Guideline 8: Our witness as the first vocational invitation.
Let each community:
Open its house to the young, especially those who are discerning their vocation, inviting them to share in key moments of community life.
Support confreres in their maturing years, helping them especially in moments of difficulty.
Carry out a scrutinium each year on its witness of life.
Involve young people in occasions of prayer for vocations.
Guideline 9: Apostolic vocations.
Let each community:
Draw up a proposal for vocation ministry which is appropriate for the context, working with the educative and pastoral community and the Salesian Family, bearing in mind the decisions of the local Church and ensuring adequate financial resources.
See to a ministry to families which uses encounters, reflection and prayer, so that parents may be open to their children’s vocation.
Avail of the apostolic and vocational resources found in the groups, voluntary work and missionary animation.
Make use of the opportunities the liturgical year offers for vocation ministry.
Present the idea of the Salesian Co-operator ion a convincing way, as an invitation to the lay apostolic vocation.
Guideline 10: Accompaniment of candidates to the Salesian consecrated life.
Let each community:
Organize vocational groups and gatherings which have a process of discernment and accompaniment.
Invite well-disposed young people to be part of the projects at Province level regarding vocation discernment for Salesian consecrated life.
Make good use of feast days and regular celebrations of our Saints and anniversaries of profession and ordinations as opportunities for vocation ministry.
Encourage sharing of experiences on ways to accompany young people on the vocational journey.
Guideline 11: The two forms of the Salesian consecrated vision.
Let each community:
Accompany ordained confreres in highlighting their priestly ministry through our educative charism, giving preference to pastoral activities which are aimed directly at the young.
Encourage the presence of Brothers among young people in educative and pastoral roles and not just as organizers and administrators.
Make known the Salesian Brother vocation, by presenting the more significant models of this vocation.