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21 May 1965
Most Holy Father
The joy which today fills the hearts of the sons of Don Bosco
assembled for the first time in Rome for the General Chapter, renews that
emotion which filled the heart of our father and founder in 1858, when as an
unknown pilgrim he reached the eternal city and threw himself at the feet of
the angelic Pius IX, to ask for guidance and comfort in the fulfilment of
the mission confided to him by Divine Providence. At that meeting the
birth of the Salesian society, which was to be in accordance with the needs
and exigencies of the ti mes, was decided upon
The humble successor of the saint, who approaches your august throne,
a hundred and more years later, feels it his duty above all else to renew and
confirm the devotion, love, obedience and indefectible attachment of the
Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the co-operators, the
present and past pupils to your Holiness, the Vicar of Christ, and to the See
of Peter
This is a strong tradition of our religious family. Indeed it is part of the
spirit which The Father and Teacher of Youth' has bequeathed to us.
qur common joy increases today not only because of the honour of this
unforgettable audience -bringing as it does the most qualified members of
our congregation round Your Holiness but above all because of the obvious
and wonderful kindness shown us at all times.
The 'Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco' of the Forte Prenestino was the object
of your solicitude from the beginning. The institute at Arese: the repeated
visits you made to our schools in Milan and Sesto

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San Giovanni; and finally the meeting in Bombay during your apostolic
visit to India - all these are stages of a journey full of special love and
fatherly solicitude, which takes us somewhat aback, because we feel we
do not deserve them.
The Salesian Family is conscious of this, Holy Father, and desires
greatly to offer Your holiness its filial and heartfelt gratitude.
And now the members of the General Chapter are here to ask Your
Holiness for light and strength in this hour of such great responsibility for
the Church and the salvation of souls.
Humbly, yet with fervent zeal, we are about to examine the apostolic
horizons of the educative mission and pastoral work, which engage the
Salesian family, all in accordance with the spirit of our founder. We desire
to adapt the structure and work to the new and pressing exigencies of
our time.
We too are most anxious to respond generously and promptly to the
appeals which Your Holiness and the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
arc launching, both inside and outside the Church, for the renewal and
spiritual elevation of the people of the world.
qur preferences and preoccupations are especially directed towards
the more needy youth; the working class; the nations in process of
development; the technical and professional formation of the new working
society and finally towards the missions.
We are conscious of the necessity to modernize the means of social
communication by employing ever more generously the energy of the
layman, and inserting it organically and intelligently into a unified
and fruitful apostolate.
In particular, we are preoccupied with the problem of personnel and
its religious and spiritual formation. This answers the many needs
and requirements of modern work in oratories, colleges, hostels,
professional schools and parishes.
qur contribution is small compared with the actual need, hut we place
it enthusiastically at the disposition of the Church. together with a
renewed resolution of fidelity to the teaching and example of St. John Bosco.
Your Holiness, deign to accept, sustain and encourage those efforts
with your enlightened word. Your word will be our norm of action, so
please render It fruitful with the gift and comfort of your apostolic

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21 May 1965.
From the Osservatore Romano of 22nd. May 1985.
My dearly beloved sons of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco!
You are most welcome to this audience at a time important and decisive
for your religious family; important and decisive too for the larger family,
the Catholic Church. Your General Chapter, held in Rome for the first time,
regrafts the original and vital branch of the Salesian society onto the tree of
the Church. It celebrates, and it makes its own the constitutive spirit of unity
and universality of the Church, and with filial devotion it offers the Church
the work done in. more than a hundred years.
It narrates the history, heginning with the wonderful work of the saintly
founder, to indicate the prodigious and coherent development of the society
in the work of his sons; it unfolds the plans of development, stupendously
actuated in the world and something that counts more than anything else - by
coming here to ask a word of comfort and blessing, your Society
renews its much meditated resolution to carry out faithfully and with
generosity the arduous and providential evangelical labour undertaken. Your
Chapter marks the end of one era and as navigators say `sets its compass': it ends
one voyage and begins another.
Let us now focus our attention on this precious moment, to which the
threads of the past are bound and from which those of the

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future unwind, so that the celebration of this Chapter may acquire its
importance in the annals of the society itself, but also determine the
fruitfulness of the society in the future.
An affectionate acknowledgment to the out-going Rector Major and a
loving good wish to his successor.
We greet with affectionate reverence our dear Rector Major, Fr.
Ziggiotti, as he retires, with whom we ourselves have had happy
relationships. friendly comprehension and efficacious collaboration. We
have followed with admiration and approval his intelligent, untiring and
supremely positive work. Don Bosco, we feel certain, can be proud of
him, just as the confreres and pupils have been. May the Lord bless him!
And likewise we reverently greet with a warm-hearted welcome the
new Rector Major. Fr. Aloysius Ricceri. For many years he has directed the
co-operators' movement with his wise experience and loving dedication.
We pray for him that following in the steps of his most worthy
predecessors, he may guide the Salesian society in the traditional path - a
thing he has already made his own. He will give his attention to the
most recent developments and to the needs of the time, because the youthful
vitality of the sons of Don Bosco requires this. Naturally this prayer extends
to his collaborators and to all those who have offices and directive
responsibility in the extensive field of the Salesian society.
Then of course we greet all those who have participated in the General
Chapter and through them the whole congregation, to which for its
numbers, its ethnical composition, its geographic extension, we can well
give the title of ecumenical! So beloved and dearest sons, when you return
to your countries, bring your confreres and all those for whom you labour
our greetings and our blessing.
.Assurances of the Holy Father's esteem and gratitude.
But you are hoping for a word of encouragement and guidance.
Knowing what knowledge and experience you already have, we will
speak briefly -- although one could speak for ever about the Salesians
and their activities. Intelligentibus pauca!

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In the first place We tell you of our recognition and of our
gratitude : recognition of what you are and for what you do. Your
Society --- or in the name of the Church, of which you are well
beloved sons, and of which We are now the voice -- Our Society is
something great (watt grande cosa) in the Catholic life of the world.
More important than statistics, which yet in themselves tell a consoling
story, we call to mind the goodness and united spirit of your
congregation; we see the good spirit, the fervour. the serf-denial, the
faith, the piety, which give it life and vigour; we sec the aims to which
you are dedicated : the education of the young, especially the children
of the people; we witness your shnzplicity, your wisdom, the efficacy of
your Salesian pedagogy and the confidence you inspire, not only
in ecclesiastical circles, but also in the families desirous of the formation
of their sons and in society in general, which recognizes in you
enlightened pioneers, eager and disinterested. fellow-workers,
incomparable educators. We see the fruits of your multifarious labours,
which are abundant in quantity and quality alike; if we can judge
from the lives of your past pupils, and their lasting affection for you,
which they keep when they are grown-up and immersed in the cares of
the world, Finally we see the witness which your work bears to the
vitality of the gospel and to the concern of the Church for the world's
needs, especially those of the young and the working classes, and we
see what honour and love you render to Christ Our Lord.
The great mission of the Salesians today.
The Salesians represent one of the most noteworthy, most beneficent,
most exemplary and promising facts of catholicism of the last and of
this present century: and please God it will he so in those yet to
come. It is a bounden duty to acknowledge this and to thank our Lord for it,
the first and eternal cause of the efficiency of the Kingdom of God.
We praise you, courageous labourers in the vineyard, not only to
fulfil a personal desire, which of itself would he of little use, nor
indeed just to repay you for your labours and sacrifices : our praise
could never make up for this. Our words of praise are really intended to
assure you in the clearest terms that you are on the right road and
that your fruitful journey must be continued with confident and happy

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Our heartfelt gratitude goes with these words of appreciation: the
Church owes you an affectionate regard, and you deserve the good opinion
which she has of you. She has a divine sensitiveness, we might say, and is
full of joy and love for any act of service, of piety or of charity on behalf o!
the uncared for or needy of this earth. "You have done it unto ink'. What
joy it gives us to quote in anticipation these noble words that will one day
designate your true reward, eternal happiness.
Persevere with enlightened courage.
Now for our second thought; courage my dear sons! courage -
keep going and persevere to the end! We know it gladdens you to
have us exhorting and encouraging you l You need courage to carry on.
There is no need to tell you what subtle temptations and serious dangers
can undermine your good will; every human undertaking is prone to this:
and the bigger the undertaking, the greater these difficulties become,
inagnitudine laborat sue wrote a historian of the Roman Empire (cfr.
Livy: Hist. Proem.); but today let us think of the great transformation
which is going on in modern society, be it good or evil, which causes,
indeed, disquiet on a spiritual level. Qui se existinaat stare oirleat
ne cadet. (1 Cor, 10, 1 2). I. would say that your courage should spring
from a three-fold confidence : confidence in God it is not a waste of time to
remind ourselves of this, we who see in the religious life not only a great
objective dignity, but an operative strength for personal sanctification
and the education of others; and this faith must be the more deeply rooted,
the more our work is on an exterior level: it seems to us that this is the
special characteristic of your spirit, simple, happy, serene, trusting in that
divine help which gives to good on rile way to fulfilment its audacity and
its constancy. But let us not delay : you are very familiar with this
psychology; you live it. Have great faith in the aims of your Society.
Could they be nobler, more modern; could they possibly be more in line
with the apostolic programme of the Church today? You have chosen well,
The Church confirms both the certainty of it and its merit. And finally,
have confidence in those forms which give to your activity its particular
character. Now the discourse becomes cautious, on

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account of that invitation to aggiornwnento which the Church is both
preaching and putting into practice. But one must be clear regarding the
essentials as distinct from the accidentals: the interior forms which
animate your nedagogy and your art as educators from those which are
exterior and per se susceptible to improvement and to some
experimentation; the forms which are forever valid from those which the
changed condition of the school of today, of qualifications, of culture and of
the didactic methods, as also the changes in social life demands these
distinctions and those new choices which are already going on in the
field of your practical pedagogy, which nevertheless will ever find in its
primitive nucleus its vital root, the knowledge and love of youth.
Go forward in the spirit of the Council with charity, sacrifice,
and fidelity to Christ Crucified.
All these things you know very well and they permit Us to renew our
prayer for confidence and courage. We must conclude these few words with
one last piece of advice, which is also worthy of you, namely: "Keep
making progress". It is the encouragement every schoolmaster gives to his
pupils and which every spiritual father gives to his sons seeking
spiritual perfection, We repeat it to you with special reference to the
great effort the Church is making through the Ecumenical Council; it is
an effort to come ever closer to the teachings of qur Lord, an effort to give
new vigour to his spirit and his day, an effort to make the Christian life
really holier, an effort towards a better understanding of the plan of salvation
and a development of that apostolic and fraternal quality of making contact
with modern man, his problems, his weaknesses, his richness, his
aspirations. What a mistake to think of the Council as relaxing the
fundamental stand of the Church regarding faith, tradition, Christian life,
charity, the spirit of sacrifice and fidelity to the words and cross of Christ,
and as giving in to the shallow relativism of the world, with its lack of
principles and idealism! The Church does not condone a Christianity of
convenience, which has little or nothing to offer.
The Council certainly aims after a better adapted discipline and up-to-
date technique so that the Church can make contact with souls and with
our modern society but without losing anything of its true

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Christian witness, This is a very important and decisive hour for the
Church and hence also for you. We are happy to learn that your
General Chapter has understood this and proposes to draw from the
teaching of the Council, and especially from the two Constitutions on the
Liturgy and on the Church, vital precepts for the spiritual and practical
progress of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco.
Moira berre! Think on this and then do it. Be assured that with
Ours the blessing of God is with you also.

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4th June 1965
You have already heard the august words of the Holy Father, who
received you in a special audience in the 'Vatican and addressed words of
special benevolence to your society. His Holiness had a paternal
greeting for Very Rev. Fr. Ziggiotti at the end of his zealous and active
mission; he expressed his warmest good wishes to the new Rector Major
chosen to direct and govern the great family of St. John Bosco, and
encouraged you all to go ahead with renewed ardour in your important
apostolic, missionary and educational work.
As Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Religious. I come today to
assure you of the support of the dicastery that is most directly concerned
with you.
Personally I am very glad of this meeting which gives me both the
honour of greeting the official representatives of the Salesian Society and
allows me to see once more some of the Salesians I have met, particularly
in China, Japan, Canada, Portugal and Spain. In these places I was
able to see for myself the work you do so generously, not without sacrifice,
and always with exemplary dedication and a truly ecumenical spirit. All in
accordance with the words of St. Augustine: Extende caritatem tuam
per totum orbem si vis Christum amare; quia membra Christi per
orbem iacent... (If you want to love Christ, extend your charity to the
whole world; for the members of Christ are spread throughout it.)
As you prepare to return to the scene of your work throughout the
world, allow me to engage you on a present-day topic, referring to the
aggiornamento that is so much spoken of nowadays. I mean the renewal
of religious families and their adaptation to present needs, while holding
firmly to the spiritual foundations of the religious life.

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In the sixth chapter of the Constitution on the Church the Second
Vatican Council has specified the essential nature of the consecration to
God of those who have chosen the state of perfection, It is a
document of the highest value and it gives us a very rich conception of the
religious life. But for this to be lived more intensely and consciously, the
next session of the Council will deal with those practical issues which
should make its achievements more effective and more in keeping with
our times.
It is not a question of changing the nature, purpose or spirit of religious
institutes. These are part of Christianity, which is everlasting. But
precisely because Christianity must aim at man's salvation, its methods
must progress together with the men to be helped and saved, for men do
not stay static in this perpetually evolving world.
The eternal voice W. God must ring out in the language of the
present day. We must unite the past with the present and enrich
contemporary life with experience from what has gone by.
There must therefore be fidelity to the substance of the inheritance
left by the founders, but it must he remembered that if they had to found
their orders today they would certainly adopt some different standards. And
this can also be applied to your society, young and vigorous as it is,
for in this last century the world has progressed at such a giddy rate.
Adaptation to modern needs is in keeping with the will of your
founder, who was in the forefront of his own times. and still would he,
were he alive today. But this must be determined by the proper authority.
the lawful interpreter of the mind of the founder himself. Those in
authority will know how to utilize the experience of their subjects
and enlist their collaboration.
The Council atmosphere, favouring so much open discussion, has
recently given occasion to some to speak and write of the religious life and
its adaptation to modern conditions in terms likely to beget doubts and
confusion. It seems almost as if in some quarters the special witness that
the religious life gives to Christ has been overlooked or even denied. It is
no exaggeration to say that such talk and writing have not helped the cause
of the religious life.
The renewal of religious life must not he made in its essential nature
but in certain of its structures and in some o f i t s exterior activities.
Its nature should therefore he well understood and its

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purpose well defined if we are to bring in the necessary modifications in
accordance with, and never in contrast to, the spirit of the
founders and the requirements of the Church.
It is therefore a mistake to think that the religious life is simply one
form of apostolate, differing from the ordinary apostolate only in that
religious take vows, This way of thinking begets confusion, because
the apostolate of those living in the world is quite different from that of
consecrated pepple whose life must transcend the world.
ft would also be a bad mistake to expect religious to undertake every
kind of apostnlate. In a well organized army the soldiers belonging to
different branches use different arms, and each one keeps to his own
combat position. Similarly the institutes of the Church make their
contributions according to their own nature, purpose and
character, without neglecting the personal abilities of individual
It must he remembered that religious are consecrated to God.
The intensity of their spiritual life should suffer no lessening, if they are
to preserve and improve the spiritual level of their communities.
It is well to emphasize that it would be a very grave error to cut down
on prayer for the sake of a wider external apostolate. Religious need a
suitable period of time not only for their ordinary practices of piety but
above all for mental prayer, for which they should duly prepare
themselves right from the novitiate, and to attend courses of spirituality,
theology, sacred scripture and liturgy which will bring strength and
support for everyday life and peace and serenity in the spiritual
The spiritual value of the religious state will not be revealed as it
should except by the undivided commitment of oneself to Christ,
becoming one with Him through the practice of poverty, chastity and
These evangelical counsels. which form the basis of the religious life,
must he properly understood and scrupulously observed.
They in no way offend against the dignity of the human person, as
some have ventured to say, nor do they violate [iberty. On the contrary,
when they are freely and deliberately accepted. they are the clear
affirmation of the free man who makes the sacrifice of what he holds
most dear for a high noble and holy cause.

