chapter (GC29) comes at a crucial moment for the Congregation, marked by the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the dream at nine years of age and the appointment of the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, as Cardinal. GC29 intends to follow up on the recent Chapters, GC27 and GC28, focusing on charismatic identity and the profile of the Salesian today, in collaboration with the laity. It is essential to carefully study the letter of convocation of the Rector Major and discuss its contents in community.
The main theme of the Rector Major’s letter and therefore of the GC29 is “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people”. This theme underlines the importance for us to return to the heart of the Christ-centred Salesian consecrated identity. The three core areas that articulate it concern the need to renew the spiritual life and formation of Salesians through an authentic relationship with Christ and a deep commitment to mission. This encourages personal and community growth through prayer, reflection and spiritual accompaniment In addition, GC29 stresses the importance of collaboration between Salesians, lay people and members of the Salesian Family in the educational and pastoral mission. It is important to recognise the value and contribution of each member of the EPC in the realisation of the Salesian Educational Project and to promote a synodal culture of communion and sharing of responsibilities. Finally, the structures of animation and governance of the Congregation need to be reviewed and updated to make them more effective and responsive to the challenges of today. This requires us to critically evaluate leadership methods and courageous decisions for the good of the Congregation and its mission.
It will therefore be important, at all steps and levels of reflection, to bear in mind that while the theme is unique, it is divided into core areas that delve into different aspects of Salesian vocation and life. Their understanding is fundamental, but they are not independent of each other. There is a continuity that is not limited to simple chronology in the study, but is also systemic and thematic. The common thread of this continuity is communion with Jesus, which gives rise to synodality with the laity, with and for young people. In addition, GC29 will have to make it clear how decisive the institutional core area – the third – is for guaranteeing and fostering our fidelity and the fraternal and pastoral charity explored in the first two core areas. It is clear that the service of authority finds in its etymology and vocation the growth, development and welfare of individuals, communities and especially the beneficiaries of our mission. During the work of the Provinces and the Chapter Assembly, this link between the personal spiritual and vocational level, the community and pastoral level, and the institutional level that keeps our Society cohesive and efficient due to animation and government will be highlighted.
Reflecting on the chapter theme “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people” is a journey with deep connections with the current Magisterium of the Church and that of the Congregation. Pope Francis, with his encyclical Laudato Si', invites us to care for creation and an integral ecology. Fratelli Tutti, moreover, emphasises the importance of taking care of the other and of universal brotherhood, with the emphasis on the call received from Christ. This call implies care for oneself and one's neighbour, shared mission and the consequent accompaniment of both confreres, our co-workers, and especially young people, especially those in situations of poverty. Many of us remember the document “New wine in new wineskins (cf. Mk 2:22)” which in 2017 addressed the issue of the revision of consecrated life, inviting a constant renewal of the sequela Christi, fraternal life and the evangelical counsels. These aspects are found in the third core area of GC29, which deals with the review of congregational governance at all levels. From the Salesian point of view, the 28th General Chapter, and the recent 2023 Strenna of the Rector Major, with their focus on the identity of the Salesian today and on collaboration with the laity and young people themselves in mission and formation, underline the importance of this synodal dimension.
The 29th General Chapter therefore represents a unique opportunity for the Congregation to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the theme and the three proposed core areas, in the light of ecclesial documents and biblical reflections. We are all invited by the Spirit to work together for a faithful and prophetic life of our Salesian vocation, rediscovering the essence of our consecrated identity and renewing our commitment to the educational and pastoral mission with the EPC, with and for today’s young people.
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1 2.2.2. Process for preparation for GC29 |
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2 2.2.3. Articulation of the GC29 theme |
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3 Animation and care of the true life of each Salesian |
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4 Salesians, Salesian Family and lay people together “with” and “for” young people |
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5 A courageous review and re-planning of the governance of the Congregation at all levels |
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6 2.2.4. Methodology of Community Discernment |
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7 2.2.5. Contributions to be sent to the Moderator of GC |
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