austraLasia 866
The first group from the first
Novitiate in Indonesia
TIGARAKSA (Indonesia): August 1, 2004 --
Six novices made their first profession in the Novitiate of
Tigaraksa while about 50 members of the Salesian family from
the Jakarata area witnessed the event, together with 120 friends, parents
of Salesians, benefactors and aspiring cooperators. This is an
historic occasion because this is the first group of Indonesian Salesians
to have their novitiate in Tigaraksa. Before, the aspirants from
Indonesia had their novitiate in Fatumaca, Timor. It is a first
experience for the vice-province to have two novitiates. This year also happens
to be the first year of Fr. Andre Delimarta,SDB as Novice Master. It
was a happy day because the novice master of Fatumaca,
Fr. Ramoncito Padilla, was also
present. Fr. Yohannes Boedirahardjo, was the main celebrant and gave the
homily to share some insights on the profession of these six young
men. Two of the six newly professed are Salesian Brothers.
'austraLasia' is an email service for the Salesian Family of
Asia-Pacific. It functions also as an agency for ANS, based in