austraLasia #1766
A collaborative 'first'. Pat yourself on the
2007 -- We cannot be sure where
all the contributors came from, but at least from the nations named here.
It is possible to claim a little 'first', I think, in that as the result of
collaborative work using the Boscowiki 'translation' invitation, a number of
people worked on a dozen 'collects' which have not appeared before in any
formal printed version, and some indeed have not appeared before in English.
The exercise took little more than a week.
Fr Mike Mendl, from New Rochelle, was the first to put up a
tentative effort to adjust some earlier versions of collects for recently
beatified members of the Salesian Family. His aim was to present them in good,
flowing contemporary English where they begged for this, and to translate
several that were not in English at all (both the original Latin and the
Italian of these was available on Then Fr Chris Woerz from the other
side of the US saw them and decided to work at presenting these in a
respectable and attractive layout, adding in material on the life of each
individual - and a photo. In the meantime, confreres from around the
English-speaking world hopped in and offered some careful suggestions - a comma
here, a new line there, an altered phrase there again and so forth. Mike then
took all these from the wiki and brought it all together. I've converted them
to pdf and put them on Bosconet.
The final result, a Word file, amounted to 9 mb which was
far too much for anyone to be able to download, especially if on a poor
line. Open Office Writer's default capacity to save as pdf brings them
down to a little over 2 mb. Still difficult for some to download, but
most will manage. The 'Salesian Collects' package (remembering these are
just a handful of them to do with recent 'Beati') can be found on Bosconet
under the What's New section beneath recent news items (home page).
What the effort does prove, of course, is that we now have
the collaborative tools and some willingness around not just EAO but other
parts of the English-speaking world to achieve small tasks like this.
Within a week or two I hope to be able to announce a much more
daring but potentially satisfying venture which will call for collaborative
effort across all the main languages of our region - it will require the
translation of phrases (perhaps about two dozen, no more) and one or two
paragraphs - maybe no more than one hour's work for someone in Japanese,
Chinese, Vietnamese, Tetum, Bahasa, Korean, Thai - at least those. Should
readers of Hindi and Kanada be interested, they could also be part of it.
Should you be interested in helping, you may flag that interest even at this
early stage.
In the meantime - pat yourselves on the back!
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