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Poverty, which the true richness of religious life, must be
embraced serenely and practised joyfully. Much has been said of "the
Church of the poor" without perhaps appraising the intimate nature of
poverty and its character, and sometimes with a deficient knowledge of
the realities of life.
The external forms that poverty takes on amid our present technical
circumstances and economic demands must correspond to the
expectations of the faithful. They should not be mere appearances. but
positive realities iii keeping with the teaching and example of Christ and
with the authentic doctrine and best practice of the Church.
In fact religious, to be truly poor, must renounce all their goods,
however obtained, and give them to their institute or the Church.
The temporal goods of religious institutes must be considered as a sacred
patrimony to provide for the higher interests of the community and of the
Church, for the wants of the needy and for the education of poor boys.
If the genuine spirit of Christian poverty is to shine in your society
all must be avoided that can bear even the appearance of an
immoderate amassing of property. Don Bosco's poverty was well
known, and Divine Providence visibly helped ';tri m to accomplish
wonderful and monumental works, Providence never failed him and will
never fail you as long as you are animated by his spirit. You should
therefore maintain moderation and simplicity in your buildings, their
furnishing and in your way of life.
As regards the vow of chastity, no one can fail to see that presentday
conditions make it difficult to keep. Nevertheless you ought to consider
this bright jewel to be the most lovely characteristic of a religious family.
Those therefore who are consecrated in a state of perfection must
keep themselves pure in body and mind. While living in the world, where
they have to carry on their apostolate, they should sense the beauty of
Christ's words where he calls the clean of heart 'blessed'. And they should
therefore avoid all that can sully the innocence of their lives. Take care
then to preserve among your members the purest form of this virtue
which constitutes their brightest glory, their greatest strength and their
surest defence

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And so we come to obedience. Many false ideas on liberty are being
aired abroad. and their harmful influence has also penetrated some
religious institutes. Their members should therefore he well grounded in
evangelical obedience.
Take care that ideas insinuating the so-called `colloquy'
between superiors and subjects do not spread in your society. This is
proposed not so much as a harmonious and edifying expression of
reciprocal considerations or as an exchange of ideas and constructive
suggestions, but almost as an agreement, if not quite a condition for
obedience, or as a discussion for the purpose of i mposing one's own point
of view.
May the true idea of religious obedience be maintained in its integrity,
avoiding all that leads to an excessively human view of that life which is
based on supernatural principles and is a true witness to Christ.
The religious who ennobles, enriches and develops his personality
comes to make a joyful gift of himself and all that he has that is most
precious for the love of God.
This naturally demands of those who are in authority, as you are, to
exercise their office in such a way as to develop as far as possible the sense
of responsibility and the personal talents of their subjects, and bring them
to obey with full confidence and esteem for their superiors. These in their
turn should show an encouraging understanding of the abilities and
characters of their dependents.
On the basis of these principles all that regards the adaptation of
religious life referred to in the conciliar decree should be carried out by
the proper authority, aided by the experience and collaboration of the
subjects. This must be done in a spirit of charitable understanding on the
one side and willing obedience on the other, and not in ways which are in
contrast to one of the fundamental principles of religious life.
Do not forget the severe words of St. Augustine, affirming the
absolute duty of preserving the concord and harmony indispensable for
keeping order in any community. He says: Cum disciplina negligitur,
insolentiae crescent. ( When discipline gets slacks, insolence becomes
rife). The lack of submission to superiors on the part of the members of any
community, and the failure of superiors to command, leads to loss of that
happy brotherhood and spiritual joy which are

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Indispensable fo.r an intense religious life; it causes a weakening of
character and slackness in the work of the apostolate.
Regarding religious vocations, which unfortunately are not in
proportion to the urgent needs of today, recruitment must not be your
only concern, but also and especially the perseverance of those called to the
state of perfection.
One of the causes of these deficiencies is precisely due to the fact that
some religious show more concern for the external apostolate than for the
keeping of the evangelical counsels.
Sometimes the religious sense is not sufficiently inculcated in the ti
me of training. and so some readily take leave of the religious state
because they entered it too superficially. It is well then that the religious life
- allow me to insist on this point - be presented as a school of
holiness, as a consecration to God, and not merely as an association
for apostolic activities. Religious life should be enlightened by the diligent
and assiduous study of the doctrine of Holy Scripture and inspired by the
love of God and by the pastoral spirit, leading to the love of our neighbour
and to external activities.
Religious consecration ought to he entire, not only to the person of
Christ but also to the Church, which is His Mystical Body. It is a question
of co-operating in the redemptive work of Christ in the world
Hence every religious should invest himself with the spirit of his
institutei in the marvellous variety that the holy founders have i mpressed
on each of them.
And this should be said not only of the priests of a religious institute,
but also of the coadjutors. Under the beneficial influence of a genuine
family spirit, notwithstanding the difference in condition, the bond of
brotherly union between all the members of your society should be so
strong as to allow and assure an ever-deepening solidarity and a more
effective collaboration. Do not forget the great services that the coadjutors
have rendered to your society. Surround them with the affection, the
consideration and the help they need.
To obtain the desired formation of the members of your society it will
be necessary to provide an ever-improving preparation for those
destined for teaching and spiritual direction, to ensure that they possess not
only solid virtue but also sound knowledge, good sense and a genuine
religious spirit.

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Thus those called to work as Salesians will be suitably trained, by means of a
balanced and substantial scriptural, dogmatic, liturgical, humanistic and
professional instruction, They will then be ready for the fruitful exercise of their
Furthermore, these same members should have that consideration in
regard to their physical requirements which will enable them to attain to
full productivity in their work.
Finally, be eager to spread knowledge of your society in its
intrinsic strength and beauty, as Don Bosco made it, stripping it, if
necessary, of certain accretions acquired with the passing of time; so
may it become nimble, _. ile and dynamic, just as Don Bosco wanted it to
Do not admit candidates whose suitability cannot he guaranteed,
because the multiplication of unfit subjects chokes up and enfeebles the
internal life of your society.
In the first place, then. the members of your society should he
spiritual men, moulded to a solid interior life. Their chief concern
must be to seek higher things - Aurae sursum stint under the
guidance of holy mother Church; and this in order to attain to the true
love of God, from which springs the love of our neighbour.
Let the members of your society he deeply grounded in the sacred and
profane sciences, technically trained for the professions and activities of
their state.
Let those dedicated to study avoid the profane novelties decried by
the Apostle St. Paul himself, including the harmful principles of that
dogmatic romanticism now insinuating itself, begetting confusion and
Let your members be pastoral in the finest sense of the word, not
spreading the vague and obscure notions of a corrosive pragmatism, but
clearly upholding the principles of Catholic morality with shining
sincerity and edifying charity.
Let the members of your society be missionaries, to spread the
Catholic faith with burning zeal among those who have never known it---
at sermo Dei carrot et clurificetur (that God's word come and be made
clear to all). Let them endeavour also to preserve intact the believers'
inheritance of truth.
Let the members of your society be socially minded, in the
constructive and fruitful Christian sense and according to the spirit

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of genuine brotherhood which inspired your origins and enriched your
growth. So they will tend to the needs of all classes of people.
Finally, let the members of your society be ecumenical, in the study
and acceptance of all that the Second Vatican Council proposes and in
the practice of that universalism which extends to all nations
and cannot limit itself to the narrow confines of our little earthly countries,
nor allow itself to be choked by petty considerations of a contingent local
or personal character.
So, my dear Salesians, animated by a lively faith, sustained by a
well grounded hope and inflamed by a sincere charity, seek always the
'unity of the spirit in the bond of peace', that unity which flows from a
balanced and serene judgement and which is the fruit of the prayer by
which you must all be united to Christ.
In this way you will show that the spirit of St. John Bosco
still lives among you in all the splendour of its finest power, and this spirit
will be a guarantee to your society of new progress and wider development
in lurcem et in salutem gentium for the enlightenment and salvation of all

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1. His Eminence Cardinal John H. Cicognani, Secretary of State
to His Holiness.
The Holy Father has heard with great pleasure the announce
ment that the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco is preparing to hold its
19th General Chapter at Rome. He offers fervent prayers together with the
paternal hope that it may be well prepared and that the discussions may
proceed in the genuine spirit of your holy founder and be rich in profit, so
that your well-deserving religious family may grow more and more both
in the missions and in its many other apostolic works. While he prays
for an abundance of divine grace and light, for the protection of Mary
Help of Christians and the intercession of St. John Bosco, he willingly
imparts to you and all the members of the Chapter a special
apostolic blessing which he gladly extends to every member of the
entire congregation.
May I add my own good wishes and prayers.
Vatican City 24th March 1965.
Cardinal Cicognani.
2.HisEminence Cardinal Hildebrand Antoniutti, Prefect of the
Sacred Congregation of Religious.
Rome, 31st March 1965.
V. Rev. Fr.
It was very thoughful of you to remind me that next April the
great and well-deserving Salesian society will hold its 19th General
This sacred congregation is particularly close to the society in this
moment when you are deciding important issues in your way of life,
and wholeheartedly joins with you in the wish that "the discussions
proceed with truly apostolic purport and in the genuine spirit of your
founder and father, St. John Bosco."

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While invoking on all the members of the Chapter the light of the Holy
Spirit and blessing you all, may I again profess myself, very Reverend
Hildebrand Card. Antoniutti. Prefect.
3. His Eminence Cardinal Aloisi Masella, Protector of the
Salesian congregation.
Rome 25th March 1965.
Very Rev. Fr. Rector Maior
In your great courtesy, your reverence informed me in your
esteemed letter of the 19th of the month of the 19th General Chapter of the
Salesian congregation of which I have the honour to be the protector.
Your reverence has indicated to me, in the above mentioned letter, that
the agenda comprises the elections of the superiors, and very important
debates on how to make the Salesian congregation a more effective
instrument to meet the needs of our time, especially in the fields of
education and social work.
In this respect, I hope the fathers will not hesitate to take
suitable steps, and at the same time remain faithful to the traditions,
teaching and spirit of their holy founder, which are essentially so upto-date.
I most willingly send a fatherly blessing, Reverend f=ather, to
you and to all taking part in the Chapter, invoking on you all the light of the
Holy Spirit, the protection of Mary Most Holy Help of Christians and of
your founder, St. John Bosco.
Please remember me in your prayers, may T take this opportunity to
express again my great esteem
Yours most devotedly
Benedict Card. Aloisi Masella,

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4.His Eminence Cardinal Mauritius Fossati, Archbishop of of
Turin 25th March 1965.
To the Very Rev. Fr. Renato Ziggiotti,
Rector Major of the Salesians,
In the name of His Eminence, our most venerable Cardinal
Archbishop, I thank you for the thought referred to him on the eve of the
19th General Chapter that the Salesians will hold at Rome next April. His
Eminence sends the blessing you ask for with all his heart, and, above
all, invokes the blessing of the Lord upon the Chapter. For his part,
he has already made the intention of offering his sufferings to the Lord, that
the grace of God may bring a fruitful spiritual harvest out of the decisions
which the General Chapter will take for the good of souls.
I can assure you, Very Reverend Father Rector Major, that the
sufferings of our venerated Cardinal Archbishop are of great value in the
sight of God. IIe is a sick man who is easy to nurse, for he never complains
and accepts everything one gives him or does for him. Only once, about a
fortnight ago h,e said : "If you only knew how much I suffer" it was the
only time he has mentioned it.
He was always particularly fond of the Salesians. He visited all the
Salesian houses in Rome not once but almost every time he went there. He
also visited and blessed the new Quartiere Nuovo Salario where the
General Chapter will be held and insisted on knowing in great detail about
the new buildings that were to arise there. His blessing in still upon it.
Believe me, I am most respectfully and devotedly yours.
Mons. Vincent Barale.
Secretary to the Cardinal Archbishop.

