austraLasia #1730
Melanesian Institute attracts 8 SF members to
annual 'Melanesian culture' course
GOROKA (PNG): 8th January 2007 -- The well-known and widely appreciated Melanesian Institute, located in the
Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, hosts annual courses on Melanesian
culture. The MI is an ecumenical research and teaching institute, but with very
strong Catholic backing and involvement. It has a regular journal,
Catalyst, which has featured articles by Salesians in the past - at least one
of which was reported on recently by austraLasia.
Fr Dominic Kachira, Rector of the new canonical community at
Tetere, and parish priest, is one of seven Salesians and one FMA taking part in
the current course offered by the MI on Melanesian culture. He reports that it
is a three week course with, this time anyway, 28 participants of whom the
majority are Catholics, though there are 3 Baptists and 2 Anglicans as
well. The Salesian representation is a wide one in terms of nationalities
- 1 Venezuelan, 1 Indonesian, 1 Timorese, 1 Filipino, 3 Indians. It is
fitting - Goroka has a history of colourful and interesting characters: miners,
missionaries, patrol officers and those whom they are patrolling - or seeking,
plantation owners. One doesn't find a great degree of traditional dress
there these days, though locals still tend to prefer living in villages of neat
low-walled round huts built amidst the rolling Kunai grass-covered hills.
The course which the Salesians are attending focuses on
expatriate church workers and is of particular help to cross-cultural
endeavours. This is the 37th year of such courses which have long proven
their value.
Note: a suggestion by a regular
reader (Peter Hunter, Past Pupil UK and occasional visitor to the EAO region),
that we include direct links to places and circumstances of interest, has now
been incorporated - hopefully the above links will work!
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