4468(III)_At your Word I will let down the Net (Luke 5,5)

4468(III)_At your Word I will let down the Net (Luke 5,5)

Initial Proclamation of Jesus in Asia and Oceania (III): Archbishop Thomas shares his missionary life inspiration

August 16, 2017

By Our Own Correspondent

Sam Phran, Thailand, 15 August, 2017 -- The eighty SDB and FMA participants of the Seminar on Missionary Animation and Formation in Asia - Oceania had a wonderful chance to widen their horizons through the talk and open dialogue with archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, SDB - former bishop of Diburghar and Guwahati.

Mons Thomas in his ordinary non assuming way spent two full days with the participants in Sam Phran easy approachable for non formal talks and sharing, that was much appreciated.

In this talk 'At Your Word I will Let Down the Net' (Luke 5,5) he shared his rich personal missionary life experience, motivations and inspirations. Some of the main themes of his talk

  • Missionary dream and tribute to the great missionaries who worked in India
  • Years of formation and work with university students
  • Training Youth for evangelization: Shillong and Bosco Bible School
  • As bishop of Dibrugarh diocese and archbishop of Guwahati
  • Keeping close to the 'thinking element' in the society, conference in universities around Asia
  • Services in the Episcopal Confrerence of India and FABC (Federation of Asian Bishop Confrerences)

The Seminar participants were deeply visibly touched by the depth and missionary vision of the talk and interaction with archbishop Thomas. Among the main inspirations he stressed the importance given to culture(s) - cultural sensitivity, need of 'living together' spirituality as missionaries, courage in missionary dreams always aiming at new frontiers, importance of young (lay) evangelizers training and continuity with patience in any missionary work.

His concluding words are drown from Don Bosco Feastday Mass reading (Philippians 3,8-9): "Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious - if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think of these things!"

We give thanks for the missionary sharing of Archbishop Thomas and pray for his present pastoral activities!

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