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27th April 1965 - After the election, the new Superior General
mounted the presidential dais and made this first moving address to the
"Some of you were saying to me just now "courage l ". There is
certainly need for plenty of courage, and perhaps for something greater than
courage, I don't know if you can imagine all the feelings which at this
moment overwhelm my soul, my conscience, my whole being
I can tell you straightaway that never before have I had such a clear
knowledge of my own limitations as I have at this present moment. If 1
wanted to humiliate you, for it would humiliate you rather than me, I
would present you with a list of all my limitations.
But I feel, my dear confreres, dear Don Ziggiotti, who will always be
my father, I feel that on this list of all my limitations there is perhaps one
which does not appear: my obedience and my dedication to Our Lord and to
the congregation. For this reason I think I must obey God's will, which has
been shown today through you, the representatives of the entire
congregation. (applause)
Allow me to mention the clear perception I have of my own
nothingness, especially as I compare myself with those who have preceded
me in the office of Superior General .. .
(At this point Don Ricceri had words of praise for the fatherly
spirit of Very Rev. Fr. Ziggiotti, and asked his blessing for himself
and for all those present, Fr, Ziggiotti in his reply, among other
things, said: "1 have prayed that things would turn out as indeed they
have turned out. After the first vote of clarification, the rotes

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centred on one person, giving him the strength that flows from the
united will to collaborate with him; continuity has in this way been
guaranteed and the congregation will prosper."
7th Mutt 1965 Anxious to mark out ground on which the various
opinions very soon apparent in the General Chapter might meet, the
Rector Major saw fit to exhort those present with these words
Dear Fathers . , . ours must be an atmosphere of charity, in
which we alt constitute: a living charity, charity in act: and we have to
bring this atmosphere back among us again... an atmosphere which
breathes this love, true, alive and strong, Charity is not only the family
spirit, but a translation of that supernatural charity of Our Lord and of
St, Paul. We must realize this union of charity at all costs.
1 have said already, union together in charity. Such union
presupposes understanding. It is a word well-worn by constant use but it
is a word with profound and concrete meaning: how often has the
absence of it precipitated great crises!
Understanding means understanding and knowing my 'opponent' in
the order of ideas to understand the man who thinks other than I
do, to know him as my brother, in our common father Don Bosco.
Let us think for a moment, Fathers, that in this assembly there are
among us the best to be found in the congregation : every man of you is a
person of value, value to the Major Superiors, and to the congregation.
You are Provincials, delegates of the other confreres, Rectors of houses
and novices masters, etc. Are you therefore not worthy of being
understood? Then understand others and he understood by them.
1 have to understand that my brother loves the congregation
every hit as much as I do, and I have to understand too that this love can
and does see differently what he considers to be for the good of the
congregation, but not on that account is he a bad Salesian : I
have to understand how it is that the opinion of my brother
different from mine is not in itself a lack of love for the congregation, still
less a personal offence to me.

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I have to understand how it is that new generations (men of 40 and
50 years of age) necessarily and often fortunately have views,
problems, solutions and feelings very different from those who have
lived longer.
Wherefore we have to be convinced, by reason of that same deep
understanding of yet another thing in our houses and communities there
are today psychological situations existing and malaise which
cannot be ignored. They are the result of our living and suffering
in the life of Society and the Church at this present time.
Let us also he convinced that our Salesian world is immense and very
complex : the fact that I do not have certain problems, does not give
me authority to deny the existence of the problems others have to face
and try to solve.
Still further, no one of us has a monopoly of truth; and no
one of us has to hand the solutions of all problems. Truth is a mosaic, which
is the result of a vast number of small elements brought together by the
attentive and concentrated study of many artists. To recognize fully that no
one has the monopoly of truth is indeed true humility and true
Wherefore, Fathers. there is great need that we put our hand to the task
with good will, with understanding and with intelligence, with love
desirous of union. The younger generation (I am not now speaking to our
boys!) in our congregation is a vital element, with drive, and may indeed
have antennae very much `tuned-in ' to the present situation. This is
something of great value, and it helps us to know the realities we all have to
face. And this same younger generation is our governing body of
On the other hand, the experience of one who has spent, and still spends
long years of his life in generous sacrifice for the congregation. will have
sent down strong roots which will have strengthened him in the belief of
our traditions. Such experience is enlightening and is productive of
equilibrium when confronted with that of the younger man, and it
brings with it an invaluable contribution of prudence, of putting on the
brake, But it must never reach the point of becoming a heavy chain which
enslaves liberty.
This balanced and fruitful process is the practical translation of this
understanding then the younger generation is grafted on to this richer
experience and there is no longer fear of the step ahead

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demanded by the reality of which the younger men feel more than others,
with more awareness than ours.
We have to relieve this tension, which is rooted in our real concern, in
our common love for Don Bosco, although it expresses itself in seemingly
opposing ways. We have to find the meeting point, and produce serenity,
charity, and co-operation. We have to wish each other well, in spite of the
diversity of points of view. In such a climate our work will become less
burdensome and more constructive, more joyful. You all know from
experience how much work costs when there is no joy in it: joy is the
sun shining on our work. For us this joy can come from charity, which
gives confidence and trust and together we can turn to good purpose the
more easily the hard work of these days.
The eyes of the congregation are on us. We have an obligation to give
example. unity in liberty, which mutual respect engenders; this will reveal
itself in the `interventions' and discussions of those whose point of view is
not mine. Let everyone express his thought
clearly, with respect and with charity: this is how the adult world
deals with its problems and arrives at truth, the possession of which is
goodness itself : God is at once Goodness and Truth.
Let us discuss not to make a point, not to lose time in subtleties, but to
find out how to improve: I've already said : non muita, sed multuni.
From the right sort of discussion there issues the better, the true : not my
truth, but the truth. St. Augustine speaks of the fundamental difference
there is to he found between the man who defends 'his' truth with clenched
teeth and the one who works serenely for truth itself.
In this spirit, let us roll up our sleeves and get down to work! We all
love Don Bosco; so we must love one another in Don Bosco. And let us beg
Our Lady's guidance. We are in May. She is Mater Ecclesiac she is also
Muter huius ecclesiae, of this ecclesia of ours: of this assembly. She
led Don Bosco in his most difficult times. She must lead and guide us now;
she .is the Mother of Love, she must give us His Love, divine charity; she
is also Mother of Wisdom, may she give us light.

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With the Madonna and Don Bosco we can go on the journey ahead,
as was said of the Jews in the desert : ibunt cantantes. That is a
stupendous image : that is how we must begin again and go on our
difficult path, and our hymn must come from the hearts of men united in
the charity of Christ. A hymn that edifies?
26th, :May 1965 -- At the request of a member of the Chapter
the Rector Major tries to bring into clearer focus the problem of
structures and of the suggested changes.
I desire, he said, that, even at the price of hardship, solutions be
found acceptable to all. i was unable to follow the work of the
subcommission in detail; 1 am acquainted with its main outlines. The
commission had considerable freedom, to the extent of changing the
initial scheme, on the basis of requests and reports from the whole
Congregation. So it isn't a question of scrutinizing what the superiors
want, but something conscientiously elaborated by the commission in the
light of all that seems to be called for by the new era.
Can we agree on some points? Obviously the new structure is not
horn in all its perfection, already equipped to face all eventualities. We
are agreed on the desirability of increasing the number of consultors,
but of not having too many. There is a measure in all things, especially
in matters so important. We agree in accepting the urgent pleas for a
bridge linking the centre with the periphery. The confreres ask to be
understood, ask that their problems he known. A certain number of
consultors should be free for this.
And what will the new consultors do when they are at
headquarters? The material gathered in all their contacts with the various
provinces will be ample to keep them quite busy when at the centre, so as
to develop efficacious plans of action in favour of the areas they have
visited. The office of superiors charged with groups of provinces
preserves their unity and gives to this unity organic articulation,
They are not super-provincials: they must not entangle the work of the
Provincials, but help co-ordinate, enlighten. It is not for this superior to
reduce the provinces in his group to a common denominator, but

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to understand situations, see what is useful in the common experience and
treasure it up for the advantage of other parts of the Salesian world.
Naturally it will not be possible to determine exactly the functions of
the several departments here. Question marks will remain, and
clarification will be needed. We can't pretend to know everything now; we
must leave a margin for future experience.
28th May 1965 The Rector Major in the following
intervention summed up the various points of view on this point.
One must distinguish the purely juridical aspect of the provincial
council's consultative vote from its human, rational and psychological
ones. From the latter point of view, the consultative vote is the opinion of
qualified people helping the Provincial and appreciating various aspects of
a problem, The Provincial has everything to gain by heeding these points,
fostering freedom of expression of the various views, without trying to
offer cut and dried solutions.
We must get used to knowing how to enter into discussion and to
listen to opinions opposed to our own. If the opinion of experts is despised
the council is then left without value or life, a sense of collective
responsibility will fade, to the detriment of the true good of the Province.
31st,May 1965 -- Before the final voting on the document took
place, the Rector Major made one or two relevant comments
I want to go back, he said, to what Provincials have said
concerning the state of confreres who are sick. exhausted, etc. Some
houses of formation have few teachers in good health; there are other
foundations where the number of pupils is excessive and the hours o: class
far ton high. It is only right to show a sense of justice, a paternal concern
about such situations. No one can live like this without a pause

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It has been pointed out that every General Chapter has had this same
concern, and I myself feel it in a special way at present in connection
with Latin America. But the problems are not straight forward
ones : there are complications. Today we have to save the Salesian as a
man, as a religious, as a priest and as an educator. If we do not keep this in
mind we shall be in danger of destroying the congregation in a space of
fifty years. The success of our apostolic work is measured by the effect it
has on souls. But is this effect always realised? And to what extent?
There are two great needs at the present day: to make the
Salesian fully qualified in every way, and to respond to the urgent appeals
that we receive. Can these opposing requirements he reconciled.' It is not
easy to see how it can be done, but we must try. We have talked about a
pause, but that does not mean that we have to become soft and flabby; we
can doagreat deal of work even without further expansion.
We have got to do this reshaping. Some of our works can be likened
to trees with dead branches, which produce little apostolic fruit. Such a
reorganization could be the way to meet the needs of Latin America. The
matter will be studied after the Chapter.
We must not overlook the education and formation of nonSalesian
lay personnel. We must value such people filling the place of the Salesian
priest and educator in many ways.
Reference has been made to the Superior Council as though it alone
was responsible for our works, but this is a matter in which both the
Provincials and the Superior Council share the responsi
The methods of the Communists were mentioned. Let us make a
careful examination of their strategy; let us note what degree of
organization goes Into their militant cadres, and let us profit by their
10th May, 1965 - After a long discussion in which many speakers took
part, the Rector Major summarised the main points in the problem
The aspirantate should provide a bridge with the families of the
aspirants; we must not create two different exclusive worlds.

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An evolution is taking place, and we cannot close our eyes to the new
ways of thinking.
The problems are complex and vary from one country to another: the
same criteria cannot be applied everywhere without modification. The
congregation must be united at the centre, but flexible in its approach to
the social world in which we live. The practical solution of these problems
therefore must be entrusted to the study of the different groups of provinces.
26th May, 1965 Replying to a question that arose in connection
with the structure of the congregation, the Rector Major said
amongst other things
"The problem of the professional schools must be distinguished from
that of the men concerned - - the coadjutors. Let the commission try to
find an adequate solution in order to remove the psychological
difficulty in which our coadjutors are placed : w e want our
coadjutors to feel that they are true and authentic fellowwA orkers at the
side of the priest and cleric.
2nd June, 1965 - After the voting had taken place at the end
of the discussion on the document on the coadjutors, the Rector Major
summed up the mind of the assembly in these words
The figure of the coadjutor is a unique creation of Don Bosco. But it
would be wrong to reduce him to a mere teacher of technology. A much
broader view is needed; he has an ever widening mission before him in the
apostolate. Reference has been made to coadjutor catechists; and indeed our
coadjutors must become catechists, must tear themselves away from their
machines at least on Sundays and be able to take part in a true apostolate.
They must also take the place of externs in so many positions of trust, in
key administrative and secretarial posts etc.
And then we come to the question of their period of higher
professional training. The Consultor for the professional schools. Fr.
Giovannini, has long been concerned about the problem of our coadjutors,
and particularly about this period in their training. Concrete

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plans need to he formula:..d by the different groups of Provinces, but they
must be realistic. For several decades the Central Province sent out
hundreds of coadjutors to different places in Europe and further afield;
conditions have now changed and each Province must take the proper
means to provide for its own needs. The pause that has been decided on in
the opening of houses does not necessarily apply to the same extent to
houses of formation, for these are the source of our life-blood. We need
to go into this basic problem so as to produce a well programmed
plan, and avoid recourse to facile improvisations.
It can be truly said that we have this morning approved a
document that will make history, but it will he of little avail unless
Provincials, Rectors and indeed all Salesians change their attitude of
mind correspondingly and treat our coadjutors always and everywhere
as brothers and cherished fellow-workers.
And finally let us all do our utmost to find and form coadjutor
vocations in ever greater numbers with, where necessary, a new line of
approach and fresh standards of judgement.
3rd June, 1965 - As though to crown the deliberations concerning
the coadjutors, the Rector Major was happy to be able to announce the
introduction of the cause for the beatification of the Servant of God,
Brother Sinvm Srui, of the Middle-East Province, which took place on
11th Matt, 1964.
This is a most consoling fact, he declared, and one that says a great
deal. It tells us that sanctity must enter into the make-up of a coadjutor. I
hope therefore that the angelic figure of this coadjutor, a figure at the
same time evangelical and ecumenical, will be brought to the .notice not
only of our confreies, hut also of our boys.
10th May, 1965 At the end of the discussion on the use of
individual books for meditation.
The Rector Major noted that the decision taken marked a
change from former Salesian practice, but it should not be thought that the
new method would be a panacea. It would mean a greater involvement of
the Rector in the work of spiritual direction, in order to avoid abuses and
even anarchy.

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The Rector Major went on to recommend a gradual introduction of the
new method and that some amendments should be made if found
He also recalled the need to find a proper place and a convenient ti me
for the meditation.
11th May, 1965 - Before the vote was taken on Art. 10
concerning the monthly and quarterly retreat, the Rector Major voiced
his fatherly concern in these words
The cry arises from all parts of the congregation : "Give us more
spirituality! Cultivate our spiritual life as priests and religious! Do not
let us spend ourse:ves only in external work!" It is a phenomenon at once
positive and consoling. Let us therefore not be put off by difficulties. If we
do not pay heed to these appeals, if we do not make the necessary
provision, we shall only bring about slow spiritual suicide. The chief
concern of the Church and therefore of the congregation, and it is
truer than ever at the present day, is that her apostles be really
alive with a true interior life.
Ilth May, 1965 - After an exhaustive discussion on the subject of
the spiritual exercises.
The Rector Major pointed out that a comforting underlying element
had been obvious throughout the discussion, which gave grounds for
healthy optimism.
But he recalled that the success of great enterprises depends eery
largely on the attention paid to small details. He therefore recommended
that the times of the retreats be well chosen; that confreres be enabled to
make them away from their normal surroundings, and that houses should
be opened gradually for this specific purpose; that preachers should be
chosen who are truly men of God, whose words will be strengthened by
the force of their own good example; that special retreats be provided for
different groups of confreres as the mentality of the various groups varies
considerably as also does the nature of the problems they have to meet.

