828 GIA Death of Fr Ishikawa - biblicist
austraLasia 828
Japanese biblicist and Salesian priest returns to the House of the Father
TOKYO: 17th April '04 -- Fr. Kosuke (Joseph) Ishikawa of the Japanese Province, passed to his eternal reward on Thursday morning 15th April after a lifetime dedicated to education and especially to the Word of God.  Fr. Ishikawa was, until his recent long illness, a regular feature at Biblical seminars and congresses held in Tokyo where the Jesuit Sophia University, the Franciscan and Diocesan seminaries are to be found.  He was also a prominent member of the team which has worked on the official translation of the Bible into Japanese.
Fr. Ishikawa was born in Tokyo and baptised in his teenage years while he attended the Salesian school at Kodaira.  From there he joined the aspirantate at Miyazaki and continued on with his initial formation at Chofu.  Brilliant and known for his skill in Latin and Italian, he was often called upon by Italian missionaries from Saturday farm work to help them translate their Sunday homilies.  Fr. Ishikawa studied in Rome at both the PAS (later the UPS) and the Biblicum.
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