Bolivia and Church web systems - something for all of us
COCHABAMBA: 21st March 2007 -- One reason why you might
some interruptions to service at the moment is that your austraLasia
coordinator is in the mountains and valleys of Bolivia at Cochabamba
where, incidentally, he discovers a Christ figure overlooking the city
from one of its surrounding hills which is larger than the famous one
in Brasil! It claims it is the largest Christ figure in the
world. The
wonders one learns about! That aside Cochabamba is a city of poor
campesinos trying to eke out an existence in difficult terrain.
one gathers, from a quick run around the formation houses today, that
they have also met their first ever Australian!
Why am I here? There is a gathering of
religious from many parts
of the Americas but not only - also from Rome, the Vatican and
elsewhere, because South America has over the years set up a wide
ecclesial network using today's technology that is perhaps unrivalled
elsewhere. Individual Salesians are closely involved, but the
Congregation has made a decision through its Councillor for
Communications to become officially involved, another node in the links
that make up RIIAL, the Red Informatica de le Iglesia America Latina.
I am representing said Councillor and endeavouring to plug in what the
Salesians have to contribute such as ANS,,
but also to
learn, for they have many things to teach us.
The EAO Region is not lacking in doing its part by
way of
networking and using technology to help - but surely there is more that
can be achieved without requiring more time or even effort from people;
just little changes in mentality here and there might be all that is
needed. That is what I think RIIAL has to offer us. Expect
then, when
these days are over, a fuller report and perhaps some indicators.
And to conclude - Bolivia is a very vibrant Salesian
That is just so obvious everywhere you look. The vocations are
in consistently too. Sure they will have their set of problems
everywhere else has, but one cannot help but be impressed by this
province (120 members) and its many endeavours.
On a final note, is in experimental
form so
could users please help me by indicating when they are having access
problems. (I can't get in from these mountains in South America, but I
don't know if it's them or us that's the problem!