27 December
-- Fr André Delimarta is the new
Delegate for the
Indonesia Delegation, which forms part of the ITM Vice
Province with
East Timor.
Fr Delimarta, 44 years of age, is Jakarta born. He made his
at Fatumaca (East Timor) and was professed in 1989. He did his
philosophy studies in the Philippines, also theology, but was
back in Jakarta in 1997.
From 1999-2001 Fr Delimarta did post graduate studies in Rome
at the
UPS. He returned to Indonesia in 2002, initially as the Vice
Rector at
Tigaraksa. in 2003 he was appointed novice master and
transferred then
with them to Sumba, where the novitiate is currently.
He has been delegate for formation and vocations and a member
of the
Delegation Council.
Fr Delimarta replaces Fr Yohanes Boedirahardjo Soerjonoto, who
concludes his time as Superior of the Delegation.