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The Provincial, went on the Rector Major, should he present during
the retreats as a father and not merely as a superior
He applauded the experiment made in Spain where the confreres
maintained complete silence during certain retreats, and he
recornmended the gradual adoption of this practice in other Provinces.
1st ]erne, 1955 -- At the end of the discussion on confession and s
piritual direction, the Rector Major gave the following guiding
When we come to the question of spiritual direction we must
have the courage to face up to the realities of the situation even though we
are concerned with a veritable crisis which affects not only the
congregation but the whole religious world at the present time.
If we are going to put the plan in the document into effect we shall
have to go back to the authentic figure of the Salesian Rector, but set
in circumstances which will make it possible for him to fulfil his
particular role after the reshaping of our works and of the obligations
flowing from them.
In choosing Rectors attention should he paid above all to their interior
formation, They should be first and foremost men of God, priests and
fathers, with the ability to guide the souls of their own confreres.
Let Provincials do everything possible to enrich their Rectors in
doctrine and piety by means of appropriate meetings, days of recollection,
and retreats.
The Rector should be free from everything in the running of the house
that can be done by some other member of the community, though the latter
will act under his direction.
As far as the confessors are concerned they are here officially
given their place of first importance although their work is hidden. They
also must be men of God, wise and prudent, mature and well prepared
though they need not necessarily be advanced in years, and should certainly
not have reached a stage where their faculties are beginning to fail. They
should always keep themselves well up to date by means of suitable
reading and meetings useful for their delicate task.

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27th May, 1965 At the beginning of the afternoon session, the
Rector Major spoke on two questions that had been dealt with the
same morning: reading; at table and smoking. Concerning reading at
table he said:
We are here to find reasons which will strengthen our practice and
ideas. It is said that reading at table is difficult for certain communities
small in numbers. In this connection l should like to emphasize once again
how undesirable it is for communities to he so tiny, mission territories
being naturally excepted. Pius Xl closed many such communities.
Provincials should therefore see what they can do to avoid
confreres being placed in such conditions, But we are here as legislators
and we cannot base rules on exceptions, i.e. non-regular houses.
Reading at table is not just a monastic practice which could
endanger our family spirit; it is a calming and enriching
element which adds dignity to the locality and prevents immoderation
in words and conversation. It is true that the reading must be well chosen
if it is to be received willingly by the confreres. It is a false argument to
say that they are tired; it is more tiring to speak or raise one's voice. And
we should not forget the technical aids which we have at our disposal
today; there is nothing to prevent us using a tape-recorder on which the
reading has been well recorded beforehand, Sometimes the whole
community has to suffer because of some intolerant confreres.
Those communities which do not take advantage of the wealth of
information which the congregation provides arc as though severed and
detached from it. and the Rector is to blame for it. Reading is in fact an
efficacious means of preserving agreement. And therefore let us continue
the practice of reading at table with courage and wise understanding,
qualities which are found in those who know how to rule but not in those
who let themselves be dominated by others.
The same principles hold also for the boys, particularly if use is made
of the inventions of modern technology. No light responsibility is
incurred in allowing them to gossip throughout the meal especially when
they are m'xed in groups which are not the best from

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a pedagogical point of view. We must learn how to focus their attention on
the reading because this is a means of enrichment and education. The same
holds good for reading in the dormitories. These are our traditions and we
cannot let them disappear without our system being impaired.
27th May, 1965 - In conjunction with the previous question, the
Rector Major wanted to pinpoint the smoking problem.
We are all well aware, he said, of the worldwide arguments that arose
amongst scientists about lung cancer. Quite apart from the medical aspects
of the matter, smoking is indeed a cancer in our congregation, and I would
like the reasons to be fixed firmly in our minds to stimulate us. Our
abstension from smoking is a point of honour with us, a vital and substantial
point, one aspect of our mortlfication. We are held in high esteem on this
account. At the present ti me there are superiors of congregations, Bishops
and Cardinals, who demand this sacrifice from their priests.
Gandhi used to say of himself : "I have come to realize that if I
am to be a leader I must be a detached man!" And so it must be with us. This
particular mortification must always remain one of our characteristics in
the eyes of the young and of people in general who observe us and think of
us as persons capable of practising detachment and self-denial.
13th May, 1965 At the end of the first day dedicated to the
problems of day-schools and semi-boarding schools, the Rector Major
drew some conclusions which we reproduce:
We have gone fully and at depth into some important modern
problems in education. The new theories which are now taking shape
demand our full and conscientious attention as educators to a principle that
is not and cannot be denied : "It is not by indulgence and surrender of
control that one builds up, that one educates."
We must emphasize once again the obligation of the Rector to attend
first and foremost to the formation of his boys. We must understand the
uneasiness and disquiet of many confreres when they meet

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vague and ambiguous phrases which can give rise to arbitrary
interpretations not in keeping with the preventive system.
The idea of assistance must be emphasized, through which the
superior does not exert the weight of his own authority and still less makes
that authority something odious, but becomes a friend and brother who
gives courage and shows sympathy. All this is not to abandon the
genuine meaning of the Sa'esian system of Don Bosco.
13th rYluy, 1965 -- in order to shed some light on the problem of
schools and their relationship to other apostolic works for the young,
the Rector Major outlined the following ideas.
Don Bosco speaks of the education of youth rather than of school.
This is our object : to tend to our own perfection whilst engaged in
the work of education cif our neighbour, our young neighbour.
Now we must be clear as to how we can succeed in this work of
education by means of the school; we must ask ourselves whether in
different countries the congregation is really fulfilling its educative
A serious study is required of the real needs of the young in different
circumstances, so that we shall know how to make a balanced use
of our resources at the right time, in the right way and in proper measure
For this purpose there is need of a programme, a word we must get
accustomed to and the importance of which we must understand. It means
a deep and opportune study of the needs and problems of our times so that
our works can be adapted to them. Hence the importance of the
provincial council and the local house council.
it is not merely a question of planning the different works, but of
establishing a priority among them according to requirements; of balancing
them up in complete fidelity to the spirit of the institute, as Paul VI
suggests, so that we do not have to trust to luck.
We must realize that sometimes the scholastic side of our work has
grown out of all proportion: school devours all the other works in the
sense that no personnel can be found for the oratories, for the parishes, for
the co-operators or for the past pupils.

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Let us admit that school for the little ones is at times a real necessity;
but in this field let us know how to make use of lay help, beginning with
our co-operators, inviting them to share with us the responsibility of our
educative work. The priestly side of the work we keep for ourselves.
26th May, 1965 While speaking of new developments within the
congregation, the Rector Major made the following points regarding
professional schools.
The congregation, he said, intends to further the work of the
professional school with enthusiasm and with a sense of urgency.
These schools have already evolved far beyond the stage of
mere workshops for artisans. 'f hey aim at being schools which give a real
qualification, and we wish to see them placed on the same leve] as
schools in the accepted sense.
In previous General Chapters this subject has been treated very fully,
and from time to time we have been presented with valuable documents
about these schools. We must now ask ourselves, however : "In actual
practice have developments taken place along the lines indicated by these
documents?" It is not sufficient just to give c'ear directives. It must be
observed if these were then systematically followed out, without loss of
14th May, 1965 -- At the opening of the sitting, having crntlined
the essential distinction between the day school and the semi-
hoarding school, the Rector Major proceeded as follows:
Moved by a concern which is eminently educational, we must try to
deve'op this second type of semi-boarding school, in which, by virtue of
after school activities habitual and permanent, the boy may complete his
formation to become a man, a citizen, and a Christian.
A simple day school, especially one having very many varied
changes, where there is no personal contact with the boys being
educated, is only really a waste of energy, and can become an illusion. In
day schools the priests must combine their scholastic work

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with works of apostolate on behalf of youth, which is the work the Church
expects from our congregation.
One will also escape the danger that free time becomes an occasion oL
dissipation, laziness and escapism.
Our traditional works are often enfeebled through our own fault. Let
us give hack to them that vitality which our times demand.
14th May 1965 At the end of the discussions concerning hostels,
the Rector Major gave, regarding this new type of upostolute, some
precise directives to which all should adhere in the spirit of discipline.
There is no obligation to start immediately. It would be better to move
only gradually, To propose to ourselves a new form of apostolate does
not mean to throw ourselves into it rashly. Study is required
beforehand, a[ter which one may begin with an experimental pilot
scheme, which is really an example.
The. essential requisites, in order that this work may not prove a
failure for ourselves, and a betrayal of the youths concerned and of their
families, are as follows: a rather small number of boys; a certain
homogeneity in the group of youths concerned and they should preferably
be rather adult: to conduct the work, personnel wellqualified as men,
priests and Salesians; the exclusion of the economic factor as the principal
aim of the work; a wise appreciation of the needs arising from the age and
the particular conditions of the youths in the hostel.
16th May, 1965. Before voting took place on cart. 10 of the
Constitutions about parishes, which gave rise to so much lively
discussion, the Rector Major wished to put forward some of the
areoccupations raised by the discussion.
Let us not hide the fact that this is an article which stands in
need of further maturation. The discussion has been so very useul, but
nevertheless let us bear in mind the words of Paul VI in the i mportant
document addressed to religious superiors : "The Church

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looks to the congregations for certain definite works, and does not look
favourably on the pluralism of certain congregations which engage in the
most widely-diverse types of activity." Now the Church expects from us a
definite service, namely the education of the young.
The Rector Major referred also to the thought expressed by the Abbot
of Solesmes : "People wish to give parishes also to us Benedictines, but
this would be our death blow." This is true! Mansiones niultae stmt; but
they must be apportioned out wisely, and with tact, as in an army; and
each must do his own share.
The Church has approved of the Salesian hierarchy of works. Often
this hierarchy has not been taken into consideration. It must be given its
true value, so that a sense of proportion is maintained.
Parishes today are truly the mission fields, and this applies also to the
Church as a whole. In great urban areas parishes are losing territorial
identity, and many people lose contact. The councils of bishops feel the
problem very keenly- and the council of major religious superiors has
concerned itself with the problem too. How are we to reach souls?
Intense study has led to the conclusion that various categories of
parishes are needed. This is borne out by many factors.
As you see, the question is not a simple one. We must look at the reality
as it is. Certainly it is in the bishops' own interest to ask for our help; but
this is not to say that the Salesians should respond, always and
everywhere, whatever the circumstances. If we were to follow this plan
of action, within fifty years the congregation would have been
completely altered.
True, we have accepted many parishes, but let us listen to the
opinions of many Provincials regarding this, as, for example, the
Provincials in the United States: for many years there the congregation
was wrapped up in, and almost halted by, exclusively parochial activi ties,
even though these were forms of the apostolate answering the particular
situation. The same applies to Poland and Jugoslavia, where, however, the
case was one rather of necessity and of a state of emer
gency. Such must not become the norm for the whole congregation.
Has our formation up to the present been geared to the meeting of the
needs of parochial work? Perhaps we have over-reached our selves. We
have parishes which we serve in a manner which should

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not be. We must do that good of which we are capable, and in our own
spirit. Let us recognize the fact that we are not always sufficiently prepared
for this task; we have accepted too easily, and perhaps with too much
eagerness. We must preserve a hierarchy in our acceptance of new works.
Provincials are always hard-pressed when they must provide specialized
personnel, especially for posts of responsibility. Works have developed,
but the personnel for them has not developed proportionately, neither
in quantity nor in quality. Can we then afford to say always, "Go
ahead, go ahead?" Let us examine our conscience. We need a zeal
which is tempered, although certainly leaving aside short-sightedness,
and too many merely human calculations. While speaking of
structures we can speak clearly in this regard. Yes, we Salesians
are 22,000 in number: but are we all efficient? Let us not sin by
triumphalism? Let us consider our judgements very carefully. I would
think that this article requires a lot of study. we cannot afford to bungle
along, There are in the congregation certain unformed souls, who see in
these new forms of apostolate, a means of satisfying their desire for
evasion. We must know how to stop and control the development of our
works, otherwise we run the risk of losing Salesians, and with them the
congregation too.
Concluding, I would not wish to leave you with a negative i
mpression by what I have said. 1 only wish to recall all of us hack to a deep
and watchful sense of responsibility, which will lead us to study and
evaluate these things which are for us the true problems of our life.
I: th May, 1965
Regarding the necessity of joining parishes
to Salesian houses, the Rector Major made the following observation.
Our structure is essentially a formation to a community way of life,
that is, we must live together. Although the term 'attached to' used in art.
368 is not a very exact or pleasant-sounding expression, certainly parishes
must he avoided in which two or three Salesians work in isolation. It
might he said, "We contact youth through the work of the parish." This
is all very well, but such activity on behalf of youth must be intense and of
a very high quality, because if not, then these same confreres could be used
elsewhere in the organization of a much richer apostolate for youth.

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18th May, 1965 - - At the close of the discussion on oratories, the
Rector Major expounded some other fundamental ideas on the topic.
This matter of the 'oratory' is a responsibility for us just as much
today as in the past. Our vocation for youth becomes an urgent matter
today, when youth is becoming the 'fourth state', so to speak, of
The youth of today can give a decisive turn to the history of our ti me,
just as happened during the French Revolution with the 'Third State'.
Schooling by itself is not sufficient to satisfy the spiritual needs of
today's youth. Furthermore, we cannot afford to ignore the fact of the
migrations taking place within our great cities and their
suburbs. Today as yesterday, our responsibility and vocation remain
always the same.
The oratory is really the formula which meets the demand so
well; to reach youth by catechizing, but in our own style, and according to
discipline and obedience. Don Bosco and the Constitutions wish to see an
oratory attached to every single Salesian house, which shows the
importance the congregation attaches to the oratory. Having a
house close by, is a providential boon for the oratory, providing it with
both means and personnel. qon Bosco could not conceive of a house
which lacked this lung but a lung must be something alive and breathing,
not atrophied. Whole nations and entire generations have benefited by
the work of the oratory.
Let us ask ourselves: In the houses of my Province, is there
something which really merits the name of oratory? What could be done
to set on foot a programme of oratory activities? Is a man of culture,
degreed or well-qualified, considered wasted if he is Rector of an
A day school is not an oratory, It is a very good thing to gather together
so many boys, but it still remains a gathering of a rather elite group. We
must contact also those who do not come to our schools.
It is necessary, moreover, to set up oratories as pilot
schemes. incorporating a'so new methods to meet the new needs. This
has been

