1 ENG Lettera Regolatore per SdL

1 ENG Lettera Regolatore per SdL

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Rome, October 31, 2024
Prot. 24/R/118
Dear Confreres,
It is with deep gratitude and a sense of responsibility that I present you with the Working
Document for the upcoming General Chapter 29. This document represents the
culmination of a discernment process that has involved the entire Salesian Congregation,
showing our collective dedication to the mission and charism of Don Bosco.
During the preparation of this Document, the Pre-Chapter Commission worked with
great care, remaining faithful to the material received from the Provinces and respecting
the methodology established over time. The goal was to structure the text in such a way
as to facilitate the reading and in-depth study of the issues, always keeping in mind the
main theme of GC29: “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people”.
Our working method
The working method adopted by the Pre-Chapter Commission was developed through
three well-defined phases: an in-depth personal reading of the documents received, a
synthesis in language groups, and a final harmonisation in the plenary assembly. Initially,
we followed the traditional method, but during our work we understood the need to adopt
a more integrated approach. This allowed us to develop interpretations and choices
together, making the process of discernment more fluid and shared.
Integration of Juridical and Charismatic Issues
One of the most significant aspects of the work carried out was the harmonious integration
of issues related to the third core area and juridical issues in the body of the text,
without relegating them to simple appendices. Starting from the 324 documents received,
we built up a coherent document, also inserting the 15 sheets (forms) prepared by the
Juridical Commission, based mainly on the contributions of the Provincial Chapters.

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This integration allowed us, and will also allow the Chapter Assembly, to deal with the
issues of the organisation and functioning of our Congregation in a comprehensive and
in-depth way.
In accordance with the Regulations that will be approved by the Chapter Assembly at the
beginning of the General Chapter, there will also be the possibility to address other topics
among those received in the course of the work. However, the topics involved in the
first three core areas, together with issues of a juridical nature – which also have
relevant pastoral implications – will take priority in Chapter discussion. Only afterwards,
according to the order established by the Assembly, will any further proposals or
questions be considered. This priority criterion, already outlined in the introduction to
the Working Document, underlines the importance and urgency of these topics for the life
of the Congregation.
Supplementary Materials
In addition to this Working Document, a wide range of additional materials will be available
during GC29. These include the files relating to the 92 Provincial Chapters, valuable
contributions from both groups and individual confreres, and the in-depth material
prepared by the Juridical Commission. The latter includes, among other things, the Holy
Father’s Rescriptum on the figure of the lay superior, with the related reflections of the
Congregation on this issue. In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the
charismatic reflection attached to this GC29 Working Document.
It is a reflection, based on our rich Salesian tradition, highlighting the fact that the figure
of the Salesian priest superior is an integral part of our spiritual heritage. This is no
mere canonical or sociological issue, but a charismatic one rooted in Don Bosco’s vision.
I therefore invite you to read this document carefully, as it emphasises that the priestly
character of the Superior is central to the Salesian Society tradition. All this material will
be accessible in the appropriate folders, offering a comprehensive resource for Chapter
A Chapter for All and Prophetic Freshness
I recognise that some of you may find the language and certain perspectives of the
Working Document closer to a Western view. This partly reflects the nature of the
contributions received, but I want to assure you that GC29, like previous Chapters, will
be a Chapter of and for all. I invite you, therefore, to maintain a worldwide perspective
and to consider the issues in the light of our passion for Christ and for young people.

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GC29 will be a moment of particular importance for our congregation. I encourage each
of you to prepare carefully and, with openness of heart, to discern a prophetic freshness
for our time. Let us not limit ourselves to mere exhortations, but go further, sincerely
seeking God’s will in the light of the three core areas. This will really mean being
passionate, and sons of a holy dreamer and prophet.
Conclusion and Acknowledgements
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the Juridical Commission
and the Pre-Chapter Commission for their tireless efforts.
Special thanks go to Fr Stefano Vanoli, Fr Luca Barone, Fr Andrea Bozzolo and Fr
Francesco Marcoccio, for their dedicated contribution to the drafting and revision of this
I invite a careful reading of this Working Document to continue the common reflection in
the months leading up to the General Chapter. Together with the Secretariat, I remain
available for further exchanges of ideas and insights as we approach this important event.
May the Holy Spirit accompany us along this path of discernment and renewal and may
Mary Help of Christians watch over our Chapter work with love.
With fraternal affection in Don Bosco,