austraLasia #3407
'Thanks - and reconnecting'
New deacons
Other news
ROME: 29 March 2014 -- With elections out of the way,
there might be a temptation to think well, that's about it -
it's all downhill from here on.
It doesn't work that way! GC27 was only partly about
elections. What it is really about is "to discern God's will
at a specific moment in history for the purpose of rending
the Church better service" (C. 141) and while elections are
part of that, the job is not yet (and will never be!)
finished. So, on it goes and back to work on the main
Meanwhile ....
- The new/old regional, Fr Klement wishes to give thanks to
Fr Andy Wong and look to reconnecting.
- Life moves on in our Provinces: new deacons in the
Philippines but for more than just the Philippines
- Other news: a papal visit; consecrated life appointments.
Thanks - and reconnecting: a
letter from our Regional, Fr Klement
Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends,
As you know already, last Friday the Lord asked me to take over
again (after 6 years) the role of General Councillor for the East
Asia - Oceania Region, through the GC27 elections, although there
are still two more weeks before the end of the General Chapter.
Indeed it was a new and unexpected call, which I accept only with
deep trust in the power of the Holy Spirit (C1). After travelling
around more than 90 countries in the past 6 years I'm glad to
recover old friendships and 'return' to familiar provinces of the
EAO Region. Only the MYM becomes the place to explore for the first
I am very grateful for the sacrificing and dedicated service of my
predecessor Fr Andrew Wong (2008-2014) as the second EAO Regional
Councilor. Being an experienced Provincial, formator and missionary,
for the past 6 years by his witness of life he was able to
consolidate especially the primacy of God in our beloved Region.
During his term the EAO region grew in number of Salesians and
works, became the major missionary sending Region of the whole
Congregation and in almost all sectors of the Salesian mission.
Today I would like to ask you: (1) Pray for the GC27 EAO members
over these last two weeks that we might be able to get clearer
inspiration on how to share our path towards a Radical Witness to
the Gospel in our provinces starting from April 13, day 1 after the
Chapter, and (2) Share any good ideas and experiences of how to
animate the EAO region with greater wisdom. Please, don't hesitate
to share any suggestion as soon as possible by email. Now is the
time to think of the 6 year plan...
Finally I'm entrusting all of you to the motherly care
of Mary, Help of Christians and all Salesian Saints of our Region,
especially the two Holy Martyrs, Sts. Louis Versiglia and Callistus
Yours in Don Bosco,

Fr Václav Klement, sdb
New deacons ordained for the
MANILA (Paranaque): 30 March 2013 -- FIN, Seminaryo ng
Don Bosco, Paranaque City – Right in the middle of our Lenten
journey, six deacons were ordained in a solemn ceremony on 29
March, in the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians in
Better Living Paranaque City by Bishop Pat Buzon, Bishop of
The following are our newly ordained deacons:
FIN (Philippines
Rev. Michael Angelo Hernandez, SDB
ITM-INA (Timor and
Rev. Silverius Andang Kencana Aji, SDB
Rev. Ambrosio Lucas Da Silva, SDB
Rev. Jacinto Tadeo Gusmao, SDB
VIE-MONG (Vietname
and Mongolia)
Rev. Mario Gaspar Dos Santos, SDB
Our new deacons took up the Scriptural theme “Mary treasured
all these words and pondered them in her heart,” taken
from Luke 2:19, as they manifest their desire to take Mary as
their teacher in carrying out their ministry for it is in this
verse that Luke portrayed Mary in his Gospel “as a model of
prayer, of faith and of being in the service of the
Word” as Rev. Gene profoundly shared in his gratitude
speech on behalf of his group.
Bishop Buzon, the ordaining prelate, is himself a Salesian,
having been the provincial superior of the neighboring
Southern Philippine Province (FIS) before being named as a
bishop to his current diocese for over a decade now.
In his homily, Bishop Pat reminded the newly ordained that
their “first ministry of the Word starts with listening.” He
cited that the first homily of the new Rector Major, Fr. Angel
Artime, zeroed in on this point. He also emphasized that “the
ministry of proclaiming the Word is ultimately a
ministry of witnessing.”
Fr. Danny Torres, SDB and Fr. Henry Bonetti, SDB vice
provincial of FIN and Rector of Parañaque respectively,
concelebrated along with other confreres who came for the
Other news
The Chapter continues (more about that next time around), but
on Monday makes a visit to Pope Francis. The RM has prepared
his address - it would hardly be appropriate to publish it
ahead of time! So that too, next time around.
And while still on 'papal' matters, who noticed the recent
appointments to the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated
Life and Societies of Apostolic life? Two of them are
easily understandable, since they are Salesian religious - the
other one must mean that there is also a cost to consecrated
life - which we all know, but I mean a 'financial' cost as
well :-):
New members of the above
Institute now include:
Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga SDB
Archbishop Luc Van Looy SDB
Cardinal George Pell (formerly of Sydney, now Prefect of the
Secretariat for Finance).
Also from our region is the Archbishop of Osaka, Leo Jun
Ikenaga. Interssting to see that Luc is the only Bishop in the
group. The rest are all cardinals and arrchbishops.
And finally a reminder in
case you have not see this for a while: The EAo Vision and
Mission Statement: Modified and Approved by the EAO
Superiors on 21 November 2013 – Lysterfield, Melbourne:
We envision East Asia-Oceania Region as a communion of
Salesian Provinces, creatively faithful to Don Bosco’s Charism
and effectively collaborating with each other to be
evangelizers of the young, especially those who are poor.
Thus, we commit ourselves
to inculturate the Preventive System in our Provinces
to cooperate in common projects such as formation, youth
ministry, Salesian family, social communications, and
other services
to show solidarity and practical support in times of natural
calamities that frequently occur in many places of the region
to strengthen and deepen our communication with each other and
to use the English language as the medium of communication.