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called for in the proposals made to the Chapter, namely, to study
means o organizing experiments which wall vary according to place.
Something can and must be done along these lines. This will serve also to
give an outlet for the zeal of so many confreres who are alive to the
apostolic problems invoiced. The purely festive oratory is now a formula
which is too limited, and insufficient to meet the needs of the times.
In conclusion : let each one carry away this idea as a message.
but with the intention of putting it into effect : factores verbi estate!
20th May, 1965 - Since there had emerged from the discussion the
idea of modijying art. 8 of the Constitutions, the Rector Major felt it
necessary to make certain precise clarifications:
in a spirit of fraternity and loyalty, it is necessary, he said,
to explain certain ideas. The forms of apostolate here discussed must
evidently develop inside the field of our works, and within religious
discipline. It is therefore necessary that to those newly-emerging and
functioning sectors of apostolate not for youth, there be given the
necessary ideas and enrichment, in order that they may be brought into
step with the needs and the sound tastes of today, and so avoid being
swamped by the times, It is not to be imagined that each single Province
should or could initiate all these activities listed, but there are some of the
sectors which must not be either underrated or disregarded. I am quite
certain that Don Bosco would never allow neglect of the press, or, as
they say today, of the instruments of social communication. One
need only think of his heroism, and of the sufferings he underwent for the
sake of spreading good literature. Today we must be religious of
perception, always looking to the future to foresee what is developing
within society.
Let us fix three guiding principles to bear in mind during our future
al The General Chapter has the duty of establishin_, with great
clarity the hierarchy existing amongst the works to which the congregation
is called.
h) We cannot in the world of today continue to ignore the parents of
our pupils especially when the presence of their sons in one of our

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institutes is perhaps the only means through which they may be involved
in the life of the Church. What would our adversaries do in such a case?
c) The lay teachers called to work side by side with us are
now numbered in their thousands. Can we afford to dispense ourselves
from the duty of organizing them well, in order to form them in all
All of this is an abiding duty, not a novelty.
17th May 1965 - When the document concerning the co-
operators had been approved by popular acclaim, the Rector Major,
at the request of some members of the Chapter, thought fit to make
the following statement:
This approbation by popular acclaim lays an even greater responsibility
on the conscience of us all. Today, when the Church places so much store
by the various forms of lay apostolate, let the Salesians dedicate themselves
seriously to the duty of caring for our third family, and this in a
dynamic and modern way. This is necessary also from the point of
view of our own scarcity of personnel, and the precious collaboration the
co-operators can give to us.
He who through obedience works outside of the scholastic field, and
devotes himself zealously to the care of souls is never to be considered a
heterodox Salesian. (applause)
3rd /une, 196i -- Faced with the danger of an excessive widening
of our field of work, the Rector Major made the following precise
Here there is no question of branching out into new works, but rather q
f seeking a higher quality of collaboration in our apostolate, by means of
these new forms of lay consecration. Auxiliaries as Fr. Ziggiotti has
already observed, may be considered as an avant-garde group among
women co-operators

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4th June, 1965 -- Following upon the communications concerning
the Auxiliaries of Don Busco, the Rector Major asked about possible
experimentation of the same nature for men, including some form of
'dedication', either but vows or by simple promises. When various
points of view had been heard, he brought the discussion to its
conclusion as follows:
Today there are many laymen who wish to place themselves at the
disposition of the Church's hierarchy, and the different congregations. Is it
for us to ignore these possibilities, or to foster them?
We are agreed that the idea seems very good. Let us see if, in the
various countries and different types of apostolic work, there arise
possibilities of starting some attempt at an activity of this nature.
if experience is gained in the matter, let us hear about it.
2nd May, 1965 With the intention of underlining the importance of
this particular document, and the validity of the observations made, the
Rector Major had the following to say:
Let us take a realistic look at the person we are to educate. Can we
educate and form him in the way we did at a time when our houses were
proof against the influence of the world; or must we not rather form him
according to the circumstances in which today the confreres actually find
themselves? We run the risk of creating two different levels which never
really meet; that of the person who is performing the task of formation, and
that of the subject being educated. Formation of the Salesian educator must
therefore he one of our ;realest pre-occupations. Can we go ahead using
only prohibitions? If we do not really form the conscience, prohibitions by
themselves remain ineffective.
The atmosphere of evil which we everywhere breathe is more deadly
than smog; it is an atmosphere of the dolce vita. The problem of formation
requires the fusing together of two wills, that of the Rector and that of the
confreres. We must ask ourselves whether there are not many deficiences in
the formation we give. On many occasions

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1 have the impression -- I fee; mortified in saying this that the coy
`,tires are too little formed, culturally and artistically Have we not
perhaps contributed towards this state of affairs?
There arc, for example many persons in the world who feel no great
need for cinema-going, and many too who even despise it, What then must
we say about the Salesian who cannot live without it, and who goes to the
cinema driven by an almost irresistible longing for distraction? This also is
a problem of formation.
The same thing applies in the case of our boys. In entertainments we
must not limit ourselves to films. There are other possibilities. which other
non-Salesian educationalists know how to employ so much better than we
do, as for example music, plays, sketches, touring, etc
We have confined ourselves so far to a rather negative view of films.
But there is also a very positive aspect, valuable in the education of the
confreres to a true human and priestly dignity. In this connection we need
a lead to follow, a methodology, and enlightened ideas. These means of
social communication will become increasingly more powerful and of
moment, and therefore we must find a way of makin g, use .nl them to
come to grips with the needs of our day.
5th. Pine, I965 - After two days of heated discussion on this
question the Rector Major intervened and said:
This discussion has been ample and passionate, sometimes harrowing,
but always free. Everybody here loves Don Bosco and loves the souls for
which we are responsible, but there are different ways of giving this love
concrete expression. Hence the debate has been so rich and so profound
over the last few days. Let us now in all sincerity come to some
conclusion, avoiding every ambiguity, so that we shay: have clear ideas and
clear directives which do not lend themselves to warring or harmful
This problem is critical and essential, because we are not only Catholic
educators but Salesian educators. If it is true that we are not questioning
the value of daily Mass, we must decide how we

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can use daily Mass more positively, making it acceptable and richer in
fruit. We must ask ourselves if, in the method we have followed hitherto,
we have not fallen victim, perhaps are not still falling victim, to the
perils which have been pointed out to us. Is it not possible, perhaps, that the
fundamental reason for all the unfavourable reactions towards daily Mass
has been the undue overloading of the whole business of piety, making it
heavy and wearisome.
Given therefore that the Mass is essential, as all recognize, we must
adroit that in certain places a method has often been used that was in no
way suitable. Now, faced with the problem of assistance at Mass, are we to
make good our mistakes with a hatchet or make an effort to make
assistance alive? In other words, have we to use a therapy which is going to
lead to the death of the practice, or a therapy which will animate, which
will give new life to our tradition? If this instrument is not functioning
in many places, then we must ask ourselves the reason.
We have heard a lot of ta.k of the boys, of their psychology. hut there
has heen very little emphasis upon the educators themselves. What have
these educators done, what are they doing to carry into effect some method
which wiii help the boys to assist consciously, with active, fruitful
participation the kind of participation we have been talking about? Has
it been the fault of the Mass, or has it been our fault? Now this problem,
like every other problem, is not something self-contained. The method of
participation at Mass is connected with the diversity of country and with
the complexity of our works, which are so heterogeneous in their rotas.
What have we done not just this year, but in the past, to face this problem
methodically? We must say something, by way of reminder, to the
confreres who are expecting some sort of statement from this Chapter.
What, for example, have we done at the beginning of the school year in
order to encourage those boys who have barely arrived in the college to
assist and to participate with interest and with fruit at holy Mass? Many of
them are coming to college for the first time and scarcely know what the
Mass is. Nowadays, methods, complete methods, to ensure that the Mass
shou 'd he duly prized and should become the real centre of the day.

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Again, we should ask ourselves, would the practical elimination of daily
Mass improve the situation, helping us to make good whatever we have lost?
We must face the fact that the growth of our work has been
almost like the growth of a tumor --- at times I call this growth
elephantine - for we have boys with different needs, we have diversity
both in numbers and in age groups. At times I have observed with pain
how boys of ten and boys of twenty have gone into church together; this is
a practice which is certainly not formative. There are local differences and
multiplicities of work which have found no mention in this document.
There are other countries in which the problem does not exist, as for
example in Vietnam and in Ireland, where few begin the day without
holy Mass.
It seems to me therefore, that the solutions which have been proposed
should he revised. They should be presented, above all, in a positive,
concrete form. The entire congregation should be reminded of the
responsibility which every confrere has of educating the boys to a
perceptive conscious Christianity of the kind the Church demands today.
The commission, setting great store by the observations made, should put
before the assembly other proposals, at the same time preserving the
principles at stake and taking into account the varied situation. (applause)
9th June, 1965 - Voting having been completed on article I of the
document concerning daily Mass the Rector Major considered it
opportune to clarify the authentic meaning of this approved text and he
spoke as follows:
There can be no doubt that with this vote the entire Salesian
community, all our confreres, have been mobilized for the sacramental
education of our pupils. What, after such long discussion, we have voted
on now becomes for us an immediate duty: if we do not observe it
we shall be faced with failure. We must tackle the whole matter in a
concrete way. We must always keep advancing.
I am talking to Salesians about Salesians. In this document there has
been used a word which today is not very favourably received, even
psychologically: obligation! This is a word which concerns first of all the
Salesians. They must feel their obligation, as educators and as priests, of
making the boys love the Mass, making them under-

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stand it, making them live it. This is an obligation for men of principle,
the priests, the Salesians. Anyone who already finds himself in
conditions which favour daily Mass must feel himself obliged to improve
such conditions. No educator ought to deceive himself about this question
of participating at Mass; in other words it is not enough to have a
merely passive presence reluctantly put up with. This is
something which we must call to the attention of those who are
in authority, so that they may fall into line with ideas of this kind. The
first need is to make people understand the problem: in other words, Mass
must not be seen as a practice carried out in obedience to a law, but as the
means of nourishing our whole life, today and tomorrow.
Consequently, it is necessary that we develop the spirit of
Salesians along these lines: if the problem of daily Mass is a hard one,
difficult and thorny, this is to be attributed in large part not to the boys,
but to the Salesians. I do not intend to indulge in generalizations. Let us
try to create this spirit of understanding of enthusiasm. But to believe in
this we have first of all to be convinced of it. Let us work hard to ensure
that participation at Mass is not merely physical - that is not
enough - but conscious and active. To achieve this our efforts need to
be gradual, systematic, intelligent. We have to be quite clear what we
want and where we are going to get it. It is not enough to send the
boys into church in great numbers; we are concerned with educating them,
with carrying them along with us, heart and soul and will. We have
therefore to work out some complete method which will bring them
to the conscious practice of assisting at Mass. Now, here there arises
naturally a whole series of problems which will differ from country to
country, according to the age of the pupils, I t is therefore no use being
content with mere improvizations. We need to meet together, to study the
question at different levels, whether interprovincial, provincial or local.
It is not merely a question of the catechist or the Rector doing their part,
but of the whole community: in other words this a question of
collective responsibility.
This deliberation must mean a step forward, not backwards. It is true
that the third article of the document takes into account the particular
situations which may arise for a variety of causes. But

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having taken this into account, the general principle remains valid, and
this deliberation must be considered as a forward drive and not as a
cancelling out. We must all of us feel it our duty to go forward.
Permit me another observation. In every country we have particular
responsibilities towards the Church, even before our responsibilities to the
congregation. What have we done in our schools to form an elite? Today
this is most important; if an elite is not coming from our Catholic schools,
where is it to come from? Are the few hours of school each day enough for
this task? Do not let us deceive ourselves : we have to make our mark on
souls. Let us face this task
what are we doing to build for tomorrow? It is not enough to be content
with the passing satisfaction of the moment: we have to concern ourselves
with cultural, religious, sacramental, eucharistic formation. We all
know, and we are all convinced, that it is much more important to
form a true conscience than to cling to some mere external practice. Let
us therefore face the practical consequences.
We have all of us been profoundly impressed by the steady
development of Communism. We do not. however, defend ourselves
against it only by instituting social reforms, but, above all, by forming true
Christians. We need a sound religious basis.
We, therefore, have to go out from here full of conviction which we
are going to pass on to our own confreres. Our programme is this: the
formation of an elite. We must achieve this; we must strive with
determination towards this end. Such must be the interpretation of the
document we approved yesterday, if we are not to betray Don Bosco and
the Church. (prolonged applause)
10th. June, 1965 -- The following are the replies made by the
Rector Major, following some questions made on the previous evening.
The history of the congregation: It will be the duty of the
superiors to develop fully the history of our institutions and of all that is
best in our system. However, in order to carry out this programme, it is
necessary that there should be collaboration between all those who can help.

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Poverty: There is a saying that is already becoming quite common :
The Salesians are rich." It is true that many confuse the grandeur of
our buildings and undertakings with affluence. However, let us try to
make sure that we do not give any support to such regrettable
comments. Let us seek to act at all times with discretion, and let us show
that sense of economy and of frugality which people expect from us.
It has also been noted that there is a great deal of difference of
treatment in the different houses, The Provincials should see to it that
these differences are reduced to a minimum. There should not be any
excesses in those houses which are blessed with more financial means,
and steps should be taken to cut down any abuses. In the the
equipment of our own living quarters we should also observe the criteria
of poverty. The higher the level that we achieve in those parts of
the house which are devoted to the education of the boys, according to
the needs of the country, so much the greater should be our own
dedication to poverty in our personal lives.
Permissions ; Do not let us get the idea that once we have
permission everything is all right. Let us remember what our own
Mgr. Olivares used to say to Rectors : "Even with all our
carefully obtained permissions it is still possible to go straight to hell."
This is a responsibility which we should all face.
Second Novitiate : This is a problem which is worthy of our
study, even if it does present some difficulties. We do not wish to put any
obstacle in the way of this generous appeal... this desire which has been
expressed by so many confreres. The idea should be studied and
elaborated so that we can arrive at some kind of initial experiment.
10th June, 1965, eleven o'clock - amidst the obvious emotion of
all those present the Rector Major said a few fatherly words by way
of conclusion to so much hard and generous work.
So many times we have raised our hands in order to express our vote,
our will. Today we can raise both our arms as we send up to the good
God a cry of gratitude.

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As one looks back it is staggeringly impressive to see the mountain of
work which we have been able to realize. "A terrifying labour" in the
words of one of the delegates here present. So many have in fact laboured
into the night! Not only the members of the Chapter but all the
collaborators, beginning with the secretaries, have been prodigal of their
services in this way. Together with them, behind the scenes, how many
other confreres have co-operated in order to bring about the success of this
General Chapter! Think of all the various offices which were involved in
bringing our work to completion. To all these we give our thanks and our
grateful prayers. I would wish that this collaboration, so generous, so ready,
so full of self-sacrifice, but always cheerful and joyous, should
serve as a great lesson, as a message to our confreres: it should serve to
remind us that our work must be a work of solidarity, based on a united
community, all aiming at the same ideals.
Apart from thanking God and all those who have co-operated with us,
allow me to make to all a most heartfelt invitation to go forth from this
Chapter with one heart and in perfect agreement. We have engaged in
lively discussions, sometimes rather keenly, but always with a keen
priestly and Salesian feeling. With this meeting, however, the time of
discussion comes to an end and there begins the fruitful period for putting
it into practice. Let us seek above all to persuade our own confreres that
they may be ever more convinced. Secondly, let us seek with all our power
to promote the execution of what has been decided here. Let us strive with
wise firmness to be the energetic executors of whatever has been laid
down, following not only the letter but also the spirit. Only by such
unanimity can the enormous labours of these two months be transformed
into living reality. As a spur we have the encouragement directed to us by
Pope Paul VI in the unforgettable audience which he gave to all
the Chapter.
Let us remain united even if our work sometimes keeps us apart. It is
with painful regret that I see come to an end this period that we have lived
together in a climate of such affection and heartfelt communion, even
though we have at times expressed different ideas. Let us remain united
in caritate, in the memory of these laborious months, in the will to be of
help to our confreres.

