CG26|en|GC26 First module: "Let each community...."


Guideline 1: Return to Don Bosco

Let each community:

  • Make reference to the Constitutions in daily life: use them regularly in community meetings, especially at times of discernment; choose appropriate moments for reading and commenting on them; offer occasions for the review of life.

  • Practise lectio divina with Salesian sensitivity, eg by making reference to texts belonging to our tradition and the situation of those for whom we work.

  • Include specific occasions within the community plan for the formation and updating in Salesianity of confreres as well as of lay people who share responsibility for the mission.

  • Update the Salesian section in the House library.

Guideline 2: Return to the young.

Let each community:

  • Renew its understanding and practice of Salesian assistance by involving lay people who share the responsibility.

  • Plan some formation meetings as part of the annual programme, which have a thorough study of the youth situation as a topic.

  • Welcome young people both for occasions of sharing our life and for meetings which reflect on their situation.

  • Plan initiatives for going out to meet the young where they live their lives.

Guideline 3: Charismatic identity and apostolic passion.

Let each community:

  • Organize its daily rhythms of life in such a way as to enable each confrere to take part in community occasions as well as be truly present among the young.

  • Care the for quality of community prayer and liturgical celebrations.

  • Highlight Salesian feasts as occasions for the community formation and transmission of the charism.

  • Value the service that the Rector, as first in order of responsibility for formation, exercises through the Good Night, conferences, the personal talk and fraternal animation.