austraLasia #1277
Obedience, personalities, pastoral model. Day
Four, Sampran
SAMPRAN: 5th January 2007 -- After initial presentation of the Memoirs
of the Oratory by Fr Giraudo, participants gathered in groups (provinces,
mainly) to look at the application of an 'oratorian' style and approach
today. This gave rise to further searching questions. A sample: are
there still other stories behind the story? Who kept things together during Don
Bosco's extended absence (illness, rest)? Was Cavour (vicar, Turin) really so
hostile when independent records suggest he was cooperative and
understanding? The presenter's response followed the line that there is
certainly a real story out there, but the MO selects and compiles accounts
according to guidelines which can be discerned by careful reading: God's role
in guiding events being one of these. Thus two readings are always possible -
and necessary: establishing historical facts; maintaining a theological reading
to draw out the spiritual treasures for ourselves today. A prominent
question concerned obedience - as represented in MO and as a virtue for
Salesians today.
Further workshopping of the MO: the importance of the many
personalities identified by Don Bosco - Cafasso, Guala, Borell, even Garelli....
As participants revealed their various reactions and applications, Fr Giraudo
encouraged this kind of reflection and application into the future at province
level. He responded to the question on obedience. It is to be read for
how it is presented in MO - the primacy of God, doing God's will on the one
hand, but also seeking to correctly discern our educative and pastoral work in
practice. 'Operative' obedience, then! Today it is very much a community
exercise of discernment (C. 66) with God firmly at the centre. If not, we
tend towards a situation where independent charismatics are at work with
personal agendas.
Eight provincial delegates met in the evening to look at
ways to follow up the Workshop and strengthen Salesianity and formation programmes
throughout the Region.
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