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Together with Mary! Do you remember that thought which 1
gave to you a little while ago : We with you and you with us"? and that
other thought: "Mother of this Church, Mother of the congregation? " With
her help we can see to it that every day each one of us is a factor verhi, a
doer of all that has been said, discussed, decided upon.
Let us all become doers in order to build up a living Don Bosco in
this second century of the existence of our congregation. Let us be humble
but efficacious doers of the word? Fuxit Deus! Let us go forward for Don
Bosco and for the Church!
At this moment which is so charged with emotion for all of us, I invite
you to turn your hearts and your minds to those confreres who are
separated from us by painful circumstances which we all know. Let us
turn to them a thought and a prayer which is warm with love. Liberu eos ex
omnibus tribulationihus Buis. May q ur Lord hear our prayed

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Rome, 17th May, 1965.
Dear Confreres
1. We are near you with a fraternal memento, and with our
prayers; we are thinking of you, spread as you are throughout every
continent in your own native countries or abroad in mission lands,
witnesses to Jesus Christ, enjoying liberty or suffering in silence.
You it is who have prepared this General Chapter with apostolic
zeal and preoccupation to an extent never seen in previous Chapters
We know that you are following our work with lively attention
with hope, and perhaps with some uneasiness; there can be no doubt that
you are following it with fervent prayer.
Be assured that whilst you are in the field working for souls, we are
working for the same souls as your true representatives, making your
problems our own, hoping not to belie your hopes.
In the Chapter we have felt the presence of all the congregation; and
we hope that this message will he a proof of our true union with each one
of you.
2. We think that we can affirm that this Chapter will take on a
particular significance in the history of our congregation.
In the encyclical Ecclesiam Suam, Pope Paul VI has defined the
work of the Council in these words: "We believe that today it is the
Church's duty to deepen the knowledge it should have of itself and of the
mission it must fulfil in the world."

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Analogous to this is the fundamental task of our Chapter: to help the
congregation in this decisive phase in the history of the Church to deepen
its knowledge of itself, of its originality, of its vocation in the mission of
the Church.
Our strong desire is to learn The will of God as regards our
congregation today, and then to carry it out faithfully.
To reach this goal we are trying first of all to go back to our authentic
origins: to the spirit, to the intentions, to the charisms proper to Don
Bosco, the saint so clearly raised up by God.
Knowing that the will of God is shown forth in providential
events, we proclaim our firm, prompt, and generous adherence to the
decisions of Vatican Council II and to the apostolic renewal to which it
has given rise.
Following Don Bosco, we wish to re-invigorate in ourselves that
senstus Iicclesiae, our awareness of being in and of the Church, and
to give our support to its gigantic efforts in this historic moment.
In particular the Church in the Council has reawakened to the fact
that it is the 'Church of the poor'. We also proclaim that it is our firm
resolution to dedicate ourselves to all modern youth but particularly to the
young who are poor and abandoned, to those children of the working class
to whom we have been called as sons of Don Bosco
We resolve to get to know the youth and people of today better, to
love them in the reality of their true situations and to answer their needs
and their most urgent appeals.
3. We have begun this task of orientation in our Chapter. It is a
complex one; we are 150 in all, representatives of a congregation that is
spread over 69 countries of the world. Problems differ from one place to
another. We differ in age and experience, and still more in mentality and
sensibilities. It is not surprising therefore, that although we all have
the same love for Don Bosco and the young, we have experienced some
difficulty in finding a uniform solution to our problems. But it is one of
the beauties of the Salesian family spirit that it allows for frank and open
discussion and mutual exchange of opinions. After a period of keen and
arduous research and study, in that truly universal spirit of St. John Bosco,
we have attained to

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happy unity centred around the person of his sixth successor, Fr. Aloysius
Ricceri. Whilst we respect the differences that exist amongst us and
fraternally overcome them, we wish to enrich ourselves with the
contribution each one has to offer. In the same apostolic spirit expressed in
the motto of Don Bosco da rriihi animas, and in the spirit of constructive
charity, with mutual comprehension and esteem we work for the up-dating
of our congregation.
4. Our work is in progress and it will continue yet for some weeks.
We have dealt with vocations and aspirantates, with liturgical life and
piety, with our apostolate amongst the young and in the parishes,
with our co-operators, past pupils, oratories, and with the adult apostolate.
Conscious of our responsibilities and with an eye on reality, we wish
to make a clear examination of our problems, excluding none and evading
none that have a real and urgent importance. Whilst we prepare new
orientations and dispositions we need the support of your loyal confidence,
and we know that this you will give us most willingly.
5. But allow us to remind you, and first of all to remind ourselves,
what our revered Fr. Ziggiotti pointed out to us when he presented
us with the list of subjects to be discussed at the Chapter: All external
changes and new orientations, he said, however excellent they may he, will
he of no avail if our hearts as religious apostles are not re-inflamed and our
spirits deeply renewed. It is to this renewing of our religious and apostolic
conscience that in this most important hour we call all confreres from the
youngest to the most venerable, novices clerics, coadjutors and priests.
The essential element of this renewal is this: let us renew in ourselves
the sense of our religious consecration to Jesus Christ and to God,
our Father.
Let us acquire a deeper conviction of this truth, that it may sustain and
animate our life in a practical way each day.
It is Christ Himself Who through His Church invites us to seek for
souls redeemed by His Precious Blood, and Who is the only saving force
and Who makes use of us in proportion to our religious fervour, and to
Whom we offer with joyful loyalty the holocaust of our vows

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it is this offering which predisposes us to the love of souls and to the service
of the Church, as His Holiness Pope Pau' VT attests in his paternal
6. Let us renew in its totality and with trust the practice of religious
obedience, the holocaust of our own will offered to God by submission to
lawful superiors who exercise their authority with respect and with
father;y affection and brotherly love.
It is filial and docile obedience that will make it possible to
assume many and heavy responsibilities, and to face up with greater
courage to the new tasks that await us.
The love of a poverty freely embraced, which sets us free from earthly
lies, will be strengthened by the flight from seeking for ease and comfort
which undermines religious life; let it be a practical poverty as required
by the modern nature of our apostolate, but let it always be a means of self-
denial and of sacrifice for every single member, for the community, and for
the furtherance of the work itself.
Let chastity he our joy and shining witness, a chastity reinforced by
our interior union with Jesus Christ to whom we have consecrated all our
affections and our whole body. In the exercise of continual mortification
and carefu; custody of the senses, and in the uncompromising severity of
our evangelical and Salesian ideals, let us firmly maintain our capacity to
love Jesus in souls so violently attacked by naturalist doctrines and
worldly behaviour.
7. With one heart and one soul in the bonds of fraternal charity let us
share in the riches of community life, generously accepting the daily
demands it makes on us, since it permits us by its guarantee of family
discipline to love and serve Jesus Christ with greater enemy
The Salesian, in the totality of his religious consecration, closely
united to the life of Christ, has the certainty of being a true apostle, a man
abounding in energy and happy in the thought of his complete dedication.
May the anguished reminder of our father Don Bosco in his last wit!
and testament comfort us and urge us on: "Let us be on our guard, lest love
of the world, undue affection for our relations or the desire for an easier
life lead us to make the great mistake of profaning

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our sacred vows and so trample on our religious profession by which we
have consecrated ourselves to Our Lord. Let none of us take back what he
has given to God."
8. Concluding this message, we turn to her whom Don Bosco called
the real foundress of the congregation, the most loving Virgin Mary,
whom our new Rector Major, Fr. Aloysius Ricceri, recently called
Mater huiias Ecclesiae, the mother of this capitular assembly, and still
more the mother of the entire congregation. We are here as though in the
cenacle where she is present. She is more than ever our helper. To her
fidelity to the congregation let us respond with our fidel 'ty, renewing our
consecration to her.
9. We shall have the privilege and the joy of bringing to our
common Father, Pope Paul VI, in a special audience which he will accord
us before the feast of Mary Help of Christians, these sentiments of ours
which are most certainly yours also.
We shall listen with attentive and fervent hearts to the directives
which the Holy Father will give our congregation, and as sons of Don
Bosco we shall pledge him full loyaity and generous obedience
Dear confreres, a difficult and magnificent task awaits us in the
Church of today. Let us thank God for having bestowed on us the
immense honour of allowing us to work for Him in the Salesian
congregation. Let us be generous in fulfilling our duty so as not to fail the
multitude of souls awaiting us.
In union of prayer and with fraternal sentiments, we are
Your confreres
The members of the 19th General Chapter.

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The special news-letters sent out to the houses during the General
Chapter have already given the confreres a good knowledge of the
Chapter's proceedings, and accordingly this chronicle proposes to be only a
resume of the events.
1. The retreat in preparation for the General Chapter began on the
evening of April 8th at the PAS, Rome. The instructions were preached by
the Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Gonzalez del Pino, Provincial of the Antilles,
and the meditations by Very Rev. Fr. Peter Zerbino, editor of the Italian
"Salesian Bulletin". Holy Mass was concelebrated daily by the Very Rev.
Rector Major, Fr. Renato Ziggiotti, together with six members of the
Chapter three Provincials and three delegates.
After the retreat, the members of the Chapter were able to assist at the
various Holy Week services held in the Roman basilicas, and on Easter
Sunday they were present at the Holy Father's Mass and the celebration
held in St. Peter's Square.
2. A list of those taking part in the General Chapter is given
elsewhere. Of note is the absence of the Provincial from the North Polish
Province, whose government refused an attendance-permit. Similarly,
Hungary, Bohemia, and Slovakia were not represented.
Present by special invitation of the Rector Major, but without voting
rights were : Very Rev. Fr. Sante Gat-elk, delegate of the Rector Major for
the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; Very Rev. Fr. William
Ainsworth, provincial delegate for South Africa; and, for some sittings,
Fr. Charles Fiore, of the Salesian youth centre.
The following confreres were invited as experts on the capitular
commissions, and, according to their special qualifications, were present
at various meetings of the Chapter:

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Bro.FRANCIS BERRA : member of the central technical office for
the Salesian professional schools.
Fr. GINO BORCOGNO: national delegate for oratories
Fr. PETER BRAmmO : president of the I.S.P. (The Higher
Institute of Pedagogy).
Fr. CAIPTAN BRUNO: dean of the faculty of Canon Law at
the PAS.
Fr. Al.orstus CALONGHI : professor of methodology and
statistical psychology at the I.S.P.
Fr. GINo CORALLO: lecturer in pedagogy at the state
university of Bari.
Bro.FRANCIS CRIVF.LI.ARO: head of the professional school at
Ponte Mammolo, Rome.
Fr. LAD!SLAO CSONKA: professor of methodology and the
history of catechetics, at the I.S.P.
Fr. jUVENAL DUO: professor of pedagogical methodology at the
Fr. Emil. FOG1.fAsso : professor of public Church Law at the PAS.
Fr. CAIETAN FRANC1 : secretary to the head offices of the Salesian
professional schools
Fr. j osE.Pll GEMMEL1.ARO : professor of social doctrine at the
PAS. Fr.PEiERGIAKOLA : lecturer in pedagogical methodology at
the 1.S.P.
Fr, PETER GRASSO: professor of social psychology at the I.S.P.
Fr. EMMANUEl, GUTIERRE7: professor of differential psychology
at the I.S.P.
Fr. ANTHONY IAVIERRE : dean of the theological faculty at the
Fr,GuSTAVUS LECLERC : professor of international law at the PAS.
Fr. VINCENT SINISTRERO: professor of law and school legislation
at the I.S.P.
Fr, Al.ptloNsus STICKLER: Rector Magnificus of the PAS.
3. The General Chapter began its work on Easter Monday, April 19th.
Al', the members of the Chapter gathered ,in the chapel for the singing of
the Venn Creator, after which the Very Rev.Rector

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Major outlined the chief motives behind the calling of .the Chapter,
namely, the election of the Superior Chapter and the study of questions of
supreme moment for the whale congregation. He remarked that the amount
of material contained in the proposals sent in from the various Provinces
was extremely vast, and this had been carefully examined, sorted and co-
ordinated by the Superior Chapter and the, pre-capitular commissions, He
therefore urged those present to invoke .the light of the Holy Spirit
upon the work awaiting them. Benediction was then given.
The Chapter members then went into the hall used for the plenary
sessions, where they were given copies of the various schemes prepared by
the pre-capitular commissions. Also on view and available were the
proposals sent ,n by the Provinces, and by individual Salesians.
The Rector Major nominated as secretaries. according to the norms
of the Constitutions: the Very Rev. Frs. Michael De Paolis. Francis
Laconi and Bernard Tohill; after his election to the Superior Chapter, the
Iatter was replaced as secretary by the Very Rev, Fr. John Ter Schulte.
Later, because of the difficulty and the amount of work involved, it was
found necessary to nominate another team of secretaries to aid the first.
The members were: Fr. No Paltrinieri, Fr. Rosario Stroscio, and Fr. Decius
Teixeira. The two teams shared out the work, one covering the morning
session and the other the afternoon session. Similarly, the Very Rev. Rector
Major appointed another Moderator to aid the original sole Moderator, the
Very Rev. Fr. Archimedes Pianazzi, the second Moderator being the
Very Rev. Fr. Peter Garnero, and these also alternated in the exercise of
their duties.
The following commissions were established : I. organization 2.
apostolate for youth. 3. apostolate other than youth work. 4. coadjutors
and professional schools. 5. formation of the young. 6. Salesian formation.
7. Constitutions and Regulations. 8. regulations for the Genera! Chapter.
9, capitular publications.
Each of these commissions divided up into sub-commissions,
according to need, and set about its work.
During the first week, the Chapter members heard two most interesting
conferences, one entitled "The origins of Don Bosco's

