Rua novena

2009 Novena

In preparation for the feast of Bl Michael Rua

20th October - Tuesday

  • For the growth of our vice-province

Reading: (See attached sheet)

Intercession: Let us pray...

Lord, help us find new ways of involving young people and adults, parents and educators, in the mission of the Salesian Family, so that the charism of Don Bosco might become a vibrant experience of communion in our vice-province. Amen

Daily prayer:

God our Father, we thank you for raising up Don Rua

to be the worthy and faithful successor of Don Bosco,

a zealous priest and a wise educator.

In him we have an icon on whom to model ourselves

on the path to holiness traced out in our Constitutions,

and in daily and humble service of poor young people.

Through Blessed Michael Rua’s intercession,

grant us the graces we pray for with trusting hearts. Amen.

21st October - Wednesday

  • For vocations to the Salesian Family in Southern Africa

Reading: (See attached sheet)

Let us pray...

Lord, may we experience a revival in our family and missionary spirit, so that our communities may attract vocations and be centres of communion and animation for all who share with us Don Bosco’s spirit and dream. Amen.

(Daily Prayer – see above)

22nd October - Thursday

  • For our lay-collaborators and benefactors

Let us pray...

Lord, as we undertake the work of Don Bosco in obedience to your Holy Spirit, may it bring lay people and ourselves into closer communion and sharing in the spirit and mission of the Salesian family. Amen.

23rd October - Friday

  • For our seven communities in AFM

Let us pray...

Father, you have called us to live in community and have given us brothers to love. Make effective amongst us the sacred bonds which bind us together and to you, so that we may grow every day in our commitment to live communion. Thus, may we be united heart and soul in loving and serving you, and so sustain each other in Christ our Lord. Amen.

24th October - Saturday

  • For the families of AFM confreres

Let us pray...

Lord, we pray for the parents and brothers and sisters of each of our confreres who remains part of the fabric of our lives. Bless them and protect them from harm and danger. Amen.

25th October - Sunday

  • For the major projects in our care AFM

Let us pray...

Lord, grant that each of our projects may be a useful response to the real needs of the young. Never allow us to forget that out primary aim is to bring young people to Christ. Thus, may our initiatives help the young to grow into good Christians and honest citizens. Amen.

26th October - Monday

  • For fidelity, passion and zeal in living our Salesian vocation

Let us pray...

Lord, as we reflect on how we can become ever clearer signs and bearers of your love for young people, make us people of faith, sensitive to the needs of poor youth, especially in this locality, and ready to work with courageous obedience as Don Bosco and Michael Rua did. Amen.

27th October - Tuesday

  • For all the young people of Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland

Let us pray...

Lord, we pray for all the young people of our countries, that they may be generous and honest, committed to their faith, and ready to make the sacrifices required for the world a better place. Amen.

28th October - Wednesday

  • For the whole Salesian Family in the region of Africa.

Let us pray...

Lord, as we study the signs of the times in the light of your Word, grant us your wisdom so that our search for God's will may lead us to renewal of heart and unity of purpose, together with all the members of the Salesian family. Amen.

29th October – Thursday: Happy Feastday!

Blessed Michael Rua – Pray for us!