austraLasia #1758
Translateathon! Your help would be
appreciated - and you can learn something
ROME: 12th February 2007 -- Something with a difference today.
Call it a translateathon or anything else you like, but it is an extension of
an idea floated some months ago via Boscowiki. Collaborative effort
throughout the English-speaking world where it is possible to do this - via
what is known as a 'wiki' (meaning, in Hawaiian, 'very fast').
While there is an official translation of the full texts of
the Salesian Proper, two things happen - Salesian 'holiness' is an ongoing
thing, along with Vatican processes - so new people are constantly being added,
well ahead of the printers' ability to keep up things! The other is that
language sensitivities change or are culturally conditioned, so a number of
places and people make small adjustments in things like Collects, bidding
prayers and the like.
So that's the basic background. We are talking of
private efforts rather than public ones in this (good) world of immense
variety. Fr Mike Mendl from New Rochelle has been beavering away at a
range of Collects, working from the original language back into English, and
has come up with some revised versions. I think they are pretty good, but
inevitably need some touching up here and there.
All these Collects are available in their English freshened
up versions on the translation
page for Boscowiki. If you need that link in its raw form here it is:
That should take you to the page with the prayers on it, all
12 of them. It just may take you to the edit version, in which case simple
switch up top to 'view'.
To work on these (and for the most part you may wish to just
change a word or short phrase) you simply click on 'edit'. You will now
see a version with what is called 'markup', additional symbols (all very
obvious and simple ones which create the end result. It is called wiki
markup). In fact, if you are just changing words, you can ignore all
markup and just change the words. It is that simple!
Do not forget at the end to go to the bottom of the edit
page and hit 'save' (not 'save and edit'). It would help if, in the
summary box there you put int he words you changed but it is not absolutely
necessary. I can trace every change and if needs be go back to earlier
versions. If you think you know enough wiki markup to put your changes in
green, then do so. You would put %green% in front of the changed word(s)
and %% immediately after. Done.
Looking forward to wide contribution - you can add in
comments too of course if you wish. Remember always to make a clear space
between one line and the next (that is, hit 'enter' twice to make two paragraph
breaks). There - you have now learned how to contribute to wikis anywhere
in the world, including wikipedia! Good luck - and let's show how the
English-speaking world can actually collaborate on translation.
Question? The originals? Well, three
possibilities - the translator (MM) is overall accurate - it is a question of
improved language phrasing, vocabulary, so the originals are not really
needed. The best we can offer is the Italian on under
'santità', then look for 'liturgia' or 'eucaristia', but try the English of all
that too for the official translations, viz., Salesian Saints, then choose from
Blesseds or Saints or whatever to find your man (or woman).
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for the Salesian Family of Asia Pacific. It also functions as an
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