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work" - given by Fr. Peter Braido, the other entitled "The Second Vatican
Council and the Salesian congregation" - given by Fr. Peter Brocardo.
These had as their objective to throw light on the two guiding principles of
the General Chapter, namely, the spirit of Don Bosco and the spirit of the
qn Sunday the 25th April. the Chapter members attended the solemn
ceremony at which H:s Eminence Cardinal Callori di Vignale took
possession of the temple of St. John Bosco as his titular church. His
Eminence is descended from a family whose members were great
friends and benefactors of Don Bosco.
4. When the commissions had completed their work, the first
document to be discussed in a plenary session was on the regulations for
the General Chapter.
The election of the Rector Major took place on April 27th, after Very
Rev. Fr, Renato Ziggiotti had celebrated the votive Mass of the Holy Spirit.
On the previous evening, at the Good Night, the Rector Major had made it
quite clear, as he had at other times hinted, that he had the intention of
declining acceptance of an eventual re-election. Fr. Antal was similarly
minded. Before the election of the Rector Major, there were first elected
- according to the Constitutions - the secretaries, in this instance,
Fr. Mario Picchi and Fr. Henry Delacroix, and the scrutineers, in this
instance, Fr. Mario Quilici, Fr. Aloysius Fiora, and Fr. foseph Costanzo.
There were two ballots for the election of the Rector Major. After the
second, when he had obtained the absolute majority of votes, and had
accepted election, the Very Rev. Aloysius Ricceri was solemnly
proclaimed Rector Major. His first words may be read in their
entirety in the text included in the documents. After referring to the
limitations Ile felt regarding the office assigned to him, he said:
"Amongst all these limitations there is one from which 1 feel I do not
suffer. namely, a limitation of my dedication and obedience to God and to
the congregation." The members of the Chapter then paid their respects to
the Rector Major. passing before him individually to receive his
That evening, after supper, the confreres gave utterance in
many languages - a s a t a n ew Pen t e c ost to their gratitude

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towards the Very Rev. Fr. Renato Ziggiotti, ahd their heartfelt good
wishes for Very Rev. Fr. Aloysius Ricceri.
5. After this central event, the commissions continued their work, and
a number of plenary sittings were held until Monday, May 3rd., the day on
which the members of the Superior Chapter were elected. In the morning at
the first ballot and by absolute majority, the following Very Rev. Fits,
were elected : Fr. Alvin Fedrigotti (prefect general), Fr. Modesto
Bellido (catechist genera]), Fr. Roger Pilla (economer general). In the
afternoon, again at the first ballot, the following Very Rev. Frs. were
elected as Consultors. : Fr. Guy Borra, Fr. Peter Garnero, Fr, Ernest
Giovannini, Fr. Archimedes Pianazzi, and Fr. Bernard Tahiti
6. On May 7th, in the plenary session, the Very Rev. Rector Major
gave an important talk on the spirit of peaceful union, which at the same
time respects the liberty and the opinions of all. He called on the Chapter
members to work in a spirit of enlightened and brotherly understanding,
with the object of achieving an evermore constructive and speedy
Although the work of the commissions continued almost through to
the close of the Chapter. nevertheless, various documents had been
sufficiently elaborated to allow an almost continual succession of plenary
assemblies, starting immediately on May 8th, There began therefore the
discussion on the themes 'care of vocations' and 'aspirantates'.
On May 8th, in the evening, the co-operators of Rome came in great
numbers to pay enthusiastic tribute to the new Rector Major and his
Chapter. Included in this gathering were various dignitaries, such as
Cardinal Frederick Callori di Vignale, His Excellency the i-lonourahle
Bernard Mattarella, Minister for Foreign Trade. Doctor Amerigo Petrucci,
Lord Mayor of Rome and His Excellency Ernest Eula, President of the
international Institute for the Unification of Law. The celebration proved to
be homely, most friendly, and yet solemn at the same time, not only by
reason of the personalities attending but especially on account of the very
moving tributes of esteem, in the paying of which the orators vied with one
another, when they spoke either of the Rector Major himself or of the work
of the Salesian congregation.

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7. The first part of May saw the visits of yet other important
personages, notable amongst whom were His Eminence Cardinal
Cicognani, Secretary of State of His Holiness, His Eminence Cardinal
Aloysius Masella Cardinal Protector of our society, His Eminence
Cardinal Fernando Cento, Major Penitentiary and Mgr. Dell'Acqua,
Substitute for Ordinary Affairs to the Secretary of State.
The Honourable O. Scalfaro, a member of the Italian parliament, and a
friend of the Rector Major and of the Salesian work in general, said,
amongst other things, during a dinner speech to the members of the
Chapter: "Amongst all the things which you have accomplished during
the Chapter, the thing which so far has made the greatest impression upon
public opinion has been the retirement of Don Ziggiotti. This is a new
illustration o a most important lesson for the lives of many people, above
all in the Iife of the Church. We are all too accustomed to admire those
climbing up the rungs of the ladder, and here it is a case of underlining the
truth that a man is so much the nobler in descending that ladder with such
great dignity."
On Sunday 16th May, the Rector Major. accompanied by all the
members of the Chapter, went to bless the site of the future institute of
pedagogy of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, which will he
erected less than half a mile away from the buildings of the PAS.
During these days the themes under discussion were 'liturgical life
and piety', 'apostolate to youth', 'parishes' and `oratories'. The topic of the
past pupils was briefly touched upon, but the appropriate document was
not fully discussed, as certain negotiations and understandings with the
movement's organizers were not yet complete. The document on 'co-
operators' was approved by popular acclaim, without discussion, in
tribute to Fr. Ricceri, until recently Consultor for the cooperators.
There was discussed instead the document, the apostolate other than
youth work,'
On Friday the 21st May, all the members of the Chapter went to the
Vatican to he received in audience by the Pope. This was a day ea-;erly
awaited, a :f_iy of emotion and of enthusiasm, The Pope's speech to the
Chapter members will be found on page 295 but not included are certain
asides which the Pope inserted into the prepared text, phrases which
aroused the greatest enthusiasm amongst the hearers, as for example
: "And who is there who does not wish the

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Salesians well?"... "You do not lack courage. Indeed how could it be
possible for the sans of Don Bosco to be wanting in courage?..."
8. After May 20th, discussions began on the topic 'means of
social communication', the document varia was examined, and then, at
last, there came the document which was at once both the most eagerly-
awaited and the most far-reaching in its implications, namely,
'organization of the congregation'. The debate on this topic lasted until the
end of the month. When this was completed there began the examination
of the following documents : 'religious formation', 'houses of
formation', 'the Salesian coadjutor', 'the missions', 'the formation of
The rhythm of work was fast and constant, the whole day being taken
up with plenary sessions or commission meetings, these latter often
continuing into the night. In spite of this, no topic was any less intensely
examined when it came up for discussion.
On June 4th, His Eminence Cardinal Antoniutti, Prefect of the Sacred
Congregation of Religious, honoured the General Chapter with a visit, and
gave a most important discourse on the religious life, the full text of
which may be found on page 301.
9. June 8th saw the beginning of the examination of the document on the
revision of the Constitutions and Regulations. There were studied also
certain items from other documents which had been referred to the
commissions for revision. The document 'our religious life today' was
discussed and approved. This matter had not found a place as an
independent document during discussions prior to the General Chapter.
although it was a matter in which many confreres and provincial councils
had expressed lively interest. According to the wish of the Very Rev.
Rector Major, this document was sent out immediately as a message from
the Chapter to the whole congregation anticipating the official
promulgation of the capitular deliberations.
On the 9th June, the moderator of the Chapter read out a motion which
called on the Major Superiors to consider the possibility of introducing the
cause of beatification and canonization of the revered Fr. Peter Berruti, and
to recommend Salesians all over the world to imitate his virtuous life, and
invoke his powerful interces-

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son, that God might be glorified in this most faithful servant of His, This
motion was greeted by the assembly with enthusiastic applause.
During the course of the same meeting there was introduced
another motion, signed by 90 members of the General Chapter, which
requested the transference of the mother house from Turin to Rome.
Amidst applause, the Rector Major emphasized the convenience and
desirability of such a move, provided that the many technical factors
requiring study could all be worked into a satisfactory plan
On fune 10th, there was held the 64th and final plenary meeting of the
I9th GeneraI Chapter. In his closing discourse, the Rector Major
expressed his thanks, and bade the members farewell, in the words
which will be found elsewhere in this chronicle, together with the text of
his other speeches.
When the Rector Major had finished speaking, the moderator -
with the assent of the whale assembly - declared the 19th General
Chapter closed, and signed the official minutes of its proceedings.

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3. FR. JOHN ANTAL,Spiritual Director
4. FR. ROGER PILLA, Eco na mer
5. FR. ARCHIMEDES PIANAZZI, Consultor fo r Studies
6. FR. ERNEST GIOVANNINI, Con su lto r for S ch ools of Arts &
7. FR. G U Y BORRA, Consultor
8. FR. ALOYSIUs RICCERI, Consultor
10. FR. TIBURTIUS LUPO, Secretary
11. FR. ALOYSIUS CASTANO, Procurator
12. FR. ADAM CIESI,AR (Cracow, Poland) 13. FR. AUGUSTINE
14. FR. EMIL CORRALES (Zamora, Spain) 15. FR. EMMANUEL
16. FR. VINCENT GARNERO (Cordova, Argentine)
18. FR. ALOYSIUS RAMASSO (Buenos Aires, Argentine)
20. FR. PETER GARNERO (Sao PaOIO, Brazil) 21. FR. MARIUS
22. FR. ALFRED COGLIANDRO (Philippines)
24. FR. CAESAR ARACRI (Novara, Italy)

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26. FR. SECONDO DE BERNARDI (Central America)
28. FR. ALOYSIUS PILOTTO (Subalpina, Italy)
30. FR. JOSEPH GILIBERTI (Rector of Mother House)
31. FR. JOHN DAI.KMANN (Japan)
33. FR. AI.RER1 LopEz ( Mexico City Mexico)
37. FR. BARTHOLOMEW TOME ' (Venice, Italy)
39. FR. ALOYSIUS LE1NFELDER (Munich, Germany)
41. FR. PHILIP SALVERTI (La Plata, Argentine)
43. FR. FRANCIS LACONI (Middle East)
45. FR. BERNARD THRILL (San Francisco, United States)
47. FR. JOSEPH S'rRUS (Lodz, Poland)
51. FR. PETER CICCARELLI (Genoa, Italy)
53. FR. LOUIS ZANELLA (Verona, Italy)
55. FR. GERARD GR1ISPEERT (St. Peter, Belgium)
57. FR. PAUL. COENRAETS (St. Lambert, Belgium)

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59. FR. JOSEPH PEERLINC.K (Central Africa)
61. FR. ANTHONY MARRONE (Naples, Italy)
63. FR. ORESTES PAVIOTTI (Gauhati, India)
65. FR. ALOYStu5 GONZALEZ (Guadalajara. Mexico)
67. FR. MAXIMILIAN FRANCOY (Madrid, Spain)
69. FR. AuGi:S DINE BENITO (Cordova, Spain)
71. FR. ALOYSIUS VIOIANTE: (Bari, Italy)
73. FR. PErER PRADE (Belo I•Ioriz[Inle, Brazil)
75. FR. ALGUSTUS BOSIO (New Rochelle, United States)
77. FR. GERARD GRIES (Austria)
79. FR. A>_:Rr•.r_IUS PISC:IIEDDA (Cuenca, Ecuador)
80. FR. ALOYSIus CAR07.I.U
81. FR. EMIL HERNA NDEL (Bilbao, Spain)
83. MICHAEL GHIGO (Manaus, Brazil)
85. FR. MICHAEL DE PAOLIS ( Uruguay)
87. FR. ISAIAH OIEDA (Venezuela)
89. FR. JOHN TER SCHURE (Holland)

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93. F. CAJETAN SCRIVO (Rome, Italy)
95. FR. ELIO SCOTTI (Ancona, Italy)
97. FR. ALFRED BORTOLINI (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
99. FR. PETER JELLICI (Thailand)
101. FR. ALOYSIUS RODRIGUEZ (Bogota, Colombia)
103. FR. JOHN BRIZIO (Rosario, Argentine)
107. FR. CALOGERO CONTI (Catania, Italy)
109. MARIUS BASSI (Milan, Italy)
111. FR. JOSEPH ZAVATTARO (Centrale, Italy)
115. FR. GERARD CAMPOS (R ec ife, Bra zi l)
1I7. FR. LEONARD JACUZZI (Campo Grande, Brazil)
119. FR. JOHN GLOMBA (Bahia Blanca, Argentine)
121. FR. IDELFONSO GIL (Medellin, Colombia)

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123. FR. WALLACE CORNELL (Australia)
125. FR. EMIL PHALIPPOU (Lyons, France)
127. FR. RAYMOND Di.AS (Paris, France)
129. FR. ALOYSIUS DE FIORE (Madras, India)
131. FR. GEORGE WILLIAMS (Anglo-Irish)
133. FR. WILLIAM AINSWORTH (Delegate from South
134. FR. FRANCIS OLIVAN (Barcelona, Spain)
136. FR. JOSEPH CARBONELL (Valencia, Spain) x^
138. FR. AMBROSE DIAL (Seville, Spain)
139. FR. JOSEPH Ruiz OLMo
140. FR. WILLIAM DIEBOLD (Cologne, Germany)
142. FR. BENEDICT NUNES (Portugal)
144. FR. MARTIN JURCAK (Jugoslavia)
146. FR. HUMBERT SOLIS (Quito, Ecuador)
148. FR. MAURO CASAROTTI (Calcutta, India)
150. FR. JOSEPH GOTTARDI (Bolivia)

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First Commission: Structure of the Congregation.
Sub-commission A. General Chapter, Superior & Provincial Chapter
Fr. Caesar Aracri
Fr. Peter Garnero
Fr. Secondo De Bernardi
Fr. Thomas Hall
Fr. Michael De Paolis
Fr. Stanislaus Rokita
Fr. Aloysius Fiora
Fr. Clodoveo Tassinari
Sub-committee B. Provincial, Rector
Fr. !talo Martin
Fr. Emil Corrales
Fr. Orestes Paviotti
Fr. Augustine Dziedziel
Fr. Cajetan Scrivo
Fr. Aloysius Leinfelder
Fr. Decius Teixeira
Fr. Evaristo Marcoaldi
Fr. Paul Coenraets
Sub-commission C. Houses and Works
Fr. Marius Borgonovo
Fr. William Morazzani
Fr. J. Baptist Brizio
Fr. George Soli
Fr. Joseph Carbonell
Fr. John Ter Schure
Fr. Virginip Fistarol
Fr. Noysius Violante
Fr. Idel£onso Gil

