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1.1 Future matters for vocations1

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  • 9 May 1879

    A huge long battle between our boys and all kinds of other warriors, various kinds with strange weapons. At the end few survived.

    Another more intense and horrible battle took place between gigantic monsters and well-armed, well-practised very tall men. They carried a very high, broad standard at the centre of which, written in gold, were these words: Maria Auxilium Christianorum. The battle was long and bloody. It was as if those following the standard were invulnerable and they remained masters of the huge plain. They were joined by the youngsters who had survived the previous battle and together they made up a kind of army, each with a crucifix in his right had as a weapon, and in his left a small standard of Mary Help of Christians, modelled on the one above.

    The new soldiers held many manoeuvres on that vast plain, then they split up and left, some to the West, others to the East, a few to the North, many to the South.

    Once they had gone the same battles reoccurred, the same manoeuvres and same departures in the same directions.

    I knew many of them from the earlier scuffles; the ones that followed were unknown to me but they let me know that they knew me and they asked me many questions.

    Then a shower of bright flames came down; it looked like fire of many colours. There was thunder then the sky cleared and I found myself in a lovely garden. A man who looked like St Francis de Sales offered me a book, without saying anything. I asked him who he was. “Read the book”, he answered. I opened the book but it was difficult to read. However I managed to identify these precise words:

    For the novices: Obedience and diligence in everything. By their obedience they will deserve the Lord's blessings and the good will of men. By their diligence they will combat and conquer the snares of spiritual enemies.

    For the professed: Jealously safeguard the virtue of chastity. Love the good name of the confreres and promote the dignity of the Congregation.

    For the Rectors: Every care, every effort to observe the Rule and see that the Rule by which everyone is consecrated to God is observed.

    For the Superior: Total offering of himself to see that he wins both himself and his subejcts over to God.

    Many other things were printed in the book, but I couldnìte read them because the paper seemed as blue as the ink.

    Who are you? I asked the man again as he stood there calmly looking at me.

    My name is known to all the good, and I have been sent to tell you some things about the future.

    What things?

    those written down and others you will ask me about.

    Walt should I do to promote vocations?

    The Salesians will have many vocations through their exemplary conduct, by treating their pupils with the greatest charity and insisting on frequent Communion.

    What should be observed in accepting novices?

    Exclude the lazy and the greedy.

    And accepting for vows? — See that they have a guarantee of being chaste.

    How do we best preserve a good spirit in our houses?

    Write, visit, receive and deal with people kindly, and very often in the case of the first superiors.

    How should we go about the missions?

    Send individuals who morality is secure; call back anyone who give you cause for serious doubts; work at and cultivate indigenous vocations.

    Is our Congregation going well?

    Qui iustus est, iustificetur adhuc; Non progredi est regredi: Qui perseveraverit salvus erit.2

    Will it expand much?

    As long as the superiors do their part it will grow and no one will be able to stop it from spreading.

    Will it last a long time?

    the Congregation will last so long as its members love work and temperance. If one of these two pillars is missing your building will collapse around your superiors and inferiors and their followers.

    Just then four individuals appeared carrying a bier and walking towards me.

    What is this for? I said

    For you.


    Don't ask, just remember that you are mortal.

    What do you want to signify by this coffin?

    That you must practise in life what you want your sons to practise after you. This is the legacy, the testament you must leave your sons; but you must prepare it and leave it well accomplished and practised.

    Will flowers or thorns dominate?

    There will be many roses, many consolations but some very prickly thorns are imminent and they will and they will bring much bitterness and sorrow. You need to pray a lot.

    Should we go to Rome?

    Yes, but slowly, with the greatest prudence and exquisite caution.

    Is the end of my mortal life imminent?

    Don't worry about this. You have the Rule, books, do what you teach others to do. Be vigilant.

    I wanted to ask other questions, but there was a thunderstorm and lightning, and some men, or I should really say terrible monsters were rushing towards me to tear me to pieces. Just then everything went dark and I could see nothing. I thought I was dead and I began shouting out wildly. I awoke and found myself still alive. It was a quarter to five in the morning.

    If there is something there that could be to your advantage, take it.

    In everything, honour and glory to God forever and ever.

    1 Original by Don Bosco, published in C. Romero, I sogni di Don Bosco. Edizione critica, Leumann (Torino), Elle Di Ci 1978, pp. 51-57 (cf MB XIV, 123-125).

    2 Let those who are holy continue to be holy (Rv 22:11). Not progressing means going backwards. The one who stands firm till the end will be saved (cf Mt 24:13).