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The formation section of the Provincial Directory1 |
Appendix n. 1
The formation section of the Provincial Directory
Appendix n. 2
The Provincial Formation Plan
Appendix n. 3
Guidelines for the organization of studies
Appendix . 4
Church and Salesian documents on Formation
*The appendices provide
the contents of the formation section of the Provincial Directory required by the Ratio,
the main suggestions regarding the Provincial Formation Plan,
guidelines for the organization of studies,
some important Church and Salesian documents concerning formation.
1.The nature of the Directory
Art. 87 of the General Regulations states:
566 “At world level the practical guide for formation will be the Salesian Ratio fundamentalis Institutionis Studiorum, and at provincial level a directory approved by the Rector Major with the consent of his council.
The “Ratio” sets out in an organic and instructive way the complexus of principles and norms concerning formation which are found in the Constitutions, general Regulations and other documents of the Church and of the Congregation.
The provincial directory applies the principles and norms of Salesian formation to the concrete local situations.” (R 87)
1.2 “It is the duty of the provincial community, through the various organs of animation and government, to lay down the method of formation according to the needs of its own cultural context and in conformity with the directives of the Church and the Congregation.” (C 101)
It is the responsibility of the provincial chapter “to formulate and revise the provincial directory in matters left to be decided at provincial level.” (C 171.4)
1.3 Those decisions of the chapter regarding formation which have a fixed normative force so as to be included in what could be described as the particular law of the province form part of the directory. The difference that there is between what has the character of law that is well defined and approved, and the suggestions for the process and procedures that the province wishes to follow, but which of their nature do not have the character of a fixed juridical norm, should be kept in mind.
1.4 The provincial directory is not the same as the Provincial Formation Plan. In fact, the directory, on account of its juridical nature, the way it is drawn up, the approval it receives, and the degree of stability in its provisions, cannot provide the type of working flexibility suited to other levels of planning. (cfr ISM 366).
The directory provides a normative framework for drawing up of Provincial Formation Plan (FSDB 24).
2. The contents of the Directory
567 The formation section of the directory, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ratio and responding to what the actual situation in the province requires fulfils the following functions.
As regards the formation process.
I To provide the norms considered appropriate for the Provincial Formation Plan. To set out the criteria and the basic practical choices which ought to guide and characterize the arrangements for formation (FSDB24)
II To determine by means of what kind of service “that is mindful of the different situations, reflects, plans and evaluates” the province will ensure that “formation is carried out in an organic, systematic and coordinated manner”: the Provincial with his council, the Provincial Commission for Formation, or some other body (FSDB 22).
III To propose the criteria regarding the composition of the Provincial Commission for Formation, the main tasks of the Provincial Delegate and of the Commission, the kinds of link with the Provincial and his council and with the other provincial delegates and animators (FSDB 247).
IV To determine the arrangements to ensure the unity and continuity of the process of initial formation (FSDB 280, 281, 314, 315, 317).
V To propose the criteria to ensure the continuous flow of information regarding the situation of confreres in initial formation, especially on the occasions of their passing from one stage or community to another, for the termly assessments, for the conservation of documentation, for the involvement of the community in expressing an opinion regarding the admissions (FSDB 296, 298).
VI To indicate the nature of the collaboration and co-responsibility at interprovincial level in the area of initial and ongoing formation, in particular with regard to interprovincial communities and study centres (FSDB 146, 171, 173, 230, 246, 248, 286, 300, 418, 458, 509, 514, 548, 558).
VII To propose guidelines for contacts with families especially during initial formation (FSDB 74).
Pastoral activities
568 VIII To propose the criteria for the arrangement of a programme of pastoral activities during initial formation (FSDB 202-204).
Intellectual formation
IX To establish the basic guidelines regarding studies during initial formation and for the choice of study centres and their organization bearing in mind the norms of the Congregation, the requirements of the mission and the provincial context (FSDB 157, 179-180).
X To indicate the conditions to ensure the quality of the Salesian study centres, the soundness and continuing stability of the teams (FSDB 170).
Salesian studies
XI To lay down the general provisions for the study of “Salesianity” during initial formation required by the Ratio.
To decide on the means necessary for the knowledge, the study and the teaching of “Salesianity” and for a “Salesianity library” sufficiently complete and uptodate (FSDB 51).
Qualification and specialization
XII To indicate the choices and the methods to be used for the qualification and specialization of confreres and for the drawing up of the provincial Plan for qualification. (FSDB 158, 285)
To establish the criteria regarding other studies to be undertaken during initial formation other than those of the general curriculum, for example university studies, and the formation conditions to be guaranteed (FSDB 181-184).
Ongoing formation
XIII To indicate the criteria for the Provincial Plan for ongoing formation to be included in the Provincial Formation Plan indicating decisions, criteria in the different areas, for the different groups, for different categories (e.g. Rectors, those doing the quinquennium, SDB and laypeople together, members of the Salesian Family etc.) FSDB 556).
2.2 With regard to the stages of formation in particular.
569 XIV To decide on the ways the immediate preparation for the novitiate is to take place, and to establish the criteria and basic form of intellectual formation in this stage (FSDB 348-350, 353).
XV To make decisions regarding the medical and psychological examinations required by the Ratio before or during the prenovitiate (FSDB 351).
XVI To determine the procedures for admission to the prenovitiate (FSDB 351).
XVII To establish the choices of the province regarding the novitiate: its location, the community, the formation team, the studies, pastoral experiences, the way of celebrating first professions (FSDB 358, 365, 367, 374, 375, 378, 382, 383, 391).
XVIII To provide norms regarding the period immediately after the novitiate: location, community, duration, and pastoral experiences (FSDB 412-422).
XIX To specify the arrangements regarding the programme of studies in the postnovitiate, indicating particularly how their special Salesian pedagogical and philosophical character is to be ensured above all if a non-Salesian study centre is being attended (FSDB 423-427).
XX To make sure that there is a formation curriculum for Salesian brothers that is serious but flexible and adaptable both to the specific nature of the different roles and to the concrete possibilities of the candidates which takes account of the many varied ways it is possible to live the consecrated lay state in the Congregation (FSDB 322, 424-425).
Practical Training
570 XXI To make recommendations to ensure the formation aspects of the period of practical training at local and provincial level; the kind of community, guidance, provincial initiatives, support material, assessments (FSDB chapter 9).
Specific formation
XXII To determine the way the specific formation of the Salesian brother is to be carried out and his professional formation guaranteed (FSDB 480).
XXIII To indicate the provincial decisions regarding the specific formation of the Salesian priest: the form of the declaration of intention prior to beginning theological formation, the community, study centre, studies of Salesianity, apostolic experiences (FSDB chapter 10).
Perpetual profession
XXIV To provide the criteria, the choices and the conditions for the drawing up of a programme of preparation for perpetual profession (FSDB 513). To specify the particular way the candidate should express his intention of beginning to prepare for perpetual profession (FSDB 515).
3. Evaluation of the formation section of the Provincial Directory.
571 To indicate the manner and the frequency of the evaluation of the application of the directory.
“Let every Province evaluate on a regular basis – normally through the Provincial Commission for Formation, or if considered opportune, in line with its proper function, through the Provincial Chapter – the practical implementation of the formation section of the Provincial Directory. This information will be sent by the Provincial to the Councillor for Formation.” (FSDB 23).
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1 The Provincial Formation Plan1 |
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2 Church and Salesian documents on formation |
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3 * General Chapters |
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4 * Rector Majors |
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5 Egidio Viganò |
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6 Juan Edmundo Vecchi |
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7 * Documents for reference |
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