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Second Commission: Apostolate of Youth.
Sub-Commission A. General Apostolate - Day and Boarding Schools. ,
Fr. Gerard Campos
Fr. Aloysius Massimino
Fr. Wallace Cornell
Fr. Pacifico Medina
Fr. Joseph Giliberti
Fr. Marius Quilici
Fr. Alexander Machuy
Fr. Nicholas Nannola
Fr. Joseph Manjil
Fr. Isaiah Ojeda
Fr. Hector Mariotto
Sub-commission B. Oratories, Parishes
Fr. Peter Ciccarelli
Fr. Gerard Grieb
Fr. Adam Cieslar
Fr. Martin Jurcak
Fr. Joseph Costanzo
Fr. Bartholomew Tome
Fr. Robert Croce
Fr. Aloysius Venzon
Fr. Rogelio Duarte
Fr. Marcellus Vinck
Fr. Rene Gaudillere
Third Commission: The Apostolate - other than Youth.
Sub-commision A. Means of Communication. Apostolate for different
groups. Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Various Points.
Fr. Jesus Calderon
Fr. George Nitsch
Fr. Raymond Deas
Fr. John Raineri
Fr. Ambrose Diaz
Fr. Aloysius Ramasso
Fr. Sante Garelli
Fr. Oscar Valenzuela
Fr. Hector Jaramillo

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Sub-commission B Co-operators. Past Pupils
Fr. Augustine Benito
Fr. Charles Cordero
Fr. Xavier De Bonis
Fr. Joseph Gonzales de Pino
Fr. Anthony Marrone
Fr. Nelson Pombo
Fr. Andrew Sanit
Fr. Humbert Solls
Fourth Commission: Coadjutors, Professional Schools.
Sub-commission A. Formation of Coadjutors
Fr. Augustus Bosio
Fr. Marius Picchi
Fr. Henry Delacroix
Fr. Aloysius Pilotto
Fr. Emmanuel De Lorenzo
Fr. Aurelius Pischedda
Fr. Joseph Gottardi
Fr. Philip Salvetti
Fr. Quirinus Muth
Fr. Joseph Strus
Fr. Julian Ocana
Sub-commission B. Professional Schools
Fr. Marius Bassi
Fr. Ivan Paltrinieri
Fr. Gerard Grijspeert
Fr. Aloysius Puyadena
Fr. Anthony Melida
Fr. Aloysius Rodriguez
Fr. Francis Olivan
Fr. Rosario Stroscio
Fifth Commission: Formation of Youth, Regulations for the

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One Commission only
Fr. Joseph Aubry
Fr. Mauro Casarotti
Fr. Hugh De Censi
Fr. Victor Giraudo
Fr. Emil Hernando
Fr, Alphonsus Martin
Fr. Peter Prade
Fr. Joseph Ruiz Olmo
Fr. Elio Scotti
Fr. George Williams
Fr. Louis Zanella
Sixth Commission: Salesian Formation.
Sub-commission A. Recruiting of Vocations
Fr. Aloysius Araujo
Fr. Mauro Rodriguez
Fr. Alfred Bortolini
Fr. Joseph Tyminski
Fr. Alfred Cogliandro
Fr. Joseph Zavattaro
Fr. William Diebold
Sub-commission B. Formation and the Vows
Fr. Ernest Alvarez
Fr. John Murphy
Fr. Amatore Anjos
Fr. Michael Obando
Fr. Peter Brocardo
Fr. Eugene Pennati
Fr. Vincent Garnero
Fr. Andrew Rubip
Fr. Aloysius Gonzalez
Fr. Isidore Segarra
Fr. Leonard Jacuzzi
Sub-commission C. Houses of Formation
Fr. Calogero Conti
Fr. Hermengil Murtas
Fr. Aloysius Di Fiore
Fr. Benedict Nunes
Fr. Aloysius Forero
Fr. Emil Phalippou
Fr. John Glomba
Fr. Roger Van Severen
Fr. Emil Hernandez
Fr. Nicholas Zubovic
Fr. Adolph L'Arco

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Seventh Commission: Constitutions & Regulations, Missions.
Sub-commission A. Constitutions and Regulations
Fr, Williarn Ainsworth
Fr, Robert Aramayo
Fr. Angelo Bianco
Fr. Maximilian Francoy
Fr. Francis Laconi
Fr, Albert Lopez
Fr, Francis Sanchez
Fr. Giles Viganb
Sub-commission B, Missions
Fr. Charles Braga
Fr. Remo Morra
Fr. Aloysius Carollo
Fr. Joseph Peerlinck
Fr. John Dalkmann
Fr. Vincent Scuderi
Fr. Michael Ghigo
Fr. Bernard Tahiti
Fr. Peter Jellici

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Introduction by the Rector Major. 1. The Salesian at the
of it all. -- 2. The Congregation at the turn of the road.
3. Rendering alive the principles and rules. 4.
Responsibility of superiors. - 5. Reorganization of our
Work. 6. Our activities need first things first. -- 7.
Go Forward!
The Structure of the Congregation. General Introduction.
Chapter 1. THE GENERAI. CHAPTER. Deliberations. 1. Differ
ence between norms and counsels. 2. The Rector
Magnificus of the Pontifical Salesian Athenaeum and the General
Chapter. - 3. Time and manner of the Elections.
4. Secrecy.
Chapter 2. THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER. Deliberations. 20
Chapter 3, THE SUPERIOR COUNCIL, Preliminary. Delib
erations: 1, General structure of the Superior Council. -
2. Duties of members of the Superior Council. - 3. Further
explanations concerning the Consultors in charge of groups
of Provinces. - 4. Acts of the Superior Council.

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Chapter 4, THE PROVINCES. Preliminary. Deliberations:
I. Size of Provinces. -- 2. Provincial Conferences. - 3. The
Provincial Council. --- 4. Provincial Delegates. _____ 5.
of experts . - 6. Particular considerations.
Chapter 5. THE HOUSES. Preliminary. Deliberations : 1. The
Rector. - 2. Preparation of Rectors and their
`aggiorna,nento', -- 3. The house Council. --- 4. The Prefect or
ViceRector. 5. The Catechist. - - 6. The Consultor of studies.
Prefect of studies. - 7. The President - Headmaster. ---- 8.
Coadjutors in the structure of the Congregation. - - 9 . Co-
responsibility and collaboration of all confreres of the
1. Qualifications of personnel and consolidation of works.
2. Programme for the re-drafting of our work. - 3.
Simplification of Houses which are too large. -- 4.
of works which are too small.
Appendix. Varia: 1. Clerical habit. - 2. Collections -
3. Reading at table for confreres. - 4. Reading for
the pupils. 5. Mortuary Letters. - 6. Smoking.
The Apostolate for Vocations. Deliberations.
Houses for Aspirants. Preliminary. - Orientation.
Formation of Personnel.
Chapter 1. THE NOVITIATE. Preliminary. Deliberations.
Proposals of the Commission. - - Recommendations.
ary. Deliberations.
Chapter 4. STUDENTATE OF THEOLOGY. Preliminary. -- Pro
posals of the Commission.
Chapter 5. THE PASTORAL COURSE. Preliminary. - Pro
posals of the Commission.

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The Salesian Coadjutor.
a) An essential part of the Salesian Society; h) The Coadjutor
answers need of Church; e) The position of the Coadjutor:
juridically, educationally, pastorally, doctrin -
ally. - Deliberations.
Chapter 3, THE FORMATION OF COADJUTORS. Its character
COURSEOFFORMATION1. The periods of form
ation. 2. Aspirantate. - 3. Novitiate. - 4. Post-novitiate
training. 5. Tirocinium. -- 6 Higher Qualification. - Study
referred to Provincial Conferences
Our Religious Life Today. Preliminary.
Chapter 1. Necessity of a more personal convnatment.
Principles. -- Deliberations.
Chapter 2, Discovery of fresh riches in our Religious Life. Principles,
Value for the individual person -- Value for the community -
Value for the apostolate. Summary. Deliberations.
Chapter 3. Study of some aspects of our Poverty. Principles.
Chapter 4. Study of some aspects of our Chastity. Principles.
Chapter 5. Study of some aspects of our Obedience. Prin
ciples. - Deliberations.
Chapter 6. Study of some aspects of our Community Life.
Principles. - Deliberations.
Chapter 7. Conclusion -- Unity and Fidelity. Principles.
Deliberations. Recommendations.

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Liturgical Life and the Life of Piety. Preliminary. Deliberations.
Special practices for the Houses of Formation.
Spiritual Directions of the Confreres. Principles. 1. The Salesian
Rector a) Superior of the House; b) Prefect or Magister Spiritus
for all those in formation; c) Spiritual father or director of
conscience for confreres. Elements of doctrinal justification a) in
foro externo; bl in faro interno.
Youth Apostolate.
Chapter 1, General Observations. Resolutions.
Chapter 2. Schools. Preliminary. Deliberations, -Board
ingschools. Preliminary. -- Deliberations. -- - Semi-Board
ingand Day schools. --- Preliminary.
Chapter 3. Hostels. Preliminary. -- Deliberations.
Professional Schools.
Chapter 1. The care for the young worker in the light of
the life of St. John Bosco_ the teaching of the Church, and the
needs of the modern world. The Oratory. Hostels for young
workers. Christian and technical preparation for life. The Church,
upholder of the people and the worker. The present-day education
of the worker.
Chapter 2. The education of the young worker in the Salesian
Society today. The Salesian education of the worker and the
demands of contemporary society Problems of adaptation to
the times and peoples. New Trades. Vast and complex works.
Opening of new schools, --- Norms put forward confined to
general principles. -- Statistical services. - Preparation of
confreres, clerical and lay. - Rules for non-Salesian lay staff. -
Suggestions relating to pedagogy and didactics: a) Service for
Scholastic and Vocational Guidance: b) International study of
Industrial Methodology for the learning of a trade; ci Further
Education of the Young Worker. Utilisation of the available

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Chapter 3. Proposed Deliberations. Commission for the education
of the young worker, -- Pedagogical and didactic aims. - The
Principal - The President -- The Head of Department.
Administrative tasks. Outline of the head of Department and
his functions. The Coordinator. - Conclusion.
Parishes and Oratories.
Chapter 1. Parishes. Preliminary. Deliberations.
Chapter 2. Oratories (Youth Centres). Preliminary. - clarification
limitation: Reason for this a) Causes in the sociological order
(external); b) Internal causes.
Other Forms of Social Apostolate.
Chapter 1. General Norms. Preliminary. - Deliberations.
Chapter 2. Catechizing Adults. Preliminary. - Deliber
ations. Recommendations.
Chapter 3. The Family Apostolate. Preliminary.
liberations. Recommendations.
Chapter 4. The Apostolate to Non-Salesian Teachers. Preliminary.
Deliberations. 149
Chapter 5. The Apostolate to the Workers. Preliminary.
Deliberations. Recommendations.
Salesian Co-operators. Preliminary.
Orientation. 1. Understanding and Sutdy. - 2. Personnel.
3. Organization in every house. The goal of our educative work.
-- The people best qualified to become Co-operators.
The title of the Union.
The Past Pupils. Preliminary.
The special end and activity of the movement. - Organization
of the movement.

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Assistance to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
Declarations. Recommendations.
Retreat Houses. Preliminary. Deliberations.
Meansof Social Communication. Preliminary.
Chapter 1. For the means of social communication in general.
Chapter 2, The indiridual means of social communication.
The Press; Theatre and Cinema; Radio and Television.
The Missions. Preliminary. Deliberations. Orientation,
The Formation of the Young.
Chapter 1. Some guiding principles for our mission as educators
today. The aims of Salesian Education. - The characteristics and needs of
modern youth. Understanding and respecting the young - A keen
sense of liberty. -- A keen social sense. -- A keen sense of belonging
to the modern world, -- The presence of sin and symptoms of
weakness, Appropriate action. The position and tasks of the
Salesian educator, The Salesians. Non-Salesian helpers.
The Church,
Chapter 2. Catechetics.
Chapter 3. Piety and the Liturgical life. 1. Daily Mass.
2. Days of Obligation. - 3. Daily Prayers. 4. Monthly day of
Recollection. - -- 5. Retreats, - 6 . T h e Li t u r g i c a l Commission. 188
Chapter 4. The spiritual direction of the young.
Chapter 5. Education for love and purity. General lines to
he followed in educating to Christian Love. Directives for the guidance
of the young: a) Education of the affections;
h) Education for purity.
Chapter 6. Free time and the Holidays.

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Chapter 7. Salesian Associations for youth and the apostolate of the laity.
Chapter 8. Centres and aids for formation.
Regulations for the General Chapter. Presentation. 202 Chapter 1. The
General Chapter and its convocation. 203 Chapter 2. Members of the
General Chapter. 205 Chapter 3. Opening of the General Chapter. 206
Chapter 4. Norms for the discussions.
Chapter 5. The elections that take place at the General Chapter. 211
Chapter 6. The closing of the General Chapter.
Modifications to the Constitutions.
1. Definitive substantial modifications.
2. Modifications "ad experimentum".
3. Emendations or Juridical Aggiornamento.
4. Purely formal emendations.
232 i.
Note - concerning proposals not approved by Sacred
Regulations of the Salesian Society. Modifications.
1. Discourse of the Rector Major to His Holiness Pope Paul
VI. during the Audience given to the members of the 19th General
2.The discourse of His Holiness Pope Paul VI to the members
of the 19th General Chapter of the Society of St. Francis
of Sales.

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3.Address of His Eminence Cardinal Antoniutti, Prefect of
the S.C. of Religious - to members of the Salesian General Chapter.
4.Some Messages of encouragement received by the 19th General
5.Interventions of the Superior General at the 19th General Chapter
1. The election of the Superior General. 2. Exhortation to members
of the Chapter. 3. Structures.4. The Provincial Council. -- 5. Re-
shaping of our work. -6. Aspirantates. -- 7. Coadjutors. -- 8.
Meditation. -- 9. Quarterly Retreat. 10. Spiritual E.cercises. 11.
Spiritual Direction. - 12. Reading at table. --- 13. Smoking. 14.
Formation of Youth. 15.Schools, 16. Professional School 17. Day
schools and semi-hoarding schools. 18, Hostels. 19. Parishes. - - -20.
Oratories. 21. Apostolate apart from Youth. -- 22, Co-operators. 23.
Auxiliaries of Don Bosco. - 24. Dedicated laymen. 25.Instruments of
social communication. -- 26. Daily Mass.27. Various Matters. 28.
Concluding discourse.
6, Message from the members of the 19th General Chapter to
all Members of the Salesian Congregation.
7. Chronicle of the 19th General Chapter.
8. List of members of the 19th General Chapter.
9.Commissions and sub-commissions of the 19th General Chapter. 360